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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.24333666


>> No.24333675
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, 1605848739120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold GME calls through earnings? I only got 3 left, Jan 2021 expiry.

>> No.24333677

this is the based real thread

>> No.24333695


CLF for now fren, rest is pajeetcore(spacs) or shit that is already falling with no floor to land on (PLTR & CRSR)

>> No.24333702

we are here for the squeez. hold

>> No.24333716


>This is the CLF thread

>> No.24333717

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to invest in Palantir. The company itself is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of coding and sata structuring most of the tech and its applications will go over a typical investors head. There's also societys nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into a dystopian high tech future- this philosophy draws heavily from Orwellian literature, for instance. The PLTR investor understands this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this company, to realize that they're not just a company- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike PLTR ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the inclination in what PLTRs CEO said when he said, "We believe in augmenting human intelligence, not replacing it," which itself is a cryptic reference to Huxleys magnum opus Brave New World. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Alexander Karp's genius wit unfolds itself on their brokerage sites. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.24333721
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Buy the PLTR dip, Satan. George Soros is already involved and lying about selling all his shares. You'll fit right in!

>> No.24333725

I feel like I’m too late for clf

>> No.24333727

Buy CLF and also watch my stream on twitch (cowo)

>> No.24333738


it is what it is s(pajeet)c

>> No.24333746

best holds for going into 2021?

>> No.24333753
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>Open broker
>Stuff not moving
>Oh right

Awesome week. IV on some of my short puts countered the delta wins but that's just temporary. Only 0.4% today but it is what it is.

>> No.24333755
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Closing my Robinhood account and moving to TDA my niggers

>> No.24333760
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>> No.24333790

I'm not shilling this shit. Don't rope me into this.

>> No.24333793
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Theyre going to throw another hissy fit and short it all again.

>> No.24333801

Why? Is Robinhood as shit as people say?

>> No.24333803


still hasnt reached fair value and still has a huge upside, it just wont be a pump and dump, unless reddit comes in.

>> No.24333804
File: 20 KB, 218x228, A1BC8C04-DDC2-4A21-8527-3BD862DC7E91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed out on Bitcoin dip in September
>missed out on CIIC despite having only 5 shares @ $10
>Had PLTR at debut, sold @ $10
>Found both NIO and CRSR around $20, never invested in them
>bag held UVXY thinking the election would cause a stock market crash + lockdowns
>missed the election pump

>> No.24333810

Roll over to April? It's only an additional ~$1 premium too with how crazy IV is, like lel what the fuck April 30c's are $2.5/share. Your Jan calls get fucked if Sherman is too pussy to give a guidance

>> No.24333819

Anything else?

>> No.24333824

GME whoa

>> No.24333825
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 9987654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRSR chads, anyone else just hope we hit 36 for the full retrace so we can start the road to 60?

also shill me your meme stocks that are not PLTR

>> No.24333827

>not just lying down and taking fraud up the ass and letting it be is 'throwing a hissy fit'
inb4 I'm a 'Trump cultist'

>> No.24333831

Either he has a margin call or he's broken 4 figures.

>> No.24333833
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>> No.24333844


if that fundamentally doesn't drive you to get in a small position then no.

>> No.24333848

I bought moon cause it looks okay but i dont know shit

>> No.24333849

there absolutely no fucking way im holding my calls through earnings. ive got like 400 shares im perfectly fine holding but i got bogged on my 11/20 calls that i held through a 150% gain only to expire worthless. ill buy april calls when they get IV crushed. if not ill still make money on the runup and the shares

>> No.24333852
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They have a black friday sale with free shipping if you wanna try their chips.

>> No.24333855

Why is breaking 4 figs a big deal? Does RB start charging you fees or some shit?

>> No.24333856

>SRAC merging with Momentus with merger in Jan 2021
>Momentus is a last mile, multi satellite delivery vehicle
>Launching satellite on the SpaceX Falcon shuttle launch on Dec. 18
>Contracts with SpaceX, NASA, Lockheed Martin
>Patented water propulsion technology to deliver satellites

>> No.24333891
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>> No.24333894

Biden destroyed Clinton's votes in almost every county of this country.

>> No.24333896

Who /uranium/ here? Thinking about buying in. Seeing lots of convincing stuff regarding short term U308 supply shortage and long term reinvestment by governments in nuclear.
But I also see a lot of these uranium investors complaining about how overvalued tech stonks are. Is money really going to rotate into commodities?

>> No.24333903



Shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.24333919

>Look on website because I want pretzels
>see that they own Hawaiian brand potato chips

I didn't even know and those are like my favorite brand, I bought like 5 cases last time they had them at Costco, might have to go all in

>> No.24333920
File: 24 KB, 741x443, diamond hads faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am in the same boat and the only thing i can say is learn to buy and hold.

day trading and even swing trading is for fucking faggots if you were to bough one stupid contract of this shit and held it to the end of this year you would of made at least 300k right now on this stupid shit.
probably a millionaire

>> No.24333925


ill get back in once reddit leaves.

>> No.24333930
File: 539 KB, 1500x2000, 125820492_10158810491887760_6482527081594652539_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is going to dump hard after Biden is sworn in, right?

>> No.24333954
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>> No.24333958
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>> No.24333959

I looked at April's premiums and that's why I asked. I held through Q2 earnings and got bogged on them. I might just sell 2 and hold 1 through earnings in case the fabled le squeeze happens.

Ya good call I might just sell 2 and hold just 1 through earnings.

