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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24319562 No.24319562 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh look Paypal is now offering buying and selling Bitcoin
>My friend told me so much about it I guess I'll try
>What the fuck they banned my account and keep my money. I guess Bitcoin really is a scam!

Why is this allowed?

>> No.24319621

I'm guessing someone ran a script and took advantage of lag in their system. Or they violated some day trading law.

>> No.24319643

paypal are fucking cunts. i have heard numerous accounts of them freezing funds and accounts for no apparent reason and even locking peoples accounts

>> No.24319677

i dunno know but the guy literally use a description that said BITCOIN TRADE on his transactions

>> No.24319691

Nah he didn't. He did like ten trades in a week and his account got locked for suspicious behaviour

>> No.24319836

I hope he learnt his lesson. Decentralization is the future.


>> No.24320000
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>leave PayPal account dormant for years
>suddenly do 10k value transactions repeatedly
>wtf they banned me??
Absolute state of redditors.

>> No.24320039

Holy checked.

>discusses investments with his wife
He was ngmi anyway.

>> No.24320061

what were they expecting? That being said, paypal’s not an exchange... why on earth would you opt to use something without any features?

>> No.24320100

He had 500 dollars on the account

>> No.24320184

someone needs to off these kikes

>> No.24320351

No shit, he also used it as a way of transferring his crypto profits to his bank because he's fucking retarded, which is why it got flagged to begin with. Having a dormant account suddenly move tens of thousands almost daily can be numerous things, including terrorist activity, and Paypal doesn't need that kind of bullshit.

>> No.24320561

>Bilal Jafar
Stopped right there. Pisslam is evil. Not reading anything written by a muslim. Nuke Mecca. I came here to learn about bitcoin not read propaganda for Pisslam.

>> No.24320584

Go back to /pol/ you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.24320601

>I'm guessing someone ran a script and took advantage of lag in their system
100% this PayPal dont know what the fuck they are dealing with here. They would've done their normal testing without realizing who they are going to be dealing with

>> No.24320616

what do you expect of a redditor?

>> No.24320642

imagine sharing financial decisions with your wife.

>> No.24320658

>publeezh the bulleezh paypel zyptyo arteecle
>pomp it
>releaze the paypel fud
>domp ze price

>> No.24320944

Where do you think you are?

>> No.24321108

/biz/ you stupid nigger

>> No.24321264

The thing is with Paypal you need to move 100-300$ every 2 weeks if you want to be safe
Never tell them that you are trading or dropshing, they don't like it. If you need to tell them something for whatever reason, tell them you are in consulting.

>> No.24321517

Imagine sharing anything with a woman

>> No.24321551
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Didn't everyone, even those arsewipes on Leddit, say PayPal arena bunch of shady cunts?

>> No.24321653

I bouught $2500 of eth on Paypal, sold at $3000. Rebought in ETH at $3000, sold at $3200. Will rebuy in again today or tomorrow.

Haven't had any issues yet but I regularly use my paypal account. I'm still below the $20k weekly limit and they don't have a weekly sell limit.

"PayPal says that due to initial demand from its customers, it's increasing its weekly cryptocurrency purchase limit from $10,000 per week to $20,000 per week."

I find it much easier to use than Coinbase Pro which constantly has had issues and Paypal won't impose any fees until January 1st.

>> No.24321679

You're gonna be fucked so bad friend

>> No.24321717

Paypal, it goes like this;
-never directly link your card, if you must block your card from internet transactions and unlock it temporarily if you want to buy something.
-never, ever, ever, and I mean ever leave funds on your account. Immediately withdraw all money from Paypal.

Paypal is the biggest scam of all time, they will rob you blind and not look back.

>> No.24321938

fuck that shit man, saw it posted on pol

>> No.24321939

yeah I just read..

"PayPal isn’t a crypto exchange, their service is meant for people to hold bitcoin with and then spend it at their merchants when they turn on that ability. They’re currently paying all the trading fees when you buy or sell because they’re actually buying the bitcoin for you on ItBit so if you go and trade constantly they lose a ton of money covering those fees since they’re not charging any fees right now.

