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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 207 KB, 633x758, IMG_9665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2419678 No.2419678 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else planning on killing themselves if you're not a millionaire by 30?

You pretty much lost the game by that point.

>> No.2419695

I'm probably going to off myself before that for missing 1$ Eth.

>> No.2419712

I'm gonna kill myself if I'm not a millionaire buy the end of the summer desu

>only $997,000 to go

>> No.2419723

yes but i had $5k at the beginning of the year and was aiming for $50k at the end of the year, and its $100k already so I have faith in myself and in crypto

sure it's a bubble not dissimilar to the dot com bubble but if the dot com market cap was any indication we got a loooooonnngg way to go, and much further than the dot com bubble imo

>> No.2419786

You're fine. There's no way anyone could have known.

Might as well kill yourself for missing $1 Bitcoin and $.01 Stratis too

>> No.2420109

I had 700+ eth which i sold for a measly 10k a year ago after the fucking cursed DAO hack. Its worth 280k right now.

I torture myself watching the eth I sold rise exponentially.

I'm 32 and want to kill myself every fucking day.

>> No.2420163

Killing oneself is fine, and I know 30 seems impossibly old, but honestly I am about to turn 40 and I'm having a better life than I ever dreamed was possible.

Just sayin'.

>> No.2420164

that hurt just reading it. I'm pissed i didnt found out about this shit awhile ago, been a neet for 2.5 years but i coulda gotten money to invest, fml

>> No.2420169

Yes, if you haven't made it by 30 just kys. Being over 30 without a million is a literal hell.

>turn 36 this year
>networth around 1.1MM by february, almost 2 now(about 800k in crypto which hasn't been cashed out, taxes, etc.)
Gonna invest in building a time machine to go back 6 years and kill myself for not having it by 30

>> No.2420184

but you can still buy ARK under $1 while we have maximum fudders right now,

>> No.2420202

No. I'd kms if my NET WORTH was below 1M USD by 30. It would be a sign of poor performance IMO

>> No.2420213

That's why ark is a thing son. Literally last chance to get rich off crypto.

>> No.2420247

IKTF, also had a few hundred that I also sold a year ago... I feel like I actually did myself a huge disservice getting into crypto as early as I did, some faggots who just went balls deep a few months ago have a greater networth than I do now.

>> No.2420295

What did you do to make it anon?

Let's fucking hope. I have $12k in it, not letting go for a year minimum.

>> No.2420380

im 33 and looking at being a millionaire by 35 just from wage cucking

>> No.2420403


It had nothing to do with crypto (until a year or so ago). I avoided debt (no mortgage, no car payments, no student loans), didn't have kids, ate reasonably healthy and pursued adventure... during the periods when I wasn't suicidally depressed.

Now I'm old and still subject to suicidal depression but I have a hot young girlfriend and a decent, ever-growing crypto portfolio. For my fortieth birthday I am treating myself to a month-long surfing vacation.

Basically not giving a fuck about respectability and not allowing fear to control me (because I didn't care if I died) paid off. Also I am just lucky I think?

No kids is definitely the #1 key. When I see some used-up slobby Dad in the grocery store I smile, especially when he's ten years younger than I am and he's already fucked his life.

That was long, but you asked...

>> No.2420509

Good job anon. Fuck what other people think and societal standards.

How much are you worth, if you don't mind me asking?

Did you earn it via wageslaving?

>> No.2420548

You're a weird normalfag

>> No.2420555

I'm a pussy, I know.

>> No.2420564

>No kids is definitely the #1 key.
lmao all your bullshit life and guess what, even though those dads didn't have million dollar portfolios in memes they passed on and lived for something beyond themselves.

>> No.2420578

>implying most of us are not genetic trash

Cmon brah

>> No.2420584

You're just a manchild beta.

>> No.2420589


I made 25k off of ETH this month by investing the same amount (2x).

Tempted to dump 25k more into ARK because I want to be a millionaire in about a year instead of a hundred thousandaire. Either that or use 1broker and copy trades of the top guys.

>> No.2420590

>they passed on and lived for something beyond themselves.

Kek, nice meme

They're justifying their wageslaving and meaningless existence by forcing more people to exist that look like them.