>> No.24333972

Anon, we're going to 27.50 - 29.50

>> No.24333976
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Oh yeah he did and he also got more niggers to vote for him than Obama if you can believe that.

>> No.24333988

>got in PLTR early
>starts rising
>Reddit starts noticing it
>WSB is literally lock down for a moment due to all the PLTR shilling
>dumps right afterwards
Like fucking clockwork. I swear, /smg/ should just make a portfolio that shorts WSB.

>> No.24333994

No. It's going to dump as he appoints goons and enacts policy. Biden's too much of an established liar to price in anything he says.

>> No.24333997

probably not

>> No.24333998
File: 69 KB, 640x853, 19E5A5DE-D675-4F9C-AC4B-ED1F239AF4D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LGVW woke up

>> No.24334004

MN fag here to say yes walz is a giant faggot
also no, it isn't going to dump.

>> No.24334012
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Hmm, most likely the opposite anon...
Biden being sworn in removes another level of uncertainty in the current climate.

Trump staying is BAD for market, Trump currently is BAD for markets.

>> No.24334013

No, Biden got a historic number of votes in a historically small number of counties.

>> No.24334016

I actually believe this will happen. Already tempered and folded my hands 1000 times.

>> No.24334017
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hey look we finally find out what the /smg/ queen's position is

>> No.24334022
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>> No.24334032

any reason for that? the fib is at 36

>> No.24334037

Trump did get more black voters than he did in 2016, but turnout was like the highest it has ever been. So yeah Biden did damn good.

>> No.24334039

MaddieASMR is best ASMR meat sleeve

>> No.24334043

I have one

>> No.24334048

so she waited until $14 to shill her position at $11? why?

>> No.24334050
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comfy pics

>> No.24334061


>> No.24334081
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I should also mention I have placed bets on Trump winning months back

>> No.24334084
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>> No.24334085

Is tqqq really shitty? I bought it randomly and it went up 20%

>> No.24334090

Doesnt matter how many niggers voted for Obama more of them voted for Biden in 2020 because if they didnt they werent black.

>> No.24334104

>Apply for like 10 jobs everyday
>one or two get back to me immeditaly
>Great energy fun environment....ect
>literally just a door to door sales for solar, or verizon
How the fuck do I find a job? I have a bachelors and plans for secondary school but im losing hope bros...help me see the light

>> No.24334112
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That's why

>> No.24334117

It move whichever way the NQ moves each day but 3x that

>> No.24334125
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>> No.24334126

13.75 open and close lol cringe
APTX is chad

>> No.24334129
File: 73 KB, 1536x761, 1598639240159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, tqqq is fucking based
keep cash on hand for a fire sale if it happens though

>> No.24334132
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i dunno but she's richer than most people here so she's not the thot signal we feared

i cant laugh at her now if my portfolio is only ~$30K

>> No.24334139
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Bachelor in what anon?
It better be STEM related.

>> No.24334140
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The first step is to stop waging.

>> No.24334148

Get a call center job so you can get paid to make gains and post with us like me

>> No.24334152

Easy come, easy go.

>> No.24334163

Invest in SRAC to ride the moon tarp wave.

>> No.24334171

basedx and SRACpilled

>> No.24334172


>> No.24334177

What a boring day of trading. There's almost no volatility.

>> No.24334193

The trend got his neck snapped and the chance of us re-testing the beginning of the trend has the highest probability like always

>> No.24334201

Pump her bags, if you know what I mean

>> No.24334207

This is the time of year when warehouses and retail take anyone with a pulse. Literally I was a diagnosed autist with no work experience in my 20s but being a seasonal order picker, box packer, and truck loader was my first work experience which allowed me to get other work experience.

>> No.24334211

this is what i suspect, as i think she is too retarded to do the more nefarious thing which is >>24334201

>> No.24334224

Not stem, Pre law grad with psych, ethics minor. Dumb decision but at least i enjoyed college?

I havent even started waging and i need some cash to pay the debt collector.

How do i find one lol, working from home is based atm.

>> No.24334233

When is MARA going back up bros??

>> No.24334242
File: 2.09 MB, 1692x2244, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a lot of snack brands and keep buying more. Their most recent pump was from acquiring a tortilla chip brand and salsas. They're really trying to go toe to toe with Frito Lays.

>> No.24334244

When BTC breaks past ATH

>> No.24334260
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>Not stem, Pre law grad with psych, ethics minor.

Jesus fuck anon I was expecting a humanities degree but with an ethics and psych minor god damn.
Invest in either webdev or rope

>> No.24334265

bitcoin got shit on by Trump. Give it a few days and it'll probably recover. I still hold my shares and calls.

>> No.24334271

I used zip recruiter to find mine

>> No.24334273
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Was looking at APXT's 10K report and saw Jeff Epstein is a beneficial owner..

>> No.24334282

Utz girl is a cute!

>> No.24334283
File: 6 KB, 225x225, CCD0CCC2-8CE6-4D53-921F-D44191B66A2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have faith in LGVW, you’ll all see when the Butterfly soars in 2021

>> No.24334293

Do i really just nut up and take the job working with retards who barely even graduated highschool? I realize my degree is wortlesss but damn. Im 22 and have been working since i was 15
Im never going to get lucky with family connections or that nature, im building this network myself. and its fucking dry

>> No.24334303
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You got any contacts you could use?

>> No.24334307
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>Siu Min Wong
is she related to Sum Ting Wong?

