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24241506 No.24241506 [Reply] [Original]

I decided to finally check out keys.lol and I found two btc addresses with a balance twice in a row. The odds of this are basically impossible but it happened. Is this a sign?

>> No.24241677

Shameless self bump. This is seriously freaking me out.

>> No.24241777

nice larp

>> No.24241842

Not larping faggot. This is actually kinda scaring me. I didn't believe in the whole synchronicity crap but honestly I'm starting to think its real. Cause this shit shouldn't be possible right?

They're only small balances of $5.60 and $13.22.

>> No.24241958
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Also, nice digits anon

>> No.24242184
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Have balances or HAD balances?
I've seen plenty that had them (formerly)

>> No.24242302

Holy shit guys I just proved P=NP. I have no evidence that I actually did it but I just did

>> No.24242350

Still actively in use. From what I can tell the first address purchases every month or so and spends it little by little. Second has random deposits throughout the year but hasn't been as active with sending out any since last month or so.

>> No.24242377


>> No.24242381

So yes as I said here >>24241842, they still have a balance but way smaller than what they usually have with each deposit. Both have only ever had a max balance of around 1.2-1.4 btc before sending most of it out.

>> No.24242429

Have you taken it yet?

>> No.24242456

This is literally impossible

>> No.24242498

post the addresses

>> No.24242508

>Both have only ever had a max balance of around 1.2-1.4 btc before sending most of it out.
Small time drug purchaser.

>> No.24242510

checked ^ but nah, its less than $20 total so no point.

Exactly my point. Only thing I can say that happened was I had my first real experience with synchronicity. I don't have a logical way of explaining it. Feels like a glitch.

>> No.24242523

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Doesn't look like a normie address.

>> No.24242574


Dude, trust me.

>> No.24242771
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>> No.24242782
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>> No.24243613
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>> No.24243980

So I'm guessing I just did the impossible huh. Dope? I've only ever been in crypto twice. First time I went all in on XRB and made around 60k in highschool. This time I'm all in XRP.
2kEOY as we enter the new age.

>> No.24244091

It's a sign that you own keys.lol and you want anons to lend your their hashing power so their CPU can perform work for you /thread

>> No.24244139


>> No.24244186


>checked ^ but nah, its less than $20 total so no point.

Then post the privkey lol

>> No.24244277


>> No.24244285


Its hilarious that you guys actually don't believe this is just a happening. First thing I did once I realized what happened was search for a program to do it on auto for me since I thought it was easy money. Came across this https://lbc.cryptoguru.org/ and read how insanely impossible it was to even find 1 key with funds. Found pic in OP after searching for more info and that's when I started freaking out.

No, I'm not gonna be a jackass to whoever owns the key.