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24184360 No.24184360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is being a male nurse a based occupation?

>> No.24184422

want 2 smell they puzzers

>> No.24184451

Is the fear being accused of sexual harassment or being harassed by older women based?

>> No.24184468

If you are not a complete autist, look okay and want to have a lot of sex, yes

>> No.24184494
File: 39 KB, 460x397, téléchargement (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening with that brapper on the right?

>> No.24184503

Being a GP, specialist, or pharma rep, or nurse practitioner would be more based imo

>> No.24184542

why is it with you retards always thinking about sex?

>> No.24184564

dude why is her ass so damn FAT

>> No.24184595

Because there is a God

>> No.24184620

No. The nurses want to fuck the doctors, not other nurses (unless they're lesbian). You'll just be cucked while being look down upon by society in general.

>> No.24184660

My uncle is a nurse and got constant pussy, but at the cost of never being able to hold down a stable relationship.

>> No.24184665

Physician's assistants might be better. Less school (than a doctor), higher pay (than a nurse), and not nearly as much debt as your average doctor.

>> No.24184672

wut? Are you Asexual? I'm sorry for you, maybe kill yourself

>> No.24184698

It isn't, nurses are sluts and the doctors fuck them. Male nurses are gay or weird outcasts.
She gets fat, it always starts on the ass by women.

>> No.24184705

i knew a male nurse.
he was treated like the hospital bouncer cuz every nurse is women.
they all treated him like shit
passed up for promotions cuz women first
doctors treated him like dumbass
he decided to be a doctor instead
couldnt handle school then quit
now he is a bouncer
t. my blogpost

>> No.24184708

Being a nurse sucks in general I've heard. Also, how do I short women?

>> No.24184723

fucking low iq degenerate.

>> No.24184743

she probably does squats everyday and pushes it out (look at her spine angle) along with her tits. If she stood up straight, it wouldn't look quite as juicy. But the main difference between those 2 girls is basically just working out and not being lazy

>> No.24184754

only if you are gay and you are searching for other gay males

>> No.24184779

you sound like somebody open for a suicide pact with the asexual faggot

>> No.24184796

The left has a male horse face.

>> No.24184805

Do you think people who are asexual are unhappy? Sounds like it would be just remove a lot of bullshit from life. Although, they are undeniably mentally ill, so maybe it invites a host of other problems.

>> No.24184814

wtf i want a medical doctorate now

>> No.24184829

it's a bit like male teachers, my dad was a teacher for a few years and couldn't put up with the hen pecking anymore and quit. You'll just be a beta to them for even being in the profession.

>> No.24184838

My friend is a male nurse, he's definitely not in a place in his life where I'd expect him to cheat on his girlfriend but I'm sure he could if he wanted to. As for the job itself you spend a lot of time cleaning up other people's shit, urine and blood. He makes decent money and gets lots of OT though.

>> No.24184862

thats just what women look like in Britain anon

>> No.24184935

It’s silicone like her tits and painfully obvious. Simps will come dispute because they’re retards.

>> No.24184963

Only if you get to wear a dress

>> No.24184971

She has a black son.

>> No.24184975

>live in a over sexualized society
>Be bombarded with sexualized content
>Success is equal to sexual success
Yeah asexuals should kill themselves or display and monetize their sexual freakishness; they have been born into the wrong time for their degeneration

>> No.24184988

>hen pecking
pretty sure this happens with every job working with females. They're just really abrasive people when you're not in a sexual relationship with them, and often even when you are.

>> No.24184991

Squats don’t give you pencil legs and a comically fake ass. She’s had work done

>> No.24185009

why does she have a shtity job like being a nurse when she could just let people lick her brapper for $5,000 an hour

>> No.24185016

Im literally a nurse

and trust me ALL nurses are cocksuckers

>> No.24185029
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jews are hateful racial supremecists

>> No.24185036


its full of castor oil. she's not a good catch. only idiots would fall for this low level lay. there's a lot of horny idiots out there though

>> No.24185047

Not really, unless you want to fuck a lot of whores.
>t. guy whose college nurse gf 99% chance cheated on him

>> No.24185081

thats a man

>> No.24185088

>tfw mech engi autist

its now my fault, its my career choices, i never wanted to just fuck hookers for the rest of the life, my career made me do it

>> No.24185140

Coomers on this board can’t even tell what obvious Photoshop is so I’m not surprised.

Retards like >>24184743
are way too common. Squats lol. Her ass is beyond injections alone, so oil and silicone bare minimum. She doesn’t look to have fat injected because it just looks and moves like a rubber mound.

>> No.24185155

Nope nurses are useless af always in the shadow of the doctors and too. Icu time on. Hand they are bitches

>> No.24185169

That's an ugly Tarzan!

>> No.24185202

Nurses are freaky. If you're into that, sure.

>> No.24185203

If you're autistic and have zero game this is true.

If you're a hot male nurse in nursing school, girls will want to "practice head to toe assessment with you" = go to your place, pretend to study then fuck like rabbits.

Also if you hate nursing, just go back to school for a few more years and become a NP. Huge pay increase and a lot more respect.