>> No.24334309
File: 377 KB, 1125x955, 37A57E0A-8682-42DA-B13F-9114EAD71556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda glad im out of gme now. ill probably miss a few bucks but this shit had me stressed for weeks

>> No.24334316


I legit took a part time nights and weekend as a stocker at my local supermarket. Pretty much doesn't get in way of trading hours and it's decent side money to fill the gap. If you want an actual white collar gig you're going to be fighting against 80+ applicants for that position unless you know someone on the inside for a referral. Alternatively find a side hustle that can generate a small profit not meme picking on the market.

>> No.24334329

Did you think he was actually dead? lol...

>> No.24334338

I've got 4 Jan $25c's right now, and I'm planning on buying more calls as I earn more cash with other stuff, seems like a comfy mid to long hold and isn't helping a faggot who spams and splits threads constantly

>> No.24334341 [DELETED] 

If you're prelaw, go to law school or work as a paralegal lol wtf

>> No.24334359
File: 143 KB, 895x812, 1602172174421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are we thinking PLTR is actually in a downtrend? the fibs said it was going to go to $36 before an actual big dump. we dont think that nigger citron has enough sway to ACTUALLY make it retrace 33% on his word alone, right? he's basically not been correct once this year
i would love it it dumped so i could buy more but i dont see it for now

>> No.24334371

Its basically a humanities degree, "Criminal Law"
Jesus, im never gonna pay my loans kek.
Minors really mean nothing either way, just looks better than having no minor

>> No.24334374
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btw pic related for someone finally explaining the schizo posting on yahoo

>> No.24334375
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Its pics like this that make me scared of shorting something ever.

>> No.24334390

The biggest problem warehouse jobs have is attendance. Just by showing up, doing the job, and not being a brainlet, I was promoted from seasonal to part-time to full-time to problem-solver. I had a good relationship with my supervisors because they could depend on me. When I got a better job they congratulated me and became my references.

>> No.24334399
File: 557 KB, 600x922, woooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the man who stopped PLTR

>> No.24334402

Think it's gonna sway by whatever the other fucking losers have to say on Monday. They'll either say nothing and the sentiment will be who gives a fuck and buy the dip or more downgrades come. I'm Looking to accumulate shares either way.

>> No.24334407

Get a psych major, you’ll have work in almost every city in the US. Get a psych minor and you’ll be homeless.
<- cozy psychologist who has a cozy job helping young adult addicts

>> No.24334408

>falling for the citron fud
literally the equivalent of the 2017 china bans btc fud

>> No.24334422

I ironically hold SRAC, as I believe their water plasma propulsion technology is a game changer for the burgeoning space infrastructure business. Companies no longer have to use or maintain infrastructure for expensive inert gases like Xenon or Krypton or toxic/expensive fuels like Hydrazine. It has even been tested in space already. Momentus has plans to scale to larger satellite delivery vehicles, with the eventual development of a reusable satellite delivery bus. They even vaguely indicate some sort of persistent vehicle for orbital maintenance like de-orbiting and repair services. The "repair" component can mean all kinds of things... especially to three letter agencies like the NRO or CIA.

>> No.24334428

>fib anon said CRSR dip bottom is 36
>Now this idiot is saying that 36 is the top for PLTR


>> No.24334447

Is the tech real or is it an exaggerated scam?

>> No.24334458
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CRSR is following GME's pattern from the last week of October. I would not be surprised to see PLTR follow a similar pullback after its crazy +200%

TA matters more than what some people would like to admit. These algo bots are hungry to fill in every gap even if it doesn't make sense fundamentally (for GME especially after MSFT partnership)

>> No.24334469

the tech is real, they're sending it up on a SpaceX rocket next month (maybe January?) but it's definitely going up there

>> No.24334470

I was a psych major for 2 years and switched. My degree is basically psych and jobs of those nature interest me.
Whats your position? title?
Yeah it is a really solid base, cant deny that, my references are a little lacking.
and yeah maybe ill just get that paralegal cetificate
What are /smg/ side hustles besides stock?

>> No.24334487
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How much longer before they dox him?

>> No.24334490

This made my day, dumb fat jew

>> No.24334495

lemon was getting trashed in the comments to his tweet. you need trusy in your hands forged in the fires of mordor.

>> No.24334497
File: 1.18 MB, 1199x795, holy shit im gonna pump.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be too greedy, and risk sounding like a Redditor, but if PLTR starts to seriously dip, I'm buying more.

>> No.24334504

It's already been successful.

>> No.24334505


Only warehouses hiring here is just amazon, but from what I'm getting from others the jobs a revolving door since turnover is about 1-2 weeks before the next batch rolls in. They've been offering lots of benefits and a sign up bonus these days, but I doubt anyone not young, desperate, or ignorant would take the bait.

>> No.24334519

>Getting a job in 2020
Here's what you're in for:
>Shotgun apply everywhere
>Algos will toss your resume in the trash before a human gets to see it just because it doesn't have some arbitrary keywords on it
>Wait 3 weeks, applying daily in that time
>Get tons of fake/marketing position emails because now even job listings are a scam where they just sell your info and make profit from you
>Finally get a legit offer
>First interview over phone with HR stacy who doesn't know what the fuck she's doing
>No response for two weeks
>Second interview over Skype/Zoom with HR stacy
>She will have zero technical knowledge in the field you're applying for so everything you say will go over her head and you can visibly see her eyes glaze
>No response for a month
>Third interview will be in person with hiring manager and HR stacy
>Interview goes well, hit it off nicely with hiring manager, think you've got it in the bag
>No updates
>Email them 2 weeks later asking for an update
>Get ghosted indefinitely
>Repeat until your jadedness starts to show in your interviews and you no longer get scheduled for a second one

>> No.24334521

why is TDA frozen?

