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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2428795 No.2428795 [Reply] [Original]

All those holding onto waves laughing at the influx of dumbass nigger coins are in for a surprise. Looks like you've all been lied to and it too niggers to bring the truth to light.

>> No.2428821
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>> No.2428824

commence dump

>> No.2428841

JUST how mad are you that you lost all your waves? lel Must be tiring to do this all day.

>> No.2428855


>> No.2428900
File: 284 KB, 108x147, 1458218435863-pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didnt own a single 0.00000001 worth of waves
>tfw just happy to call out their lie to investors

>> No.2428950

Waves is dead, hundreds of better choices to invest my money in

>> No.2429234


>> No.2429260

Not dumping. Glad they deleted that shitcoin. Fuck off back to iFunny and /pol/

>> No.2429308

Hilarious that the devs are such cucks that they destroyed their own shitcoin just to be good little nu male SJWs

>> No.2429336

Just sold all my Waves. Not a fan of NGR, but it shows it's not decentralized at all.

>> No.2429382

Same here man. Decentralization shouldn't be subject to political opinion. This is worse than fiat now.

>> No.2429395

What are some other waves alternatives?

>> No.2429413

This is a pretty sad turn of events. I literally just started using the Waves platform to trade Niggers and was really starting to like how it operated. Lucky I just managed to sell my Niggers a few hours before the delisting. Fuck Waves.

>> No.2429439

Remember this

ETH = $390
WAVES= $5 currently

>> No.2429442
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This post

>> No.2429444

To anyone who defends this by claiming ''muh shitcoin'', they are listing literally hundreds of scamcoins and shitcoins, so why this is a problem? Whether you agree with niggercoin or not isn't relevant, the important thing that a supposed decentralized exchange removed something based on political/ideological bias. This is literally the OPPOSITE of what crypto should stand for.

Anyone who supports this shit should stay away from cryto period
Bitshares and Lykke

>> No.2429452

Bitshares and Blocknet are apparently decentralized exchanges, but I don't know much about them.

>> No.2429466

Just created a leddit post, come join me with anti-waves shilling


>> No.2429495



>> No.2429498

They never lied, I read their whitepaper and it states that their website will be centralized, but the blockchain will obviously be decentralized, so the niggercoins are still there, they just don't show it on the client.
A fact every investor should've been aware of btw, you fucking retards

>> No.2429503

Also, I find hilarious that they are risking their integrity as a decentralized, trustless, neutral and bla bla bla platform for the sake of virtue signaling, I hope they get fucked in the ass by the competition.

>> No.2429527

dont fuck with the russians. youve been warned.

>> No.2429571

No one likes a sperg. If you guys just kept buying and selling niggers quietly instead of being edgy attention whores it would have been fine.

Also buy the dip.

>> No.2429574

Blocknet has a pretty good slack, shouldn't be too hard to find the link.
Bitshares I have not heard alot about but someone mentioned it being a pnd(?)

>> No.2429609

>Internet becomes centralized and dominated by political bias
>Crypto comes out, promising to be neutral
>There already cucks trying to infiltrate this space to fill it with political correctness as well
You should not be okay with that. Why cannabis coin is fine but nigger coin is not?
Who said you that? I'm having profits with Bitshares since the 8k sats mark, still holding

>> No.2429654

Exactly. These idiots.

>> No.2429748

"This is a serious issue that needs to be discussed, i want a clear statement from the Waves developers withing 24 hours or i will close my position on Waves. I am a value investor, i invest in cryptocurrency that bring something new to the table, something that Waves have done successfully, but this just seems outright shady! I was promised a DECENTRALIZED exchange, was that just a lie?! Who is the admin for the exchange and what is he capable of doing! Answer me this please or i will have to sell of my 8000 WAVES ..."

>> No.2429804

Does the same while being truly decentralized, their product is already in Beta and you can trade actual cryptos(not tokens) on a TRULY decentralized system with it.

