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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24257662 No.24257662 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24257699

This, but unironically.

>> No.24257715

much higher honestly.
there is approx 100T in excess capital in the system right now....if btc gets 15% of that (which is quite reasonable), then thats $800k btc.....

>> No.24257940

It’s the year 2026, you’re at the grocery store and you overhear the checkout bitch talking to her ditzy friend how she just bought 100 bitcoin, what she really means is she bought 100 sats, the price is a mil a btc. On the news you see them talking about those “early” genius btc adopters even as late as 2020 When btc was below 20k a coin. She asks if you’ve ever heard of this bitcoin, you shake your head. you know better then to disclose your power level. you’re comfy, lifes a breeze. you made it congrats.

>> No.24258081

Conservatively. I’ve been thinking more about this and who wants to see the downfall of USD more than anyone? China. Guess who owns majority hashing power? China. Who owns the most US debt and the most Bitcoins? Again China. In this scenario we could easily see USD values engage in a crisis devaluation with Bitcoin hitting 1m in the next 5 years. China benefits from both these scenarios as it makes their debt easier to pay, and their assets worth exponentially more.

>> No.24258364
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>> No.24258429
File: 367 KB, 1242x621, 1CF6759E-384D-4642-A1E3-E139DE2C5344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep that sure looks incredibly bearish to me

>> No.24258532

>I’ve been thinking more about this and who wants to see the downfall of USD more than anyone?
guess who wants it more than that? The US Fed Gov.

You dudes need to get with the program....its like dealing with illiterates. The current debt levels are 25T and growing exponentially....the only way for the US Gov out of this debt collapse is to inflate the USD by 10-100x and transition to new currency system.

(Note: I'm not saying the US Gov is going to purposely transition to BTC, they will probably choose a globalhomo imf token....but BTC will be the winner from all these forces).

>> No.24258600
File: 60 KB, 785x847, C9B6EB5F-8A45-488F-A2A9-671C2FC3878A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLTR will be a $1000 stablecoin in 5 years

>> No.24258604
File: 289 KB, 1242x1572, C88367C8-1756-4FFA-98AD-6BF2CE3FC9AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have reduced it down to two contenders. Algo and XRP were the others, but there is something friendly behind Stellar and I just have a gut feeling it’ll be more positively accepted.

>> No.24258786


btc's performance in march was dismal. people panic when things are going downhill. i don't expect btc to perform any better than the dollar during a financial crash, partly because it is so easy to liquidate on an exchange. the only people making big money here are coinbase when they buy back btc down to $3,000 and then resell it at twenty grand less than ten months later to investors who are trying to FOMO

>> No.24259239

>we here at company FAGGOT like to maintain a great culture! That's why we do not allow for working from home...unless you're those special cases, most likely you're a female, where we just let you get special treatment to wfh for no reason