>> No.24334522
File: 7 KB, 202x250, pooorpoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely true. Trust me fren

>> No.24334527

u don't need a paralegal cert. to start working, just find an entry level position for $13 an hour, work hard, and build ur reputation. In the NYC area paralegals with a few years experience can get paid up to $70k plus benefits

>> No.24334532

>Link would help

>> No.24334533

To be fair, he hasn't split threads in a while or shilled it in the OP
He does still post his stream constantly though (how has he not been banned for advertising?)
I respect him taking a large position - but I am still skeptical that Chinese steel/iron will undercut his position in the years to come on his LEAPs + general economic slowdown; I think we're heading slowly into a global depression and iron/steel will fall [maybe the vaccine will save it, but the debt problems are too large]
At least he has $$$ on the line - I respect someone who puts their $$$ where their mouth is, and he has been right so far - if it continued he would be able to exercise the calls, no need to sell them / liquidity isn't an issue (this doesn't forgive the threadsplitting and OP shilling) He's been shilling it since ~$7 and it's now at $11.30 - 'you can't fight with scoreboard'

>> No.24334542


>> No.24334550


100% scam


>> No.24334552

>stock goes up +100%
>no i dont buy
>goes up +300%
>no too expensive
>dips -15%
>now i buy!!!

>> No.24334565


>> No.24334574

NUMI bro nooooo.

...he just wanted to make his frens rich

>> No.24334586

Nigger, it's literally already been tested in space last year. They even already demonstrated the ability to recover from a potentially catastrophic event (the fuel system initially froze).

>> No.24334591

the fib anon i was speaking to two nights ago showed me his fib lines and it had the most recent hard rejection at $36 for PLTR. I have no idea about CRSR, I have been hearing about $36 about support but am not sure if thats based on fibonacci or that same anon. im not in CRSR but i might be interested in selling a put at that level if it happens, other than that im ignorant

>> No.24334592

I sold PLTR at $30, should I buy now?

>> No.24334600

LGVW shills, why the fuck am I in the red?

>> No.24334611

but paralegal im literally just the lawyers bitch, dont make good money, and will most likely be worked to the bone, with little to no reward.
Ill keep that in mind. I live in that general area

You dont even know how many times ive been through this.....I actually gave up for a couple months trying to get back into it now, fuck betting.

>> No.24334623

the market closed at 1PM anon
are you OK?

>> No.24334625

I don't deny CLF is a good company, I just hate that cunt with a burning passion

>> No.24334635
File: 589 KB, 558x768, 736DC17A-8753-4CDD-9CA6-4EB57052FC4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 10g for an ETF. MOON or ARKK? I feel like the former has more growth potential but definitely more volatile

>> No.24334639


My personal side hustle is reselling collectible stuff. High premiums and demand but it doesn't come without its disadvantages. You do have to set aside a pool of funds to stay liquid on in case an opportunity arises, not to mention to know the market very well as well as contacts to liquidate the stuff or else you'll be bagholding a turd that people will lowball you for.

>> No.24334644

that's fair

>> No.24334652


>> No.24334655

If you didn't wanna be anybody's bitch you should've went to plumber school after high school and started your own business. You're not gonna make it with that mentality, despite what /biz/ tells you. With that being said, paralegal jobs open many opportunities to you.DESU wished that I had done paralegal jobs while doing my undergrad because I would most likely be debt free by now and moving on with my next move in life.

>> No.24334656

Did that citron imbecile talk shit about PLTR? Is that why it tanked?

If that's the case no one should worry, everything he talks about tanks for a day and then rockets the next.

>> No.24334660

Kinda wanna just post my resume and have you guys roast me
Honestly where am i going to find better advice?

>> No.24334667

not an etf retard

>> No.24334669

hmm, maybe it was the same guy and I just missed his PLTR meme lines

>> No.24334673

after hours is still open until 5 est
dead as fuck though

>> No.24334682

remember weed holders, buy the rumor, sell the news

>> No.24334687
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Is THCB a good buy???

>> No.24334709

there were too many people waiting to take profits on PLTR in the first place if a single person talking shit about it made it tank
all the bearish articles on GME didn't do jack shit on it until it went up too fast and pussy hands got weak and took their profits

>> No.24334715

Holy shit, that was fucking stupid. Do you have the ability to explain concepts with out chaining together buzzwords and sounding like a pretentious douche?

>> No.24334716

Should I rebuy?

>> No.24334719


>> No.24334724

>reselling collectable stuff
what stuff lmfao Should i sell weed as a side hustle
Paralegal jobs really seem like the most sensible move yes anon...but in my experience thats a job where they hire within, family freinds

>> No.24334732

ETFs are for retard pussies, retard

>> No.24334734

lmao newfag detected

>> No.24334742

I liked that side hustle thread that was on here a while ago where that one guy talked about his grave robbing gig

>> No.24334761

You have to go back

>> No.24334769

This but three months

>> No.24334776

Also Hcac is a based stock boys

Wheres the poll guy he needs to make a pol about who here has even graduated highschool or not

>> No.24334779
File: 203 KB, 600x600, 1542515776057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ;-;

>> No.24334780

Lot's of these paralegals have been in these law firms for decades, but the pandemic is creating demand for young people who know how to use a computer. Keep trying.

