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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24262255 No.24262255 [Reply] [Original]

We got too cocky howiebros...
We flew too close to the sun...
It was good while it lasted...

>> No.24262432

Selling, while I'm ahead. Will likely buy more when it finishes dipping.

>> No.24262710

" I wish I had bought Link at 10 cents " --> most of you retards would not have made it, would have panic sold like now

>> No.24262736


>> No.24263083
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>> No.24263123

This, /biz/ is a bunch of limp-wristed bitches. I sold half my stack at the top but I’m 100% buying back in once we reach the bottom. If you didn’t expect a correction this week after the weekend we’ve had you are retarded

>> No.24263143

I’m never selling. Literally never. I could be at make-it tier profits or literal $0.00 value and I wouldn’t touch a single ERSDL token. You might as well consider my 100k out of circulating supply. Tell coingecko to update their circulating supply. Fight me, faggot

>> No.24263273

I have never been more comfier being invested in a project before, except maybe with link. I think we have stumbled upon something glorious, something we will tell our grandchildren about. The one thing that changed our lives for the better and ascended us to financial independence. Ah my krieg bros, I feel so grateful to be here with you.

>> No.24263439

Link wasn't 20x up at 17 cents.

>> No.24263639

Link was at 35mil marketcap after listing

>> No.24263676

Kriegzit scam?

>> No.24263731

Massive potential

>> No.24263776

I don't get it? what's wrong with the price? Isn't this an expected price after a correction kek. You guys scared me I thought it was in the 0.15 cent area

>> No.24263916

The token is still young and it already has a history of coordinated fud campaigns, all of which are exaggerated bullshit which the devs have addressed multiple times over. So the people crying about the price are either morons who bought the ATH, or fudders looking to accumulate more. Either way you look at it it’s bullish as fuck

>> No.24264169

come on guys being a janny doesn't pay that well, he's gotta eat.

>> No.24264254

Some faggot started a FUD campaign today because he swung trade 55k eRSDLs like a retard and he tried to get it back by ruining it for everyone.

>> No.24265169

id be glad to take your tokens off your hands. if you dont see how little this dip matters then they are better off in my posession

>> No.24265594
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>> No.24266128

Serious question; if the market crashes soon, shall we make it "our" coin and accumulate in bear until we unload on 2021 summer newfags?

>> No.24266263

>ou might as well consider my 100k out of circulating supply. Tell coingecko to update their circulating supply.
Absolutely based and madman-pilled

>> No.24266480
File: 501 KB, 1024x681, b8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor fud attempt, op is clearly an faggot trying to buy in cheaper.
Coin is 2 months old, if you can't hold longer than that you're ngmi

>> No.24266520

tnx just bought more

>> No.24266597

it's because of the sushiswap fud

>> No.24266606

and always will when swingies try to fud u get only the rope with gem like this

>> No.24266647
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$10 eoy

>> No.24266697

Joined /biz/ yesterday
Bought eRSDL for about $450
What is happening? What am I missing?
Best regards

>> No.24266721

Howie is too active for that, he's spreading the coin as far and wide as he can

>> No.24266820

anon... I
its already our coing faggot

>> No.24266822

Zoom out the price chart and you'll see it's a perfectly natural correction to last week's megapump, it'll be at all time high by next week dw

>> No.24266849

People worry about short term price movements a lot. eRSDL seems to be a good long term buy, and a lot of people with that sentiment are holding unto their tokens. In the near term, swing traders taking advantage of recent price movements are only think in the near term.

>> No.24266957

literally 1st institutional money will pump this shit into oblivion not to talk if its adopted

>> No.24267122

This, people don't understand how much money will be floating around the lending platform

>> No.24268196

Okay guys, I have 10k eRSDL right now, tell me: why this is such a good project that you all believe in? Convince me to double my stack.

>> No.24268237

nobody is gonna spoon feed you. stay poor

>> No.24268270

bump and krieg heil

>> No.24268340
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this is how you know project is bullish af when noone gives a flying fuck to explain to you whats it abou and try to make u buy it

>> No.24268394



>> No.24268495

Understood. Buying more.

>> No.24268497

took out my initial and have 200k howies left
its plain sailing from here boomerbros