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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24338460 No.24338460 [Reply] [Original]

Have you taken the /fit/pill, anon? My gains have consistently been going up since I started lifted.
Why aren't you maximising your potential?

>> No.24338548

Because I’m like three bad days from killing myself and that would take years

>> No.24338577
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i do
i invested into a home gym at the very start of this pandemic

>> No.24338598

>invest in a potential you'll never use
>like a hamster on a wheel
no thanks, guns and physical jobs are enough for me

>> No.24338602

I took the /fit/ pill right around the time COVID started.
It's finally how things change. Back when I started, I hated every minute of it. Now, I've had a cold for a week, and I'm itching to get back to the gym ASAP.

>> No.24338614

Yes sir, almost 6 years of consistently lifting. im 21 right now. I wish I found /biz/ earlier tho to not lag behind on financial gains, but oh well I'll still make it one day.

>> No.24338734
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I did the same thing, too. People can rust over very easily right now by spending so much time inside. I also modified my diet, and I'm taking multivitamins.

>> No.24338803

What's your diet looking like, just eating healthy or anything specific like paleo, keto, veganism etc?
How did you eat before?

>> No.24338869

It’s not even rusting over. I am straight up falling apart rotting and returning to the earth at this point.

>> No.24338955

I'm not following any sort of dietary regimen that you might find on paper. It's a cascade of simple changes - I've opted to cut out all sugars (biscuits, sweets, cakes, etc.), cut down on cheese drastically, eat more fruit, vegetables, and mixed nuts, and I only drink black coffee and water (and one probiotic per day).

>> No.24339062

Gym mat, suspension trainer, dumbbells, and a resistance band. That'll get you started. You really don't need much to make that first step.

>> No.24339096

Nice man, I am still trying to learn and eat better. Trying to eat at maintenance and get my size up but is hard to eat clean.
I did manage to eat very strictly carnivore during lockdown, was curious how it felt but hard to say without getting any sort of exercise. Would love to try and combine the two but it's brutal way to eat/live if you have a social life too.
Have been considering trying vegetarianism for some time, just to compare the two.

Anything in particular that helped you kick the sweets (does this include white bread too) or just through determination?

>> No.24339141
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Currently am. Feeling great about it. We're going to make it fren.

>> No.24339369

That's alright - I think a lot of us were brought up on absolutely terrible food choices, and the supermarkets are now full of artificial bullshit that appeals to people due to its price, convenience, and flashy marketing. It's hard to break away from this collective when it's so ingrained.

Any way, I have pretty much abstained from sugary foods all of my adolescent life, but I did experience a dip where I returned to them, and I realized that over time, they were just adding on extra weight and cultivating an environment of sluggishness. Now, rather than relying on artificial highs from sugars, I exercise instead. It doesn't even have to be that intensive. Also, yes, I avoid white bread when I'm preparing for myself, but sometimes I do have it if I'm out and I want to get a sandwich and there's no other choice.

I suppose my main determination / motivation is #1 for my own well-being, and #2, looking at the disgustingly engorged plebs dying off around me.

>> No.24339437

damnit I guess I will since I have no excuse... I always fail to maintain it as a discipline though beyond a few months.

>> No.24339524

I assume you're American? I'm somewhere in a capitol in Scandinavia, happy to say it's extremely rare I see someone obese in a scooter here. Also appreciate more healthy choices compared what seems to be normal in the USA
but I do agree it's fucked up there are so much artificial bullshit to choose from.

I have had an idea for some time, I don't think it'll work because people need their sugar fix, but a store like Whole Foods but basically nothing in the store has added sugar. You can still get your fruit, milk, oatmeal, bread (not white) etc, maybe even some sort of "candy' bar but the concept is you can shop completely safe knowing nothing is pumped with sugar and artificial stuff.

It would be very interesting to see whether it works or not. Maybe it would be popular with a very specific segment of the people here, people into trendy organic stuff, but I assume prices overall would be higher too so I'm not too sure. If I make it with this crypto stuff maybe I'll throw a couple of Bitcoins at the idea.

I'm ranting here, God speed, we're all going to make it.

>> No.24339731

I'm British. We have some of those sorts of stores dotted around - greengrocers. But of course the majority of people are slaves to the supermarket. That idea is nice, but I think that a more realistic approach towards diet in that manner is an increase in public awareness - going back to supply and demand, it would be a two birds with one stone type scenario - eventually the market for junk food would disappear, in the most optimistic case. Our NHS has gone some way towards promoting this, and I'm glad. I suppose the core message to put out there is that it's always down to the individual to educate and motivate themselves, and the information and help is out there, existing today. Good luck!

>> No.24339868

Lifting cures your depression in like two weeks, srs.
I started a week ago after not going to the gym for 8 months (lockdown) and I'm getting flashbacks of me getting over my ex, being sexy af and fucking a new girl every week.

>> No.24339869

Yep cashed out a sliver of my portfolio after that Xrp run to get a treadmill and weight set. Gotta set it up in my cold ass garage but I’m ready to get more fit, so I can be around and enjoy the citadel

>> No.24340020

There is a whole board for this.

Can you keep it in there >>>/fit/

This is like /pol/ leaking from its containment board

>> No.24340042

The year that I browsed /fit/ and went from "never worked out regularly" to hitting 1/2/3/4 was the best year of my life in every way (professionally, socially, physically, etc). Unfortunately work went to shit, so when I was at the gym I'd just think about how much I hate my boss over and over and was completely miserable for 2 hours every day. Eventually I stopped going. I'd like to get back into it eventually, but it'd probably need to be the home/garage gym route so that I can make it more zen and less likely to slip into a bad mental space.

>> No.24340231

Get a good jump rope and mat for cardio, it's more fun and burns calories faster than running (also lower impact on the joints). Crossrope brand jump rope are pricey but worth it versus a basic jump rope.