>> No.24334783

You are alright newfag

>> No.24334784


>> No.24334786

kek, lurk more or fuck off to reddit

>> No.24334787

ETFs are based for people that have cash they dont just want lying around collecting dust. When I want to buy, I trim the ETF and buy.

>> No.24334788

NASDAQ all time high today = red market Monday - [all time high on a Friday = red Monday] Consolidation = good buying opportunities - buy on red days!
Unless there is more vaccine news over the weekend, like has been trotted out for the past 3 weekends in a row to prop up the market - then we pump again

>> No.24334794


buying back when pajeetcore and reddit is out. maybe 20 dollars? waiting on crsr to do the same thing.

>> No.24334796


>> No.24334799

Institutions were up 3.5x their average cost in 2 MONTHS if you account for the 33.50 peak today. Of course there was gonna be profit taking. The article is just an excuse to take them. They'll probably let shit cool off for a few days before it crabs up to a new ATH. PLTR was always a long term hold, so who cares.

>> No.24334800

I bleeding because of this piece of shit stock.
How high will BTFLY go?

>> No.24334807

to be fair u have to have high iq a very high iq to posted on this board

>> No.24334808

>NASDAQ all time high today
but that's wrong

>> No.24334810

Im going to eat my breakfast burrito now

>> No.24334822
File: 53 KB, 400x923, 1310160642348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is investing $300 every month in Microsoft for about 20 years now stupid?

>> No.24334828

I was an intern with the police at my college
If i could stop smoking weed i could have probably just been a cop and gotten comfy pension. Cop life sucks tho. Maybe parole officer would be cool

>> No.24334831

do it

>> No.24334832


>what stuff lmfao

I'll leave that part to you to research anon.

>> No.24334835


>> No.24334839

Someone is going to take a mandatory ethics training course for this dip so you should definitely buy in

>> No.24334840
File: 51 KB, 585x367, 1485458315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's good anon
I'm having thanksgiving leftovers

>> No.24334850

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to invest in Palantir. The company itself is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of coding and sata structuring most of the tech and its applications will go over a typical investors head. There's also societys nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into a dystopian high tech future- this philosophy draws heavily from Orwellian literature, for instance. The PLTR investor understands this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this company, to realize that they're not just a company- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike PLTR ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the inclination in what PLTRs CEO said when he said, "We believe in augmenting human intelligence, not replacing it," which itself is a cryptic reference to Huxleys magnum opus Brave New World. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Alexander Karp's genius wit unfolds itself on their brokerage sites. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.24334854

yea ok chart says otherwise

>> No.24334857

I haven't ate yet today and all I had yesterday was a shitty french bread frozen pizza and a doughnut I had left over because everything was closed when I got off work

what should I get to eat after work?

>> No.24334859


So what's the explanation for the OP's pic? Why do all price increases happen at night?

>> No.24334864

Hi tourist

>> No.24334869

Cool thanks. Why are they all going up at the same time??

>> No.24334883
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing-girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding the difference between intraday price and closing price

>> No.24334890

you know what the explanation is anon
you know damn well

>> No.24334904

So, PLTR won't recover on Monday?

>> No.24334908

The index itself, not futures.

>> No.24334910


>> No.24334911

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to invest in Palantir.
no you don't.

>> No.24334912

Holy shit, that was fucking stupid. Do you have the ability to explain concepts with out chaining together buzzwords and sounding like a pretentious douche?

>> No.24334916
File: 27 KB, 738x415, 1606079410331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, as long as your not paying any commission on the trade or currency exchange charges.
But your better off investing in a actual global fund or tracker if your DCAing that way, less risk. There is no saying if Microsoft may have a fundamental shift in 15 years that leaves your holdings in need of selling, then you have to find a place for a very large amount of cash, possibly taxes.

>> No.24334927

You have to go back to WSB

>> No.24334931

Lol are you even looking at what you’re buying. APXT is being shilled, not APTX

>> No.24334944

shit when covid happened it was fucking crazy to see immediate 10-20 percent dips or rises RIGHT at closing time or opening time. It's why you need to know your shit and not panic sell. The change is going to happen when you have to least control and they love shorting people in panic selling right before close.

>> No.24334958

no i cant post my resume cause then you guys will find me throug linked in

>> No.24334962

weed stock that's starting to moon heavily. Worth a purchase?

>> No.24334964
File: 447 KB, 1920x1080, 1605729568068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm here, with a new fag who fell for the bait.

>> No.24334974
File: 33 KB, 630x630, aw fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought all my shares at below $15/share. Try again, redditor.

>> No.24334976

>being this new

>> No.24334980

Because that's when tribal trading hours are

>> No.24334983

Just edit out your personal info retard

>> No.24334990

It's totally possible it recovers - look at what happened to NIO the day after Citron published their report. With that said, the situation with NIO may be fundamentally different, in that NIO was bought by US pension funds, and had months to grow in valuation
However, if the market is red on Monday, especially tech market, it makes it harder in general for stocks to rise (google: "stock beta")
The probability I would assign to it recovering on Monday I would say 25-33% (I would be interested to hear your rationale and probabilities you would assign)

>> No.24334996

I have to pay 1,5% every time I trade with that saving plan. So, with every trade every monthI lose $3.

>> No.24334997

magatards btfo

>> No.24335001
File: 163 KB, 776x1114, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I buy to invest in the upcoming tourism boom?