>> No.2420599
File: 577 KB, 480x476, 1495418383428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 years old.
>Poorfag family.
>Beg and plead with my parents to let me borrow money to invest in DGB.
>Show them how the price doubled in the time they had been "thinking about it"
>Tell them about how they're presenting to citibank all these guys are making money and I'm missing out.
>They finally agree and let's me borrow $4,000.
>Go ALL IN at 6 cents. ~66,500 DGB
>Presentation is a horrible boat picture.
>Tanks to 3 cents.
>Mom asks how the investment is doing.
>Can't bare to tell her I lost $2,000. This is a fortune to us.
>Lie and tell her I made $1,000.
>She lights up with happiness and tells dad.
>They want to celebrate.
>Meanwhile Eth doubles in price in like 3 days.
>People saying it could go to $1,000 / replace BTC.
>This is it I have to make it back with this.
>Switch from DGB to ETH when it's $400.
>It immediately TANKS $100.
>Sell at $300.
>It immediately shoots back up to $400.
>I fucking lost $2,500 of my parents money in a matter of days.
>Find out this was pretty much the last bit of money they had, no emergency fund.
>They still don't know.
>This can't happen. This can't happen. This can't happen.
>Might need to kill my parents in their sleep and myself.

>> No.2420607

Oh my god

And I thought I was sad for selling most of my ETH early

>> No.2420609

I was going to kill myself by the time I turned 26. Literally posting in a mental hospital right now after being caught attempting.

>> No.2420622

I know it's wrong, but part of me hopes this is real.

>> No.2420623

kek, thanks kid. for both the eth and the laugh.

>> No.2420625
File: 51 KB, 573x609, 1485746135296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking leaching nigger, you fucking deserve it trading on emotions and not hodling.

>> No.2420628

Go back to wage cucking. You are a huge fucking idiot.

>> No.2420642

>No kids is definitely the #1 key
What's the point of getting rich when it all goes to the government after you die?

Just live on debt your whole life and die with no assets, if you're never having kids.

>> No.2420644


Thanks anon. I am worth the $65k yearly that the wagecuck job I brazenly bullshitted my way into a couple years back pays me.

None of this crypto is real until it's cashed out.

If I actually believed my trezor had this much money on it I would probably lose my mind in a serious enough way that I couldn't come back from it. I *HAVE* to be mentally disciplined about it and not take it too seriously until it's time for the big cashout.

So ask me that again in 5 years when I'm living in some Caribbean tax haven... we can street-race our lambos in Havana or wherever the fuck.

>> No.2420665
File: 314 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-12-19-07-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't kill myself but the consequences will never be the same again, design senpai.

I have this goal card I made. By age 35 if I don't get there I'm renouncing all world possessions and joining a Buddhist monastery.

>> No.2420669

hold onto ETH

>> No.2420677

>None of this crypto is real until it's cashed out.

Amen. Hodling for a year does make the taxes much less, but you need iron hands and to believe in the coins you own one day will turn into real monies.

>> No.2420680

i'm already 30. I wanna be out of the wagekekdom by 40. I envy you guys in your early to mid 20s....what a time to be alive.

>> No.2420709


Create more humans, idgaf. Everyone else is. Then you can either live in domestic servitude or be a shitty parent that abandons their shitty offspring. Have fun with that.

> You're a weird normalfag

If you mean I can make eye contact and have a conversation with a stranger (when I'm not suicidally depressed) then yes, it's true. Autists are taking power, however, so the window of time when my personality allows me to get what I want out of life is probably going to be over soon. No regrets, I had a good run.

>> No.2420740

So why are you reading biz

>> No.2420746
File: 143 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just turned 20, I've got 170 ETH with a portfolio of almost 100k. What would you old fags do in my position. Should I start a business with my gains? I already cashed out 30k to pay off my fathers debt

>> No.2420766

just hold on my man, at least until around christmas and do something nice for the old man. otherwise just hold and see what the market does, probably keep expanding bigly

>> No.2420778

Please just put it back in eth and stop watching it for a month

>> No.2420779

No, you're just a beta projecting his ugly low IQ ass onto everyone else. You don't want kids because you probably can't find a girl worthy of bearing children and are as already stated an ugly low IQ beta who can't handle responsibilities and ignorantly implies having children is some dumb/bad thing. You're saying stupid shit because you're stupid. Don't have kids, and don't spew your retarded views. They are unneeded.

