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24255205 No.24255205 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24255272
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>> No.24255315
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Drudge is a faggot traitor

>> No.24255340


>Trump cult

>> No.24255370

Not really.
The market is rallying because there are vaccines coming out now, which is in large part thanks to Trump and his "Operation Warp Speed".

>> No.24255391

Drudge btfo

>> No.24255392

Biden will remove tariffs and hand out corona gibs
We're going to the moon

>> No.24255415

>Biden will remove tariffs
Ah yes, further helping undermine the US economy by flooding the country with cheap and shitty chink merchandise.

>> No.24255419

>he still thinks Operation Warp Speed was responsible for the vaccines

>> No.24255444
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Literally yes.

>> No.24255454


The market is rebounding because President Rage Tweet is out. Biden will institute a coherent Covid policy and get rid of trumps retarded trade wars with everyone.

>> No.24255474

sorry you can't compete amerishit

>> No.24255480


Do you have a problem with capitalism?

>> No.24255507
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>> No.24255589
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>The market is rebounding because President Rage Tweet is out.
But the market absolutely boosted throughout Trump's presidency.
Aside from the obvious corona thing.
Are you on meds?

>Biden will institute a coherent Covid policy
You mean he will not restrict travel from places like China because that would be racist?

>> No.24255605

Not within a country, but global capitalism would be hell on earth.

>> No.24255621

I have a problem with globalism.

>> No.24255656

that's your problem

>> No.24255703

That's a problem for the majority of regular working-class people in the US.

>> No.24255706

pretty sure it's a larger problem than just one person.

>> No.24255762

If US was to start manufacturing all those things chinks manufacture, who do you think will be working in those factories? cheap imported mexican labour. I would rather have chinks making my stuff from the other side of the world than mexicans making them here

>> No.24255763


Unskilled faggots. Don’t get butthurt that someone who can’t even speak English can provide a product or service cheaper than you can. Get good.

>> No.24255815

>cheap imported mexican labour.
Trump is kind of against illegal immigration too, anon.

>US manual laborers are just "unskilled faggots"
Biden and his ilk sure have the best interests of the American people in mind haha.

>> No.24255816

Fuck them

>> No.24255828

That makes zero sense, not even North Korea is that isolationist and protectionist

>> No.24255851

Biden and his ilk sure have the best interests of the American people in mind haha.

>not even North Korea is that isolationist and protectionist
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.24255856

but the chinks get all the knowledge based side industries while the US remains intellectually stagnant. you have to admit neolibrulism just can't deliver on it's promises.

>> No.24255859

so, you want to replace the manufacture of billions of chinese products without new cheap imported labour? so basically all those products will x10 in price and the consumers get fucked in the ass.

>> No.24255892

>cheap imported mexican labour.
pretty sure that's a dead meme outside of food manufacturing.

>> No.24255915

What you're describing is some kind of hardcore communism wherein your companies are not allowed to be competitive. Not even North Korea and the USSR could do without foreign trade and outsourcing.

>> No.24255924


Do you want a government guaranteed job or something? Daddy Trump is not going to save you. Learn some skills.

>> No.24255944

>chink manufactures something
>it breaks in 5 minutes

>> No.24255967

As opposed to chink workers getting fucked because companies like Apple mark up their chink-made products to US-made levels anyway?

Also, guess what happens when more Americans have the jobs; the general standard of living goes up as more people are making more money.
These chink-made products don't just involve unskilled labor, they also involve highly skilled manual labor, engineering jobs, administrative work, logistics, ...

>What you're describing is some kind of hardcore communism wherein your companies are not allowed to be competitive.
Where did I describe this?

>Do you want a government guaranteed job or something?
I don't want government-guaranteed job theft.

>> No.24255988

so who is gonna manufacture all those stuff? niggers? whites that ask 5 times the salary of chinks?

you basically have 3 options

import millions of cheap labour Mexicans to manufacture the stuff in USA

hire local Americans to manufacture them and the price of products goes up x5 because of higher salaries

or have chinks make

I don't think you dumbasses realize that the majority of American brands are manufactured in China not just Chinese brands. The computer and phone you are using right now was made in China

>> No.24256004


>dey dook ur jerbs!

Holy cow it really is 2005 again. Learn to code.

>> No.24256021

what your describing is a worldwide system of anarcotyranny where only firms with access to capital are able to compete while everyone else live under the power of a police state.

>> No.24256032


No don’t you see? Whites are supposed to do all that here for $30/hr with no increase in price for the consumers

>> No.24256033

>the only way to have things is to let chinks and beaners make them
Strange, that's not how things used to be back when the standard of living in the US was much higher.

