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24164538 No.24164538 [Reply] [Original]

Do you plan on staying here after making it? Trump is likely the last nationalist we will ever see in our lifetimes, and if America doesn't dissolve into civil war, it is likely that our rights will be stripped away until we are some quasi socialist/communist state. If that were to happen I'd expect severe wealth taxes, inheritance taxes, property taxes, capital gains taxes, income taxes, etc etc. I fear it would be impossible to hold wealth in this country without some parasite attempting to siphon it all away in some government mandated scam.

Will you stay? If not where will you go?

>> No.24164588


Not a burger but places that I've done some research on this, best places are generally in southeast asia or latin america. Thailand, philippines, malaysia, mexico, costa rica. There's also some good options in the balkans.

>> No.24164593


Staying because everywhere else is even more cucked, a shithole, or a totalitarian dystopia.

>> No.24164601

>Run by kikes
What did fa.. uh i mean op mean by this?

>> No.24164610

Idk Denmark probably. Somewhere friendly and mostly white. I just wanna vibe man I’m sick of all this trans this black people that, like wtf is the end game here? I miss the 90s. I miss American Pie. I miss fucking TITS in rated R Movies and now I’m being told I’m the enemy.

>> No.24164612
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>Best places to live
>Around spics and Reese monkeys

>> No.24164626


Adding to this, the best place to move at this point is a rural area of an extremely red state that isn’t ravaged by opioids, if such a place exists

>> No.24164635

i don't have any fantasies about "making it" from crypto but eventually i'll move to a red state.

>> No.24164654


>unironically living in a rapidly collapsing tyrannical socialist state and being smug about it

>> No.24164673

SEA is close to the central hub of manufacturing in the world, and I believe China will be phased out of manufacturing and into a consumer country sooner than later. I've thought about Croatia too, I need to visit these places. Hoping that international travel will open back up within the next few years but I wouldn't be shocked if it didn't.

>> No.24164674

I come from there. It's awful. I will never go back. People with no hobbies or interests are 900x worse than anything you'll find in a major city.

>> No.24164677

Are rural areas that ravaged by opioids in the USA? I thought it was more a of "white people in the suburban rust belt" type of thing?

>> No.24164688

I am a canadian and will move to europe once I made it. (German passport)

>> No.24164705


The only thing that scares me about SEA is that China is probably going to impose on them in a big way in the coming years. They're already buying up all the property in cambodia and thailand, and they're sure to push their communist bullshit throughout the region sooner or later.

>> No.24164712

>the same people that were complaining about immigrants are the same ones clamoring to immigrate now.
like pottery

>> No.24164738


sounds like an improvement from the pothead do-nothing east-coast culture.

>> No.24164742

you will never be a woman

I've been window shopping in Texas for a removed rural community, found some nice spots, would like an on-site well and a few acres. But even if Texas is hard red (except for the disgusting metropolitan areas), it's still part of the US. Although it has the most defensible power grid and is most likely to fight back if the feds do tread. I've heard good things about Wyoming too, but Texas is where I was going to set up shop.

>> No.24164744


If you're going to be living around immigrants either way, better to be in a place where you aren't being forced to subsidize them at gunpoint.

>> No.24164756

youre an idiot lol. you seriously think the chinese are in any meaningful way communist? and you think that they want to spread their "communism"? fuck off, fucking no nothing burger

>> No.24164774

Idk wat to do, i was gonna wife hunt in kiev and buy acrage in PA and homeschool but im thinking i stay in kiev. Id rather risk getting stabbed by some junkie hohol than deal with globohomo. No im not doing mail order whores, i was born there and speak the language

>> No.24164783

youre missing the point. youve become the very thing that you were originally complaining about, and you lack the self-awareness to realize this

>> No.24164794


communists not welcome on this board

and you will never be a woman

>> No.24164813


Not really. If I go live in another country, I will sustain myself. I am not expecting the government to force their locals to pay for me to breed while I rape their women and cut off their heads. Nice try though!

>> No.24164827

disloyal cosmopolitans disgust me.

>> No.24164832

>mass immigration ruined my country, therefore I am looking to emigrate to a non ruined country
I see no inconsistency in the logic here. And unlike the immigrants bringing their poverty to the US, I will be bringing my wealth out of the country and into another.

You are a disingenuous worthless faggot and you are the problem with the world.

>> No.24164869

Yes I'll stay. I love guns and self defense.

>> No.24164897

Its nice and slav. Dubrovnik is like walking onto a minas tirith movie set

>> No.24164915
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You said what most of us are thinking.

My plan B is Siberia. Already have propert. Already have legal residence. Just need to save up a bit more, then I'll be cashed out of society.

>> No.24164920

Here in Oklahoma meth is more a bigger problem in rural areas. I can handle meth heads but some of these little highway towns are depressing with abandoned buildings and no commerce but a few gas stations and a tiny grocery store. There are still some decent small quasi-city towns though where you can still find some land on the outskirts and still be among whites and have access to civilization within a 10-15 min drive.

>> No.24164970

Do people in rural areas really not have hobbies or interests? I would think they would at least be into hunting or something....

