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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 996 KB, 2380x1290, trump win bullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24237618 No.24237618 [Reply] [Original]

ausbros, according to betfair - the second most likely outcome of the USA election is a trump LANDSLIDE win.

See pic attached, I have highlighted the highest and second highest odds for each nominee.

Most likely outcome // highest odds = Biden narrow win, Trump narrow loss.
Next best odds = Trump LANDSLIDE fucking win.

There is no in between, Betfair system/algorithm KNOWS that Biden wins EXTREMELY narrowly or that Trump wins by a FUCKING LANDSLIDE.

Am I fucking retarded or does this actually statistically not make fucking sense how best odds can be a Biden narrow win OR Trump mother fucking landslide?

We know there is major fucking fraud taking place and I feel like these odds reflect that too.

I know what I'm betting on, fellow gamblinganons tell me why im fucking retarded and wrong.

>> No.24237692

you're retarded because you seem to think a fucking betting site holds truth

>> No.24237777

poojeets have bought the cheap big roi what's not to understand

>> No.24237807

Explain how these cunts have statistically determined with millions on the line that most likely either biden narrowly wins, or trump fucking wins by a landslide, this aint a dumb tweet, millions are at stake here and these cunts had some neet fucking genius write the algorithms that determined those odds.

>> No.24237847


>> No.24237882
File: 688 KB, 840x2326, Screenshot_20201124-234338_Exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


double down or pussies

>> No.24237951
File: 87 KB, 864x360, Screenshot_20201029-125354~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24238041

fuck yes cunt that's the spirit I'm putting $2000AUD in across a few different bets for a trump win.

>> No.24238089

>Betfair system/algorithm KNOWS
It's a reflection of what people think and are willing to bet on, that's all. The largest group of people believed it would be close, the second largest group believed it would be a Trump landslide.

>> No.24238149
File: 209 KB, 667x506, 589A9FA9-EDB9-428C-A542-6339E550D229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24238292

fuck this makes sense but surely has to have some other statistics come into play to be so specific about the percentile of the 1.03 and 1.02 odds

>> No.24238325

I see this stuff all over Twitter but no one really gives a fuck because I can download that whole image and make it whatever colour I fucking want.

>> No.24238355

Soon you'll be making "i've been scammed" threads

>> No.24238438

yes, but that one is correct. i remote viewed the results.

>> No.24238484
File: 901 KB, 1519x1107, Punished Clarence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to bet and what are the best odds for the December revenge arc, frens?

>> No.24238616

I have been scammed I bought this thing called Chainlink in 2017

holy shit my chakras all just aligned

>> No.24238729

Look betfair exchange is NOT running some super smart allknowing algo you retarded millenial zoomer fuck wits

People are placing bets BIG bets on biden narrow victory or a trump overturn (ie the real result).

Yes there are algos doing scalping but you can't see that shit

fuck sake /biz/ has gone DUMB AF in 2 years

>> No.24238802

>explain why this site that is trying to get you to give them money are hyping up losing odds
You tell me.

>> No.24238871
File: 64 KB, 660x462, 1599475488820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I bet with crypto?

>> No.24238921

>biz is dumb af because thinking there is algos creating odds
>there is algos but you cant see them

I dont get your point? Betfair make a profit... so because of that automatically all of their statistical odds, for everything, are irrelevant?

good question although dont know if i would trust it... although i do trust binance to hold my linkies so what the fuck do i know

>> No.24238965

the algos scalp you dipshit
they don't decide to just dump MILLIONS on one level and fucking sit on it

>> No.24239114

i might as well be reading chinese, thx anyway anon. i think im gonna make a retarded bet on this anyway because we know trump did actually win by a landslide - its just whether or not the supreme court will accept the evidence or not.