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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 256x1280, dhedge_tophat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24221198 No.24221198 [Reply] [Original]

Alright boys, with Eth cracking 600 it’s time to start thinking about which alts are going to 20-50x this alt season. As an experienced /biz/raeli who’s been through a few cycles, it’s clear that for maximum pumpamentals, the biggest winning alts should ideally have a few key properties:

1. Product ready and audited, no bullshit
2. Hasn’t pumped yet
3. Low cap (sub 10 mil, with btc pushing the numbers it is even sub 20 mil is close to a micro-cap)
4. Something DEFI related (for the protocol to increase in value it has to be as close to the fucking money as possible)
5. Sound tokenomics

So without further ado, let me shill something special: DHT (dhegde DAO) checks all this boxes, AND WITH VC BACKING OUT THE ASS

Address: https://etherscan.io/token/0xca1207647Ff814039530D7d35df0e1Dd2e91Fa84

dhedge DAO is a non-custodial money management protocol that is actually working. You deposit money into a manager’s pool, and he/she/it can only make trades on it, with no way of running away with the money. If youre a shit manager, you don’t move to the top of the public leaderboard, and you don’t get money to manage. All built on SNX (the pool managers execute trades through the SNX platform).

In short, its a decentralized hedge fund platform, and is currently in position to be the premier decentralized hedge fund platform on Eth and therefore crypto. Globally, the total amount of managed capital in boomer markets is about 100 trillion, with billions in crypto alone. As crypto matures, DHT is poised to slowly eat this market due to its first mover advantage, as well as its trustless and transparent system (which is undeniably superior to a tradtional hedge fund, where you need to trust the manager to pay you the amount you deserve/give you back your money).

>> No.24221214

Let’s address the above points:

1. product launched October 25 after several rounds of rigorous audits.


Below is the full report of the rounds performed and bugs fixed:


2. Hasn’t pumped yet. Only 2x from the 2.5 million bottom, on no news and no hype. So far it’s only been in accumulation on uniswap (not listed on any major exchanges yet, but Binance is basically guaranteed)

3. Under 6 mil cap as of writing this. Fully diluted is higher but that supply won’t hit the market for years

4. Decentralized money management is about as close to the money as it gets. No NFT art or esoteric bullshit

5. Tokenomics. DHT is a governance token, but staking DHT will GIVE YOU A SHARE OF TOP PERFORMING POOLS, RISK FREE. See: https://medium.com/dhedge-org/dht-incentives-mainnet-and-beyond-52a59fcd1e19
This means that as total amount of profit accrued by top pools increases (whether by funds managed or by attracting superior managers) so does your risk-free profit as a DHT holder.

>> No.24221259
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Now as for the VC’s who are invested…list is as follows:

Framework Ventures, Three Arrows Capital, BlockTower Capital, DACM, Maple Leaf Capital, Cluster Capital, Lemniscap, LD Capital, IOSG Ventures, NGC Ventures, Bitscale Capital, Divergence Ventures, Genblock Capital, Trusted Volumes, Altonomy, Continue Capital, The LAO, bitfwd (比特未来) and Loi Luu, Co-Founder and CEO of Kyber Network

With tokens vested over a three year time period, so they won’t be dumping on you any time soon. In fact, it’s far more likely theyll be pumping this shitcoin sky high in short order (wth a binance and maybe even kikebase listing). YOU ARE EARLY

A few reasons why this product aligns with biz ideals:

1. built on SNX, and therefore Chainlink.

2. No plebbit bullshit. You can manage money in a completely anon manner. If you make money you make money, if you don’t you don’t. Credentials and karma don’t matter

3. Investors can pull money at any time from a pool, meaning risk is symmetrized: managers win big from big gains (they set the management fee), and lose big from big losses (and can’t easily recover reputation and therefore accumulated funds if they lose)

4. Team is white and not anon. See https://cryptobriefing.com/defi-review-investors-guide-dhedge/

In fact, I think many biz lurkers will soon be trying their hand at managing pools. A few already are. I personally am balls deep and won’t be taking profit until $20: in fact I’ll not only be staking some of my DHT, I’ll be investing in top pool managers

Now...let’s hear the inevitable pajeets scream about how this is a scam.

