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24181229 No.24181229 [Reply] [Original]

Is your first job after college actually important? What kind of impact would it have on your career?

>> No.24181273

It defines the rest of your wagie life
The trick is to not have a wagie life

>> No.24181278

i'd give her a job, if you know what i mean

>> No.24181310

Not in the slightest, people get new jobs all the time.

>> No.24181335

It set me up to learn enough to go from 60k -> 120k

>> No.24181382

data-mining tranny poster. Have you all not noticed a trend of these post with ODDLY SPECIFIC questions and no response from OP?

Stop responding to these and sage

>> No.24181462

>attending college to advance one's indoctrination and learn how to be a good goy
>not becoming a sales professional of high value products/services

>> No.24181518

Mine was a grocery store for a year because I had low self esteem about my career and, after the first few failed interviews, I gave up and stocked dairy for a year. It was miserable. Most dont recover and become complacent with their shitty life.

Don't be like me.

>> No.24181520


>> No.24181562

I wouldn't say it "doesn't matter", in that going into a retail job because you couldn't get one relevant to your degree will actively make it harder to eventually land a good job. But, if you can get your foot into the door for a place you can grow and learn from, then it doesn't matter as much even if it's in a different industry than your end goal.

>> No.24181664

I dont think anyone really thinks negatively of a 20-something year old with a degree and some random retail job as his only real working experience. This is kind of expected/normal. I also think it looks better than someone with no experience who will only accept a perfect job. It's when you're in your mid to late 30s with only retail experience that makes recruiters raise their eyebrows

>> No.24181681

she could start by doing household chores like washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming and other house cleaning.
If There's no indication her intentions are to harm me in some way, then I might let her do some shopping for supplies and cooking of meals as well

>> No.24181682

Taking a low paying job at any point in your career statistically hurts your odds of getting a higher paying job. Which is to say that some people get shuffled right on track to the top and others get to labor until they "work their way up". According to what I've read the second group catches up after a decade in terms of salary but the wealth gap created by that decade is nigh insurmountable. That said it's become so increasingly obvious that the game is rigged that people are refusing more and more to play. Time will tell what happens next.

>> No.24181697

>going into a retail job because you couldn't get one relevant to your degree will actively make it harder to eventually land a good job
I feel like this is wrong. If you have to hang with the wagies for a while it doesn't matter because you still have your degree

>> No.24181739

This isn’t specific at all, schizo

>> No.24181748

>be me
>only go to highschool, no college whatsoever
>first "job" was to be a weed dealer
>second "job" was to buy cheap chinese pipes and weed grinders, then sell them at 3x the price
>first real job was working at a callcenter and being paid the minimum wage
>next three jobs were as a graphic designer
>2018 comes, I got money from crypto, quit work for a year
>2019 comes, spent all my money so I got once again hired as a graphic designer
>spends 30% of my salary buying crypto up until february 2020
>take a $5k bank loan and buy more crypto after the march crash
>september comes, I almost made it so I quit work, bought a nice gaming pc so I can play games and watch anime all day until the pandemic is over

tl;dr working is mostly useful only when the crypto money runs out, and if you make smart decisions and you earn a ton of money from crypto then you don't have to work

>> No.24182070

That’s fucking smart anon. Cooking should be the last thing on the list when you start allowing her out of basement.

>> No.24182522

Yeah the impact is huge, Im still working in the same field after graduated for 7 years

>> No.24182553

buy RSR

>> No.24182871

Faggot why are you here if you lookin for a job?

>> No.24183685

Whats wrong with her left hand.

>> No.24184028

Hey guys, should I start at entry-level($55k) or mid-level($85k)? I'm in a job placement program that lies about my years of experience.

>> No.24184106

exactly. can never be too careful with household pets

>> No.24184486
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>It's when you're in your mid to late 30s with only retail experience that makes recruiters raise their eyebrows
early 30's here
can confirm it is looking grim

>> No.24185019

How? Are you just stupid?

Getting into the corporate life is literally babbys first hurdle.

Apply, smile, be willing to learn and you can fall ass backwards into a $60k job surfing reddit 5 hours a day

>> No.24185093

what places

>> No.24185226

Literally anywhere.

