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24221715 No.24221715 [Reply] [Original]

Tard General Founding Edition
Post here and ask for advice if you're out of position for this bull rally.
>advice I saved but forgot to follow
Anonymous (ID: Nge5aFtN) 06/16/20(Tue)17:23:57 No.19759676▶>>19760323

If you intend on making crypto your "thing", your entire day has to revolve around research and spotting early trends, early information, and insider info. I have e-mail crypto "projects" directly and gotten very good info that I used to profit. Don't bother trading, don't pay any private groups or signal groups.

DeFi - the next big thing/trend in crypto. It's still too early to tell which DeFi platform will be the next "google" or the next actual decentralized bank, but it will happen. What should you do about it? Two things. #1, make sure you have ethereum. All of these DeFi platforms will all run on ethereum, so you stand to profit by holding eth and/or staking it.

The second thing is a very practical piece of advice, something I use myself very sucessfully. Follow the announcement channels and Twitter accounts of the top 10 trending tokens/coins/projects and turn on notifications. Everytime there is an announcement of significance, market buy the token/coin and dump it for 15%+. Don't get greedy, and don't FOMO. if you're late then you're late, but if you're quick (first 20 minutes) you will stand to profit every time. Remember when I said crypto is a ponzi? This is pretty much the entire industry on a small scale.

>> No.24221859
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>UNI faggot in losing position, finally capitulate
>chase a shitcoin pump, establish a position on the downtrend, (which was good) WAY TOO QUICKLY (which was bad)
>losing money and not in any top 100 projects
What are your picks out of the top 100 for playing catchup this rally?

>> No.24222219
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Also feel free to make this a questions that don't deserve their own thread.
What's your speculation on money flow if BTC bounces off 20k?

>> No.24222920
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>the pepes, they do nothing

>> No.24223159

>Everytime there is an announcement of significance, market buy the token/coin and dump it for 15%+
Great plan for getting raped by the IRS
My advice: only buy crypto to hold

>> No.24223301


I lost all crypto trends due to fear of losing money or being too young for it. Now in a job, i gotta invest some, but the values are just too damn high. Any advice on overcoming fear of losing money?
Im a valuation expert but crypto valuation is a monster, most valuation pros discard crypto bc they dont want to deal with it (buffet, damodaran etc.)

>> No.24223390

I have a question: why is op SUCH a faggot?

>> No.24223412
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Personally my depression/laziness/piece of shitness/lack of regard for myself lets me do retarded shit with money. Maybe buy some lotto tickets or gamble IRL with a little bit of money to get the dopamine running.

>> No.24223457

gentlemen, i bought NEXO coin when it arrived, should i pull out now or hold?
absolute brainlet in shitcoins, but if some ascended lifeform on /biz/ says I should hold I will.

>> No.24223482

Why cant i used metamask with my ledger, i get the windows security popup and cant continue, i can use myetherwallet though, i want to use uniswap

>> No.24223609
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Dear Pajeet,
Please to using your search engines for all needful requests. Tell all of your brothers and sisters abouting this method of helping yourselves.