>> No.24221293
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Thank you, based big brains

>> No.24221331

Based. The white man rises again.

>> No.24221381

For once no pajeet style advertising for a coin? Iam shocked kek.

>> No.24221383
File: 1.28 MB, 932x928, hedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ridin' with hedge. Easy 20-50x. Comfiest hold desu

>> No.24221389

I finally FOMO'd into this after watching it 1.5x

>> No.24221400

I’ll look into it. I’m in EGO right now and hoping for some solid gains in a few weeks

>> No.24221425

Anon I.....

>> No.24221446
File: 31 KB, 256x1280, IMG_20201123_223136_682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White doxxed team
Thanks that was enough to go all in

>> No.24221487

ego.finance should hit $200 minimum in December so you’re good

>> No.24221520

where do i get this?

>> No.24221569

When 10?

>> No.24221611
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>> No.24221640
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>> No.24221655

ty anon, just put 50% of my life saving on it, will probably cashout at 50$/dht and retire on an island in 1 year max.

>> No.24221664

Uniswap, read the OP you fufking retard

>> No.24221744

Me 2 kek. Dht will save us

>> No.24221786
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3k hedge hog flying in

>> No.24221922

Iota the next

>> No.24221940

1k stacklet here. Gmi

>> No.24221952

stop shilling your pajeet trash in my thread faggots

>> No.24221983

If you don't mind. How much is a fair marketcap for this project? No moonboy faggot shit please

>> No.24221984

Those pajeets are everywhere. Biz doesnt appreciate a good call. Brainlets

>> No.24222029

7.5k and I have a huge dick

>> No.24222059

All in EGO too

>> No.24222063

500 and I have an average dick

>> No.24222120

You helped a whale unload his bags. Based retard

>> No.24222139

With ETH mooning why would I buy this

>> No.24222176

10k average dick but I fucked your mom and gf at the same time


>> No.24222185
File: 24 KB, 409x409, e1a3791e9be96ee893175676800e13f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfiest play all month

>> No.24222218
File: 48 KB, 701x916, dhedge_gangster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because once it cools off owning a bag of the right alts will make you millions, you fucking newfag

how many of you fuckers are from plebbit? please go back

>> No.24222225

Thank you for shilling me this coin. Just a quick research and I’m already buying the idea. It reminds me of a famous platform that’s currently being used by traders for stocks only. However I’m deeply sorry to inform you anons that I will not be in investing in this particular erc20 token. 100 eth? No. 10 eth? No. 1 eth? No. 0.1 eth? No. I wouldn’t throw a single cent into this coin for one and one reason only. The team. From the website, we can clearly we can see that there is no diversity in the team. Where are my pajeets, niggers and trannies?

>> No.24222235

Jokes on you my girlfriend broke up with me on the same day my mom died

>> No.24222306
File: 7 KB, 193x250, 46iwof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tink* *tink*
Based and fuck niggers pilled

>> No.24222380

I think not -- it's following the same pattern as ERSDL desu. Whales arent budging

>> No.24222412

Okay but how do I buy it

>> No.24222425

So you buy dht and those managers invest the money? Sorry for being a brainlet but I would like to hear more! It sounds interedasting.

>> No.24222473

why are there so many whales?

>> No.24222524

Is there a set date for it to be on binance??? because the only crypto I use is binance for obvious reasons

>> No.24222545

Statera ticks all them boxes, OP. For real.
Also happens to be the future King Of DeFi, as well as obviously being the new Biz token.
You are very welcome.

>> No.24222612

Im gonna 50% dhedge and 50% smartcredit, fills are your key properties too

>> No.24222634
File: 217 KB, 600x592, b22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$eXRD is a better bet, the liquidity mining rewards alone basically ensure that you will make a ~5x, even if price doesn't move.

You probably won't make 50x, but you aren't also risking your investment going to 0, like when you're gambling on shitcoins like dhedge.

>> No.24222639

also why do the last 250 wallets have $0.00 of the token?

>> No.24222699

Afaik even crypto influencers can setup a hedge fund at DHT where people buy and they invest for you. Or if you are a good shitcoin hunter.

Ngl this might be BIG, esp as we heading into a bull market. Normie friendly af

>> No.24222744

how do 100,000$ sound?

