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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24316218 No.24316218 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, hope your Thanksgivings were good. Any notable stories of talking to family about crypto or stocks? I'll start.

>Grandfather asks what bitcoin is and why people care now
>I try to explain it in normie terms
>16 year old Zoomer cousin chimes in
>"XRP is gonna moon"

>> No.24316240
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I wish I had such wisdom at 16

>> No.24316453

Based zoomer

>> No.24316542
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>His wretched mother screaches about how all he does is play video games and watch crypto youtubers
>I say its admirable that he's got such a valuable interest this young
>My parents also now start bitching about how I do the same thing and still live at home
>mfw I'm only 21
>me and my cousin go play cod and talk about bitcoins

>> No.24316717
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>> No.24316963

Imagine it was instead you saving your parent's brokerage account after the broker blew it by gaining them back umm...50k + 15k in 6 months by hustling your ass with stock trade flips.

>> No.24316986