>> No.24335005

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.24335020

You got mad at a copypasta. Ngmi

>> No.24335026

Tui. I'm already +20%.

>> No.24335035

Fact, but what if they find me through my past work? lmfao
I used to work for police force and it be really easy to find where i am

>> No.24335036

Your stale pasta doesn't even deserve a (You) faggot.

>> No.24335044

I just woke up with my eyes hurting because I dozed off in my chair with my contacts in.Turns out I didn't set up any of my orders before I fell asleep, my options pile expired today.

My account is nothing now, lost it all because I doses off before setting up sell orders, would have made 20% instead my account is down to $200.

Can i just go back to sleep?

>> No.24335053

Hey look mom, a Redditor!

>> No.24335073

Excellent bait

>> No.24335075

How do people save copypastas? do they just save them in .txt's or word docs? I've never had the urge to repost them so I don't know

>> No.24335093

You just type them from memory duh

>> No.24335096


>> No.24335108

>I have to pay 1,5% every time I trade with that saving plan.
stop using wealthsimple

>> No.24335111

That is going to massively eat away your earnings.
Most people don't invest long term in single shares, not unless they are investing sizeable amounts and are experienced.

I would look into a global fund with primarily NA exposure. You can always do both, but a long term 300 a month for the rest of your working life needs to be something safer than a 1 bet option.

Many stocks used to be market leaders that are now completely slumped, people lose life savings this way.

>> No.24335115

leave out your references then

>> No.24335120

this but one month

>> No.24335121

holy fuck edit out anything incriminating

>> No.24335129

bro what im a navy seal

>> No.24335133
File: 246 KB, 1125x1165, 4218728F-3F63-426D-BD25-607BA3661CBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feelin comfy bros. unloaded 200 shares of PLTR @32 on reddit. GMHI mooned as I expected, sold some Cc on my shares for 400 premium. LGVW is looking promising. And I'm 20% cash waiting for dips on ARKK or PLTR

>> No.24335136

I've passed out day drinking and lost a bunch of money to anon its alright

>> No.24335148

please be patient, he was on a police force, he obviously has some kind of special needs

>> No.24335156
File: 213 KB, 597x615, 509df5148f2b47781b25ac050e703153e28e608082a360ea350460d7cff930c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else FUCK UP and sell too early

Sold KCAC at 11.30 because paper hands
Held FSR to 18.30$ GAINS GAINS
Held GHMI to 13.60 and it jumps 2$ today when I sold yesterday

Im winning even with paper hands, but I am a FUCK UP

>> No.24335159

My plan was to dump $100 in MSCI World, $300 in Microsoft, $200 in Coca Cola every month and buy stocks every now and then not from Coca Cola or Microsoft.

>> No.24335160

I have nasdaq ath close at 12420, set on September 2.

>> No.24335165

> does RH charge fees over $10k?
No but the account holder will start wearing a tie while trading and think neon color price charts are beneath them.

>> No.24335173

Is there anything more satisfying than unloading your hot sticky PLTR bags onto Redditors?

>> No.24335176
File: 54 KB, 627x312, Screenshot from 2020-11-27 15-28-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone approved for Level 2 options trading in a Vanguard Roth IRA? I've applied twice and been given Level 1 both times (sell covered calls, buy protective puts). This means I can't even buy calls or sell puts. I need to YOLO my retirement to coom kthx.

>> No.24335184
File: 327 KB, 1228x2592, Im fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24335190

>Has gmi in ticker
Wow ygmi

>> No.24335196
File: 105 KB, 634x286, THETA GANG THETA GANG THETA GANG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to sell them some calls on monday, what a bunch of retards

>> No.24335203

Whats the advantage of shorting over buying a put?

>> No.24335204

just get robinhood and lie for dank option memes

>> No.24335207

Dunno if it was a mistake but I bought PLTR back @28.36 after selling @29.67

>> No.24335211

Gotta love them, they're a great way to tell when a stock is nearing its peak so you can shit out bags onto them while you go take a vacation.

>> No.24335212
File: 133 KB, 950x1000, 1603404097842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24335214

one more time i will tell you to invest in MAB for easy longs

>> No.24335221

hasn't been updated yet

>> No.24335229

Hang on, the ixic chart shows ath close was today. I don't know now.

>> No.24335232

I don't pick individal shares for my long term holdings and I'm a 6 fig fag. But it is up to you, you may want to read the risks of that.

Those two stocks are excellent holdings today, and seem like they will be forever. But shit changes, and market can turn around in after market and fuck your shit up on single shares. It happens.

Don't be with a platform which is charging for each trade, I'm not the USA but I know there will be platforms that allow you to buy funds for free, such as vanguard.

>> No.24335238

Alternatively, will Robinhood ever offer IRAs? Is society prepared for such degeneracy?

>> No.24335243

>only 10% of total position
Ok where did you steal this pic from?

>> No.24335244

this is why calls exist. Buy 1 call for every 100 shares you sell. The gains should pay for the calls entirely, and the calls will capture any further gains just in case

>> No.24335258

It could drop a bit more next week. It could even plummet to 22-25. Or perhaps it'll shoot up to 35 before going back down. Possibilities are endless once a stock enters the normiesphere.

If you're worried about short term volatility just don't open your broker. It's still a good longterm hold.

>> No.24335259

I have a Robinhood account for dank option memes. I want to YOLO my Roth IRA for tax-free gains.