>> No.24222747

Damn bullish. 250 less holders

>> No.24222767

I'm all in. All my 5eth, down from 20 a few months ago. You better no fuck me.


>> No.24222806


>> No.24222821

> Fully Diluted Valuation
> $119,841,764

Yeah sure I'm gonna buy into that pile of garbage VC dump fest.

>> No.24222974

5 yr vesting nig nog. 25% of supply will be out by end of 2021.

>actually care about FDV with no research

>> No.24222995

>vested for 3 years

>> No.24223013

Alright, I'll bite. The arguments were compelling and the fact that 3AC are in it make me feel comfy already.
Cheers OP

>> No.24223134

normie here, i have btc how do i purchase your shitcoin?

>> No.24223188

Need to convert it to eth on a centralized exchange and buy through uniswap

Or you can wait until it lists on binance at 20x the current price

>> No.24223193


you don't. stay away from scams like this and buy btc/eth/link. Just look at the holders lol, last 250 wallets have $0.00 of the token ...

>> No.24223302

Jesus Christ not this shitcoin again. It has been pumped and dumped countless times and left a lot of anons bagholding

>> No.24223316

Stay poor faggot

>> No.24223414

Uniswap. It's a shitcoin though mate, so just ride it the pump and then sell it lol.

>> No.24223580

Yeah, I'm out

>> No.24223595

You gotta bet on shitcoins if you want to make and don't have a few 100k already.

>> No.24223697

Make it*

>> No.24223866

This. I'll buy 1k

>> No.24223911

shill me one other than THIS

>> No.24223930

Good. Don't follow smart money and go buy the usual rug pull scams.
One year until any unlocks.

>> No.24223962

I know, but I looked up the discord and it's dead even though it's mooning. plus the inflation is through the roof.

>> No.24224002


>> No.24224012

Why so few holders?
This shit has many high profile VC and more than 4K twitter followers?
Especially after a full month being released

>> No.24224092

Because you're early faggot. vc's haven't started shilling yet

>> No.24224119


good decision anon. easy to get suckered into these sort of shillposts but look at holders list, these fuckers are going to dump on you.

>> No.24224196

The discord isn't dead, they just don't pay jeets to create an artificial community. Remember, you are still early on this and building up a real community takes time.

>> No.24224298
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>> No.24224327
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>> No.24224332

I'm not taking profit until $10. Coin hasn't pumped yet retard

>> No.24224374


>> No.24224463


stop hating on me faggots, we can't allow newfags to make it THIS EASILY ...

>> No.24224550

kek spoken like a true /biz/raeli

>> No.24224868

50x is conservative, oh forgot you were not on about NEC

>> No.24224930


>> No.24225063
File: 61 KB, 692x907, IMG_20201124_180427_785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested in this man

>> No.24225464

Based, gmi

>> No.24225549

step by step
how do i buy this ya fuckin gooks!!!

>> No.24225868

>DHT tokens are a means by which users may utilise the protocol. dHEDGE DAO does not recommend purchasing DHT for speculative investment purposes. DHT tokens may lose value or have no value and may have no market.

>> No.24226179

How new are you actually? There has to be a risk disclaimer on crypto tokens in many juridications, only scams don't have one.

>> No.24226451

i assume you have crypto stored in metamask. firstly, unzip your pants and pull out your dick. Next you want to got to this link
then you click on trade. select the eth or usdc and type the amount. after that you might want to take your finger and it down your shaft. insert finger into mouth to make it wet and then continue stroking your dick. Finally you click swap

>> No.24226678

thank you
no and i mean no normie can do this. we are a decade from real world adaption on any of this shit.

>> No.24227143

VC's will pump this to $15 easy

>> No.24227371


>> No.24227438

GNY.io gonna pump, EASY

Machine learning, unexploited, solid team, good FA, good TA

>> No.24227567

Because thats what Framework Ventures and 3AC do

>> No.24227919
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pajeets, hindus, curryboys and dotheads are out. time for the bullrun. new frens stay away from this if you want to keep your money stick to the bluechip coins.

>> No.24228525

>keep your money
>like 40 VCs invested and funds locked for 1 year before unlocks

Kek.. dont be like this retard. Alwayd DYOR!

>> No.24228623

There is still real advice on this board. Thanks faggots, see you at the top

>> No.24228692

Not a single jeet or nigger on the team, what happened to biz? Why does it produce good quality posts?

>> No.24228790

I love watching faggots fomo into xrp and btc just to watch it crash again and ignoring this guaranteed moon mission.

>> No.24228980
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How many DHT for this one?

>> No.24229040

let the newfags chase the pumps. We had to learn it the hard way, too.

>> No.24229073

Let me accumulate fags

>> No.24229077

ego is going straight to $7k in January
screencap this

>> No.24229711
File: 59 KB, 1024x655, 1591024072084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once that pajeets put on the effort in order to shill, looks like you fuckers have finally learned how this site works. Took you some time to use all of those VPNs trying to look natural. I might consider having a look at your VC backed shitcoin to reward your efforts, but don't expect me fomoing into yet another scamtera

>> No.24229794

Sweet vishnu...

>> No.24229938

Very authentic post.

>> No.24230458

This. I'm usually pretty good at noticing scams, the curries are getting better at this

>> No.24230474

That would be 10 DHT eoy

>> No.24230769

Holy fuck we just pumped from 1.31 to 1.45

>> No.24230869
File: 18 KB, 640x480, 1606250979524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dead giveaway for this thread is how close all of the replies are. Even if we're currently in quite the hype pump period, no thread is this fast unless it's about LINK, BTC, XRP or even Monero I'd say.

This reeks either of pajeets trying their hardest with VPNs or even worse, a coordinated telegram shilling attempt by people who actually managed to integrate and assimilate the website

>> No.24230966

ethereum classic my chads

>> No.24231051

Why does ethereum classic still exist? Who believes in this ultimate shit token?

>> No.24231072

You can either get on board when VC's pump this to high heaven, or later. This isn't some rugpull scam.

>> No.24231154

hey retard. real /biz/nessmen know a pick when they see one, and we have been here for years. stay poor

>> No.24231240
File: 181 KB, 1182x966, 1449096040884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we cant all be winners i guess

>> No.24231534

what's the deal with VC's?

>> No.24231587

Hey retard LINK was a discord tranny coin from day 1, it was also heavily shilled by mods you delusional newfag

>> No.24231727

Glad to see this coin get mentoed - I almost paid 2.46$ for it at the ICO - waited until .83 cents - guys I know you're all scared and dont trust legit businesses but but fuck me this is a DAO based off SNX - its going to go at least 60 mil MC by early Jan - Australian Based team - ScoMo doesn't want u to know

>> No.24231884

>he doesn't know

>> No.24232118

fuck u made me buy more

>> No.24232233



>> No.24232281

What the fuck, where'd yoi bought this, can't find it anywhere

>> No.24232306

not the brightest guy are you

>> No.24232375
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>> No.24232847


>> No.24233526

1k stacklet reporting in. I will make it r-right frens?

>> No.24233612

how does 50k sound?

>> No.24233623

We are gonna make it

>> No.24233663

bought 100, should i buy more?

>> No.24233703

Lost a lot of money so far in this bullrun ... (20% of my portfolio) so, if this redeems me I will be forever grateful.

>> No.24233718

Wow thread is still going?? Bullish

>> No.24233774

Threw 2 eth in it, let’s see.

>> No.24233823

I looked into this after your last shill thread yesterday. This is a genuine scam or shitcoin. Look at their website
- No whitepaper
- No info on the team

I had to google this trash to find who the fuck the team were, only to discover it's three "founders". The main one's claim is that he manages some obscure no-name crypto hedge fund. I've got nothing against your hustle pajeet, I hope you make some good money scamming /biz/raelis into pumping this trash but also fuck you.

>> No.24233898
File: 518 KB, 828x1792, A17E8C29-F3E8-481D-BFCD-6C6A700CFA6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I get 6 figures this bull run bros..

>> No.24234413
File: 63 KB, 1007x1024, dht_comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally pajeet tier FUD. they dont have a fuckign white paper because they have full documentation on their website, along with a working and heavily audited product


as for the team, its all white nordic boomers. they aren't advertising themselves because theyre letting the product speak for itself, which it is

>> No.24234627

can we not fucking shill this already I don't mind stupid newfags pumping my bags yet

goes in all fields

>> No.24235142

Time for accumulation is over my man, but buying here isn't a bad idea still going 20x

>> No.24235458
File: 994 KB, 250x250, birb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decentralized trustless socialmedia without corporate entity. Rewards people for posting and the content is stored on the chain itself.
Got it's own coin, not a token. With Parler taking off and all the other shitstains
it is ripe for the taking if enough anons switch over.

You don't need to invest just get some with activity or recruitment.

>> No.24235486

How many to make it anon?

>> No.24235626

time for accumulation over? finally some honesty. thanks anon, not gonna pump bizraeli bags just to get dumped on

>> No.24235667

Synthetix promotes dHedge as “its” DEX on its website. It’s got serious money behind it wanting it to succeed. It’s not a pajeet shitcoin.

>> No.24235672

its not even listed on binance m8, what do you think happens then? I'm not taking profit until $10

>> No.24236010

I only have 5ETH (after losing everything in a hack this summer) how much should I convert into DHT?

>> No.24236073

all in if it pullback to $1

>> No.24236076
File: 26 KB, 320x320, 1606129476961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CP3R is looking pretty comfy with 80% of the supply being burned and the staking gains are great

>> No.24236144

How much did you lose?:(

>> No.24236162

not happening unfortunately

>> No.24236267

about 60ETH

>> No.24236351

Used to have 50 ETH, lost it all to unishit gambling. I managed to flip 1 ETH to 15 ETH investing in good projects, but now im down to 12 ETH.. Cuz I tried gambling and lost it on unishit coins..


>> No.24236470

gtfo with your pajeet shilling Ranjesh

>> No.24236486

kek. i've lost probably 200k in unigambling and Andre rugs. Lost 35eth when he pulled out of zLot and was not at my computer. I fucking hate that guy.

Anyway, I think dHedge will be a winner

>> No.24236535

200k was of the 500k I made from YFI so its not the end of the world. Still hate him though. I'm balls deep in this and gives me early YFI vibes

>> No.24236585

How do you get your money back? I feel like it was a chain reaction for me when I lost 5 eth then i gambled again.. lost another.. and so on.. because I wasn't satisfied with investing into good projects with '5 eth less than what i had'.

This is my portfolio now. Hopefully i picked the right alts lol

>> No.24236726

Even those “investment fund” pages look fake as fuck, but I’m shocked they went to the trouble, this is probably one of the most well executed scams I’ve ever seen on /biz/

>> No.24236765

This is a scam and this thread is filled with chinks paid to post it

>> No.24236774

>This isn't some rugpull scam.

Okay this is definitely a rugpull scam

>> No.24237073

Did you smoothbrains even read the OP?

>> No.24237412

they are fuding to accumulate leave them be

crypto is the land of hopes and dreams. i imagine its like immigrating to america from europe back in the early 1900's. Wait til real crypto bull run this time next year. Everything 10, 20, 30, 100xs. This is just a taste. You DHT bag will get you 30-75k. then just all in that to something else, now you have 300k, etc etc

>> No.24238002

do you really think this one has YFI potential? I'm scared to buy in right now

>> No.24238029

Scam thread kek

>> No.24238061

huge scam guaranteed to lose money don't buy terrible ceo

>> No.24238096
File: 90 KB, 1802x807, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez! If only I listened to the anon that shilled me this at 80 cents 2 days ago. I bought at 1.30 today lol.

>> No.24238247

how is this only 10m mc

>> No.24238750

hahahah we're mooning

>> No.24238974

kek these fools trying to accumulate too late. this is a nigger free zone

>> No.24239053

post is on cryptomoonshots now

>> No.24239302


>> No.24239362


>> No.24240309

OP here. damn, its still going wtf posted this like 10 hours ago

>> No.24240327
File: 90 KB, 250x250, dracula_protocol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought on "DRC" /biz?

>> No.24240377

Delete this scam faggot.

>> No.24240809

why are there so many faggots shilling scams in my thread? FUCK OFF

>> No.24241192

checked and bumped

>> No.24241235

dumping has begun, just like a couple of weeks ago. enjoy

>> No.24241725

what are you smoking nigger?