>> No.24164974

I am a brown 3rd gen immigrant burger and very close to making it. But the more I researched on this shit the more depressed I get.
I don’t have yellow fever and hate the gooks, so SEA is out of the question.
I like EE, but I am not sure if a white girl from EE would give me a chance plus I’d had to learn a new fucking language.
I am lost bros. Is the digital nomad lifestyle for whites only?

>> No.24164975

>being loyal to a dictatorship

>> No.24164993


there are cuntries in EE where most of the young people are proficient in english

>> No.24165004

I guarantee no country wants you that you would want to live in.

>> No.24165022

Someone tell me that I'll never be a woman

>> No.24165034

What about Costa Rica? That one's on my short list.

>> No.24165052

kek imagine being born the 3rd world

>> No.24165072

>escape globohomo
Sorry but UA is beyond salvage from globohomo, in that it is an IMF debt slave, subject to forced privatization of public enterprises (given for pennies to local or foreign oligarchs) and the general hohols have to bear the increased costs and deterioration of institutions.

They recently just got forced to axe the law that prevented sale of farmlands to foreign developers. Agriculture, UA's most based industry, now gonna get pump&dumped probably by chinks and burgers. Food will get outrageously expensive. Same already happened to nat gas and metals. Same has happened to other countries like Argentina and Pakistan if you want to compare what the future holds.

>> No.24165077

Where could you go though? Seems like the whole world is heading in that direction.

>> No.24165152


>> No.24165157

Can you speak Spanish?
Check out Romania. They are probably browner than you are. Not just the gypsies. If you're American we got military bases in deveselu and constanța where you can work and earn USD if you ever need cash.

>> No.24165169

you are a beautiful girl.

I dunno. I guess if the entire world is in the same mess then I may as well just bunker up in a red state. But some countries resisted the lockdown bullshit, like belarus:


I saw some westerners buying up land in Russia too as a plan B. I don't think it's impossible to escape but it's certainly harder.

>> No.24165785

Thanks fren I’ll look into it.
Redpill me on costa rica
Such as?

>> No.24166061

So options for rejecting burgerland:
>be europoor, living in tiny homes on land that has been picked over by hundreds of generations
>south america, die in a civil war caused by US
>canada. nope
>africa. lol
>west asia, get beheaded
>south asia, if not pooing in streets, smelling the poo anyway
>east asia, die on liveleak
>russia, idk might actually be cool but probably not cool for an immigrant
>australia, going the way of europe
>new zealand - okay, if i had a couple hundred million this would work because it is where all the billionaires are going if shtf

>> No.24166505
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>lives entire live in fear of what might happen

>> No.24167020

i'm a burger who has lived in 3rd world for work (latin america / asia / brief stint in africa).
i can tell you this: there is tremendous value in knowing your culture. if you move away you are literally giving up decades of knowledge. its hard to explain to anyone who has never lived abroad for more than 5-10 years the subtle nature of this.
imagine this: you pull up to gas station and car next to you has old car with faded clinton-core bumper sticker....what can you tell about this person....what can you tell that doesn't have obama sticker?
now go to foreign country and see same car but with faded bumper sticker you cant even read. what does that tell you?
point is, you are blind to all the hidden meanings you see all around you. you dont know how much you know about this culture.

>> No.24167072

I already left last January Tbh

Insert red blooded American niggers copypasta

>> No.24167255

>and if America doesn't dissolve into civil war, it is likely that our rights will be stripped away until we are some quasi socialist/communist state

That will never happen. Do you see the unrest when the state simply asks for people to wear a mask and social distance during a pandemic? America won't ever come to that.

>> No.24167289

>muh city hobbies
the only people who think like you are leftists, whether openly or in denial
so your opinion isn't particularly relevant to this topic

>> No.24167372

>50% tax rate and no one bats an eye
>Yeah, well people turned up with guns because they didnt like masks!

Its over anon lmfao stop lying to yourself. America is done. The West is done. The globalists won. Neokulaks like ourselves need to get out of dodge.

>> No.24167434

Perhaps. Coming from a rural place I can say stupidity is boring and depressing and there's a lot of it around. If there are only 50 or 100 people odds are everyone is 15 iq removed or more.

>> No.24167499

50%? For who?

>> No.24167890

>SEA, Latin America
The problem with these rn is you’re gonna be a foreigner in a place that has no problem issuing heavy coof restrictions. At least here in burgerstan we have rights and the ability to resist tyranny.

>> No.24167969

They do. And if you’re a good neighbor, they’ll warm up to you and invite you to join them for duck hunts or fishing trips or whatever. Anon is just a faggot.

>> No.24167998

Nope i'm leaving to SEA as soon as possible

>> No.24168052

Texas will be blue within two decades due to mexicans and caliniggers moving there

>> No.24168117

>miss 90's
>miss tits
dumb normie, that's why things are the way they are

>> No.24168356

It's crazy but America unironically feels done. Like if I want to have a good life I can't stay here. Fucking crazy never thought it would come to this. Faggot boomers literally gave away the world.

>> No.24168381

Then move to the Caymen Isles

>> No.24169079


White people

>> No.24169311

What's a burger? I'm not even a newfag