Letting manufacturing leave the US for China, India, ... literally takes away jobs, yes.

>> No.24256036
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Yes. Yes I do.

>> No.24256047

Can we have collapse of Jewmerica already? This is getting boring.
I was promised a civil war.

>> No.24256082
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>> No.24256098

>no increase in price for the consumers
Of course there'll be an increase in price.
But there will also be a commensurate increase in buying power.

>> No.24256109

No, I am describing normal modern day capitalism as it already exists
Sorry you decided to become a professional Happy meal toymaker

>> No.24256123


You mean when the rest of entire industrialized world was wrecked from a world war? Sorry you have to compete with people who are smarter and more hard working than you are. Hope Trump extends unemployment for you. Luddite faggots like you get BTFO in whatever time period you live in.

>> No.24256128

>so who is gonna manufacture all those stuff? niggers? whites that ask 5 times the salary of chinks?
>you basically have 3 options
>import millions of cheap labour Mexicans to manufacture the stuff in USA
>hire local Americans to manufacture them and the price of products goes up x5 because of higher salaries
lol dude you are 20 years behind the times. china manufacturing isn't that cheap anymore. Most processes are automated now anyway.

>> No.24256163

>no increase in price for the consumers
everything comes at a cost

>> No.24256166

Answer my question; where did I describe this "hardcore communism wherein your companies are not allowed to be competitive" you speak of.

>You mean when the rest of entire industrialized world was wrecked from a world war?
Europe had long rebounded by the 50s-60s.

>> No.24256174

>Get good
You mean "be content to live and work in squalor" because that's what globalism leads to.

>> No.24256192
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one can only hope

>> No.24256202

>i want "capitalism" but only in a single fenced in area

>> No.24256213


Look grandpa, the days of your cushy union job are over. You’re going to have to actually learn some skills and do work. The only person responsible for you is yourself.

>> No.24256239

>sees problem
>chooses to ignore it for ideology
how are you not in a cult

>> No.24256249

What war? Liberals/globalists are winning and conservacucks are too cucked to do anything.

>> No.24256260


Sorry some chink who doesn’t speak English is better than your job than you. Maybe you should provide more value.

>> No.24256274
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Yes neolib
even the economists who originally recommended globalized free trade (and won a Nobel for it) are reneging on it, because it's been such an obvious fucking disaster.

>> No.24256281

>You mean when the rest of entire industrialized world was wrecked from a world war?
not a surprise you never say we should end the post war systems that were put in place

>> No.24256301

>he thinks Pedo is president

>> No.24256303
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>sell out drudge

Might as well msm.

>> No.24256308

lmao that's how countries work.
There isn't just competition among companies within a country, but also among countries.

>the days of your cushy union job are over.
Unions are socialism.

>You’re going to have to actually learn some skills and do work.
It's not a good idea to have a country where the not-so-smart don't have meaningful jobs because they're given to chinks overseas.
It only leads to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Look up the Gini coefficient and how it relates to violent crime.

>> No.24256316


>I want capitalism but only when it benefits me

That’s pretty much their emotional state

>> No.24256320

they were fake and gay from the beginning.

>> No.24256394
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>capitalism means no borders

>> No.24256412

>chinks don't have to follow rules to play the game
>i have to follow rules of the game an i lose
>lol just deal with it bro
neolibs are just complete assholes.

>> No.24256424


>capitalism means international trade


>> No.24256425

>leaves your protectionist country for a country with more favorable growth conditions which is literally any other country

>> No.24256426
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I'm an engineer. You cant outsource liability for design failure so I dont have to worry about chinks or pajeets. Keep up the personal insults, though. I know you have no argument.
Notice in pic related how tariffs were prevalent in the golden age of the west and income tax became much more prevalent as it declined?

>> No.24256438

Apparently it's not matt drudge himself running that thing, dude was possibly blackmailed and he sold it off

>> No.24256455

>unprincipled turncoat shekel chaser prints biases that makes them the most money

oy vey such journalistic integrity. i for one am happy to see (((matt drudge))) embrace truth and objectivity in his opinion piece headlines!

>> No.24256476


Why don’t you start a company then and give all your rural retard buddies jobs? Clearly someone has to look after them. Trumpcucks are socialists for unskilled white people.

>> No.24256518

International trade implies the existence of nations, and the imposition of terms following negotiation.

>market reacts by pushing in your shit like what happened to Harley Davidson

>> No.24256525
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Read a book
please, I'm begging you

>> No.24256532

International trade does not mean no borders. That's absolutely ridiculous to equate the two.