>> No.24241763

I got into crypto early this year on LINK memes. I did a very basic entry. Coinbase, buy LINK, ignore all other scams, hold. After reading your posts I finally spent a few hours learning about uniswap, etherscan, gas, and wallets other than CB. Now I've swapped over $1k LINK to DHT to get the early adopter experience I partially missed out on with LINK. Still holding and accumulating LINK, just really needed to get my hands on some decentralized hedge management with a first mover advantage.

>> No.24242395

screencapping this. ty

>> No.24242432

Same I am feeling this is a very based choice anon.

>> No.24242910

Dumped all my Link for DHT as well, early AF anon!

>> No.24243311

considering going all in at this point

>> No.24243525

dubs confirm. If 3AC and Framework are in, this thing is going to fuck

>> No.24243611
File: 58 KB, 1209x463, dht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna COOM

>> No.24243637

I only have between 2000 and 3000 dHedgies. I'm a poor.

>> No.24243677


Future generations will be jealous of your stack.

>> No.24243837

Adding to my bags 50m mc EOY

>> No.24244454

dHEADGE is all white?
lmao I need to get a coinbase account. I've only been trading on Robinhood.

>> No.24244917
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>> No.24245055

so hyped for this, imagine the value this will have when stocks can be traded.

>> No.24245214


>> No.24245254

when i first started browsing this board 4 years ago,i never thought /biz/ would be literally filled by paid shills who've studied the culture and adapted. jesus christ what monsters have we created.

>> No.24245352

we ARE the culture you absolute retard

>> No.24245473

You literally missed out on 2x gains from where we started shilling yesterday, and you're about to miss out on 10x more. On a coin with an all white male doxxed team that is heavily backed by snx and large defi players, that is pumping through a micro cap bear market

How does it feel to be the retard who ven after 4 years can't tell us pajeet dogshit from real coins?

>> No.24245670
File: 29 KB, 783x504, alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitcoin is pulling an ALPHA. Expecting 10x from my 80c entry with no breaks.
The trading volume to marketcap ratio is still only 1/3, its not on binance, inflation is low. I'm comfy as fuck.

>> No.24245862


>> No.24246020

Bought this token before biz started shilling it. Comfy.

>> No.24246669
File: 122 KB, 1244x700, IMG_20201125_063047_516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not hard

>> No.24246784

Bought more. Thanks

>> No.24247444

I’m not shill I did my fking research and bought after the gnosis sale and passed on the info to biz.

>> No.24247750

Manage your risks fren. I could be wrong.

>> No.24248433
File: 193 KB, 320x350, 1418017200606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here, I have no fucking idea how to buy DHT.

I'm a qualified paramedic, not some dumb cunt. Why is the crypto world so hard for me to wrap my tiny brain around? Fuck

>> No.24248474

You go to uniswap using the contract address plug in meta mask and buy

>> No.24248520

just use metamask, buy eth from there then convert it on uniswap

>> No.24248538

You should go next for INJ. It's going to do very well!

>> No.24248567

DHT was real niceeeeee
now i'm looking at bonded. liquidity just jumped imma be soooooo made it

>> No.24249306

DHT was nice, but INJ is also great and it's backed by Binance.

>> No.24249461

Its just starting faggot. Stop shilling your pajeet token

>> No.24249534

DHT is indeed one of the most legit projects I've seen. The idea is great, the platform is great and the potential it has is unbelievable. Truly a gem.

>> No.24249535

why does the top wallet have 93%

>> No.24249568

Thanks anons, IGMI

>> No.24249605

only a fking matter of time this coin is in the top 200 list

>> No.24249630

took some faggot's advice yesterday and got a bag

>60% ROI in 24 hours

feels so good bros

>> No.24249747

the platform has potential and is based on SNX. DHT itself is essentially worthless and has no inherent value-generating mechanism.

>> No.24249925

on what?

>> No.24250288

Locked funds for 5 years with first unlocks at 1 year from now

>> No.24250842
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>> No.24250982

Thanks anon, I believe you're not a pajeet

Just bought a 1k bag on Uniswap

Spoonfeed me on what gives the token value? Do they get a cut of the investment manager fees?

>> No.24251361
File: 22 KB, 400x400, IMG_20201124_215837_383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots we mooned over night

>> No.24251587
File: 88 KB, 1007x1024, IMG_20201124_231433_287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More and more influencers jumping onboard.
We are still early biz

>> No.24251722

Gotta love when those in the medical field think they're inherently intelligent. Sorry man but look at how many bimbos become nurses and to a lesser extent doctors. You just know how to memorize shit and are a people person.

>> No.24251907

Can someone please tell me the name of this on uniswap? I only see hedg and the name of the coin is dhedgeDAO

>> No.24251938

>wake up
>thread is still up



Here you go brother

>> No.24252072

needs more spacing next time plebbit faggot

>> No.24252162

tell me how i know you're a newfag trying so hard to fit in

>> No.24252164

I'm terribly mad at this token because I had the chance to buy it for 40 cents but waited all the way up to 80. I'm glad to see the price going up but fuuuck, it's hard to swallow my mistake.

>> No.24252234

saw at 80, bought at 1.30. and now another one at 1.50.. F it

>> No.24252306

I feel you my brother in arms

>> No.24252723

what are the chances of dhedge hitting $10?

>> No.24252908

how does $30 sound?

>> No.24252928

sounds delusional

>> No.24252963

If you HODL, pretty damn high

>> No.24252983

Lmao it's funny because I actually know the founder and a lot of the backers of this project. Not gonna sit here and Larp, but he's pretty decently sized in the aus blockchain scene. Would I buy this? Hell no. It's already at 10m mc and I don't see it going higher. They have a big discord with tons of fomo already, so it makes sense it shot up so fast. Would not touch this with a 10 foot pole as some people in this project have had many other failed ones.

>> No.24253009

I've never met the guy IRL but I have been to some conferences his incubator has held.

>> No.24253055

I never met the guy and I don't care who created this, desu. I just want the token to be listed in Binance.

>> No.24253282

He runs a working, successful start up (several), very well respected people gave him millions of dollars in investment and he runs his own incibator.... and you jerk yourself off on /biz/. I think I know who I'll trust my financial future to

>> No.24253495

this has some big well-known VC's investing in this. I'll trust them over some faggot on biz

>> No.24253604

take this boomer's advice, anon.

>> No.24253845

Okay faggots I'll have a look

>> No.24253902
File: 85 KB, 650x737, IMG_20201124_214306_644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought 1k more. Btw some prominent influencers just bought in. You will see this everywhere soon. Minimum 60 mil marketcap eoy. Cap this

>> No.24254171


>> No.24254238

So I researched it and it's basically token: not needed

But there is a hint that holders may get a cut of manager profits in the future

I'm just going to hold this for a few weeks and then sell

>> No.24254292

Mate seriously? This is crypto. No token is needed!!!! We're here for the money.

>> No.24254519

Scamtera 2.0

>> No.24254543


>> No.24254603

What do anons think of injective (INJ)?

>> No.24254630

If you want a cut of top performing funds you should be in the DAO. Imagine if a service fee is assessed and is distributed to stakers. Lots of potential.

>> No.24254743

I’ll bite. There’s only one thread on biz. If everything you say is true about this hard to pronounce shitcoin then you need to fire your marketing team right now. Marketing is everything and this is a big fail.

Not gonna make it.

>> No.24254773

It's just too early. Not even biz has realized yet.

>> No.24255076

268 stacklet here, will I make it?

>> No.24255167

How does 26,800$ sound?

>> No.24255280

Sounds fake.

>> No.24255546

After missing out on the ETH and LINK shilling, here goes.

>> No.24255640

I don't think people understand the full potential. This will be the premiere fund for SNX which will eventually trade all synthetic assets.

>> No.24255662

Not gonna work

>> No.24255666

He doesn't know

>> No.24255724

is the liquidity locked?

>> No.24256011

Yes it's locked

>> No.24256049

What's the difference between this and Genesis Vision?

>> No.24256537
File: 842 KB, 1920x1080, Eg9ZYFFWAAInEuU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full lock for 1 year, then 25% every year for 4 years.

>> No.24256610

>up 20.95% last 24 hours
you're a faggot OP

>> No.24256704

dhedge is looking like early link

>> No.24257053

only coin that looks like early link is rsr

>> No.24257482

Na, not even rsr

>> No.24257487

shill me RSR.. how do i know its not like shitcoin NEO or IOTA

>> No.24257769

It’s actually just the opposite. The product is still very much in development—i.e., not yet in the form that that the massive VC behind the project wants to broadcast to the public. They will start advertising when they have a finished top-tier DEX. That’s how early you are.