Their service is supposed to be more like a Bitcoin bank account, not a trading account. Maybe they need to make this more clear, but it’s really a service for people who want to hodl bitcoin and then spend it at PayPal merchants. So it only makes sense that if you’re doing high amounts of trading in and out that they’d kick you out since they’re just losing money."

So basically it's only mean't to hold cryptocurrency as a bank...until you buy something with it. Not mean't to trade with. I will be taking my money off of Paypal and use an actual exchange that allows margin trading/leveraging.

>> No.24322062

>machine is operational
>I'll just reach in here
Dude what the fuck

>> No.24322078 [DELETED] 

I kinda saved your ass big time
Don't hesitate to leave me an eth tip if you feel like it

>> No.24322088

it has to do with contracts. rn they are not allowed to provide a trading platform. they are not meant to be a trading platform yet.

>> No.24322103

Is there a story? Dude got rekt into oblivion.

>> No.24322154

paypal is fucked, it's so incredibly easy to scam sellers with paypal.

>> No.24322176

that pause after he gets stuck before he gets rekt. I wonder what he was thinking about

>> No.24322183

fuck off achmed

>> No.24322187
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fuaaark this was on pol 2 days ago. glad I'm not working carpentry, anymore. I hated seeing some Chinese fuck get fucked up in heavy machinery here and then come in the next day and have to work around those big ass machines.

>> No.24322323

Yeah I agree but you could also not be fucking retarded, and just link your bank to a trading platform.

>> No.24322340

Sure that's the better way since nowadays KYC is everywhere, some people still use mainly paypal tho like the lunatics on localbitcoin

>> No.24322370

This can’t be real. Redditors can’t be this beta

>> No.24322392
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>My wife forced me

>> No.24322404

saying this as a sand nigger, fuck islam
most of my immediate family is secular because islam fucking sucks shit you retarded white boy
your people defend invaders and then get their heads cut off. and you deserve it for shit like this

>> No.24322448

Why the fuck do you need to do anything to hide the fact you are doing a perfectly legal activity with your own fucking money. Fuck paypal for how they acted in the past and now offering it as a service.

>> No.24322485

Welcome to 2020 buddy

>> No.24322508

I hope our sand frens wake u soon. Middle east and turkey people are most close to us whites. you are just our in the sun brothers. once the islam virus is gone we can be frens again. be well. fren. great you saw through the bullshit that is islam. shittiest religion ever.

>> No.24322512

Because criminals exist you dumbass

>> No.24322554

Bootlicker excuse, you should be able to buy houses and cars with fucking unmarked gold nuggets and used bills if you feel like it.

>> No.24322609

No shit, you should also be able to behead pedophiles in the streets but we can't retard.

>> No.24322677

>You ok bud?

>> No.24322806

Who on earth asks their wife's permission? I make money, my wife makes children, and I don't tell her how to wipe their asses.

>> No.24323447
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"This is my life now."

>> No.24323702
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>> No.24323859


>> No.24323876

Most men.

>> No.24324048
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>> No.24324155

Fuck you goat fucker.

>> No.24324289

Lmfao this post made my morning

>> No.24324332

That is the exact opposite reason to be posting soijak lmao

>> No.24324356

what's the problem you mean? Why can't I have something for a long time, then it when it offers what I want I use it more?

>> No.24324412
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This board made me hate jews even more than /pol/

>> No.24324441

why would anyone get offended in here¨
as a muslim sandnigger from iraq i've never been offended
no one is after you it's just everyone is after each other which mind me adding is top fucking kek

>> No.24324463
File: 443 KB, 736x974, muselb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24324487


>> No.24324503

Wait do normalfags really cash out in fiat and not stablecoins?

>> No.24324576


>> No.24324605 [DELETED] 

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*

>> No.24324669

/pol/ is a board of Peace, Tolerance and Wisdom

>> No.24325969

>my wife

That was your first mistake. KEK