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File: 240 KB, 834x478, stateraponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24173960 No.24173960 [Reply] [Original]

Statera fits the Ponzi way better than your average crypto

>Unregistered Investment
Is a DeFi coin, rugpulls everywhere
>Complex and Secretive Strategies
The Statera ecosystem is way too complicated for your average crypto normie to understand so they just assume it’s good
>Unregistered Sellers
Dev team is nearly completely anon and refuses to disclose the multiple GitHub accounts and their identities
>Issues With Paperwork
They got hacked, and the updates keep getting delayed. They even admitted in the TG that the Dashboard is harder than it looks like. The Dashboard, it’s a psyop. The reason it has taken so long for them to develop it is because it’s mostly to milk new investors from the hopium that dashboard release creates when in reality it means nothing.
>High Returns Constantly
Read any financial report. They claim the fund has made an average of 100% APY topping at 1000%+ APY. Average in this scenario is equal to consistent for that time period and that is clearly intended to be used as a number for future returns.
>High Returns with No or Little Risk
Same thing as above. Good day for STA”, ”We will all make it”, ”Week has been going great for the STA team” yet nothing has happened since August.

They still hold a massive part of the supply. Big enough to sell and make price tank 50% in an instant. Imagine price was $16, and they could sell and instantly crash the price to $8. Tell me, is that a ”small portion”? They refunded STATERA tokens after the hack, that they originally had when they created the project. Not a single penny of real money was paid from their own pockets. Bitcoin is used for most payments. Ethereum is critical for many transactions especially in the DeFi space to exist. Chainlink creates an interconnection with the outer world and the crypto world. What does Statera do? Uh, ”print money”. Again, it doesn’t solve anything. It is literally another Bitconnect and this is a classic argument of a Ponzi.

>> No.24173997

I didn’t think someone would actually fall for this. Holy shit this board has gone downhill since 2017.

>> No.24174049

And the whales keep selling and selling. Those are the ones with insider info should tell you something about what the future looks like. And yesterday the shillers hyped up a new announcement would happen, and it sure did. Fucking NFT’s. Hysterical.

>> No.24174062

To expose the scam, all you have to do is this. Compare the Phoenix fund performance to a basket containing the exact same tokens including STA.

Literally all you have to do.

>> No.24174178

This. The deflation as well. Completely unnecessary and only exists to make supply lower making it easier for the early whales to dump on later investors. What’s the reason for the burn to exist when Statera would do the same thing without it? The only thing that it does is leak funds from the poolers. I just can’t fathom how people didn’t see this coming.

>> No.24174471
File: 36 KB, 364x67, deflationaryponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They claim it would add positive price pressure (completely unnecessary ingredient in the pool) yet price tanked from 46 cents to 3 cents? Getting Bitconnect vibes from this.

>> No.24174476

sell then? ha bet you can’t don’t be scared

>> No.24174517

don’t be scared don’t be scared sell all your statera sell all your statera

>> No.24174538

I don't own any STA and don't plan to either. I'm just pointing out why this could be a massive scam. I was nearly dragged into Bitconnect but due to laziness didn't jump in and thankfully so. People lost their homes due to that shit it's really fucking sad. Hoping Statera won't be the same thing but there are definitely a multitude of red flags.

>> No.24174562

>i don’t own any sta
okay stopped reading, next
who will sell?

>> No.24174657

If the devs disclosed their Github accounts (that they claim exist) and their personal wallets as well as address the issues brought into spotlight in this thread, I would consider it. But right now there is way way WAY too much shady stuff going on.

>> No.24174666

>i dont own any sta

>> No.24174736

I don't own any, I just hate seeing /biz/lets get scammed

>> No.24174770

check me motherfuckers, none of you niggers own any sta
>muh /biz/ friends

>> No.24174840

I thought the idea was that it gets put into many adopted pools such that the rebalancing with high enough burns is greater than the draining, with the token itself becoming desirable to hold as deflationary asset? Never happened though it seems like. And I never did the math because I really can't be asssed. Kek.

