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24319847 No.24319847 [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up? Are you mentally prepared for another crash?

>> No.24319926

I could see another crash. 13-15k would be nice.

>> No.24319927

The thing is, I'm not mentally prepared for another pump. I actually hope things cool down a bit, if Bitcoin starts breaking ATH:s too soon I might panic

>> No.24319943


I think a crash to 12k would be nice.

>> No.24319944

I have all of my liquid net worth in Bitcoin. I honestly don't really care. I do, but I don't. I'm not going to hold fiat that gets inflated at god knows what these days. Bonds are off the table. I already have real estate. I played stocks for a while and made money but now they've gone full retard. So to be honest, there aren't a lot of great plays right now. Gold would be my #2.

Beyond that, it's gone from being about gainz to being philosophical. It's the best form of money we've created thus far and whether or not others agree with that, I'm willing to put my neck on the line because I have to follow my convictions. I'm not depending on anything, I just want to be a part of it.

>> No.24319960

I'm expecting it, and betting on it. I cashed out completely at 18k after what we saw in March.

>> No.24319987

How do you feel about Cardano vs. Bitcoin? Seems like ADA is the biggest competitor to Bitcoin.

>> No.24319993

I welcome it

Tired of holding USDT. I want a real dip to buy.

>> No.24320014

btc will never go below 15k again during this bullrun fags

>> No.24320035

Nothing is a competitor to Bitcoin. Boring but true. Could this change? Sure. Is there any evidence whatsoever for a change? No. They both do their own thing.

>> No.24320058

you promised me -30%

wheres me other 13% fuckers, it was supposed to be 14k

>> No.24320109
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look at BTC/EUR, crash was at euro time

>> No.24320118

Interesting point. You seem to not be an idiot, so I'll ask a few questions.
1. Do you think fud over Quantum computing should be factored into the price?
2. Do you think Lightning as a solution to scalability will keep true decentralization away from Bitcoin?
3. Do you think the stock to flow model will prove accurate?

>> No.24320246

Why do crashes always happen during yurocuck hours? Bunch of weakhand faggots.

>> No.24320249

>1. Do you think fud over Quantum computing should be factored into the price?
i hold some mochimo as a quantum hedge

>> No.24320253

This isn’t my first rodeo

>> No.24320260
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>> No.24320292

1. Quantum is not something that me (or likely anyone on this board) can speak on earnestly. The truth is, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it and I look forward to it. I can't confirm it but I've heard that it can be built to be resistant but everyone would need to upgrade their wallet(s). Bitcoin is just code, so this does follow logically. Aside from that, their are considerations to be made in terms of clear motives - after all, no exchange is going to make the person who 51% attacked Bitcoin whole. Also, the chain would get forked.
2. I don't have a nuanced view on this.
3. That model is really overrated - it's psychological, the clock is ticking. Other factors move the price exponentially more, no question. Bitcoin is already at an incredibly low inflationary rate that may as well be zero. Nothing else is like it. People compare it to gold, it's programmable, borderless, trustless(!), sleepless gold. But that's the tip of the iceberg. It's its own asset class.

>> No.24320404

If quantum computing hacks bitcoin then it can do so to every bank account and nuclear missile silo so we’ve got bigger things to worry about than internet money

>> No.24320524

This too. The internet breaks. All information everywhere is now accessible. So to think that Bitcoin wouldn't be one of the first entities to protect itself from this type of scenario, being championed by millions of technophiles and cryptographic experts is just being obtuse.

>> No.24320623

I am stabled up and ready for the UNN sale. at least something shows signs of making me not want to shoot myself

>> No.24320656

Extremely prepared. I’ll be paid for the three weeks of work this Friday.

>> No.24320686

I feel nothing

>> No.24320694

1. No
2. There is no fully decentralized scaling solution for Bitcoin (yet). PoS is not a decentralized scaling solution.
3. Yes.

>> No.24320702

I have iron hands

>> No.24320764

Just got liquidated. Order at market did not go throught.

>> No.24320794
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I don't give a fuck, gonna hodl all my XRP until eoy no matter what happens

>> No.24320813

cash. out. now. this is gonna crash every minute

>> No.24320825

Yeah it was 15% max. What the fuck is that.

>> No.24321233