>> No.2420790


You're a good kid.

HODL until ETH is 1000, and even beyond. Then if you can't wait any longer, cash out only part for what you need.

I only have 130, and I'm 35. Enjoy your youth and health, and take up mediation.

>> No.2420791 [DELETED] 

17yo female doing finance major in fall, fuck all of you and you obviously arent doing anything or you wouldnt be posting here.

>> No.2420799

Well I'm still alive so I might as well try to make some money. Crypto is kind of fun. I can always kill myself in future when I get discharged and if I keep failing at life.

>> No.2420802

Reported, roastie

>> No.2420805

My money is working for me. I spent my 20s and 30s working, I'll spend my 40s enjoying a more relaxed existence.

>> No.2420818

I bought $7 ETH and sold months ago, such is life of a young poorfag

>> No.2420827

having kids is selfish and for lower level people who get in heat, produce crotch fruit, and think they have made some positive contribution to earth

>> No.2420846


> mad that I don't want kids
> angrily tells me not to have kids

People like you are the best argument against procreation. It's ok, I learned a long time ago not everyone has the guts to be free.

Stay mediocre, my salty young chum... put the yoke on your shoulders. Everyone will congratulate you.

>> No.2420862

Making white kids is a net positive for the world. We will need people to pay the welfare once cryptos are dead.

>> No.2420867

genuinely sorry. good luck

>> No.2420874

You promote degeneracy. You're why white birth rates are lower than every group. Shut the fuck up you fucking beta.

>> No.2420887

Good luck in life anon, everything's gonna be better one day.
Don't torture yourself, just tell yourself you lack some luck.

>> No.2420889

Agreed feels good not having some shit cunt kids ruining my playboy lifestyle

>> No.2420915
File: 63 KB, 495x743, ff1dda4ce311f047d3b47dd63a2296ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh master race

>> No.2420917

Good job on paying off his debt. Other people I've seen here with success were a disgrace to their families. I hope soon to pay off my debt and help my mother out.

>> No.2420923

having kids is a meme

>inb4 good goy

>> No.2420927

how can white bois compete
u mad white boi

>> No.2420936

Get rich or try dying

>> No.2420935

Thank you guys you've made me cry.

>> No.2420955


ahhhhahaha what the fuck do you know about "degeneracy."

Let me tell you something-- from a happy 40-year-old to a clearly unhappy 20-year-old: the world is full-- OVERfull-- of people who want to control you.

The number one thing they use is fear.

Right now, your fear of MUH WHITE RACE going extinct (or whatever dumb meme) is controlling you. You have let yourself become a slave to it.

Many people love to serve, to be enslaved. They crave the fear because it gives them surety-- it's an externality that will set their course for them and explain the (senseless) world to them.

Those are not people I respect.

>> No.2420961

if you are genuinely intelligent, procreate

the middle class of today are the lower class of 100 years ago. all the smart 1800s european aristocrats childfreed themselves into extinction

if you are middle class (not working class) you need to have children

reproduction and creating a successful society is something that takes multiple generations, so anyone who can't see beyond video games, porn, cats, 2d, etc are going to be the most vocal childfree people. they are hand waving nihilists. they feel like they don't have a society that valued them either, so why should they thinklong term

>> No.2420974

Nobody needs to have anything on this site.
Everyone here is a reject and whatever we do won't have an impact on the world.
Let's the normalfags do the breeding.

>> No.2420982

No. I'll only consider myself a failure if I haven't hit six figures in investments by 30 because you have to have money to make money. Your 20's you spend making money, your 30's you spend turning that money into more money.

>> No.2421009

The crypto market is going to the masses in a decade. We're all gonna be over 30 or something and making money after that won't be as easy.

>> No.2421017


>> No.2421101

hopefully crypto going mainstream will make us fucking rich... if we can accumulate enough before it happens.

>> No.2421108

Fuck that retard, this is /biz/ not /pol/. If I ever have kids I'm putting them to work immediately. If they don't bring me at least 100% returns by the time they're five then they're getting dumped at an orphanage.

