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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 260 KB, 3300x1500, i78BTXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24217226 No.24217226 [Reply] [Original]

I think this chart is under-discussed.

>> No.24217298

makes perfect sense to me. for tether to maintain its pairing while btc goes up, more tether needs to be printed to match the inflow.

>> No.24217383

Bro they'll just print another $100 billion trust me haha.

>> No.24217501

google 'defi and tether'

>> No.24217546

Also tether is buying other coins, let's see the entire crypto market chart with tether.

>> No.24217659
File: 131 KB, 733x984, 027575-431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tether is based as fuck

100k EOY

>> No.24217758

You do know that they have to sell eventually right to make up for the missing dollars? They already got a 5x this year I doubt they'll carry it on for much longer.

>> No.24217866

why don't you discuss a chart comparing BTC market cap to tether market cap? Oh, because you wouldn't even be able to see tether you say?

>> No.24217938
File: 1.29 MB, 304x328, 1431641578058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to make up for the missing dollars?
missing what?

>> No.24217960

nigger they printed even in a bear market after the top. fuck off.

>> No.24218141


I can't think of a more useless metric than Google search trends for the word "Bitcoin". Everyone knows what it is now, so no one will be carrying out such a basic search.

Plus, people forget that we've had another halving, so the amount of new bitcoin being mined (and sold) has been halved. Because of that, you don't need as much buy pressure as before to increase the price.

Put those two factors together, and combine it with the fact that no one is pouring money into ICOs or really dogshit projects anymore, and this all makes sense.

>> No.24218206

sorry anon, you're right the whole thing is a scam, you saw what millions of other people didnt
guess crypto is cancelled now

>> No.24218339

>I can't think of a more useless metric than Google search trends for the word "Bitcoin"
I think that it also accounts for searches like: "how to buy bitcoin", or "bitcoin price".
In that case it's definetly not useless, but I might be wrong about that.

>> No.24219340
File: 166 KB, 850x1314, sample_880c64d8a422188be676fe95003de3cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get this chart?

>> No.24219447

Tether is corrupt as fuck. If any of you think this isn't going to end badly, you're in for a surprise. Only a matter of time before the alphabet boys shut down this scam.

>> No.24219478

Do you know why Rubic sounds like “ruby”? Because this is the gem of the crypto market! And I’m gonna tell you why...

> x2 RBC price growth for couple weeks!
> No fees and no limits on Rubic project
> Integration with 3 major blockchains

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

And remember, the RBC token is always getting precious!

>> No.24219818

Go back

>> No.24220147

The Fed can print unlimited money because it's the Fed. What is Tether? Nobody. And Tether isn't backed by anything. They will be shut down like BitMex.

>> No.24220224

is bitmex shutdown tho?

>> No.24221184

That chart shows a 18 billion current market cap for tether. You have made the scale on the right look as though tether is in a bubble, but if you used bitcoin total market cap in dollars on the left instead and overlaid a similar looking red chart the tether market cap would run alone the bottom steadily.

>> No.24221601

Tether isn't 1:1 backed by fiat.