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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24246692 No.24246692 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24246826


>> No.24246906

Too many reasons.

>> No.24247045

If there existed one reason then you would be able to mention it.which you're not able to.

>> No.24247094

so based

>> No.24247136

I don't want to list any.

>> No.24247264
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>they actually followed through
>tech is complete
>acquired legal compliance
>Didnt fork it even though they couldve
>contracted by the EU to help build its NGI
>has an artificial intelligence marketplace, endorsed by Intel
>working with Nvidia, Google, and countless others
>Has superior oracles to chainlink
>has the dankest memes
>Has a team composed of 7 PhD's and the best and brightest in grid computing
>No peers in a usecase thats predicted to generate upwards of 3 trillion dollars in revenue
>Working with leading universities and academics on the forefront of blockchain technology
>built the world's first world-computer
>Enterprise Marketplace is operational Q1 2022
>US legal opinion is Q4 2020
>Has a low supply of only 87 million
>Price is above 1$ and has never been listed on an American based exchange

That good enough? I highly advise you start thinking about a good entry point before shit gets wacky.

>> No.24247317
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I meant Q1 2021
Sleep deprived

>> No.24247344
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>> No.24247345

You made it too easy for him to get rich anon.

>> No.24247468
File: 150 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201106-163237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention they are a GENERAL member, not associate member, in the Open SFF coalition of enterprises with the likes of Facebook and Microsoft. And the only blockchain company there.
Don't ask questions.
But it kiiinda looks like all these companies that have been working with iExec know that they are supremely disruptive, and at this point its either help them along and work together, or someone else will.
iExec is the holy grail of blockchain technology. It's best usecases wrapped into one.
I wouldn't bet against it. Not now.

>> No.24247489

from that picture it seems like iExec workers (cloud computing providers), Data set providers and developers all are paid in RLC and companies (perhaps Google, IBM, NVIDIA, INtel etc.) will use iExec services that are paid in RLC tokens (probably through conversion of dollars to RLC in the background), doesn't that create tremendous buying pressure for RLC token? so the token price will go up a lot? I guess it depends on scale, if it becomes a mainstream project and used by those corporations that are worth trillions combinesd, there will probably be billions of dollars of demnads for RLC tokens each year, then we have speculators and institutional investors, and only a small amount in circulation because most people hold, can this really go to 10k a token then?

>> No.24247521

Yes. Plus staking for workers.
The potential amount of value that will flow through iExec is in the trillions and that value will directly reflect it's market cap.

We are at ground level.

>> No.24247530
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Yes, it's digital oil. There will be both tremendous buy and sell pressure.
Maybe it will reach an equilibrium down the road, but there's definitely going to be a shocking price discovery before we get to that point.

>> No.24247558

All it's going to take is one company to start highly profiting from the benefits of decentralization and RLC will be worth thousands per.

>> No.24247572
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Stir buuuuuut...
>>has the dankest memes
Tldr version

>> No.24247585

Bogs are French, after all.

>> No.24247606

I never bought Chainlink because I never understood the importance and mostly on /biz let's face it there is a lot of BS, but now I am excited because it seems like I have another shot at having a Chainlink type of investment at ground floor! Maybe it will be even bigger than Chainlink because iExec also has special oracles!

>> No.24247635

Nice meme anon.

>> No.24247653

Exactly anon. I think RLC overtakes Link and xrp within 4 years.

>> No.24247667

They also have an original treasury of 10,000 Bitcoin from their ICO to fuck around with.
That's a potential treasury of $200,000,000.


>> No.24247703

They also can't dump 65% of RLC on our heads like LINK can

There are just too many things.

>> No.24247704
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Based....on a true story of world domination.

>> No.24247735

I think if we can help grow the community then the team will be even more excited and work harder to bring this thing into the limelight quicker. They want to completely disrupt the current centralized system

>> No.24247766

And the coolest part about iExec is that any centralized company can easily get the benefits of decentralization with a few lines of code..... They can profit so much more by using iExec

>> No.24247863

I never understood the importance of Chainlink because I thought it was some nonsense interoperability project between blockchains, if I understood back then that it would connect real world data with blockchain in general I would have looked at it differently. Anyway do you think it's possible for big customers (like IBM, Microsoft, Nvidia, Intel etc.) to no only use the iExec servives but they will also build on top of the iExec platform and provide computer power and data sets themselves? Chainlink connects real world data with blockchain, I understand the value proposition now (now that's it's too late), however how do I view iExec since they do so many things. Is it like a one stop shop for mainstream blockchain adoption on scale for companies worldwide?Or is it like a world computer based on blockchain technology where companies and developers and dataset providers are going to build upon, like their projects are APPS. So in short, iExec is a world computer based on blockchain technology for dApps? Perhaps iExec is the Chainlink for cloud computing. It's hard to say it's this or that since there are too many factors at play here

>> No.24247879

Someone explain based for me for I'll get rekt if I don't understand

>> No.24247935

I don't see why they wouldn't. They could create their own dapps and worker pools for anything and get paid in RLC which they would have very large incentives on hoarding since there is only 1 world computer

>> No.24247974

It's the world computer based on blockchain and said blockchain enables new technologies otherwise impossible in a marketplace type setting

>> No.24248006

yes but how about this possibility; current cloud computing providers have a lot of expenses regarding security, infrastructure, customer support etc. etc.if they instead render their computing power to iExec they can cut out a lot of costs since blockchain technology allows them to operate more efficiently. We often talk about IBM and AWS as competitors, however maybe they will become integrated into the iExec project itself, wouldn't that make more sense? it's a benefit for everybody, for those companies (less costs and stuff to deal with), for the users (more computing power for the world computer) etc. etc.