>> No.24257877

Imagine shilling garbage stable coin in a legendary thread about the next LINK. Have some respect faggots.

>> No.24258158


>> No.24258239

Haven’t seen any Fud so far

>> No.24258290

The only FUD I have seen was something about a bunch of $0 transactions and no pajeet Telegram.

>> No.24258320
File: 6 KB, 225x224, 1606137819892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd better be right this time /biz..
I don't know why I listened to the faggots shilling RBC. Guess I deserve it.

>> No.24258917

Genesis Vision has been doing this and they have gone nowhere....

>> No.24258933

buy legit projects like dHEDGE

>> No.24259067

Genesis is legit. It actually works. That doesn't mean it is gonna explode in price.

>> No.24259158

u wrote RBC?

>> No.24259218

Why would you buy RBC? wtf buy DHT!

>> No.24259551
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>> No.24259559

Good points.

A counterpoint is that dHedge is decentralized and requires no signup bullshit, like Uniswap. Just plug and play—for both investors and managers. I don’t think people get how huge that is. (We can’t even verify what Genesis Vision has to offer really, because they created a barrier to entry.)

>> No.24259655

Holy shit I am on this rocketship

>> No.24259811

Hard to pronounce? D as in the letter D. "DUH, DAH". Hedge. Hedge.

Fucking mongoloid

>> No.24259886

This juggernaut did not even care about the btc dump last night.

>> No.24260001

Alright OP here, this is gonna moon hard but next link is a stretch...

How in the fuck is this thread still going?

>> No.24260067

>i know him
>but I never actually met him


>> No.24260330

what the fuck are those shitcoins from nowhere just fucking mooning in few days wtf is that, who is pumping that

>> No.24260673


>> No.24260785



>> No.24260831

Top 100 coin, easy. Under $50 is fud.

>> No.24260902

sick you will provide exit liquidity on binance listing then.

>> No.24261007

I'm up over 150% the past two days, faggot.
Tell your mother not to suck my cock so hard.

>> No.24261311

your autism is off the charts. So you have more money to buy my bags with when this is listed on Binance. Sounds good.

>> No.24261364

the more i look at this pajeet scam the more i realize it will got to 35m mcap before december 19

>> No.24261433

What happens on December 20th?

>> No.24261472

> you made money
> your decisions will benefit me

You tryin' to suck my dick now too?

>> No.24261484
File: 19 KB, 334x506, IMG_20201124_214943_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why you are still a poorfag

>> No.24261497

Someone needs to buy my bags on binance

>> No.24261572

When is this getting listed on chinknance?

>> No.24261722

This is unironically bullish. Pajeet moonboi telegrams kill projects

>> No.24261854

I'm thinking straight coinbase

>> No.24262131


>> No.24262623

Can't check price rn, is it $2 yet??

>> No.24262786

Dude you missed the train, it skyrocketed to $5, didn't even have the time to buy my bag

>> No.24263054


>> No.24263326


>> No.24263352
File: 297 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201125-123035_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy CLF lol

>> No.24263393

Our job here is done.

JAAAANNIEEEESSSSS! You may now delete the thread.

>> No.24264148

I'm shilling it because I've got a small 30k bag of it, but you guys need to look into AMP.

The tokenomics aren't great but it's a very legit product with a very legit team behind it, founded by the CTO of a unicorn startup and backed by the Winkleovess twins

>> No.24264413
File: 453 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought and have no idea what the dumbass token does. I can smell it will go 200x though.

>> No.24264414

>he doesn't know Link is a worthless scam...
whoa nelly

>> No.24264439

The damp is afoot.

>> No.24264549

Yes.. AMPL.. only a million AMPs on dextools to go through!

Which one anon?

>> No.24264987

just a few weak handed fags. correction was needed. still going to $60M mc by end of Dec

>> No.24265050

OP here. Buying the dip. Only pajeets are selling here

>> No.24265370


>> No.24265590

Holy shit we are all going to make it

>> No.24265749
File: 55 KB, 709x1024, 1605980788601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dare I say.... based?

>> No.24265839

Yep, that's pretty much my strategy. I don't read whitepapers, I can't understand them. I just follow the money.