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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24177114 No.24177114 [Reply] [Original]

When is it our turn XCMbros?

>> No.24177316


>> No.24177319

few weeks max

>> No.24177347

absolute shitcoin

>> No.24177811

what is that supposed to mean? I have 500k when will I make it

>> No.24177853
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that new logo is sweet. cm is getting better and better with each year. luckily they are slow enough so that we can enjoy their progress. hahaha. just kidding. I have much love for that cosy slav exchange.

>> No.24178098

its an easy way to see how much it would cost to buy 100k make it bag
$100.000 at worst
$1.000.000 at best

>I have 500k
how does $500k unironically sound?

>> No.24178222

>how does $500k unironically sound?
it unironically sounds realistic but how fucking long will it take

>> No.24178237

checked, will take at best until end of 2021 at worst end of 2022

>> No.24178369

God I wish you are right with this one. But you are talking about a) crypto and b) CoinMetro.

>> No.24178423

Soon, the exchange is growing a lot in the past few months

>> No.24178711

You copers still waiting for that magic €1/XCM? A dead exchange's exclusive utility token doing 0 effective marketing will manage a 33x in a year?
What dark sorcery is going to be managing that? The infantile youtube clip they published today?

Just hope they ever get to 10-12 c ICO price if you still have the patience for it, and then dump and don't look back

>> No.24178821

Im only selling at €10

>> No.24179099


>> No.24179752

When, in 2165?

>> No.24179821

kevin has been talking about investors coming for years now and the price hasn't moved. what's going to change in the coming months?

>> No.24179898

The fact that some faggot from a vietnamese basket weaving forum has 500k coin of xcm is so fucking bearish

>> No.24180145

>has 500k coin of xcm
the fact that some pajeet is trying to come off as white in an XCM thread on said forum is even more bearish

>> No.24180244

Clients on the exchange. The more volume, the more xcm is market bought and vaulted

>> No.24180576

Glad i sold this piece of shit

>> No.24180590

"kevin has been talking" nicely sums up the whole state of affairs

>> No.24180651
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my sides

>> No.24180898

>Clients on the exchange.
the same ones that were supposed to be there a year ago? are there any details or any upcoming announcements other than the nth UI redesign?

>> No.24181011

I think most people are done with metro as an exchange at this point, I say that as an ico investor who still uses it to on-ramp. Kevin can’t just endlessly run investor rounds over and over. I just don’t see the exchange ever taking off now that the big players are so well established. The only exception being if huge regulation comes in over night but even then I’m sure a cex like binance must be preparing for that by now as well.
Plus the introduction of dexs has to have upset future growth plans, not just metro.

>> No.24181233
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this is how stupid all of you sound honestly

>> No.24181705
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When will you desperate bagholders realize that the token you're holding is literally worthless dead weight? Countless AMAs, countless promises and in the end nothing has been delivered yet. How many times will you have to false excitement for an useless UI improvement? Since when have you been waiting for marketing to takeoff? How do you expect the Coinmetro exchange to make its presence known against Binance, Kraken, Coinbase or Kucoin? Because it somehow happens to offer the "lowest fees" on the market? Because it's European-based and friendlier to regulations?

These are selling arguments that you should actually look at and think twice before endorsing them to others. Imagine thinking crypto enthusiasts would support yet another CEX reporting your grades to fill the taxman's pockets. Worse even, imagine believing that maintaining low fees with current XCM's tokenomics is something doable. Let me tell you something that should knock some sense into your mind : the whole thing wasn't sustainable to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, and the tokenomics are flawed : it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.24181737

Holding 220k. Feeling good about 2021.

>> No.24181771
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>another CEX reporting your grades
reporting your trades*

>> No.24181823
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i love you

>> No.24181873

>Let me tell you something that should knock some sense into your mind : the whole thing wasn't sustainable to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers.
welcome back

>> No.24181913

what's his endgame?

>> No.24181966

FUD coinmetro to buy himself more time to accumulate

>> No.24182380
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Nobody cares about this crap anymore
Gotta up your game

>> No.24182477

dont be rude to him

>> No.24183014
File: 48 KB, 512x341, Rude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go eat some brown dick

>> No.24183024

Coinmetro is like a child full of potential but it just doesn't go anywhere, an underdog. I really hope things will turn for the better in the future

>> No.24183555
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>> No.24183681

>$20,000 in daily volume.

Defend this