>> No.24256550

>Clearly someone has to look after them.
Yes, and that someone is supposed to be the president for instance.

>> No.24256561


What’s there to argue about? It’s a bunch of Boomers ITT wishing for “the golden age” when they could do jack shit at the Ford plant and make $30/hr for it with no degree or skills. The world changed. Sorry it isn’t 1840 anymore.

>> No.24256580
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>> No.24256593

international trade was literally one of the most fundamental aspects of Adam Smith's theory, the intelelctual founder of capitalist theory

>> No.24256595

>regulatory capture
>cantillon effect
>one way immigration systems
literal neolib anarcho tyranny. why can't you just fuck off.

>> No.24256599

>when they could do jack shit at the Ford plant and make $30/hr for it with no degree or skills

>> No.24256605

>he thinks market reacts favorably to tariffs

>> No.24256622

Biden will never keep a stable market like trump did, you must be retarded or a pajeet if you think Biden will make us money

>> No.24256643

>international trade
International trade implies the existence of nations, and the imposition of terms following negotiation.

What you're describing is neither international nor trade since it's borderless and nearly entirely one-sided.

>> No.24256650


Ahahahahahahah no it does not. Try East Germany if you want the head of state to guarantee you a job bucko. The Founders didn’t give a damn about your unskilled ass.

>> No.24256683
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>What’s there to argue about
That tariffs are necessary to capitalism. You've been trying vehemently to argue the opposite. You lost your argument and now you're testing to act like there was never an argument to begin with.

>> No.24256685

I never said anything about borderless. International trade is about tariff-less trade between countries

>> No.24256686
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Well yes.

>> No.24256690


Yeah I want the stability of trumps weekly trade wars.

>> No.24256717

It's not about guaranteeing jobs, it's about preventing guaranteed job loss.

>International trade is about tariff-less trade between countries
When there are no tariffs, the "countries" are not involved. There is no trade, simply US companies employing Chinese people.

>> No.24256722


So you want to make it illegal to buy products from outside your country? You basically seem to think you should only be allowed to buy products produced in the United States by US workers. Sounds like a communist system to me.

>> No.24256742

>So you want to make it illegal to buy products from outside your country?
You really are supremely dense.
Look up what tariffs are.

>> No.24256764


Incorrect. You have this idea that economic policy from 1840 would be great if tried again in 2020 even though times are completely different. You’re probably a gold standard fag too.

>> No.24256789

>That tariffs are necessary to capitalism
tariffs are necessary when they are necessary. we are entering 4th generation geopolitics where some states are being competitive while others are run by boomerbots that think this is the 1920s.

>> No.24256793

exactly, countries aren't involved in the free market, the very basis of free market capitalism

>> No.24256803


A tax on consumers to take care of inefficient industries for political purposes

>> No.24256812

at least he acknowledges that we are at war

>> No.24256856


By your logic Andrew Jackson should have smashes all the steam engines because they took jobs away from manual laborers. Sorry you’re a Luddite who can’t adapt to changing economic conditions.

>> No.24256865

You are fucked in the head. This is the most ridiculous strawman I've ever seen. Tariff does not mean making things from other countries illegal.

No argument made. Just a strawman word salad again.

>> No.24256879
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MAGAtards btfo again

>> No.24256920

>times are completely different
In other words "just accept the globohomo agenda".

So you agree it's not "international trade".
And capitalism also involves countries competing with other countries.
Capitalism was never about giving companies full political control.

Let's just take a moment and let it sink in that you equated tariffs with making shit illegal lmao.
Just how upset are you right now?

And there's nothing "inefficient" about countries competing with other countries. On the contrary.

This is not the same as taking manual labor from a US guy and giving it to a Chinese guy.

>> No.24256924

The middle class is being squeezed out of existence. Western standards of living are going to be forced down to those of Chinese and India factory workers if governments dont start to engage in some sort of protectionist policy.

>> No.24256943

>what are tax cuts, most of them temporary
Literally Bush 2.0 hat trick

>> No.24256952

>Andrew Jackson should have smashes all the steam engines
pretty sure they smashed themselves and ignoring problems will not make them go away.

>> No.24256967

lmao, cope

>> No.24257001
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>Operation Warp Speed

>> No.24257033
File: 500 KB, 2346x986, pfizer kathrin jansen warp speed tds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Operation Warp Speed.

>> No.24257045

>inefficient industries
stop believe in jewish spooks like economic theory. at the end of the what matters is citizens having an acceptable standard of living and tolerable scarcity/stability in their day to day life.

