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24199626 No.24199626 [Reply] [Original]

>live at home
>haven't had friends for almost 5 years
>ghosted everyone and changed my phone number twice after college because i didn't make the transition to adulthood
>haven't had sex with a non hooker since june 2018
>no skills
>worthless degree
>only work exp is stocking in grocery stores
>70k cash, almost all from an inheritance

If I didn't have the inheritance id be unbelievably fucked. I have 1 btc but its not enough. I have 2k xrp but its not enough. I constantly worry about losing all the money i put it. I constantly dread a future where i have to work some absolutely shit job. I simply will not be able to survive 30 years of this existence. I have to make it. I have to

>> No.24199720

How does 4million usd sound.

>> No.24199734

youre in the right place at the right time. Ask Jesus for help and He will. Believeing os the only way. this is coming from a poly sci major LOL i kno w how you feel.

>> No.24199736

Jesus man, go for a walk, go to the gym, go to church, go outside, do something, anything.

>> No.24199738

You are a loser even with money you will be a loser. maybe stop being a loser?

>> No.24199747

While you're waiting why don't you develop some skills in a field you have an interest in.

I know it's cliche but put the porn down anon, get your ass in the gym, listen to some self-help shit and pull yourself together before you start believing your own bullshit...if you haven't already.

>> No.24199763

Allocate all cash to btc. Lower ur burn rate as much as possible (this should 2nd nature to us) and wait for hyperbitcoinization where 1 btc can buy you a family home with acreage. You wont believe how difficult this simple plan is for ppl to follow. Ignore the haters. Most on here dont even have 1 btc. You already made it. Just hold.

>> No.24199798

i hope so, greenie
how the fuck does seeing people on here talk about having multi-million dollar net worths at 22 years of age, all because they fucking dorked out on btc in 2011, not make you want to rip your own face off? That's like stumbling on the cheat code of life. They bought their freedom FOREVER. most people work for 30 fucking years. I can't take it AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.24199807

Forgot to mention...my time horizon is 5 years or less.
t. Bought btc in the 500s

>> No.24199824

Will there be any kind of correction? The RSI is way up and its pretty overbought it seems. If this goes to the ATH and blows past it i don't even know what to think. "this time its different" comes to mind

>> No.24199848

Have you ever even held a job? Let alone one that you like? You know, like a career. When you do something you don't hate and enjoy the people you work with it's not something you hate...

>> No.24199862

This. It helps. I am a virgin neet and it’s the best cope.

>> No.24199868

i think i have to stop making threads like these

>> No.24199906

Honey badger doesnt care about TA. This is about fiat collapsing. Btc isnt going up, fiat is becoming more worth less.

>> No.24199986

LOL at best a job is tolerable
Working from home and early retirement are not memes
OP worded it the way to get the maximum pity.
To sum up:
>he has a degree
>he hasn't had sex in TWO years (WOO!)
>he has money

Many people here never had friends ano are virgins at your age (not me, but I understand them).

>> No.24199992


>> No.24199993

God damn that guy looks like an absolute psychopath

>> No.24199999


Came here for this. Joining a weekly Bible study group at a local church was the biggest turning point in my life.

Give in to Christ he won't let you down.

>> No.24200011
File: 126 KB, 960x882, 3418FAFF-2432-4E33-81DE-A4B9C6A46157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’ve never taken a chance in your life have you anon

>> No.24200013

>no friends
>but have money

Id rather have the money. I fuck hookers anyway.

>> No.24200044

Working is nice because it takes the time you waste in being a "doomer"

>> No.24200048

yea thats a real life coomer. he's a bar manager in pattaya (i think). You can see the coomer in his face. his eyes
i got a traumatic brain injury and it gave me ptsd, trauma, hypochondria. ill try to break the mold

>> No.24200104

This. Remember, all the central banks are printing themselves out of the corona recession as much as possible. Crypto is a great hedge against inflation since the supply is either controlled or it's production is understood. There's no billionaire sitting at the head of the board crushing the print button.