>> No.24248038

Yeah like I said they can get the benefits of decentralization at little to no cost. Yep it's a benefit to everyone and especially early supporters of iExec. I see it as basically the next Bitcoin type investment

>> No.24248074

And by Bitcoin type investment I mean buy early and wait 7 years for it to explode in value.

We're on year 4.

>> No.24248093

That's a very neat summary. So to summarize;

Boomercoin; store of value
Ethereum; smart contracts and dApps
Chainlink; oracles connecting blockchain with real world data
iExec; world computer of blockchain

You look at these four projects it seems they all need one another. The question now is, how important is the iExec piece of the puzzle compared to the other three projects ?

>> No.24248129

well what I like about it now is that throughout the years the project just went through a tremendous evolution, however the price remained the same, and now with these prospects it seems like a good investment opportunity.

>> No.24248132

Indeed but iExec also has oracles so IDK if link will last the test of time. Technology is brutal.

Everything is data and computing. Both now and especially in the future where everything is digital. iExec is arguably more important than Bitcoin.

>> No.24248155

The market doesn't know what we know. That why it's been floating around 1 for 4 years

>> No.24248249

you are right it's not just a world computer, they also provide infrastructure like decentralized oracles, so it's basically a one stop shop blockchain solution.

>> No.24248281

Yeah exactly. A one stop shop to decentralize your business or create something technologically new.

It's the epitome of blockchain technology.
I must sleep now if you leave a message I will read it in the morning. Later oilbro

>> No.24248301
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it doesn't even stop there, you can use Datasets confidentially and securely for Defi loans and as collateral
they are also renting out AI training models with Intel
In addition, there's no reasons iExec workers can't be used to mine cryptocurrency and as btc gets more difficult to mine people will be looking for every computational advantage they can get
the list goes and on and on forever it seems

>> No.24248310

I think we are the risk takers because we invest early based on speculation, we all have access to the same resources, there is no information assymetry, I think maybe they are waiting to jump in when there is even more confirmation and announcements in regards to mainstream adoption. At that point there is less risk (but also less reward)

>> No.24248355

later oilbro, I hope you have nice dreams about your career as an oil sheikh stacking up barrels of liquid black gold.

>> No.24248363

This fucking shitcoin. Stop shilling it

>> No.24248382

so basically it's like the Microsoft of blockchain then?

>> No.24248405
File: 512 KB, 585x781, dop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for bump noiler niggerfag
more like the Amazon of Decentralized Confidential Cloud Computing and Dataset Marketplace

>> No.24248450
File: 875 KB, 500x396, gilles_adventure_island.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me correct you there anon

more like the Amazon of Decentralized Confidential Cloud Computing and Cloud Assets Marketplace

>> No.24248468
File: 66 KB, 1024x768, ie cloudfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cloud Assets Marketplace
sexy, thanks fellow RLChad

>> No.24248533

Stop lying to anon. It's a fucking shitcoin

>> No.24248745

stay poor nigger
you can keep bumping the thread if you want though thanks

>> No.24249069

>has the dankest memes

This is unironically the case and what convinced me to buy in. This is going places.

>> No.24249497

Why does no one ever post their supposed rlc holdings in these threads? Feels like I'm being lied to

>> No.24249635

Can a high IQ tell me this or API3?

>> No.24249942

Is there anyone here who could put Gilles face on this guy? That would be based.

>> No.24249971

ok the shilling is getting to me. I'm considering selling my uni to buy iexec. I have about 790$ worth of uni

>> No.24250061

Oh it's dumping? I'm so shocked.

>> No.24250238
File: 268 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20201125-200529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting really excited about the prospect of a world super computer in 2017, rambling to my friend about it at midnight on a typical sleepless crypto bender, i been holding and accumulating ever since and will continue to do so. I expect this to be the best investment of my life, next best I expect to be LINK.

>> No.24250259

Yeah world supercompootet but it's actually dogshit

>> No.24250283

thanks for your wisdom anon just sold everything

>> No.24250330

>Owning 33k in some memecoin that may or may not "make it"
>Literally only holding a sliver of BTC enough to buy two tacos at Jack in the Box.

>> No.24250359


>> No.24250376

its too late for btc to make you rich. only hold coins which could go 100x

>> No.24250391

Or, buy some bitcoin at 50% of your portfolio and watch as USD goes -100x relative to it
It works both ways
You can buy gold and still invest in Apple

>> No.24250440

actually I hold 0 BTC that's a glitch, has served me well so far, I started with $2k when BTC was $6k and have sold over $10k over the years, equates to approx 3 BTC and if i bought/held BTC since day 1 I would have .3 BTC.

Go big or go home, I am chasing 100x+ gains and am in this for the long haul, a 5-10x will suffice once i get to 500k or so, hodling through 2018/19 bear market after 2017 gains was hard though.

>> No.24250465

stop spoonfeeding faggot

>> No.24250481

I am very aware that global financial crash might fuck me up though, moving into BTC a little would serve me well but I always fucked up when making short term trades so I just learnt to have iron hands and ride the highs and lows (as shitty as the lows are).