Look into sales development, business development, customer success. SaaS companies are hiring 24/7 for these positions.

Worst comes to worst, work for your local government (city/county) as a junior assessors analyst or something

>> No.24185308


>> No.24185334

not stupid but bad at managing myself, my time, staying focused, etc. feels a lot like i'm stupid sometimes

>> No.24185430

oh only have an AA

>> No.24185533

Those aren't necessarily requisite qualities in the corporate world. They employ managers to act as your self regulator.

Your problem is applying. You're just sitting on your ass waiting for the world to hand the next step to you. Go out and get it

>> No.24185587

What the hell is wrong with his hand?

>> No.24185689

who is this girl?

>> No.24185704

this. i went to college to party and fuck sluts (i did). Never thought about my future, sleepwalked through a polisci degree, graduated, and my first job, at 24 years old, was overnight stocking at petsmart. I was too socially anxious and fearful of judgement and looking stupid to compete with all the networking, bright-eyed, bushy tailed faggots in my peer group at college. I failed to make the transition, and started hiding from the world 4 years ago. I never recovered, never tried to turn shit around, and with no friends around to push me, give me shit, humiliate me, i just choose to keep doing "nothing" and have stagnated since. I got hired for a 25/hr job before covid hit but they DUMPED me on my ass before i even started because of covid. now i can get interviews for ~20/hr sales rep type of shit for grocery stores and meat manufacturers, but i still feel like a complete failure and a loser. I have zero confidence, I feel like im being judged, and everyone my age (29) can smell the "absolute fucking loser" all over me. The idea of making even 60k a year is a fantasy for me.

My resume is completely fabricated to. I've had more jobs than i can remember, and i've never worked anywhere for more than a year. In fact, the longest ive ever held a job is one year. most of the 15+ jobs ive had i quit within a few months. I wish my dad was an asshole
>muh learn to code
too lazy, not interested in it at all, and yea

>> No.24185729

a man

>> No.24185812

>babbys first hurdle
not him, but im almost 30 and ive only worked in grocery stores. I feel threatened and fearful of the obnoxious, hypersocialized faggot environment and the political nature of corprations. I fucking hate people and im not able to hide it from hyper extroverted faggots. I can trick the proles im around all day because they hate their lives, but when it comes to turbo normies, one day of having a monotone voice, or showing a little less enthusiasm, and youre OUT on your ASS
>waiting for the world

>> No.24186212

Dude, no. I'm a socially retarded cooming channer since 2008 with panic disorder and a useless liberal arts degree. And I can still step into normie world and do what has to be done. It's actually really rewarding in a sense.

The problem with channers is they don't respect the concept of process. You're not gonna walk in and be slick Willy on day one. But you start, by applying for jobs, being more social, cutting out negative self talk.

But bc you're a channer, there's a 99% chance you'll say "na bro it won't work" and huddle back into your chair until you find the rope at 45. Not trying to hate, but the level of self pity and learned helplessness in this place is depressing

>> No.24186302

Your first job before college is even more important.

>> No.24186317

yea i think ill just kill myself at 45. I've been in "given" up mode for a while now and taking any of the steps you mentioned is something i have zero desire or motivation to do and it would just feel fake and sad. whatever

>> No.24186394

Your perception of reality is a veil. It doesn't represent true underlying reality. You can change that veil if you want...if you want.

I hope you don't kill yourself man.

>> No.24186438

I love tummies

>> No.24186594

tfw i didnt ever go to college and my first real job was doing support making $50k/yr for 45h/wk. lol

>> No.24186632


>> No.24186650

Bruh my life is opposite f urs. I couldnt do anything social. Fucked 0 sluts in uni. Sad part is that i had couple of females take initiative and tried to be social with me, my retardness kept me from getting laid or having relationships. I was also addicted to porn. Uni took 9 years to finish. I graduated into fucking covid, with a gpa of 2.85 and no internships. I signed myself to a 2 year almost scam dev training and got some exp. Thankfully they couldn't find clients and released me from there contracts. I used that experience on my resume and applied to 90 places, got a job wfh last month.
Dude drop ur pride and accept that you are a retard and just fucking apply.

>> No.24186855

The only important thing is getting one and basically plan your exit at all times. Save as much as you can, don't try to advance up any ladder, don't make enemies and don't make friends that might want you to not leave.

>> No.24186889

That is a woman.

>> No.24186905
File: 1.39 MB, 2649x1483, comeatmebro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother. Shut the fuck up. We make the best choices for our best interests at any given moment. Better you avoided those bright eyed normie fags than became them. In our minds we all failed to make the transition, everyone, even the most 'capable' people you see, that way we see ourselves doesn't ever change until we change it. Thank fucking god you're not at some shit job. You aren't working at those shitty stores because they're shitty options available to you.
Others don't 'judge you' of their own free will really. People are fucking stupid and you're seeing a simple reaction to whatever you're projecting off and carrying around.If you act differently tomorrow their reaction changes. Their reaction doesn't fucking matter.
Thank fucking god again you didn't stay anywhere for more than a year, that's what kills souls.

You haven't done shit in a few years, you've become more fragile and sensitive from not being exposed to bullshit. Good. When you are exposed you'll be so fragile it'll crack you into a billion pieces and tear you apart and free you from yourself. That's the best scenario you could ask for, you're still free to be anyone, not stuck as a manager at a fucking meat factory.

Your only problem is you're judging you. You are being judged. It's you. 60K a year, would that make you matter? Would that be enough? Why? It doesn't fucking matter.

The thing is our actions carry us and our negative thoughts catch up later. For a while your best option is to start pretending to be confident. Start doing things you think a confident person would do.

Kinda jealous i never fucked sluts in college btw

>> No.24187432

Fuck. It is actually a man, damn.

>> No.24187476

That's a man anon

>> No.24187497
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The level of chance garanties for traders is rising because of DeFi development. As for me one of the best example of it is Dymmax (dymmax.com) because it’s instituted on parimutuel betting with fixing chances

>> No.24187529
File: 1.35 MB, 400x400, hahaha get dabbed on kid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two humanities degrees from top 25 uni
>Out of college for year and a half
>Only had a job as bartender that got BTFO by covid
>Been a NEET living with parents for like half a year now
What're my options here? Should I fall for the learn2code meme or try to go to lawschool? I don't really know what to do at this point and I'm feeling suicidal in minecraft.

>> No.24187622
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, you are literally me but 6 years older. I feel like a complete retard with my meme humanities degrees. Looking at all my friends with CS/Engineering degrees who have actual good paying jobs makes me want to fucking die. Covid has just turned me into a fat alcoholic and I cannot summon any sort of motivation whatsoever. How the fuck do I escape this?

>> No.24187898

Go from an office sales job of low price high volume products (preferably anything software related) to office sales job with high price software products

>> No.24187953

What area do you want to go into? Do you wsnt to make money? How do you want to make money?

>> No.24188037

The last thing you need, buddy, is MORE school. You need to move out and start working. Boomer cliche incoming: a shit job is the best motivator to get a good job

>> No.24188397
File: 170 KB, 1080x985, 1561684216638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I graduated from UCSD with a degree in Physics this March, most of my physics friends graduated last year
They currently work for government contractors like Northrop, General Atomics, Qualcomm
I'm currently working as an overnight stocker as well at Smart and Final but this post is lighting a fire under my ass. I always have the Navy to fall back on with my degree but I was looking for a $70k plus job dammit

>> No.24188551

Pleas tell me that’s a dude

>> No.24188904

Honestly the only thing that's ever motivated me is military aviation. I might take some crypto gains out to go to civilian flight school and then apply to Air Force. Everything else in my life I've just done because its been what was expected of me.
I've already worked meme manual labor shit jobs and all they made me do was hate my life more. Didn't really motivate me to try harder.

>> No.24188906

This is me except I didn't graduate college and I've been a waiter for 5 years. Guess I'll die.

>> No.24188933



>> No.24188960

Yes your first job is important because it is the stepping stone for your next job.

It won't have long term impact making a poor decision, its just time wasted and potential unrealized.

>> No.24189004


>> No.24189064

What year is it again? 2002?

>> No.24189809

someone's gotta do the dirty work
if everyones makes it then no one does