>> No.24185253

>doctors treated him like dumbass
>he decided to be a doctor instead
>couldnt handle school then quit
So he was a dumbass

>> No.24185270

male nurse here. most female nurses are annoying, they already have boyfriends and will only cheat if you make a lot more than they do

>> No.24185325

You can fuck most women age 18-25 if you are a hot man, women in that age group dont care that much about ressources. Like older ones that already want to seetle.

>> No.24185329

How did these females even pass training. it's clear they're attention seeking sluts.

>> No.24185335

she either bought it or does a million leg exercises and ended with t rex mode

>> No.24185390

>we will replace you
Came across this quite a few times. Straight up not just war, but bloodwar. tf man.

>> No.24185439
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>> No.24185476


>> No.24185719

Mainly stupid whores in that profession

>> No.24185730

Working in a hospital can be frustrating considering there are lots of attractive nurses but with HR in between you. But dating a nurse is a boomer meme considering their brains weren't wired to handle so much stress and sadness over a long work day making most of them angry, not feminine, and man like. They wouldnt make good wife material but good temporarily considering they're basically cosmetologists with a BS.
But male nurses are total bros like others said with plenty of room for growth and OT.

>> No.24185796

Female nurses are usually insane. I've fucked 2 of them.

>> No.24185808

never go for the fourth time

>> No.24185894

>How did these females even pass training

Nurses and female teachers are the biggest sluts ever. They 100% blowed or fucked their supervisors/managers/profs to get where they are.

>> No.24185960

Yes. Lifting out of shape people who can't assist you will make you jacked since you're talking about even over 100 lbs for a tiny girl.

And you will absolutely bang all the women nurses with all the sexual tension and since doctors are jewish cucks, unironically.

>> No.24185987

Male nurse I know gets the glass elevator because it goes both ways here. Nurse=female dominated=men first. Same in childcare.

>> No.24185997

>when you're tired of just imagining the smell

>> No.24186046

Not if you want nurse pussy, which from my experience have been pretty easy and good fucks. If you work in a hospital and want to fuck a nurse, you need to be an MD or have some sort of stature. I briefly dated an MD and she said a guy in her fellowship ran through half the nurses on rotation and that nurses would always openly flirt with doctors. You unironically have a better shot having sex with a nurse as a plumber, welder, etc. than as one of their coworkers.

If you are a male nurse, you need to be jacked and mogmaxx to the highest degree if you wanted to bang a nurse sloot. She's going to know your job inside and out, so you're not going to be able to play up your job in any way to make yourself seem more appealing. You're only option at that point is to be an alpha Chad and be assertive. Nurses get bossed around and are responsible for taking care of people for 12 hours at a time. They want a guy who is going to take control and isn't going to pussy foot around.

>> No.24186055

DAMN that girl on the right is thick in all the right places.

>> No.24186056


>> No.24186092
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IDK about nurses but succubi aren't a bad choice. And CID/TAR aint a bad choice either.

>> No.24186201

mogged to death

>> No.24186500

Are you referring to them being whores or a bitch to deal with?

From my dating experience, nurses tend to bitch about their jobs more than most girls, but they don't have nearly the same martyr and victim mentality that teachers have. Where I live, teachers get paid WAY above the national average and get disgustingly generous bennies. Yet every time I've taken one out, it ultimately leads to them bitching for over an hour about how hard their job is, how they don't always get to leave when school is over, etc. They're completely obvious that most people stay late, work overtime, have shit bosses, coworkers, and clients, and don't have a guaranteed pension, 3+ months paid leave a year, and significantly worse health insurance. By far the whiniest cunts I've ever come across.

>> No.24186551


>> No.24186559

Irish here. Nutted in a butterface Irish nurse one night after a night out. She tied me up with plastic handcuffs before leaving in the morning and I was quite late for work.

Some years later. nutted in a QT Finnish nurse. She had some serious anger issues but the sex was great, so made it a regular thing over the Summer. Then her friend came to visit her. Had planned to try setting up this friend up with one of my friends but he never showed up.

Over the course of the night a Swede tries his luck and fails miserably. Go back to mine, continue to drink and get absolutely wasted. Some time later at home they put on some cringeworthy sauna porn on my laptop and start giving each other a massage, like it's no big thing. Eventually my girl wants happy ending before bed, nut in her while choking her... her friend films it.

Next day I'm hungover as fuck but her friend wakes me up by sucking my dick. She rides me and I nut in her while my girl plays to it and I go back to sleep.

It all seems like the best thing ever but a few months after it all I notice I have herpes. Begin to debate about whether it was worth it or not. Kinda regret it now because I'm not seeing either of them now (both too crazy for anything long term) and I feel like I've fucked up my prospects for a clean woman.

>> No.24186664

Thou seems to be of the sausage eating variety it seems.

>> No.24186739

Gays think of sex too, so your argument doesn't stand

>> No.24186838

No. It's probably pretty fucking dreadful.
A based job is anything that makes you a good living and doesn't put you in contact with women in a workplace setting

>> No.24186951

chekd n kekd

>> No.24186969

Be a lawyer instead bros

>> No.24186976

It's a sizable asset to behold

>> No.24187011


It's disgusting she'll be a fat whale in 10 years

>> No.24187112

A drunken Irishman? You don’t say.....