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24204302 No.24204302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the minimum academic requirements and approximate IQ required to become a nurse?

>> No.24204349

High school dickploma

>> No.24204392

It's amazing how mindfucked these losers are. Making $80k to torpedo their quality of life and end up at 35 still single and depressed

>> No.24204584
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>> No.24204885

After watching dozens of TT vids I’m concerned about the competency of nurses. I wouldn’t trust either one of these thots administering medication.

>> No.24204951

it's a lottery to marry a doctor and get rich that's all

>> No.24204980

Why do women need so much attention bros

>> No.24205007

105 IQ, college degree from anywhere.

>> No.24205022

nurses are the biggest whores of all times, go to a nurse school and get to know them you'll be swimming in boobs and vagina - nurses only want to FUCK FUCK FUCK all the time

>> No.24205037

Lets just say its perfect for women

>> No.24205046

Nah, I'd rather an old white tradesman than them handling my meds etc. They look ditzy and totally incompetent.

>> No.24205419

I'm in nursing school right now. Any dipshit who can pass pre-reqs (A&P, Applied Math, Enlgish 101, CNA cert) can make it into nursing school. The course material is pretty easy common sense stuff, and if you're feeling particularly lazy most exam questions can be found online. I'm the only male in my class, and 2/3rds of my starting class has flunked out so far. Its always the math that gets them. Its just simple dosage calc, and they don't have the brains to do it. NCLEX I've heard is tough though.
By all means you should fear the incompetence of nurses, and the foreign doctors that direct them.

>> No.24205515

Did you watch the video? They just admitted they come in hungover without sleep and then skip meals.

>> No.24205555

NM I misread.

>> No.24205879

2/3rds flunked? Is that normal?

>> No.24205918
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>nurse posting
This isn't /int/

>> No.24205930

prime ass and pussy anon

>> No.24205954 [DELETED] 
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I can say, the prospective project is seen by the pre-sale results. I invested in Dymmax (dymmax.com) because the team has gained 1 million dollars for the private sale period!

>> No.24205984

>Male Rn student here
I can agree that dosage calc is what fucks most students
but acceptance into a nursing school is pretty hard if you do not high GPA and high TEAS.
> over saturated here in California so the schools are weeding out the weak from the start

>> No.24205988

Here in India, nurses are a lower class profession. If you're middle class and up, you become a doctor or a dentist. Only poor and low IQ people go into nursing.

>> No.24206033

You live in a gynocentric society
I realized this when I went to America and all the stores would have massive space for the women's section, and absolutely tiny space for the men.

>> No.24206040

thats why the indian doctors here are shit.
very questionable actions
>Im a LPN

>> No.24206041

in india everyone is a lower class

>> No.24206058

I don't trust fucking nurses and I don't trust fucking PAs either

I've seen both fuck shit up right and left, both are filled with incompetents who couldn't get an MD (a lot of MDs are fucking idiots too, but who else is left)

>> No.24206094


>> No.24206101

I watched with the sound off and I didn't read anything.

>> No.24206154

>watched with the sound off
Back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.24206213

Why don't they teach professionalism in school anymore?

>> No.24206255

Great question. Professionalism in nearly every profession is seemingly gone.

>> No.24206271

nurse here. not much is needed work as one. travel nurses make a killing

>> No.24206424

Hi sir we are all hindu on this board

>> No.24206457
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Don't know about you guys, but I'm going all in on special operations training and hoping World War 3 breaks out so this shit can all burn down

>> No.24206521

This. However i havent trusted doctors or nurses for a long time after so many misdiagnosises, surgery recommendations for a condition that wasnt there in the first place, and overall screw ups.

Im supposed to respect them when they give me shit for saying poop instead of bowel movement amd treated like an idot when i already know what im experiencing only for them to misdiagnosis me or act like i dont know what im talkimg about!? Jeeez at least the womam from the law firm admired me for my knowledge on law (i mainly read the papers needed to be signed it was straightforward yet somehow i got treated like i was knowledgeable on law stuff simply for understanding the legal jargon....)

>> No.24206584

Well lots of spelling errors not gonna bother fixing it im on phone yall understood what i said

>> No.24206616

Judging by the quality of the video, everyone here is over qualified.

>> No.24206687

Only worthless pajeet scum hates on nurses.

>> No.24206688
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>Why yes i was proclaimed a doctor by an indoor cow rancher forum, how could you tell?

>> No.24206735

Jesus christ anon... I was gonna tell you to just quit before you look retarded but I was too late. Might as well keep going now, see how deep this retardation gets.

>> No.24206742

Ok bro then why not just treat yourself then if you know so much?

Oh wait, maybe like most ignorant people you dont know what you dont know. Probably read something on web md and now think you know the ins and outs of medicine.

Maybe the problem is yourself and most likely all the shitty outcomes you had are likely due to your own refusal to follow medical advice and your incapability to understand simple instructions think you know better.

Stay sick mongoloid, hope where you live has assisted end of life programs to you can put yourself out of your own misery.

>> No.24206777

it takes a lot of work retard. you have to take bullshit filter courses like anatomy and physiology which is just straight up memorizing every bone, muscle, ligament etc. in the human body. no you will not use 90% of what you have to learn in the workforce. it's just to filter out the retards. the job itself also isn't fun or fulfilling at all for the first few years of your career. you work graveyard shifts and clean up people's feces, urine and blood.

>> No.24206808

32 IQ chest size

>> No.24206809
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>> No.24206821

I'm not a nurse, but I can tell you right now that most of you out of shape, unwashed, and untrained fools could never be one.

>> No.24206880


weiß und basiert

>> No.24206998

Holy shit, are you Ravishing Rick Rude?

>> No.24207020

I'd bang both of them if that's what you're saying