>> No.24335262

was unironically thinking about nak bros today.... Wtf is going to happen?

>> No.24335270

Buy back into PLTR because it's at a dip.

>> No.24335284

so they approved you for level one but not level 2? Are you sure you didnt just mess up on your application?

im a student trading his CERB cheques (canada coronabux) away and even my bank approved my application

>> No.24335286
File: 178 KB, 1080x2270, Screenshot_20201128-053203_JStock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder I told you to buy $XDSL at $0.034.

Why didn't you listen?

>> No.24335287

>Waiting for dip on PLTR

was todays not enough for you? retard

>> No.24335291


I don't think robinhood would ever attract the IRA crowd, being that it's bab's first brokerage. Even then, considering the fuckery that goes on around them I would be second guessing myself.

>> No.24335299

Okay i see the discrepancy. Confusion between nasdaq composite vs nasdaq 100.

>> No.24335302

You guys have been saying that shit ever since the march crash and the market has turned into the biggest bull market in history. Just fuck off.

>> No.24335308

So, you think I should invest more in 1 or 2 ETFs with fewer money, like $200 in total and buy stocks of different companies more often?

>> No.24335323

Predictions on next week for CRSR

>> No.24335325

Wow that actually sounds like solid advice, saving this post.

>> No.24335326

I'll continue to sell calls on my measly 100 shares, and then lose all of my initial $200 when they get delisted

>> No.24335330

BRO I was just an intern lol but all the cops were retard yes, As well as me fellow interns, expect for one, who was based.
Im not underestimating the retards on 4chan. but yeah ill do it gimme a sec.

>> No.24335331

some webull comment, its still funny though

>> No.24335332

give me 1 good reason not to switch my cash account to margin if i don't plan on using any leverage
still waiting for one

>> No.24335343
File: 1.18 MB, 909x891, 5E47C662-ECE7-4C3A-92CD-3A87DB39BE6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 5%
I bought at 13 redditor, no need to get upset. I meant a real dip to like 16-20, one that will destroy all the normies

>> No.24335348
File: 36 KB, 298x247, poof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 3-4 years it will rally when the Republican candidate for President starts pushing for it
Eventually, 5+ (maybe even 8+ years from now if Democrats win again in 2024) years from now, the US will need the metals so much that there will be another USACE ROD decision to approve it

>> No.24335356

>It could even plummet to 22-25
God I hope it drops that low. Would load the fuck up on 2023 calls.

>> No.24335362

let me guess you were the same idiot who was shilling for NIO to drop to 30

>> No.24335378

does etrade to IRA

>> No.24335390

UPWK or FIVERR? How much money will you guys dump into the airbnb IPO? thinking about 10k

>> No.24335395

>Exclusively trades penny shits
Yup I’m thinking based

>> No.24335396
File: 962 KB, 1024x640, 1604441254057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely don't feel so good guys

Trump isn't going away and he is only getting stronger during the media blackout on him.

>> No.24335406
File: 17 KB, 329x221, Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan. Mommy Cathie is in here with us

>> No.24335411
File: 207 KB, 890x1329, 9F6EC26F-7C6B-43FE-A379-D88658971929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, it's not my fault you bought at 30+. Learn your lesson and embrace my bags faggot

>> No.24335412

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to invest in Palantir. The company itself is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of coding and sata structuring most of the tech and its applications will go over a typical investors head. There's also societys nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into a dystopian high tech future- this philosophy draws heavily from Orwellian literature, for instance. The PLTR investor understands this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this company, to realize that they're not just a company- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike PLTR ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the inclination in what PLTRs CEO said when he said, "We believe in augmenting human intelligence, not replacing it," which itself is a cryptic reference to Huxleys magnum opus Brave New World. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Alexander Karp's genius wit unfolds itself on their brokerage sites. What fools.. how I pity them.

>> No.24335426


37-38 or wipsaw

>> No.24335433


>> No.24335442

Why are you still in on that?

>> No.24335444

Did he fucking shorted Gamestop when the fucking PS5 and a new Xbox console were coming out?

>> No.24335445
File: 564 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201127-130442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you HCACbro

>> No.24335449

Keep fudding it's not going to stop the price from going up

>> No.24335458
File: 17 KB, 396x396, 1579858498567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OTC swamp is the best place to make gains.

Average 106% annualized returns over six years in this cesspool.

>> No.24335462


>talking to a redditor

why waste your time anon, anyone here invested between 9-13 dollars and sold between 29-33 today.

>> No.24335467


They do but you can't do naked options iirc. IRAs have some red tape on it where you're not allowed to take too dangerous trades even with like a 99.99% confidence you'll win it.

>> No.24335471

Can someone redpill me on why all this SPAC shit is being shilled all the sudden?

>> No.24335478


Therea nothing wrong with margin

Just dont let your position fall more tham 3 or 4%. Take the loss if it goes that way

>> No.24335481
File: 3.90 MB, 1230x2000, 1605151067623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sitting on 42k cash should I go all in on RBLX, sees gays as fuck but its really popular and they are doubling their server capacity at Digital Realty this month.

>> No.24335485

Spacs are the crypto of stocks it seems.
Theyll be burned out soon. But im gonna ride them out until they burn too.

>> No.24335488
File: 250 KB, 736x960, 1606504141027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New stocks go up faggot

>> No.24335489

when do they go public?