>> No.24257078

free trade is not political. the government regulating free trade is political

>> No.24257086

And again, moving manufacturing to China not only moves unskilled manual labor to China; it also moves highly skilled manual labor, engineering jobs, administrative work, logistics, ... along with it.

China and India are pumping out tons of engineers just itching to take over from US or Euro engineers for instance.

>> No.24257107

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.24257115


I’m not subsidizing your ass.

>> No.24257121

>free trade is not political.
Again, a US company employing Chinese workers in China is not "trade".

>> No.24257145

based and equilibrium pilled. your future standard of living is that of a chink or street shitter.

>> No.24257146

I don't have to cope I didn't get massively btfo like your orange deity

>> No.24257148


If Americans want to work for Chinese wages then at Chinese hours then good for them. But don’t get mad when you get outcompeted by someone.

>> No.24257188


Do you want to make it illegal for an American company to hire foreigners overseas?

>> No.24257190

i'm part of the white collar managerial ruling class. if anything i will be making the decision to axe your job so a chink can do it with 50% of the quality for 20% of the pay. now shut the fuck up, WAGIE.

>> No.24257221
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alright m8, I know you're hard set on your ideology, but perhaps try looking outside of it for a couple seconds. Smith was wrong about many things.
Economists haven't been particularly successful at predicting the effects of economic shocks, this much should be obvious in the fact that a new batch of economists with different ideological leanings becomes hegemonic every couple of decades.
You're dealing with a complex system, there are no hard set rules like "free trade good", it can be good, it can also not be. It's situationally dependent.
In an economy there is network of actors, all of which impede on the 'purity' of the capitalist system. The government takes taxes, ensures property rights, workers rights, quality standards, etc.
We've already left the world of economist fantasy land where perfectly rational actors maximize their benefit without interference, this has always been a meme, even in the aggregate.
That interference by state actors (a likely necessity for proper upholding of financial contracts, property rights) is going to have an effect on the market of goods, creating imbalances between nations. This is exploitable by state actors who have more control over their people (e.g China), where they can use western countries laws against them to trash their economy (which we've already seen).
The real world is not based on steadfast ideological rules, it's in constant motion with other factors that are difficult to describe mathematically, hence why economists always fuck up.

>> No.24257225

>If Americans want to work for Chinese wages then at Chinese hours then good for them.
You just confirmed that borderless globohomo-ism is a race to the bottom.
If you let countries compete with countries, then the lower standard will be forced to raise itself to the level of the higher standard.

There you fucking go again.
Look up what tariffs are.

This is like trying to explain equations to a Congolese dirt farmer.

>> No.24257229

>If Americans want to work for Chinese wages then at Chinese hours then good for them
they were never given the chance idiot.

>> No.24257227

it literally is though

>> No.24257265
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>employment is trade

>> No.24257281


You talk about tariffs and then you get butthurt that American companies hire foreigners to work in foreign countries. Those are different things.

>> No.24257291
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Not an honest argument. Their regulations are basically nonexistent, cutting their operating costs, and they treat their people like slaves. Ofc they can undercut us here. How the fuck is it fair for the government to raise the burden and cost of manufacturing work here and then go ahead and open up the floodgates to a slave person state of 1.5 billion?

>> No.24257338

More like the markets are soaring because whales are about to dump on you peons before biden enforces 46% longterm capgain tax.

>> No.24257363


Is that before or after he abolishes all private property?

>> No.24257407


Life isn’t fair sweetie. Maybe you can move to China if you’re so envious of chinks working 14hrs a day for $1.

>> No.24257421

Without tariffs, there is no "trade" between two countries, but rather simply "transportation" between two countries.

This isn't a difficult concept. Even you should be able to understand this.

>> No.24257477

>Maybe you can move to China if you’re so envious of chinks working 14hrs a day for $1.
Chinese conditions will come here, don't worry.

Like you acknowledged, borderless globalism is a race to the bottom.

>> No.24257478


Uh, no. Just because McDonalds opens 1,000 locations in China doesn’t mean that they’re stealing jerbs from Americans, nor that they’re exporting Big Macs back to the US.

>> No.24257491
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>i should be able to make a good living from an unprofitable heavily subsidized "business"

>> No.24257510


chinks, folks!

>> No.24257513

You’re the same type of faggot that thinks the press release came coincidentally after the election.

>> No.24257518


But only if it’s in a BASED industry like steel or farming. But socialism is bad mmkay?

>> No.24257534

Before the pistol ar taxes. Dont know wtf you talking about private property

>> No.24257540

>Just because McDonalds opens 1,000 locations in China doesn’t mean that they’re stealing jerbs from Americans

lmao, we're talking about the manufacturing of goods destined for the US being moved out of the US.