>> No.2421249

Same age as you anon

We're all gonna make it

>> No.2421276

What the fuck? Couldn't you even bother studying how crypto market works before doing that? Couldn't you even diversify your assets? I'm poor as fuck as well and would never, EVER, start with $4,000 at something I've never done before. I've got only 500 of my shitty third world currency worth 3 times less than dollars and worked up from there.
I'm sorry but if you are being honest, you deserve what happened. I hope you can learn from this lack of responsibility and turn this around, making your parents happy.
Give them their money back plus some more for the trouble.
I have to remember that everytime I can't believe I'm making so much money, it's because of people acting stupid like you did and freaking out...
Godspeed anon. Hope you make it.

>> No.2421284


When the masses really move into crypto that essentially makes us early adopters. So >>2421101

I'm thinking that bitcoin will peak around 5k per coin in the next two year period, rapidly going up from 3k after it breaks past that mark decisively, and that it will peak again at 10k after that, probably within the next four years. Beyond that I can't really speculate. Altcoin hype seems to just fuel the bubble since they're traded via bitcoin instead of cash.

>> No.2421314


>> No.2421348

>tfw you discovered /biz/ when ETH was $40

I'm practically a new fag. This is bullshit, if I was here literally a month or two earlier I would have learned how to get into the market and potentially would have gotten some cheap ether.

REEEEEEEEEE, now everything is inflated.

>> No.2421355
File: 178 KB, 685x449, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're at 60%.

>> No.2421580

>Failing this hard
You aren't cut out for this line of work.
Stick with wagecucking.

>> No.2421655

get the fuck out, normalfag.

>> No.2421714
File: 268 KB, 500x282, 1440613779804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfag family
>last bit they had
>I lost $2,000. This is a fortune to us
>Lie and tell her I made $1,000.
>She lights up with happiness and tells dad.
>They want to celebrate.

I didn't ask for these feels.

>> No.2421724

Idk about millionaire but I'm 21 and have saved 30k so far this year. That, unfortunately, is now pretty much my entire net worth but my job pays me 80k a year and I'm doing very well with crypto so there's hope.

>> No.2421736

I never understood why you people don't simply buy back in

>> No.2421951
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I'm freshly 18, knew about cryptos years ago. It's funny when I jokingly told my mother to buy some Bitcoin when the price had just reached $250. I still want to invest a small amount of money that I can afford to lose, not like >>2420599
Any tips you want to share, /biz/?

>> No.2421966


That's actually a really nice chart. Puts a good perspective on losses.

>> No.2421990

How did you lose this kek? Ive gone x10 in 1 year.

>> No.2422012

how are you guys losing money? why are you selling? why are you not buying the dip? why are you betting your life savings or money you cannot afford to lose completely?

FOREVER poorfags

>> No.2422055


Provide proof that this is genuinely true and i will send you eth

>> No.2422163

Same age as you anon
We're all gonna make it

>> No.2422259

lol, Im 31, hot wife, cute kid, house boat, own a cash for gold. Planning on living in thailand for the winter. I am by no means a millionaire. Like can be pretty fucking good just bringing in >100k. Oh btw I work like 20 hours a week and just generally just do what ever the fuck I want.

>> No.2422298

I'd probably kill myself either way

>> No.2422432

After i sold, I threw 20k in stocks and lost it all.

I then had 5k left but the anger from the DAO hack made me stay away from crypto until eth was already mooning well past my original $15 sell.

If it werent for the DAO i wouldve been holding 250k+ in eth. I feel like gutting that hacker.

>> No.2422468

>Being over 30 without a million is a literal hell
I couldn't read this without laughing my ass off, and I don't even live in Grozny.

>> No.2422480

I didn't lose anything it's the Anon I'm replying to that lost.

>> No.2422481

God damn... I guess life isn't so bad for me.

I only started seriously looking into crypto about a month ago (after knowing OF it for a few years), and I want to literally commit suicide for not buying in when prices were low.

I want to kill myself seeing these prices rise.

I made a mock Blockfolio and I would've made sique gains if I had pulled the trigger.

>> No.2422504

>No kids is definitely the #1 key
not even subtle schlomo

>> No.2422727

>muh joos

>> No.2422829

OMG just noticed this. Hold on I'll take a screenshot of my poloniex history.

>> No.2422860

No patience these kiddos, at least when it costs them a first class seat some might be able to learn the lesson in time to make it on somewhere down the back

>> No.2422871
File: 138 KB, 2278x254, Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 1.38.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon if you're still there anything would be a life saver thank you.


