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24285395 No.24285395 [Reply] [Original]

New fag here. I lost more money tonight than I make in a couple months yet I feel absolutely nothing. Is this normal?

>> No.24285417

>Loses a couple hundred bucks

You have so much to learn child.

>> No.24285418

>Is this normal?
ye, you're just retarded, pretty normal around here

>> No.24285508

I lost 4000 and I feel bad
How much did you loose?

>> No.24285511

When I was new I lost $500 to fucking slippage.
In an instant.
You'll be fine. Just don't buy tops faggot. People will shit on you for buying good projects when they're low (because no one else is) but THAT is how you make money.
I bought BTC @3600 after the big crash when everyone said it was done.
I bought in March when everyone was saying it was over.
And now I'm buying here.
(only RLC)

>> No.24285581

I can sell now and not have to pay taxes for years.

>> No.24285585

>And now I'm buying here.

>> No.24285621

I don't even remember what I felt during the fall from 20 to 8. I barely remember any high from 20. Im numb

>> No.24285649

you didn't lose anything unless you sold

>> No.24285673

I lost $80,000 and feel fine.

>> No.24285678

it's not normal this time. They're coming to criple the crypto market. this is major news, prices will collapse. they stopped allowing coinbase to provide margin trading and know they are going to force KYC on all wallets interacting with Coinbase

>> No.24285710

yeah it'll hit you over the next few days. its gonna be painful anon. at this point you need to determine what it means to lose everything. if it means nothing and you can afford to lose it, then just hold. otherwise, might be good to cut your loses.

>> No.24285756

I'm just kidding I was buying way before this
Just trying to help lad out
He needs to buy the crashes/dips and if he's new then its a good time.
We WILL keep surging.

>> No.24285821

You haven't seen shit. Covid crash was worse, and quicker. Also the crash on summer 2018 and december of that year, these were actually painful.
Even in a bull market, -30% corrections happen.

>> No.24285863


Easy come easy go

>> No.24285898

this real?

>> No.24286037

>I feel absolutely nothing. Is this normal?
That means that the market will recover, whenever. The first XRP euphoria, 2017, and 2013 were way bigger happenings. N00bs got stop hunted today.

>> No.24286048

You can thank Trump -

>> No.24286090

Also Trump killed the 2017 bull run. Thank him for that too

- https://www.coindesk.com/trump-administration-popped-2017-bitcoin-bubble-ex-cftc-chair-says

>> No.24286097

Perfectly normal. A dump like this happens every other month. We had a much worse one in march. 80% down in like one hour or so.

>> No.24286219
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I didn't loose money I invested. Just some added value. I'm a poorfag, so I buy when it's real cheap and hope it moons. We've gotta be patient.

>> No.24286284

I lost $45,000 today by holding ETH. Still I will continue to hold. ETH will be $5k next year.

>> No.24286286
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Boomer here.

You tell me how hard I had to swallow this throughout the bear market.

>> No.24286288

Maybe because you're aware the market behaves this way naturally and lows exist because highs exist, you just have to hold through the lows and that's fundamentally it

>> No.24286310
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Prior to that is pic related.

>> No.24286317
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kek, has not even started yet tards

>> No.24286329

These are Blockfolios old UI.

>> No.24286345


>> No.24286347

must have been real tough bitch

>> No.24286361

You should feel nothing. You should never feel any sort of emotion or sentiment in any of your trades. Just hodl.

>> No.24286416

March 12th-13th... truly believed it was going to zero this day.

>> No.24286505

Switched to usdt. Not buying back until this volatility dies back down. Gonna hold one eth even if it goes to sub $1

>> No.24287776
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>> No.24287841

should I still hold eth? why not tether up and buy back later?

>> No.24287895

Sheeet. Trump he aint go no Coins LUL XD

>> No.24287930

Got a Tip once. NEVER BET MONEY YOU NEED. i live by that.

>> No.24287989

ja, you are becoming a true /biz/nessman

>> No.24288019

The dumping is leading on Binance, Okex, FTX, and Bitmex. None of these fucking exchanges have anything to do with the US and ban US customers. You guys are so fucking dumb. This is a great panic long squeeze dumb money liquidation event.

>> No.24288287
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based RLChad

>> No.24289043

Don't worry my friend, 40% drops happen just to see a new top again. Hopefully you still have some to buy with soon.

>> No.24289078

Get used to it. There was worse than this. There will be worse than this.

>> No.24289083

>I feel absolutely nothing
Emotions and investing don't mix well.

>> No.24289688
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Welcome. I see you've already met with Lady Volatility, have you had a chance to see Bishop Arbitrage yet?

>> No.24289736



>> No.24289837

DoD selloff, the scam is coming to an end illegal glow operation getting shut down. I only came here to laugh at you all.
Last warning dump while you can

>> No.24289840

RLC good try pajeet

I bought btc at $200 link at 90 cents, RLC is a shit project with no future

>> No.24289882
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how does One... acquire the mastery of arbitrage? Doth I need to code a bot of sorts?

>> No.24289901

hate fucking faggots

>> No.24289919
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Humans have a disconnect, once your money transformed from cash in hand, to computer screen, to foreign currency, to weird fuckin internet coins, you no longer view it as money

As long as you have a balanced portfolio of btc, some strong alts and some hail mary's like ALBT or RAMP that you allocate 5 percent to, you should be looking at a very pleasant 2021

>> No.24289947
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i lost like 2 dollars lol, only had like 25 to begin with though

>> No.24290004

How long until the government makes tether illegal

>> No.24290088

that was the 2nd item on the list, read the referendum
that's why they stopped printing last week

>> No.24290095

totally! a quick dip scared normies but when you know you got the good then you can chill while peeps be crying the hell out. I have free money coming from ALTB ETH pair and ALBT USDT pair lp mining so i'm all set

>> No.24290145

it's being intentionally destroyed because it's become a threat to US national security.

You can keep deluding yourselves but deep down you must grasp the concept that the entire fucking thing was setup for criminal syndicates to transfer wealth and with the purge at the US DOD it's all coming to an end.

Next stop FedCoin.

>> No.24290219

go back larping plebbit nigger

>> No.24290243

I've lost over 25 years worth of my salary.
Yes, it's normal to not feel much after losing just a few months. In my case though I think something might be severely wrong with me. I haven't felt this since January 2018.

>> No.24290272

Earlier this year I bought SPY puts on the assumption that coronavirus would be a big deal and then got cold feet and sold them for 300% profit - they eventually went in the money and I would've made 15000%. Years ago I had a pile of ETH at $75 and sold at around $400, BTC under $1000 and sold before BCH because I believed the people who said the split would tank it. I spent Christmas break 2017 fucking around instead of flipping into any of the altcoin moon missions. Laughed at the people on /biz/ who said to buy LINK or Antshares/NEO when they were pennies. Etc. etc.

In other words, I've pissed away multiple potential fortunes. My wallet going down a whole 25%? Who gives a fuck?

>> No.24290351

what are you supposed to feel? panic so you contemplate panic selling?
you're fine and the market will be too
everyone needs to fucking chill

>> No.24290370

It's not even a dump yet. A real dump is when you're considering getting out of crypto.
We're going to 12-13k now. If 20 weekly MA hold, we go up, if not, we go to 6000. Now THAT'S a dump.

>> No.24290412

Yes i laughed my ass while losing money in pevious dumps.
This is nothing , keynsians think i will sell my bities lmao, fuck off keynsians i am never selling.

>> No.24290481

1:1 token swaps. Axion was a good example. Manual transactions, average $200 per loop, I got about 12 loops in before it shit the bed. Ironically enough, after the dust settled, I got airdropped $14,000 worth of their "fixed" tokens. Of course I sold it.

>> No.24290490

I had enough to never work again at the end of 2017. I did not sell a single sat and have been holding and making very small wages for the past 3 years, checking the price every hour. I swore to myself every day for the past 3 years that if I got to that amount again, I would sell. I don't need a run to 100k, as 20k puts me more than far enough ahead of what I wanted. I promised myself every day for 3 years that I would sell and go buy a nice whiskey to celebrate when this day finally came. I had finally achieved that amount again just 2 days ago. But I didn't sell. I failed.

>> No.24290534

i lost 4k who cares though it will go up anyhow... just buy and forget

>> No.24290540

I think you'll be happy beyond your wildest dreams for hodling sooner than you think

>> No.24290571
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that's better than panicking, next time do have a more balanced portfolio, where you have some dollars and some alts like om, fleta, and atom to stake.

>> No.24290577

so you were selling HEX2T at the time? I don't quite understand the axion loop pre airdrop 'fix' (kek what a shitshow that was)

>> No.24290626

I've lost 200k in urealized gains today

Lost 350k in August to October, gained it all back though

>> No.24290632


Is this the power of nubiz that a 15% dump causes people to shit their pants?

>> No.24290652

KEK this is ... nothing. Wait until the next leg , alts bounce up. Look at FUSE near private price anon.

>> No.24290657

I understand, and I can handle a few more months, but I don't know if I can do this for another year. I mean holding now hurts, but after these years a few more months is fine. I never would have imagined I could become so patient.
Anyway thanks for the encouragement.

>> No.24290672

>laughed my ass while losing money
kek thought I might’ve been the only one

>> No.24290689
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>Is this normal?
Yes, because you lost a bunch of numbers on a screen who were representing fake currencies you spent to buy fake digital currencies on a fake market pumped by a fake shitcoin pump machine called tether.
Since everything have been fake from A to Z, you don't even care being scammed.
But if someone came to your home to steal your pillow you'd be mad as all fuck, because it would be real.

>> No.24290703

My thoughts exactly, the amount of gained from passive staking from staking this year trumps the small losses on a correction like this

>> No.24290724
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this is just a small dip in the multi-year bull market, you are supposed to fill your bags when everybody posts pink wojaks.

don't worry, better luck on the next cycle in 4 years!

>> No.24290743
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Of course I'd be mad my pillow has my waifu on it.

>> No.24290797
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>buy Hex2t on uniswap
>use claim page to swap Hex2t -> AXN
>sell AXN on uniswap for profit
>buy a new stack of Hex2t, keeping the profits
I would have gotten more out of it if not for that darn exit scam. Then again, I wouldn't have been gifted an extra $14k without it. I guess it worked out for the best.

>> No.24290803

remember March 2020, they were blood in the street

>> No.24290843

Fuck I had just been fired and lost everything. I don't want to remember that time.

>> No.24290997

>Steve Mnuchin

>> No.24291560
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Steel hands fren
Ur gonna make it

>> No.24291589

I’ve sat through a 50% drop on eth in a day or so, this is nothing yet anon

>> No.24291608
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I literally can't get any more comfy fren

>> No.24291609
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>> No.24291653

I have transcended money and now only care about gaining coindollars for the meme value

>> No.24291663

>tfw most of my shitcoins fell down in sats before I had chance to sell

>> No.24291674

Because you didn't listen, dumbass. I've literally been preaching to you newfags on this board for the last day about this dump and you dumbasses said "muh bitcoin 100k"
You got what you deserve.

>> No.24291685

Just hodl, it's that simple.

>> No.24291691

Henlo fren what shitcoin should I buy for longshot 50x

>> No.24291707

Im confused
I had bought at 8k and dumped all recently at 18k but it looks like bitcoin is rising again. Should i buyback?

>> No.24291723

based and fren pilled

>> No.24291733

Big losses, big gains. It's the game fren.

>> No.24291749

----> answer me , do you want more dump or moon now? answer me honestly <----

>> No.24291769

cont... and as of now no more dump

>> No.24291800

Silence newfag

>> No.24291850

Is US regulatory action is taken prepare for massive domps. And at this point it's likely.

>> No.24291867
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Nobody can see the future anon. You’ve done much better than anyone that thinks they can.

>> No.24291868

So i shouldn't?>>24291707

>> No.24291872

its the bog's eye, it will rise in afew hours bare minimum, bogdanoff will notice i have quit

>> No.24291920

Night guys, it'll stop dumping when I wake in the morning and out in some buys. Have a good day.

>> No.24291923

If you can't handle -50% you shouldn't invest at all

>> No.24291940
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I lost 17 million dollars and feel great.

>> No.24292113
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He thinks this is the biggest dump.... correction will be coming before Christmas..

>> No.24292179

Yeah I'll take this crash over the covid crash any time

>> No.24292206

Same, I held for 2-3 years bear market but this broke me

>> No.24292213

>i lost alot and i feel absolutely nothing
i see you just past the initiation ceremony
welcome to biz newfag, or should i say, FAG

>> No.24292251

If it becomes illegal, can I legally never buy Tether to repay my Aave loan?

>> No.24292271

That weird internet coin at the moment will soley be the next generation currency. Im staked on RAMP and im chill AF

>> No.24292276

Based and cryptopilled

>> No.24292281

Lol it's only like $2000 less, you can probably retire right now too just reduce expenses

>> No.24292461

Fudding it up i see.

>> No.24292494

the presence of a king

>> No.24292530

I went 80k to 20k last bear

>> No.24292532

based necromancer anon

>> No.24292619

praise the strong hands that hodl

>> No.24292645


Weak Hands always lose in this game anon.

Sell to take profits only, remember the golden rule, only invest what you can afford to lose.

If you approach this game as a Hedge Fund Manager and distance yourself from it being "your money", that is how you make logical decisions over irrational emotional decisions

>> No.24292655
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BTC was invented by the central banks for three reasons, first, to split the anti-fiat community, and cause dissension in our ranks; secondly, to divert capital away from precious metals; thirdly, to prepare the world for CBDCs. It ought to have gone to zero after 2017, but it has been pumped and re-inflated by tether and other stablecoins, just as the stock market has been pumped and re-inflated by Q. E. My reasons for thinking as I do:

1) Tether is widely believed to be responsible for the 2017 crypto pump (its own founder admitted this suspicion to Jordan Belfort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzpqxqbq0Jg).).