It's more about stopping the subsidization of offshoring.

>> No.24257588

Commercial farming is such a risk that it needs to be subsidized. Hopefully smart contract insurance policies will replace gov subsidies

>> No.24257601


No, I think I'll go ahead and demand that the government I elected protects the people they serve. I don't want dystopian class stratification here and hostile, asymmetrical trade practices on part of our biggest geopolitical rival.

>> No.24257624

>But don’t get mad when you get outcompeted by someone.
You do realize this applies to highly skilled manual labor, engineering jobs, administrative work, logistics, ... as well, right?

>> No.24257680


Again, you want the government to take care of your ass with market intervention and the cost passed on to consumers. Based my pede.

>> No.24257746

The government's job is to protect its people, yes.

You on the other hand want a race to the bottom, where borders are nullified and affluent nations have to lower their standards across the board to keep up with third-world subhuman wage costs.

>> No.24257757

>Commercial farming is such a risk that it needs to be subsidized.

it's not because of "risk." commercial farming has been ruined because there are no competitive advantages to be had in farming. modern transportation/preservation practices have leveled the playing field, local markets no longer exist. farms sell on a very broad market against a large number of competing farms that, for the most part, produce interchangeable goods. their only basis of competition is price, which is driven through the floor to such an extent that subsidies are now necessary. these are your """efficient markets""" in action.

>> No.24257825


>manual labor
>highly skilled

But yes, it’s every man for himself out here. No tears for lazy unskilled people in any occupation.

>> No.24257890

>>manual labor
>>highly skilled
lmao yes, never heard of it?

>But yes, it’s every man for himself out here.
Only white cucks say this type of shit.

>> No.24257893


I want the government to get out of the way of economic activity and let free people do whatever they want with their money. You want some bizarre pseudo commie system where there’s an approved list of things you can do with your money and Daddy Trump personally guarantees a job to every American.

>> No.24257910

Every one of your posts is a strawman.

>> No.24257938


Cletus, being a plumber is not highly skilled. And it’s no one la job to look after you but yourself. Move to Cuba or North Korea if you want economic collectivism.

>> No.24258016

Pressure welders, carpenters, electricians are all highly skilled occupations. Theres considerable school and certification required for all of them.

>> No.24258029

>I want the government to get out of the way of economic activity
That's not what the president's job is.
The president is elected by the people, and is there to protect the people.

Without such protections, advanced and affluent countries will have to lower their standards across the board to keep up with third-world subhuman wages.

>being a plumber is not highly skilled
lmao, yeah nah anyone can do it.
Same with being an electrician, or a commercial diver-welder, etc.
You sound like a 16-y-o girl.

>> No.24258304

based anon stating truths in this whole thread

>> No.24258362

Populist drivel isn't the truth

>> No.24258452

>the concept of sovereign nations is populism

>> No.24258470


>Pfizer refused to be part of operation warp speed unless the government paid them via guaranteeing purchases
>still refused the one useful part of operation warp speed for the government by saying no you can’t make any profits off this, if you want to buy this shit you can but fuck off we aren’t taking your money

Trump literally paid them with YOUR money just so Trump could SAY they were a part of his shitty operation. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.24258536

>hurrrr Pfizer refused to be part of a funding operation unless they were funded

wow good eye anon

>> No.24258633

The Pfizer vaccine wasn't even the one that kickstarted this rally, it was the Moderna vaccine. And there was more to it than that, such as making preparations to distribute the vaccines quickly and speeding up the approval process.

>> No.24258822
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>they're talking about their favourite political circus performers again instead of the real power in the land

>> No.24258867



>> No.24258902


Well yes.

>> No.24259178

this but unironically. Fuck owners of capital.

>> No.24259266

>Muh higher prices!!!!!

were things that much more expensive in the 90's? We could literally just roll back our regulations to 90's level, save millions of jobs, and keep 90's level prices on consumer goods.

With that said, how long does your cheap chink shit last? You aren't saving any money if you have to replace it at 2x the rate.

>> No.24259696

>Trump exit
Stocks are soaring because Trump didn't concede.

>> No.24259741

Nobody wanted it faggot. It was just a legitimate fear

>> No.24259932
File: 7 KB, 280x112, neverwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold this tremendous faggot,
who will never be a woman,
with barren hips and sliced up dick,
with manly hands and fake tits,
with broad shoulders so plain to see,

A woman, he will never be.

>> No.24260568

lol no retard

>> No.24260600

he's right tho