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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24163070 No.24163070 [Reply] [Original]

Think ADA's recent increase signals that it will rally harder than most during alt season?

>> No.24163179

Zoom out.

>> No.24163185


>> No.24163190


>> No.24163196


>> No.24163229

Glad I put all my savings into ada before the bullrun, proudly own 2200 ADA + Margin trading with 1000 ADA whenever i can kek

>> No.24163232
File: 110 KB, 1880x626, Screen Shot 2020-11-22 at 8.29.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went up 20% after going down 90%. It's not mooning by any measure.

>> No.24163243

That's just normal for most altcoins.

>> No.24163286

Your lifes savings was like 220 dollars?

>> No.24163310

get a job

>> No.24163314

Lol, my thoughts as well.

>> No.24163327

What’s the suicide stack on this coin?

>> No.24163332


>> No.24163334

It bottomed out. Just like your mom did for me while I prolapsed her ass last night. Haha. Yeah.

Scalability is going to be a huge issue and gas fees are too high and ethereum is breaking with no sign of eth 2.0 coming through on time to save the network. Only thing it has going for it is first mover advantage and endless layer 2 solutions to the fundamental problems the blockchain itself has. Haha. Yeah.

>> No.24163338

too high cap and it will NOT replace ETH. why bother investing in this if you are going for alts go for lower cap more promising ones like QNT RSR TRB

>> No.24163349

I'm a Euro Neet living from wellfare kek trying to make it with my Neetmoney

>> No.24163361

Yes, it will moon hard.
Normies love it for some reason, I hope your bags are packed already.

>> No.24163370

>buy these crappy erc-20 tokens and pay 800 dollars gas fees on Uniswap
Haha. No.

>> No.24163408

Why won't it replace eth? Eth is seeing huge problems as the network expands and these issues will create a ripple effect. Eth will likely be around, but I don't understand why Cardano couldn't effectively remove Eth or even Bitcoin from top marketcap. It's just a more solid blockchain, bro. Haha. Yeah.

>> No.24163440

>Only thing it has going for it is first mover advantage and endless layer 2 solutions to the fundamental problems the blockchain itself has. Haha. Yeah.
Lmao dude you sound like the typical dunning-kruger Charles sycophant, or maybe it's Charles himself writing this.
ETH is orders of magnitude ahead of your shitcoin in adoption, investment, developers, media coverage etc. etc. ADA is dead on arrival, along with all the other millions of ETH killers out there. You're not above Tron or EOS or ZIL just because your CEO is a dropout grad student who can convince normies he's some genius scientist.

>> No.24163600

Sounds like you're a coping bagholder already and Goguen hasn't even launched yet. "Eth maxies" are what they will call you in a year.

>> No.24163630

Imagine putting your life saving's on some barely 26-year-old Russian autistic pedophile twink who made some smart contract platform when he was 20. Get real. Haha. Yeah.

>> No.24163641

Nice reverse fud. Nobody is actually this stupid. Do better next time.

>> No.24163662
File: 54 KB, 529x794, 7623f7fdb78f199f495a32ba148b359561-09-joe-biden-ice-cream-cash.h794.w529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is 60% down form ATH, ADA is still 90% down. But sure I'm the bagholder

>> No.24163681
File: 168 KB, 886x1024, CjUQvElWYAE2AOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't buy it at all time high, because I'm not stupid.

>> No.24164106

I would refrain from anything except eth and BTC at the moment. Once BTC pumps all gains will be lost in ada.

>> No.24164123

Comparing ada to eth lol. Fucking brainlet. Please buy ada and contribute to Charles’ traveling blog fund.