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24218932 No.24218932 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys have 100k stacks if you're all NEETs? Where tf are you getting your money from? I'm 100% sure you're all just wagies LARPing as NEETs

>> No.24219014

By buying early, not everyone here is a twink. I'm old and there is plenty more old fags here.

We were doing this instead of being s consumer. Now it is our time to finally begin our life

>> No.24219083

Majority brought Chainlink at around £0.2 to £0.3 and sold at £10. Put bluntly, if you had brought around £3k Link back then, you'd have £100k now.

Mostly it's just a matter of NEETs buying shitcoins and hodl'ing till it pumps.

>> No.24219425

I wasn't always a NEET, my stack comes from working shitty custom service jobs.

>> No.24219529

I live with my mom and have never seen more than £1000 in my life, and i make most of my spending money from online transcription, surveys and AI training.

Having 200 xrp tokens is unironically huge for me

>> No.24219579

The ones who have time to post are neets, real men who work have money to spend 70/20 xrp xlm.

>> No.24219627

Youre a newfag, we get it. Invest wisely this bullrun and you can join the ranks of NEET crypto-barons

>> No.24219783

I used covid gibs to acquire my stacks. Feels good man

>> No.24219902

My dad gave me 3000 in 2017.

>> No.24220022

Its amazing how I started with 300 bucks to My name before covid but now I may be a 10% gain in a coin away from 10k net worth.

>> No.24220226

i have 200xrp and 190 XLM hopping that they moon so that I can sell off at a profit and then invest into PNK and then hold for 2 years waiting for pnk to get to 100$ and then cash off and be rich

>> No.24220456

>eat mommy's cooking
>don't pay rent
>really poor so get subsidized health insurance
being a NEET means very little expenses so you can just speculate a lot. Think about it, all it took was one NEET putting his savings into the right crypto a few years ago and he'll be making it.

>> No.24220482

I'm not a neet, I worked two jobs to accumulate crypto in 2018 and 2019.

>> No.24220485

Bought in 2016 using $2k gibs

Haven't worked since

Cashoutpoint is 1M, currently at 640k

>> No.24220813

So it's basically too late to join the Link gravy train unless you're putting down like 5-10k?

>> No.24220920

I'm a wagie. I have my own company and make $100,000 a year but also I have 4 million in crypto. I'm waiting to have enough to create the other business venture together -- which I have no intentions of making any profit on but rather subverting the paradigm of human culture.

>> No.24220932

10k won't even get you 1000 LINK

>> No.24221000

How. I put like £1250 into crypto monthly. Do you not have a job? I have a huge stack because I'm risking it all, I have little to lose with a £25k job and no idea what career to do.

>> No.24221083

Fucking lol, I've browsed this board for 3+ years and I've never even looked into PNK, it's literally the coin that Indian villagers shill on here.

>> No.24221802

same. now i'll probably never have to work a day in my life if i don't want to (i will, just because i like the work i do). feels weird man. 2020 is weird.

>> No.24221941

So I've missed the train? Just be nice no-Link second class citizens when we're delivering your tendies via UberEats anon. Pls.
Weren't the stimulus checks like 3k in total in muttland? How the fuck do you have a "stack" mate lol??

>> No.24222237

Worked many years in construction saved all money i could and put it all on cryptos, never gonna work again

>> No.24222239
File: 63 KB, 675x601, comfy boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly this

>> No.24222590
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 1605307644422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orders Cane's tendies
>oh my, it seems that wagie ubereats driver didn't double check my lemonade special instructions!
>i asked for NO ICE, and this has LIGHT ICE! SAD!
>looks like Ill have to file a false report that I never got my order to begin with
>now that wagie will have his delivery commission removed AND his social credit score with ubereats TARNISHED!
>and I got free tendies
>wage better next time, slave, or else this will become common practice

>> No.24223526

i dumped some dead boomers scholarship award i was given in college into ethereum at $10. now it's worth $200k

>> No.24223738

I think most of the "NEETs" on here aren't actually NEETs. NEET status is more aspirational. I, for example, work from home for about 18 hours a week doing braindead bullshit for crap wages but I consider myself a NEET in spirit

>> No.24224559

fpbp buy early

>> No.24224657
File: 19 KB, 840x480, 7B3AF752-BF46-4662-B8F6-2B9D7DD48558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don‘t you know?

>> No.24224691

this, except not everyone here is from bonglandistan