>> No.2422903

Holy fuck dude you weren't kidding

Report back on if that anon sends you ETH; since I'm genuinely considering sending you some

>> No.2422914

Sent ;)

>> No.2422956

Just sent 25 BTC to that address. Go get your parents something nice.

>> No.2423131

Bump for the sake of that DGB retard

>> No.2423142

Sent you 25 ETH, because we all have bad days. Good luck with your future anon.

>> No.2423371

BUMP for this guy. >>2422871

>> No.2423525

I hope someone with money sends you some, but please let this be a lesson for life.

Cash out your parents money and try investing with the rest. You have to do it.

GET A JOB if you'd like to invest. I don't mean to be condenscending, but you are old enough to do something part time - for yourself and to help your parents. If 4k is the only money they have, they pretty much don't have any cash.

>> No.2423546
File: 10 KB, 204x258, 1422656823237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent 25 BTC
>to an ETH address

>> No.2423592

Just sent you 100 btc.

If anyone else wants some, just post your adress

>> No.2423612

i could really use this anon i am in a real tight spot at the moment.


>> No.2423625

Me me me!

514 Mayfield PL N
Salem, Oregon 97303

>> No.2423626

Fucking retard. Warren Buffet had 1 percent of his current net worth at 50.

Instant gratification weak handed fgt.

>> No.2423633

See >>2423546
You're both full of shit.

>> No.2423639

if you are legit anon, bless your soul
may karma smile on you

>> No.2423650

get a mcjob and pay them back you fucking tool

>> No.2423666


Why not. I just don't want to be scared anymore.

>> No.2423668

Plz help a poor pleb anon

>> No.2423676

Whoops. Mean to hit reply.


I'll sing your good name.

>> No.2423680

Hope to get some help. Thanks


>> No.2423683


You're a mess kid, at least you have learnt a lesson out of all this.

>> No.2423695
File: 22 KB, 992x527, LEVELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2423721

>being this much of a shortsighted manlet virgin

most men aren't even in their prime yet at 30. this "need lambo by this summer or life isn't worth living" meme needs to end. you guys should at least donate your crytpoz into a pool that helps young anons invest before you off yourselves.

>> No.2423724

No. Besides, I have a decent wagecuck arrangement anyway.

>> No.2423743

omg this

its like just being a father is an accomplishment.

even teenagers push out kids.

>> No.2423753

You wont do it because youre a bitch

>> No.2423834

I'd known of crypto for almost the entire time it was out there, just too distracted by school and work to educate myself.

Despite all this, I still don't think I'm too late to the party. The mills keep grinding, after all. I got past grieving missing out on BTC and ETH pretty quick and diverted my attention to making gains.

Took out a loan to supplement my capital, risky, yes, but paid off. I'm nicely in the green and slowly growing. That's what creates thr most anxiety - "slowly", while dudes here talk of their value moving in the thousands by the day. But I must stay strong and not fall to daytrading. Holding has proven to make consistent gains 90% of the time. And that trading history doesn't lie.

What scares me the most is the amount of chances for riches in the last quarter year alone - tens and tens of booms. It's enough to drive an investor insane! And you only need to hit one sweet honeypot to multiply your measly starting money into lots of measly starting money. It takes but a handful of successful "long" holds in crypto to essentially make you a solid base for that sweet FI/RE. THIS is what scares me. I just hope we still have enough time...

Never lose hope, friends. I'm from East Europooristan and even I manage to make something of the shitty resources available to people here. All of us here are still early enough in the know to reap disproportionately large fruits from our efforts. Think smart with your money, but BE smarter!

Hah, captcha wanted pictures of wallets - it's a sign from kek!

>> No.2423999
File: 245 KB, 500x500, 1475200638617.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't have kids,
>No kids is definitely the #1 key.
>When I see some used-up slobby Dad in the grocery store I smile, especially when he's ten years younger than I am and he's already fucked his life.

>> No.2424168
File: 36 KB, 1822x184, fdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as bad as that kid but i too am retarded

>> No.2424199

where do you live and how much money is a lot to you.

>> No.2424251


Well...look what we have here...


>> No.2424308
File: 138 KB, 737x1040, IMG_1599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao i love these posts

>> No.2424338


do it or I'll hang myself and blame it on you

>> No.2424432

Some BTC would be appreciated. Love you Anon.