>> No.2429836


Let's hope this botched mess brings down the overpriced heap of shit that ETH is.

>> No.2429879

>7:18 PM]
>@anoncoiner: There is no censorship, the token is still there. I'd have to investigate but trading should still be possible too.

right from the slack

>> No.2429932

The niggers are still on the blockchain, just not on their trading platform. It's decentralized.

>> No.2429957

where can i buy it?

>> No.2429983
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>> No.2429984

nvm found it. how is it better than Bitshares though?

>> No.2430065

Well, I don't think the tech is CURRENTLY better than BitShares even though I don't know much about BitShares, but the devs on BlockNet are fucking restless, they release stuff on their blog twice a week and BitShares' market cap is literally almost 50 times bigger than blocknet's. BlockNet has a lot more of room to grow.

>> No.2430402

I'm okay with it because anyone can make their own client using the waves blockchain, it's not like you have to use their centralized client. And I'm not in waves because of the client, but because of the blockchain.
On you second point, probably some mad person in blocknet or bitbay slack :^)

>> No.2430446

also to give more info, I think it was something about it not being truly decentralized
but of course this is just incase you want to research that, I wouldn't consider that one biased person who claimed that as a good source

>> No.2430487

you could make a nigger coin right now with bitshares and they wont delete it, they are really decentralized.

>> No.2430510

From the waves slack:

karlkarlsson --> he's from the wavesteam

I literally just said 10 minutes ago that the search bar has issues and will be fixed in the next release. Multiple assets are returning this error, even some very legit ones.

>> No.2430550

just go and download the exchange soft from bitshares, and you can make the token.

>> No.2430580

I went and asked the Waves slack what's up, check it out

>> No.2430583


polo held off listing waves because of this

WAVES in polo in 3 days BUY BUY BUY

>> No.2430586

>Its a search bar issue, just only with this single currency, there are multiple other examples i won't list of course, believe you me guys now buy more of our decentralized (centralized) tech

>> No.2430600

>This is a pretty sad turn of events. I literally just started using the Waves platform to trade Niggers and was really starting to like how it operated.

This. Niggers convinced me waves was a viable platform and I was getting ready to buy into a dip, but now I'm just gonna use it for accumulating free shitcoins.

I was also gonna buy some niggers this morning after getting 68 for free last night and realizing it was the most valuable shitcoin I had

>> No.2430603

So there is no censuring going on you fucking retards. Just wait till those niggers are coming back and start trading

>> No.2430624


Really, we should have expected nothing different from beady-eyed Anglo-Germanic autists, but it's still disappointing

>> No.2430657

>They never lied, I read their whitepaper and it states that their website will be centralized, but the blockchain will obviously be decentralized, so the niggercoins are still there, they just don't show it on the client.

Did the terms of service state that HateTokens™ were not allowed? Did they refund the waves paid to them as transaction fees on a token that was traded solely on their platform and which was rendered untradable by their delisting?

>> No.2430658


>> No.2430664

as soon as i sold my waves (just now) it starts to moon. well shit

>> No.2430665

Coin is still there, Waves just choose not to display it on their client lel

>> No.2430676


Happens to idiots who fall for FUDing 4chan campaign

>> No.2430677

They are having issues right now, some other coins are not listed as well but they're not censoring

>> No.2430688

they cant remove the coin, but they can censor it from the exchange, which is what they did.

>> No.2430689


If they use this as a figleaf and bring it back, I will be mollified desu

>> No.2430724

I didn't read the terms of service, but neither did you or anyone in this thread so fuck right off famalam

>> No.2430759

Because no one wants to put up with your edgy bullshit for the sake of a giggle. "Hurr durr we trading niggers lol" isn't funny. You assholes should go create your own block chain to shit up, not piggy back on one trying to make it big.

>but much other scamcoins on WAVES...

Which aren't getting near the attention you morons are because you used the magic word.

>> No.2430819

polo didnt add waves because they feared waves decentralization, they will add now in 3 days

>> No.2430874

Yeah right, because a word is such a offensive thing and hurts everyone's feelings.

Don't put me in that shit retard. I don't give a fuck about niggers coin or whatever. I just know how to recognize a bullshit for what it is.

>Which aren't getting near the attention you morons are because you used the magic word.
Free market. If people are giving attention and buying, so be it. It isn't breaking any law.

>> No.2431035

Maybe the niggers are doing what niggers do and skipping work. Someone needs to crack the whip. Send me some niggers I will confirm if any arrive.

>> No.2431049

the devs censored a coin they didnt like. censorship is a big problem for a "decentralized currency."

>> No.2431073


>> No.2431075
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>> No.2431078

Nothing was censored. You have to enter the asset id. Jesus people are too dumb to use the simplest exchange.


>> No.2431093
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They can't take away the coins, but they can delist and censor if off the exchange (which they did), which makes the coin essentially worthless.

The devs censored a coin they didnt like.

until people can start trading niggercoin again, its a big lie to cover up their censorship.

>> No.2431111

you cannot trade niggercoin on the waveswallet.io exchange. the coin comes up but buying and selling is disabled. keep spreading disinfo

the devs censored a coin they didn't like.

>> No.2431129

When it's delisted off the official exchange, that is censorship. Even if the coin can still be traded taking a few extra steps.
This action just goes to show there is no decentralization and no neutrality in WAVES.

>> No.2431163

They aren't delisted. I pasted the asset ID of each one in the Wallet and they all come up..

>> No.2431164

>until people can start trading niggercoin again, its a big lie to cover up their censorship.
why would this matter? they have to some extend proven that they can make any coin worthless and that they are willing to do so, even if it was just for a short time period.

>> No.2431171

Even if they would have delisted it, so what? The matcher of the DEx is centralized and they get flag niggercoin.

That was always well know, well except for the idiots

>> No.2431197

Fuck off nigger, they cant be traded on the DEX period. Kill yourself.

>> No.2431205

>neither did you or anyone in this thread

Exactly, it was a legitimate question. I want to know and am too lazy to search it on my own

>> No.2431236
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They had the power to censor, but never used it.

The easily censored a coin they didnt like at the first opportunity. And the dev on their slack was caught lying about it.

>> No.2431247

No, just no

>> No.2431251

ITT people who have not realized that every wallet is centralized

Really makes me think

Oh I'm sorry then, same for me :^)

>> No.2431968
File: 228 KB, 488x619, 1439113596340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAVES is my decentralized waifu! (centralized)

>> No.2432079

LOOOL how much do you think the devs were dying of laughter after seeing Nigger and Hitler coin created on their platform?

"Uh, Sasha... I think we might have a problem... Niggers and Hitler's are being traded on what we created"

>> No.2432107

you reek of reddit

>> No.2432145


>tfw the highest trading volume using the waves client was made by trading niggers

>> No.2432149

So there will exist a modern day black market for niggers?

>> No.2432181



I will give them a chance to bring niggers back later as they said it is just an (((error)))

In the mean time hold those niggers with iron shackles

>> No.2432220

>black market
>iron shackles

>> No.2432271

did anyone figure out if this was censorship or a glitch yet? https://www.reddit.com/r/Wavesplatform/comments/6h2bda/tokenholders_should_vote_about_a_token_being/

if its censorship, this is great publicity and niggers will rise in value due to controversy and scarcity. someone will create another decentralized exchange which enables transfer of waves tokens and the trading will resume.

if this is a glitch, it just looks bad for waves and niggers will be trading again tonight.

>> No.2432303

cant we just make our own waves wallet which shows our niggers, this is discriminating

>> No.2432322

>tfw they are discriminating against niggers
call up BLM
bonus points since Waves is a ruski operation, so the MSM will pick up on it

>> No.2432364

In time, probably. There will probably be a secondary wallet that you can manipulate waves and tokens with in the future.

Just a matter of somebody getting off their ass to write it. Then I guess you query all the matchers and only use certain ones that trade all pairs.

