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2428551 No.2428551 [Reply] [Original]

I am an experienced investor who has made 50k this year alone in crypto and stocks. I am telling you right now that Siacoin (SC) is going to moon today, and if you don't get on this today, you will be sad when you don't make crazy gains....

Buy Sia. Make Gains.

>> No.2428583

So why will it moon?

>> No.2428584

Got anything to back any of this up?

>> No.2428623

I've been studying stocks for decades, and crypto for several years now. I know a thing or two about speculation. I can't say anything 100% for sure, obviously, but I do have a strong hunch and I'm usually not wrong. Like I said, I've made a load of money off crypto this year from the same 'hunches'

>> No.2428645

It's already too high, no thanks!

>> No.2428655

Wow its literally nothing

>> No.2428661

Thank you, kind experienced investor.

>> No.2428670

Whatever you say, buddy. It's your word against mine, but my word is definitely more reputable and experienced

>> No.2428705


I just got off the phone with George Soros, he says the Sia moon mission has been postponed.

>> No.2428707


quick some random dude on the interwebs has a hunch!


>> No.2428708
File: 38 KB, 1319x466, WOW,JUST LOOK THIS MOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW,is gone to space ,is for real guys ,lock Looks like the graph ,totaly fine , totally fair to buy op bags

>> No.2428713

I just got off Skype with him. He said it's back on.

>> No.2428716

Not only SIA.
Ripple too.
also: https://blog.sia.tech/growing-pains-8e7b01c56f7e

>> No.2428732

I've been HODLing for close to a month now but I'm really tempted to jump ship to ETH. This coin has been dicking around too much for my liking

>> No.2428731

Hey I just had one of the Rothchilds lick my gooch and they told me in between gasps of air that SC is going to moon to their net worth within 5 days.

>> No.2428747

>t. ETH shill

>> No.2428750

Wait til the end of the day today and you will be pleasantly surprised.
You sound like an experienced investor.

>> No.2428755

dear experience investor, I'd expect you to have earned more than 50k in such a volatile market if you are an experence investor. other than that I like sia.

>> No.2428776

lol how am I a shill? I have ALL my shekels invested in SIA but it's been stagnant for weeks...Meanwhile I missed out on the ethereum train when I could've tripled my cashish

>> No.2428781

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.2428787

It's going to moon today friend, just wait to sell for gains..

>> No.2428791

Siacoin as in see ya coin? Hmm

>> No.2428798
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, arjun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir this artificial sell wall I'm seeing whale-club screenshots on our discord buy buy buy sir

>> No.2428801

On discord with him now, he's having second thoughts

>> No.2428806

ok experienced whale - cough up that 50K out of your blowhole and drop it on Sia right now if you're so sure and then I'll see

>> No.2428820

So let's say you know what you're talking about. I'm in eth and btc right now, and want to go to alts that have potential for huge gains long term (several years). Out of all of them Sia looks the best to me, just because of the tech behind it, and supposedly the devs know what they are doing. What is your opinion?

>> No.2428823

kek, never saw that before - now I can't unsee it!

>> No.2428830

Facetimed him on my iPhone 4, he says his second thought is 'Sia is going to moon'

I already have approx 7 BTC in Sia

>> No.2428840

Why would u put all of them in one highly speculative project? You literally want to be poor.

>> No.2428865

Gonna be mad af when you miss out on these gains boy

>> No.2428871

> experienced investor
> Made 50k
> Lol

>> No.2428875

I have 865K shares I bought at 318 sats. I hope this motherfucker gets nicknamed orbitcoin

>> No.2428877

I suggest you google Filecoin, Storj, or Swarm, or literally anything using InterPlantery FileSystem or GNUnet

Sia is not unique. Do you trust the Sia team more than that other groups that are using accredited investors instead of shilling their coins?

>> No.2428903

>Making more by doing nothing in 3 months than you make in a year
You're in for gains buddy

>> No.2428937

This is what I aim to learn about. In your opinion, sia has competitors who can push them out?

>> No.2428951

>doing nothing
successful investing is a full time job

>> No.2428962

>3 months

Top kek

>> No.2429048


I guarantee you that half of the /biz/nessmen that invested in Sia thought that its distributed file storage platform was unique

It's not unique at all, in fact even a shitty coin like Zencash can incorporate IPFS or GNUnet in a few lines of code (they did) by just including the file location address in those secondary platforms

>> No.2429057
File: 2.00 MB, 245x207, 1445572816209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am an experienced investor who has made 50k this year
he has a micropenis

>> No.2429071

>Do you trust the Sia team more than that other groups that are using accredited investors instead of shilling their coins?
Are any of those coins decentralized?
The answer is no. Therefore sia is unique.

>> No.2429098

Autistic LARP but he's not wrong. Siacoin has a long way to go... Anyone buying under 1k sats will be rich by december

>> No.2429100

There are no competitors.
Storj decided to become centralized and the sia dev team doesn't even consider them competitors.
Filecoin is dead.
Swarm is coming out of the womb.
And all other file sharing places (amazon, google drive etc) are more expensive than sia and offer less security.

>> No.2429225

will my 10,000 SIA take me to Pluto?
Got in at 513

>> No.2429230


>> No.2429263

Holy shit someone rational on this board. Thanks for the info, I checked out file coin and it appears you are right in your assessment. Any other thoughts?

>> No.2429270

I'd consider dropping more but I refuse to sell at a loss on XEM & XDN

>> No.2429438


So you basically have no idea and you're just shooting your mouth off..?

Yeah, nah, fuck off cunt.