>> No.24335493
File: 518 KB, 629x405, SPAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pajeetcore shills

>> No.24335500

30? Yeah for NIO I bought at 38, still made money. I didn't buy into PLTR until today's dip. Sorry to break it do you but there isnt going to be le ebic crash that destroys the normies. PLTR is a real company and its going to reach at least 50 EOY.

>> No.24335506

Should I buy pltr on Monday or will it crash further?

>> No.24335520
File: 74 KB, 838x590, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24335525

Nice dude. I can’t trade otc shit in a TFSA, so maybe I’ll give it a try once I max mine out.

>> No.24335545

itll ride until shitty spac targets flood the market again, will last another year or 2 if superstars like Ackman and Chamath stay in the scene

>> No.24335548


Less likely to trigger good faith and free riding violations, only risk is you end up triggering PDT clause and need to front up 25 grand to clear the hurdle.

>> No.24335549

they'll say it for years until it crashes then say "see?" like they predicted it

>> No.24335575
File: 29 KB, 489x499, E6BC03D0-A567-4CFC-8B53-115695C7DD46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't buy into PLTR until today's dip at 28
unironically ngmi. it'll see 19 before 50 and your weak hands will break lmao

>> No.24335588

they don't have a date yet , and they have not started the offering yet either. How the hell do you get in on the offering anyway before a stock it listed? Would I have to work for Roblox or be an actual broker?

>> No.24335590

recycle this faggot's thread

>> No.24335593

>he wants to wait until monday

the dip was today, anon.

>> No.24335594

true, Thiel is the most powerful fag in the world and most normies dont even understand what PLTR does

>> No.24335595

The fact that INAQ has a law firm looking to sue them means that INAQ's merger with metromile will be huge, get in while you can. There's no lawsuit pending, the law firm is just "investigating'. That's code for "hey shareholders please come forward and give us a case so we can get a piece of this absolute cash cow." Note that the entire purpose of INAQ is to acquire metromile so any lawsuit is retarded. It's just a sign that INAQ is gonna be big.

>> No.24335597
File: 1.86 MB, 1153x661, 52764572274657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UXIN bros. We still in this?

>> No.24335598
File: 184 KB, 659x609, SPac2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ohhh blank cheque?? i will poo in it, pls poo on blank cheque sir

>> No.24335614

You can things on the TSXV in a TFSA.

Not quite the same as the OTC though. FPX Nickel made me $60k this year though. Commodities have been a good play this year and they can all go in a TFSA.

I'd be careful about buying venture shit in there though considering the trading prohibition. Only long holds in there. Long holds are almost non-existent in penny land.

>> No.24335618

I sold my calls at open for a 100% gain

>> No.24335627

you have to be a broker but you can call your broker and you may get some shares i asked my broker because of the Airbnb IPO but they are a small bank so they might won't even get any shares but god speed i can buy 5-10k worth of airbnb stocks.

>> No.24335630

That firm investigates every SPAC. They're a troll.

>> No.24335632

Biden will not be sworn in, everything will collapse on cue when Trump secures legal victory

>> No.24335634

when i applied for options on my TFSA (also tax-free like Roth), it just asked me what kinda options I wanted. I was allowed to pick level 1 or level 2 since they weren't on margin anyways

obviously im a leaf not US, but if they let me play options tax-free, why wouldn't they let you when you guys even get free commission on trades unlike us

>> No.24335654

>I can’t trade otc shit in a TFSA
you can buy things whose underlying is listed on an approved exchange, e.g. Nintendo

>> No.24335661

Unlike Robinhood, unfortunately Vanguard actually reads the application and takes into account your investment experience.

>> No.24335685


>> No.24335690

Oh you’re the FPX shill aren’t you? I was looking at getting in a couple weeks ago when it dipped but never pulled the trigger. Wouldn’t you consider FPX a long hold though once they actually start up the mine?

>> No.24335697
File: 17 KB, 378x136, PLTRICIAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that was fucking stupid. Do you have the ability to explain concepts with out chaining together buzzwords and sounding like a pretentious douche?

>> No.24335698

but how do you get experience in options trading if they don't approve you for options trading

I applied through my bank, not robinhood. They definitely need to be careful with me considering they also gave me a line-of-credit with a >$100K credit limit and only 2.95% interest

>> No.24335735

To be fair

>> No.24335739

They're likely never be starting up the mine. It'll probably get bought out by a bigger company long before that point, but yeah $FPX is straight money.

I'll be holding in some capacity until they get bought out.

>> No.24335741

it takes a very high IQ

>> No.24335759

First copypasta?

>> No.24335776

Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.24335791
File: 42 KB, 680x684, abstract feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on moving a large chunk of my portfolio into Roblox. It's a gut feeling, like this could be one of the next big "make it" opportunities.

>> No.24335809
File: 64 KB, 566x800, 69696969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one good reason not to go all in on NCLH.

>> No.24335840
File: 506 KB, 500x590, MIKO_SAYS_RELAXXXXX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cruise lines may be dead for years

>> No.24335845

Ah so you’re looking for a buy out. Honestly with nickel being at a 52 week high right now, it seems like a decent play.

>> No.24335855


>> No.24335919

Bearish RSI Divergence

>> No.24335935

It's a no-brainer. Management continually keeps buying shares at higher and higher prices for a reason.

>> No.24336453
File: 183 KB, 400x384, 1604870622848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

responding to jimmy memes

>> No.24336558

where is this from?

>> No.24336656

Any youtube series about stocks or should I just watch khanacademy? Already reading some books.

>> No.24336678

that's the joke.

>> No.24336864

What are some downsides to buying a warrant?