>> No.2424482
File: 20 KB, 504x415, 1496857017401-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My son asked me what a normie is the other day. He'll learn in time.
> Submissive wife
> paid off house and cars
>0 debt
> healthy, intelligent and athletic son
Feels good man.

I'm worth maybe .33 mil. I want to make it big in crypto, but I need to remind myself that even if I don't I'm already ahead of the game.

I've only got about 1000 left in crypto, so my only hope is to swing trade to the top without getting fucked by exchange rates :/

>> No.2424532
File: 62 KB, 750x500, 1496944134206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I got fucked by missing crypto early.
> folding at home
> not folding fat bit coins into my wallet
TFW you didn't cure cancer or personal poverty.

>> No.2424568
File: 176 KB, 960x720, 2dbestd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fucking miserable and working at a min wage job while trading to pay for student loans. Please be real.


>> No.2424659

>muh freedom
>muh infinite self-gratification
poor misguided little dumb slave

>> No.2424702
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I will save the address. I don't have any free ethereum right now, but if this months investments go well I'll send you some later this month, so don't lose the private keys to that address. Just promise me you won't gamble that money again and only trade what you can afford to lose from now on.

>> No.2425224

the sad thing is, he's actually correct

>> No.2425260

although I am far from a millionaire I do own an apartment that i'm renting out.

Just need to pay off about 400K then i'll get rental income coming in every month.

>> No.2425292
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>Asian Canadian

>> No.2425310

I'm not above begging Anon. may kek smile upon you. 1ChguvaLKoit2RVpX6t2sL16or7eddJ9Rx

>> No.2425335

Don't invest in highly volatile stuff money you can't afford to lose. You learnt this the hardest way so you better use that knowledge.

Also get a job ASAP and give most of your wage to your parents every month. You ought to pay them back.

>> No.2425355
File: 109 KB, 1280x1000, speculation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speculate as hard as you can for a while and start a small business that's scalable. ie something that doesn't require you to be there to make you money

>> No.2425356

I became Rich at Age of 31. Keep trying.

>> No.2425360

Canadian is waifu material

>> No.2425399

Same age as you anon

We're all gonna make it

>> No.2425412


You are doing keks work kind sir

>> No.2425416

you and 7B earthlings

>> No.2425487

Buy Wings and hold, you'll get it back in a month. Thank me later.

>> No.2425519

I want to do 1 million in 14 years (2031). Made a subreddit for it too: https://www.reddit.com/r/Race2Bottom/

>> No.2425578

thanks anon, you'll not regret sending this

>> No.2425713


I'm just poor.

>> No.2425747
File: 64 KB, 500x297, 1368862139728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2425761


>> No.2425796


at least you can lose all your money in crypto instead of alimony

>> No.2425816
File: 152 KB, 1387x805, 1439776412186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my nigger. the last ten years of my life have been pic related. no car, no gf, no pets

my life is so light and i have so much money that employers cannot jerk my chains anymore

>> No.2425823


thank you!!

>> No.2425854

you just got weak hands

>> No.2425871


subjecting the earth to another 70 years of pollution and traffic is not a good thing. fuck /pol/

>> No.2425899


this. if a man happens to find himself free of chains he will search around him for chains to wear

>> No.2425959
File: 17 KB, 996x63, 13BVMEgmQCCmfH54vL3FSZMyTV7fuJ9aLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 BTC please

>> No.2426232

I hope you arent pulling my leg mate

>> No.2426915

28 almost there..
gonna make it big!

>> No.2426969

I thought BHSL retards didn't exist but you are one dumb fucker.

How stupid do you have to be to immediately buy a rise and immediately sell a dip?

>> No.2427321

I wonder if something nice could decide to happen to me too. Usually life has a strange sense of humor...

If you are for real, man, I will remember this. If you are for real, I will do what I can to make this mean something and pay you back in full.


>> No.2427407

Please gib bitcoin, I'm poor as fuck

>> No.2427508
File: 70 KB, 960x948, 1466754792983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were is the stupid questions thread I have stupid questions to ask

>> No.2427582

Holy fuck

>> No.2427602
File: 33 KB, 533x800, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where" derp

>> No.2427611

>only $980,000 to go
feels pretty good man
im 28 tho ITS ON

>> No.2427700

I really hope you're real.
Anyway here's my BTC address: