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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24262098 No.24262098 [Reply] [Original]

What are some popular finance saying you believe 100%?
>time in the market beats timing the market

>> No.24262717

I live by only one saying:
>Buy high, sell low

>> No.24262791

Is that a man?

>> No.24262821


>> No.24262856

>buy farm and stake it, you retard

>> No.24262870

I would let her give me aids

>> No.24262889

look at her vacuous NPC bimbo face

>> No.24262900

the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent

>> No.24262909

Gotta offset those capital gains somehow.

>> No.24262925

Why do I hate her so much

>> No.24262959 [DELETED] 

Donnie azoff lmao

>> No.24262965

If she is not a virtuous woman then I would carry out my divine duty and subjugate this woman via a combination of exceptional love and the occasional savage beating.

>> No.24263008

>>time in the market beats timing the market
not if you are holding crypto

>> No.24263039
File: 149 KB, 813x1024, 1590295585141m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because pic related. One of the ultimate white pills/black pills, depending on which side of the SMV threshold you're on i.e. if you're attractive then life is usually comparatively easier than if you were not attractive.

>> No.24263283

How can you be sure though? I've been here before & the idiots here tricked me

>> No.24263458

She's unironically ugly tho

>> No.24263553

Fix your eyes bruf.

>> No.24263602

t. kissless virgin

>> No.24263631

women like this are objectively attractve but personally do nothing for me

I guess my type is girls who aren't conventionally attractive (uggos)

>> No.24263642

This, 4/10 would not fuck

>> No.24263700

>feeling this salty because attractive women have it easy
You losers need to realize that you are not in competition with them, you are supposed to take care of them so they can produce children for you. How stupid do you have to be to not realize this is just how nature works? Stop making a problem out of nothing, you will be a lot happier.

>> No.24263730


>> No.24263760

good image
why I prefer women with ugly faces but hot bodies
they hate themselves and struggle hard in the world, but have an amazing body for me to enjoy and be intimate with
they lack the aloofness of the dime that knows she can just leave me whenver and find another man to provide for her
the ugly girl with the hot body knows she needs to try hard to make me happy, and knows I am doing her a favor by keeping her around

>> No.24263773


hyopcritical biz as always. hates trannies, but gets mad when women aren't hard workers like men

>> No.24263856

she has slightly puffy cheeks. Gonna have a weight problem the other side of 25.

>> No.24263861

That's a $100 NY helicopter ride that only poorfags and third world tourists take. I'd be embarrassed if my gf/wife had her tits hanging out for that. You haven't lived the life bros I understand. Once you nut in them the beauty wears off

>> No.24263895

you will never be a woman, and you will never pass
you will always be a troon

>> No.24263913

>they hate themselves
all women hate themselves anon.
I've hung out with countless 10/10s (photographer fag) and they all have crippling self-image issues.

>> No.24264000

Yeah and her value will be over soon whereas mine lasts because of wealth and power. Don’t get married. Focus on investments. You can make it and then take out these honeys anytime you please.

>> No.24264415

social media was a mistake

>> No.24264478

>around blacks, never relax
time tested