Despite the pol fud, there's quite a few matchers out right now, so the "delisting" is unique to the official lite client

>> No.2432390

>157 NGR
>100 Hitler
>9 Holocaust
>100000 kike
>7000 Ldoge
>.00017 waves


>> No.2432397

See here


>> No.2432410

Haha, that one Apples retard. I bet he's the guy who's been creating all the fucking whine threads about NGR.

One of those fags who takes crypto way too seriously. Somehow I wish crypto would implode just to see him rope himself.

>> No.2432441

>68 niggers
>15 pogs
>1,000 LDOGE
>.011 waves

I need more shitcoins

>> No.2432457

i know of a discord full of people willing to crowdfund the effort
it would be really racist if this standalone exchange for trading niggers was called the "auction block"
a few people are about to come out with niggercoins that are their own coin and shill them all over here, but in my opinion the original nigger EY waves token will always be the one people are most interested in. as soon as these can be traded again, it will be very interesting

>> No.2432462

if waves brings back EY niggers i'll airdrop more

t. niggerrich

>> No.2432472

oh yeah, of course, a broken search bar. it broke coincidentally after WAVES started getting shat on for being a fake-decentralized exchange. how convenient. thanks for your sacrifice, based search bar.

>> No.2432476

How do I know what my shitcoins are worth with this platform? Confusing as fuck

>> No.2432482


You are a true patriot

>> No.2432495

>tfw when you realize the people you are trading against are making their trading decisions based on their ability to name coins racial slurs.

Feels good.

>> No.2432508

>Sell on waves lite for wavelets/sats
>Move those elsewhere or convert to fiat

Idk until it's more nailed down that's probably the only way for them to be worth anything

>> No.2432574


>> No.2432610

so I've been taking the money of a bunch of racist retards? makes my lambo that much sweeter

>> No.2432661

captcha: escayolas FOR SALE

>> No.2432664

/pol/ack here.... Really hate seeing /pol/ tier shit on other boards. Especially this one. I am a proud owner of 3 niggers but the endless spam got annoying.

>> No.2432687


>> No.2432711

its over


>> No.2432737

Niggercoin and other trashcoins is the kind of thing that gives waves and crypt in general a bad name.

Stop ruining things because your lives are worthless.

I wish you fuckers a horrible death.

>> No.2432750 [DELETED] 

>decentralization is good!

>> No.2432762

>I support decentralized currency
>Actually, I lied. I support the censorship of currency I don't like for "Hate Speech"


>> No.2432765


>> No.2432796

either way all of the holocaust/NGR/scam coins were going to ruin waves
or not being truly decentralized will
lose lose

>> No.2432802

Its not even about not liking it.

Youre gonna cost me money you retarded faggots

>> No.2432814


And I thought the "I'm warning you, invest in this fucking coin" threads were obnoxious. The material today is really punching it into another shitposting gear

>> No.2432854
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Pic related is you I'll bet

>> No.2432856

hey nigger fuck stik faggot shit head. Go fuck yourself you dumb shit nigger heil hitler faggot.
No one gives a fuck your whining opinions faggot.
If you don't like it don't search it up or go to places its promoted fucking stupid shitty nigger.

>> No.2432902

No, being decentralized(centralized) gives waves a bad name.

Retards making nazicoins doesn't interest anyone. (Well, except the SJW idiots who are too poor to invest in crypto anyways and would love to ban all forms of money).

>> No.2432951


I dont give a fuck about morals, censorship, decentralization or edgy 12yo basementdwellers from/pol/. I just want to make money and you retards are ruining a good thing.

>> No.2433126


>.003 waves sell fee
>have .0017 waves
>too stupid to figure out what my memecoins are worth in waves
>shitcoins stuck in wallet forever

Do I keep hitting the wave faucet untill I have .003 waves so I can sell. What do I buy and which shitcoins do I sell?

>100 Hitler
>100000 Kike
>9 holocaust
>7000 Ldoge