>> No.24174847

Statera was designed to make biz miss the other moon missions like pnk

>> No.24174920

kek this was made by stonk and xmm holders lol

>> No.24175393

Never owned STONK or XMM either. I only own the three coins I mentioned in the post, BTC, ETH and LINK. For obvious reasons, they have use-cases. Both the projects you mentioned were copies of Statera, and to begin with STA was always shady so why would someone buy those two? No reason at all.
That might be the case. But with no liquidity in the pools no one will put in more liquidity as it's not worth it. It's better to keep holding the token itself in hopes for it to go up otherwise you will suffer impermanent loss which at the moment would be greater than the pool returns. According to the Whitepaper itself (yes I may be one of the few who have actually read it) "If no one uses it, it fails".

>> No.24175557

Well PNK is fucking niche as shit but at least it has some legitimacy attached to it kek

>> No.24175899

Don’t even get me started on the fact that the devs ask for donations. Not only are they trying to get others to pump their token but they are also trying to get people to donate so that they could have an even bigger share of the total supply.

>> No.24176004


>> No.24176037

Low quality fud, yawn

>> No.24176252
File: 82 KB, 1665x576, STACREGS™.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Statera has positive price movement
The trannies return with their tired/played out fud
>n..n...no....it's not fud.....y...you're fud....ahah gotem
We all know it's you John Doe with your "ponzi", you need to change that word but it's not just a word it's your style of seethe writing, the fact that you either have femboy slaves replying or that you are using VPN to post multiple IDs does not make your fud any better
If anyone believes this thread genuinely I would be surprised, but more so NGMI if you fall for this "fud"

check the pic related
>I'm concerned about other anons and have your best interest in mind
It's never true and they want to prevent you from making it, but doesn't affect me if you buy or sell Statera, fud posters hold 0 Statera so these very thinly veiled fud threads are of no threat just disgustingly disingenuous

inb4 seethe replies I don't care not checking this thread again

>> No.24176335

This is hilarious FUD. Only midwits will fall for this

>> No.24176473

It’s always fud if it’s someone raising valid points. They never get legit answers it’s always ”fud” and ”John”. Schizo cult

>> No.24176563

Nothing about this is valid lmao

>> No.24176587

Why not? Because you are down 50% an don’t like what OP brought up? That doesn’t make it invalid ”lmao”

>> No.24176758

The point about the GitHub is irrelevant if you understand that you can query out the source code from the blockchain. GitHub is irrelevant on a deployed country if you aren’t a midwit. Not understanding that implies a lack of basic understanding of the blockchain.
The hack was on balancer, had nothing to do with STA’s source code. The APY returns are valid when pooling. It’s not low risk if you understand you lose the alpha when you convert to UNI LP tokens. Refute any of those points.

>> No.24176809

Deployed coin *. You will probably focus on my typo because you can’t refute any of my points lol. FUD annihilated.

>> No.24176819
File: 817 KB, 714x476, Shitera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this anon - nice to see anons helping anons

>> No.24176842
File: 2 KB, 301x59, Opera Snapshot_2020-11-23_104342_www.coingecko.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only midwits will fall for this
Literally everything is pumping and pic related is what you're holding LOL

>> No.24176873

>devs ask for donations
fucking gross - i didn't know that

>> No.24176940

I barely hold any STA, I’m mainly in ERSDL, RLC, LINK. My portfolio has nothing to do with low effort & low quality FUD that is easily annihilated

>> No.24176965

>changing the goal posts like an actual midwit

>> No.24177052

Thank you, for actually trying to argue and not just call me a fudder.

That is true, but the thing I want to see is any development being made. Nothing else matters. The only Github account we have access to has had no progress in months. Hence why I want them to prove they are actually working on something and not just repeating the hopium.
>Balancer hack
While you are right in a sense, the hack happened because of Statera. Had Statera not existed, there would not have been a hack. Very simple. Also this lead to Balancer banning STA. Yes, I am aware that you can use Delta in there, but I'm talking about STA itself. It is literally banned.
The APY is not valid, as it's less than 10% I believe currently? It's tragically low regardless compared to the numbers stated in the financial reports. Notice how they stopped providing the financial reports as numbers dropped. Cherry picking...