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24177762 No.24177762 [Reply] [Original]

girlfriend and I went all in sub 0.015 and we celebrated last night. im usually restless as fuck, and for the first time in a long time i had an amazing sleep. Is there a hold more comfortable than eRSDL?

>> No.24177929

Same anon, i see good things in eRSDL and convinced my wife to throw some of her allowance in. She wants to buy more today before it gets to .04

>> No.24178240

yep, happy i got in at 0.0018c fels gud bruv!

>> No.24178304

Feeling good man. Can’t believe I actually went in on this

>> No.24178348


I'm struggling to do anything due to HOW FUCKING COMFY I AM

>> No.24178482

So fuggin comfy here, still trying to decide if ill buy a condo in the city or a house in the country, maybe both.

>> No.24178582
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>> No.24178648
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the "perfect number" (seven days in the week, seven tongues of flame, seven spiritual gifts...).
>0.07 USD confirmed EOW

>> No.24178801


>> No.24178875

im a newfag where can i buy ersdl

>> No.24178932

google it

>> No.24179028

Uniswap bro

>> No.24179075
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>> No.24179077

dont buy at an ATH ya dimwit

>> No.24179091

GTFO, faggot.

>> No.24179120

There ain't nothing but aths recently, I got cucked thinking it would go back below 0.01

>> No.24179155
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gl anon

>> No.24179303

>sold a bit of my eRSDL stack at the top
>put my gains into EPAN
>mfw its almost doubled in the space of a single day
>will put gains back into eRSDL once we reach the bottom
anyone else doing this?

>> No.24179399

I did that with my hex and axion gains but lost a bit on hex so I'm not even sure if I made or lost ersdl

>> No.24179580


Howard yeah baby! Die totale krieg! Das will ich!

>> No.24179584
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>> No.24179589

I don’t think it’s advisable to swing anymore, too many hodlers ready to eat up every little dip. That said, eRSDL seems to be making its biggest gains on weekends recently, so if there’s
a promising low market cap gem that’s too good to pass up on, its worth taking a bit of profit at the ATH and then reinvesting when it dips during the week.

>> No.24179718

Apple pay for the blockchain. Non-anon devs with bags of experience. A lot of similarities with eRSDL in that regard, they’re bridging the gap between traditional finance and Defi. I honestly believe these are the sorts of digital currencies are going to take off if crypto becomes much more regulated in the near future (highly likely)

>> No.24179769

Sounds interesting, thanks. I'll read up on it a bit.

>> No.24180219
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No worries. Borg bros and jannies all gotta look out for one another. wagmi