>> No.24200130

based ,checked and breadpilled

>> No.24200172

I’m literally sitting in a hyperbaric chamber rn for an abi, the shit works anon look into it, 40 sessions and you’ll notice a large improvement

>> No.24200225

But you do have money retard, 70k is far above average for your age
Stop whining, realise you don't have it that bad and that you have the power to achieve things you want
Good luck

>> No.24200232

well dude the tbi happened in 2007. i got hit by a bus and i don't even remember that entire week. I got a craniotomy, replaced the fragmented bone with a titanium plate, and yea. I made a full recovery but i just see myself as way more fragile from the experience. i have a lot of neuroticism and anxiety.

>> No.24200389

I drowned at the beach i got pulled out but I don’t remember anything, it’s been almost 15 years and I only started going to hyperbaric last year due to majordepression and brain lesions the shit works bro check it out(no more brain lesions per mri)

>> No.24200808

Amen anon. I won't give yall the /pol/ spiel. In short serving the Lord is where its at.

>> No.24201418

That sucks, I know. I got a TBI in Feb. I'm getting through, but my head still feels like oatmeal, and I feel off in many ways. In good shape financially, been hanging in there at a high paid job in STEM, but it's been one hell of a year.
You have funds to invest in education, that seems like a good bet at your age. This is a good year for online education. Maybe you could ride a crypto wave, but that's not a sustainable plan for living.

>> No.24201777


Listen to this dude. All-in BTC NOW mofo. This is your shot, don't let it go to waste. Sell in Nov/Dec. Buy back when it bottoms out. Follow the halving chart. We're gonna make it.

>> No.24201834

70k is a lot

>> No.24201877 [DELETED] 


btc is shite

>> No.24201887
File: 75 KB, 1040x629, BE953546-0953-40E3-885B-CF8DBD474CF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly just kill yourself and literally burn the money, fire pit and all. Why? Because you’re a degenerate nigger teir brainlet. No amount of money will make anyone like you for who you are. You’re almost 30 have nothing to show for yourself no friends nothing. If you died no one would notice or heck even care. You’re a burden. You don’t need to “make it” you need to change your life and attitude.

>> No.24201993

OP, you aren't in that bad of a spot. You are actually better off than most people your age. Invest that money into something. Whether it be in an etf like spy or could go riskier but bigger reward and buy btc. During this time, get a job. Doesnt have to be the best paying job but do the best you can. Invest what you can from your wage and keep doing so. Even if you just buy spy in 10 years there is a possibility that it will 5-10x and that $70 will now be $350k to $700k. If you keep investing what you can it will be even bigger. Then when you get to an amount you're comfortable with, invest all of it into a nice dividend etf that has dividends of 8-10%. You will now be making passive income and be able to retire by the time you're 45 if you live conservatively during this time. Best of luck, OP.

>> No.24202053

>Allocate all cash to btc

if two assets have equal utility then shouldn't their value tend toward being equal? if one asset is strictly better from a utility standpoint than another, shouldn't the better asset eventually come to be more valuable?

is value not the same thing as usefulness? if not, then how do you define value?

>> No.24202056

I'm 30, I've lost my career, friends and I had to move to live with my parents after living the years 18-27 on my own. I spent the years 2015 to 2018 in mental institutions.I have $700k in crypto right now. I can say that in 2018 when I got out of mental institution I had only $9k on my bank account.

I'm gambling big time, I have $700k right now in crypto, but I need it to 2-3x to retire for good here in Europe. I'm too mentally ill to get a job

>> No.24202103

And to add to this, if you want a recommendation from me for a crypto that isn't bitcoin, buy RSR. It's not a guarantee but I truly believe that it will have massive gains in the next year or two. I own 1.5mm and I'm holding it for the foreseeable future. There may be dips but gains will be rewarded to those with a strong enough will to not sell and just hold it.

>> No.24202119


Stay poor.

>> No.24202174


answer this question:


how is crypto not a giant dot-com bubble right now? prices are insane compared to the actual utility most of these things offer. i foresee a major reckoning.

