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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 1086x889, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24288979 No.24288979 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24289018
File: 33 KB, 238x250, JPt2Cdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is.... *cough cough* nothing....

>> No.24289017

trump always wins baby

>> No.24289027

because fuck you, that's why

>> No.24289038
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>> No.24289049


>> No.24289052

It was the same person on all of them

>> No.24289063


that's a nice dashboard/overview. What is that?

>> No.24289075


>> No.24289084

Stay strong friends. Don't let the crypto jew scare you.

>> No.24289136
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I walk, I walk alone
Into the promised land
There's a better place for me
But it's far, far away
Everlasting life for me
In a perfect world
But I got to die first,

>> No.24289210

I came here to laugh at you

>> No.24289264

Feds release guidance that ends crypto margin trading in US / wallets may require KYC. Negative story on crypto in Sunday NYT. i.e. both sides of the political divide are anti-crypto. Expect pain.

>> No.24289279
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If you doub your strength our courage
dont come to join with me
for death surely awaits you
with sharp and pointy teeth

>> No.24289291

lmao just diversify bro

>> No.24289320

just sold 80% of my stack

>> No.24289331


>> No.24289333
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meanwhile on /smg/

>> No.24289358

Lol, hold the RBC price, guys! I didn't know the multichain p2p exchange could jump so high! One of the best mine investments for the last half-year!

> The price growth by 400% for one month
> x3 of the RBC price just for last month!
> over 200k daily trade volume

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

I’m sure this isn't the limit for such a cool team! Next stop is Moon1

>> No.24289399


>> No.24289401

should we be buying a few extra small bags right now to avoid fomo if it turns around or naw?

>> No.24289477

Trump just raped us raw
Why the fuck do Americunts have to ruin everything?

>> No.24289577

Wondering the same thing.

>> No.24289580

Trust the plan kekerino, Q told me we're on the road to victory. Donald would never betray us nor would the Jewish man he lets fuck his daughter every night.

>> No.24289598

Where can I find OPs chart overview?

>> No.24289617

The power of european whales

>> No.24289656

Do Americans actually care about freedom or is it just a word rednecks throw around at Trump rallies?

>> No.24289657

>that green id

>> No.24289800

uh let me know wheres my price of entry....dump ...support ..thst my first TP ....lets chill .... seconda point 0.50 ,,,,ok ill sell my bags in 4 ...

>> No.24289832

textbook double top. If we break support levels at 14k, we'll enter bear market. Brace yourselves.

>> No.24289860
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buy the dip

>> No.24289872

T-thanks Trump.

>> No.24289883


>> No.24289909

Just wait until Tether loses the NY lawsuit in December. This shit is nothing compared to that.

>> No.24289961
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> 77 ways chainlink makes you lose your money

>> No.24289986

Because you should be poor

>> No.24290115

like you obviously dont buy large bags... but say you divide the price range up into 4 parts on the way down and you buy 250 (or whatever 25% of a small bag is) at each dump point.

>> No.24290576

Because Sergey needs new dentals

>> No.24290614

Which chart tool is this?

>> No.24290668

See Fuse chart. Private sale price? Being used? Yes please.

>> No.24290690

does this actually mean much tho is it is just meme

>> No.24290707
File: 50 KB, 720x635, 122210747_3462070950520604_208134658308134646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017 ATH buyers selling

>> No.24290741

I wish I would hav just went into stocks.

>> No.24290781

the chart is coindesk...
thanks for responding anons...

>> No.24290783
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>> No.24290800
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Coinbase CEO spreading completely fabricated rumors.

When Bitcoin kept pumping, Coinbase went down on multiple occasions because they simply didn't have enough BTC.
So now he fabricated this little rumor to drop the price and actually buy some of the BTC Coinbase claims it has.

>> No.24290841

Honestly I'm just happy XRP dumped that hard

>> No.24291000

not too late to buy gamestop shares

>> No.24291742
File: 6 KB, 250x242, A48E6EDC-9157-496D-8D81-2C8FDCEFD8F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what lawsuit?

>> No.24291903
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If the US does it, the Eurozone and Japan will follow suit forthwith. Unironically over for crypto because it'll be nothing more than trading electronic Pokemon cards now, only those cards will be traceable back to the factory, no hiding, no anonymity anymore.

>> No.24292014

unironically and unapologetically this

>> No.24292045
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Does this mean we have to urgently move funds from exchanges to respective ledger/wallet/client devices before new regulations roll out?
IDGAF about muh price, I want my fucking privacy.

>> No.24292171

What does this mean for XMR?
What if I have multiple wallets, one for transacting with (((exchanges))), and another for actually using crypto in its originally intended privacy-oriented manner?
Can I still get crypto anonymously if I drive to Warsaw, meet some autist hacker from a darknet forum in some cafe, hand him cash and tell him my XMR-address?
Can we expect exchanges similar to Mt. Gox hosted at onion addresses?
I'm not going down without a fight, fuck these (((regulations))) and these retard boomers that support them.

>> No.24292180
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BTC was invented by the central banks for three reasons, first, to split the anti-fiat community, and cause dissension in our ranks; secondly, to divert capital away from precious metals; thirdly, to prepare the world for CBDCs. It ought to have gone to zero after 2017, but it has been pumped and re-inflated by tether and other stablecoins, just as the stock market has been pumped and re-inflated by Q. E. My reasons for thinking as I do:

1) Tether is widely believed to be responsible for the 2017 crypto pump (its own founder admitted this suspicion to Jordan Belfort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzpqxqbq0Jg).).

2) Tether now has 10x the mcap that it did during the March crash, when BTC crashed to $4000, and also has a 40 billion per annum printing-rate. The only time when tether was ever audited was 2018, and yet even then it was found to be backed only by “75% cash and cash equivalents.” The truth is, tether is probably “backed” by the very BTC which it is printed out of thin air to buy.

3) BTC volume is only 5% of what it was in 2017, and Google searches for Bitcoin are in the gutter. This shows that retail interest is low, and almost all BTC is going into tether's hands (as DesoGames explains here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzDjJ-SrojY).).

4) BTC is completely worthless as a currency. https://blog.plan99.net/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-experiment-dabb30201f7?gi=a80dff4c0636 In 2017, you had $100 fees and 3-day transaction times when sending BTC. Even if the Lightning Network were implemented, only 0.1% of the world population could use BTC.

5) The only way to use BTC as a currency is to go through Blockstream's second-layer solutions (like the LN), which track and trace everything you do. BTC also tracks you forever on a pseudonymous ledger, hence why the BTC Twitter hackers were caught within days of cashing out. Physical gold and silver coins are therefore superior for privacy to BTC.


>> No.24292194
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6) Solutions like BCH are not the answer, since, the larger the block-size, the greater the centralization. To the point where you might as well simply keep your gold in a vault and use a gold-backed crypto instead, because that is no more centralized than what you will inevitably have with something like BCH or BSV. Kinesis (allocated gold on the Blockchain) does everything which BCH claims to do (banking the unbanked, 24/7 transactions, making microtransactions, etc.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9aYYluRA0

7) Satoshi is really Adam Back, the head of Blockstream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcvX0P1b5g Blockstream is controlled by the banks and the Bilderberg Group.

8) Bullion banks are bidding up the price of Bitcoin on the futures exchanges at the same time as they are suppressing the price of gold, as Rob Kientz shows. (https://youtu.be/Bq9SblPW-6w))

9) Promotion of BTC in the mainstream media is unrelenting, showing that they completely back it. The MSM, of course, is controlled by the bankers.


>> No.24292209
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10) Russia, China, and the other eastern countries have been accumulating gold to issue gold-backed currencies after the reset, not crypto. They already have enough gold reserves to do this. The eastern countries are where the real production is, so, if they don't take BTC, BTC is good for nothing.

11) Gold-backed currencies in the modern banking system would work with perfect efficiency, whereas no crypto can function as a currency for more than a minuscule fraction of the world population.

12) Money must represent savings, i. e. what is useful for production and industry; otherwise, no country has any reason to take it as an equivalent exchange for their goods and commodities. But crypto stores no intrinsic value. After the reset, then, BTC will go to zero when priced in gold (as Alasdair Macleod says).

13) Crypto has enormous intrinsic disadvantages when compared to gold. If you have gold in a vault, you are protected from the following: Being tortured out of your life-savings within ten minutes; losing them to memory-loss; dementia; a thoughtless mistake when making transactions; a key-logger or other hack; burglary (extremely rare with respect to private vaults); a fire; a hardware failure. BTC also, as I have said, lacks the privacy of gold and silver coins, and is fundamentally unusable as a currency. Whereas digital gold on the Blockchain (Kinesis) or gold-backed currencies in the banking system are perfect as currencies.


>> No.24292247
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There is still time, invest in precious metals

>> No.24292854

Does this mean all the crypto shills on biz are going to kill themselves.

Imagine a future where biz is actually business advice and stocks/options discussion. I'm hyped.

>> No.24292948


>> No.24293134

don't whisper such wonderful words anon, you'll get my hopes up

>> No.24293293

beautifull. crypto is trash and needs to die!

>> No.24293638

Equities are lower in early trading as soft US economic data overnight outweighed recent vaccine optimism and increasing expectations that the Biden administration will deliver more economic stimulus and political stability. On a relatively quiet day in terms of major events, and as US markets will remain shut to celebrate Thanksgiving, investors are expected to take stock of the recent strength in equities in the context of recent positive vaccine developments as well as fading election uncertainties. However, weaker than expected US weekly jobless claims data overnight provided a near-term reality check, as new coronavirus infections surged across various parts of the US. Minutes from the Fed’s last meeting is also in focus, as policymakers discussed giving markets a clearer view on how long the Fed plans to buy bonds to support the economy, whilst the maturity of Treasury purchases could also be extended if the economy deteriorates further. For now, both US 10-year and 30-year yields rose to 88bps and 162bps respectively.

>> No.24293667

They have no conception of true freedom.

>t. Book-reading murican

>> No.24294809

Manipulation by the exchange... coinbase fucks it up and coindesk for their ridiculous rumours... this ain't the real correction ...

>> No.24294962

>source : dude trust me

>> No.24295253

>bought at peak and diversified my assets into every popular coin
I am financially ruined

>> No.24295493

>crypto stores no intrinsic value
>lines of code that you can run programs/build on hold no intrinsic value
>a shiny rock holds intrinsic value
Really makes me think