2) Tether now has 10x the mcap that it did during the March crash, when BTC crashed to $4000, and also has a 40 billion per annum printing-rate. The only time when tether was ever audited was 2018, and yet even then it was found to be backed only by “75% cash and cash equivalents.” The truth is, tether is probably “backed” by the very BTC which it is printed out of thin air to buy.

3) BTC volume is only 5% of what it was in 2017, and Google searches for Bitcoin are in the gutter. This shows that retail interest is low, and almost all BTC is going into tether's hands (as DesoGames explains here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzDjJ-SrojY).).

4) BTC is completely worthless as a currency. https://blog.plan99.net/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-experiment-dabb30201f7?gi=a80dff4c0636 In 2017, you had $100 fees and 3-day transaction times when sending BTC. Even if the Lightning Network were implemented, only 0.1% of the world population could use BTC.

5) The only way to use BTC as a currency is to go through Blockstream's second-layer solutions (like the LN), which track and trace everything you do. BTC also tracks you forever on a pseudonymous ledger, hence why the BTC Twitter hackers were caught within days of cashing out. Physical gold and silver coins are therefore superior for privacy to BTC.


>> No.24292676
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6) Solutions like BCH are not the answer, since, the larger the block-size, the greater the centralization. To the point where you might as well simply keep your gold in a vault and use a gold-backed crypto instead, because that is no more centralized than what you will inevitably have with something like BCH or BSV. Kinesis (allocated gold on the Blockchain) does everything which BCH claims to do (banking the unbanked, 24/7 transactions, making microtransactions, etc.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9aYYluRA0

7) Satoshi is really Adam Back, the head of Blockstream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcvX0P1b5g Blockstream is controlled by the banks and the Bilderberg Group.

8) Bullion banks are bidding up the price of Bitcoin on the futures exchanges at the same time as they are suppressing the price of gold, as Rob Kientz shows. (https://youtu.be/Bq9SblPW-6w))

9) Promotion of BTC in the mainstream media is unrelenting, showing that they completely back it. The MSM, of course, is controlled by the bankers.


>> No.24292696
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10) Russia, China, and the other eastern countries have been accumulating gold to issue gold-backed currencies after the reset, not crypto. They already have enough gold reserves to do this. The eastern countries are where the real production is, so, if they don't take BTC, BTC is good for nothing.

11) Gold-backed currencies in the modern banking system would work with perfect efficiency, whereas no crypto can function as a currency for more than a minuscule fraction of the world population.

12) Money must represent savings, i. e. what is useful for production and industry; otherwise, no country has any reason to take it as an equivalent exchange for their goods and commodities. But crypto stores no intrinsic value. After the reset, then, BTC will go to zero when priced in gold (as Alasdair Macleod says).

13) Crypto has enormous intrinsic disadvantages when compared to gold. If you have gold in a vault, you are protected from the following: Being tortured out of your life-savings within ten minutes; losing them to memory-loss; dementia; a thoughtless mistake when making transactions; a key-logger or other hack; burglary (extremely rare with respect to private vaults); a fire; a hardware failure. BTC also, as I have said, lacks the privacy of gold and silver coins, and is fundamentally unusable as a currency. Whereas digital gold on the Blockchain (Kinesis) or gold-backed currencies in the banking system are perfect as currencies.


>> No.24292932


>> No.24293272

DYOR fag, you can't even maintain gains on BTC properly so why should I spoonfeed you?

>> No.24293489

In 2019 turned 1k into 30k.

Then lost it all.

>> No.24293666

Btc is dancing really good right now.. 22k - 24k incoming withing few weeks then we go 40% dump

>> No.24293814

kek found the noobie. someone shill him a shitcoin quick like safex

>> No.24293883

I’m down 20,000 on my CRSR, I was a retard and had a stop loss set at 15 percent the day before since I sleep during the day and can’t watch the market

Woke up and my position was sold, FML

>> No.24293906

babby's first dip. This barely even qualifies as a correction anon, grow up

>> No.24294257

such a good album

>> No.24294322


>> No.24294453
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>You have so much to learn child.

>> No.24294478

lost 20k euros overnight. still in profit. actually sold some at 19k feeling gooderino.

>> No.24294556
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>> No.24294723

Idiot.... we going back up to new ATH.. FFS

>> No.24294967

> I will never sell
So what are you going to do with the coins?

>> No.24294988

So just sell now. Don't get greedy.

>> No.24295002

The blockchain industry is full of simple and boring projects . I always try to find something new and prospective like gotem.io. I’m sure this platform will get a major place in the crypto market.

>> No.24295010

Only if you're a good trader.

>> No.24295014

I bought Norwegian stock in March, it has gone down 97% since then. Stop crying.

>> No.24295089

it all depends on how much was lost in transaction.

>> No.24295424

He was appointed by Trump. The president's appointments are his own responsibility.