>> No.24202255
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>> No.24202285

This is an easy retirement for you. I'm not sure what your options are for investing in stocks and etfs since you're a euro but I would personally pull money out of crypto and then wait for the next big market correction which will be upcoming this next year. When that correction happens use all of that money and invest it all into an etf with a wide portfolio of stocks. This will end up doubling and tripling over time.

>> No.24202351


it's a little silly when one btc is almost twenty grand and the bitcoin network is really just a very slow and costly transaction processor.

>> No.24202432

We all want btc to die but it’s the original crypto and until ether 2.0 comes out and is useable we won’t see it stop.

>> No.24202480

You're already pulling out of the crypto market? (Despite Bitcoin has not even broke its ath)

>> No.24202507


i think flare stands a good chance at crushing eth and will swallow up a lot of marketcap.

>> No.24202591

Flare has nothing it’s a 5 person team

>> No.24202628

Btc will die a slow death i think, but might pump on the way there. There's a lot of projects in this space that has the capability of outliving bitcoin

>> No.24202676



Learn to code in the meantime. Not a meme. Fucking do it.

>> No.24202681

I hope you make it and find peace, it’s rarely found with money anon

>> No.24202711


>> No.24202721


they make some good points about staking. i'm still learning but i'm starting to really think that xrp/flare have it right. we'll see.

>> No.24202773


btw, check em

>> No.24202887

Chainlink or band protocol ???

>> No.24202956


i know very little about chainlink but i don't really feel that motivated to research it. there are hundreds of coins each with their own gimmick. you'd probably know better than i.

>> No.24203024

Band is a literal chainlink clone, I don’t care if you’re new you can’t be slow or stupid in this game

>> No.24203101

Go 5x long on Ethereum and BTC.

>> No.24203252

Damn OP im literally you but without cash, live in the suburbs and don't have a car.
Im stuck

>> No.24203443


i don't understand why oracles need a separate token. wouldn't it be easy to patch this sort of functionality directly into eth or flare?

>> No.24203573

I'm not personally, but I was just giving this guy a safe way to reach his financial goal. Sometimes slow and steady is better than fast and dangerous.

>> No.24203744

And what will you do when you maek eet? Will you magically become happy? Will you suddenly have a healthy social life?

You do realize that your ovsession with making it is a cope? That you put all your effort in this hope of an ideal future so you can avoid the unpleasant awareness that there are things in your life you struggle with that you CAN actually control? What a human needs to be happy is a social life nigger. Not money alone. Work on all aspects of your life. Youre just an insecure manchild ashamed of his failings hoping to catch up on his social life once he made enough money to not be seen as a loser. The thing is though that you are a loser. But not for the money. Plenty of low earning men have good friends and love lifes.

I jusr got up so sorry for my incoherency but damn bro, face your demons.

>> No.24203800

ok ill check it out thanks.
based will do
its not enough ill chill at a mill
thanks ive been seeing rsr shilled around
>overnight stocking job
>get a 90s era honda civic hatcback (i drive one). you can probably get one around 70k miles for 3-4k.

>> No.24203886

honestly dude, as warped as this sounds, i actually don't care about having friends at all. I care about my freedom. I just want to travel around the world, learn languages, have sex with mysterious and polite qts on the other side of the world (preferably azn) and write a book or something. my friends turned their backs on me after i cucked my ex. it was really telling, like my social utility to them was jeapordized so they dropped me. i don't hate people im just indifferent to them. i just want to be free

>> No.24204167

Tell me your porn habits
Tell me your sleep hours
Your first routine after getting from bed
Thing that you look towards to in a week.
Exercise regimen.
Relationship with parents, aunt/uncle grandparents friends acquaintance etc etc.
Your wardrobe or how you dress.
What you need is a disassociation from your previous self, a clean break
Whatever negative feedbacks that are happening in your life needs to be recognized, acknowledge and worked upon. You are not doing it for the girls, but to unlock a better you. acquiring a girl / being a normie is something you will naturally be interested in after a while. You are solid on the money front, no need to worry, these emotions are useful for a person to navigate through life. Don't be a slave to fear, acknowledge it, understand what triggers it, and use your emotions for a better self.
As it stands right now, even if you get rich with crypto, your quality of life is piss poor.