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24215786 No.24215786 [Reply] [Original]

Afraid of getting privacy leaks or issues?


> Stake $SPDR tokens and receive free
fucking SpiderVPN router! Ezz chads

> ur mother or ur girlriends can do nothing, SpiderDAO is the only DAO that gives you a freaking welcome gift!

> The only project that I have ever been excited the shit about. You get paid for using the internet!!

>> No.24215956

Just curious on this! I was addicted on VPN so I want to know more!

>> No.24216165
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Real shit here anon kuns.
> At first I just wanted to get in early on pump at listing but today they launched and Polkadot fucking Retweeted and shared.

>This baby of a gem already on the Polkadot hype train but their TG is just taking it like fucking chill like what the fuck kek

Super bby of a gem but definitely gonna pay out

>> No.24216174
File: 77 KB, 500x500, Shaq Real Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck guys, whats this? Who even cares about DAOs and free shits??? also d shitty governance system? Rich determines everything anyway and gets what they want, stay poor!!!

>> No.24216247
File: 3 KB, 300x168, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dude!!

VPN nowadays became indemand specially now on pandemic on SPDR your data was safe

>>SpiderDAO leverages a multi-layered governance setup based on hardware and software tools on top of a Fair & Resilient Hardware-based DAO built on Polkadot.

>> No.24216317

Dumb no more! With SPDR can enjoy utility, liquidity mining, and governance at the same time without having to choose one exclusively

now be a good fag and check out their TG t.me/SpiderDAO

>> No.24216325

Fucking shit this is a scam project!!! Anon fucking shit!!

>> No.24216364
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I get what you mean about DAOs, not sure if anyone really gives a shit about the theoreticals, but nice to see a project doing smth diff and maybe with the right incentives and token economy these guys could start smth new y'know?

>> No.24216440
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Gonna replace my old router and have Spider DAO:

>Secure and safe browsing.
>get paid for using the internet
>Buy and sell your bandwidth

get hackeddd scumbags

>> No.24216457
File: 9 KB, 237x212, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you're the scam anon fucking idiot!

SPDR has already have a product out that is active in 18 countries, has over 6400 users and processes over 350TB in monthly traffic.

>> No.24216484

this is pajeet thread shilling rug pull coins again kek

throw you shitcoin wallets am die early as fuck

u better learn english first PAJEET

>> No.24216636
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Damn! The SpiderDAO should have been here earlier, before elections.

No cheating would be possible and the US wouldn't be so embarrassed for not being able to count the fucking votes LMAO.

>> No.24216639
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Fucking shit! Moron go share you're fucking privacy and get hacked damn you!

Too many anon that doesn't want to protect their privacy!

>>SPDR has the way to protect it they already have a working platform!!

Go and DYOR fuck

>> No.24216658
File: 485 KB, 1246x1070, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP how can i have free Spider VPN router ? And will it be delivered to my address?

>> No.24216729

Fuck this project no team !!!

>> No.24216796

i dont see anything bad with his english, is there a problem with your mom? lol

If you don't know, VPNs on blockchain is the NEXT HUGE INNOVATION!

> Chain-link brought on and off-chain solutions altogether!

> SpiderDAO also making the same thing! $SPDR token will be $50/token atleast soon after DEX listing

better DYOR first before spilling trash anon

>> No.24216879

being hacked is for bitches

no, how about ur mistress? kekk

>> No.24216948
File: 36 KB, 450x909, received_163412718846151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck did you even read their website??? The team face all over there!! Damn

>>CEO-Nathan is an experienced entrepreneur specialized in IoT development and operations, Skilled in management of onsite and remote IT Help Desk Administrators and Developers. He has been successfully overseeing SpiderVPN since 2017. He also managed the full oversight of multiple projects from start-up to completion.

Website: https://spiderdao.io/

>> No.24217326
File: 4 KB, 300x168, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you're wrong!!

Being hack is not for the bitches it was for the weak!!!

So better protect the fucking privacy! Or else all your date will be leak!!!

Protect it with SPDR

>> No.24218177

Where does one purchase/trade tokens? they aren't on uniswap yet

>> No.24218843
File: 80 KB, 765x401, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a DAO that makes sense.

>Here in SpiderDAO , plutocracy is not welcome. Even the large whales cant frickin skew the votes in their favor. They fight it by separating voting rights and governance token.

>> No.24219507
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Nah sadly rich can't control the outcome in SpiderDAO.

You need one Spider Router and stake SPDR to get one damn voting right !

Everyone is equal here boi

>> No.24219958

Private sale is up and running. I already pledged my $1k cause i know there's a future in SPDR. They're unique and has hardware product. It's not like the uniswap shitcoins u usually see.

>> No.24220205

I wonder if this industry is gonna be big ? VPNs are not that trendy like defi and NFTs

>> No.24221044
File: 3 KB, 100x100, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO. You clearly couldn't distinguish solid coins and rug pulls.

>Go to SpiderDAO website pajeet and DYOFR. Team is real and reputable, not like your anon devs that will pull liquidity in just few weeks and left u rekt

>> No.24221616

Most defi and NFT are just riding the fad.

SpiderDAO is offering us a real world products and now you're doubting ? Did u doubt on the promise of unknown dev to you without even MVP ?

>> No.24221878

Im relatively new, can you tell me where i can find these sales or the website where they are occuring?

>> No.24222278
File: 277 KB, 1020x1020, 20201125_005746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh sorry chads. SpiderDAO private sale has now ended in just 24hrs lol.

Demand is too strong in this one. Real products and real use case.

>> No.24222317

Oh lordy the pajeeting