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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 204 KB, 1080x1546, Real Decentralized Lending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24155061 No.24155061 [Reply] [Original]

Take 5 minutes of your day to understand the next generation lending protocol.
Barely 24 hours old, I read through all their documentation and materials. Unfortunately only high IQ will understand how this will change lending as we know it. (Disclaimer) I bought a big bag so I have skin in the game. I encourage all to read through their docs and at a minimum watch their introductory youtube video. (below) They have big backing from the crypto finance community. Like I said only high IQ will understand and that means biz will woefully ignore it because it isn't easy to comprehend and no booba attached image.
Should settle around 3$[usd] over the next couple months, but that's not really the reason you should buy it, the reason will become obvious one you understand the protocol. The majority of DeFi lending is just crypto 2 crypto leveraging farming for APY, which is somewhat cannibalistic in its inherent design. TrueFi is traditional lending through actual binding legal agreements, for e.g. large institutional loans. You should be getting the picture now, this is a big deal, enjoy.







>> No.24155371

I have about 15k I'm crypto.

Going to check this out.

>> No.24155781
File: 117 KB, 1080x1030, making sense yet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to make sense yet?


>> No.24155886
File: 275 KB, 1080x1450, andre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24156034

I'm down so fucking much on this already

>> No.24156116

legit research, did the same and very bullish. listened to the decrypt podcast with ceo and he explains the concept of uncollateralized loaning well and risk mitigation through legal measures / token holder voting and initially only offering loans to institutions in the millions. all well. but explain what you think about the current valuation and if it's reasonable

>> No.24156163

Same lmao I bought at 30 cents, fell asleep and missed a steady 2-3 hours in 35-38 cents range. Woke up and it was 25.5. Just lmao at my life

>> No.24156219

I literally bought the top at 35 cents. Do i pull out now or wait for it to be listed on binance? Surely it'll go on there with this volume, but that could be when it's 10 cents.

>> No.24156298

are you guys holding it? I'm just farming

>> No.24156342

should be on binance soon enough due to the sheer amount of volume and backers like a16z influence but yeah we're still in price discovery

>> No.24156367

I'm farming in the uniswap pool, so losing ETH as it drops as well.

>> No.24156386
File: 49 KB, 619x453, sad apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're still in price discovery
does this mean we're going to keep tanking
i bought the fucking top AGAIN

>> No.24156465

I have no idea honestly. We're in clown market and CEX listings don't do much anymore. I was thinking it would have price growth since people want to buy it to farm (initially at least) but there's so many big bags dumping already. Probably just going to eat my loss in the next hour or so if there isn't a trend reversal.

>> No.24156499

bought at 30 cents too, could drop more but i'd wait until it lists on binance and re-evaluate. mid-long term there's a lot of potential. look at similar loaning platforms in the space AAVE and COMP

>> No.24156728

yeah, I'm going to hold out for a major CEX listing. if it's still performing like shit then i'm dumping

>> No.24156831

0.25$ at 220 million circulating supply is too much.

>> No.24157142

what are the tokenomics like for this?
anyone know where i can get more info?

>> No.24158107

>what are the tokenomics like for this?
You put money in, and you're guaranteed to have less money when you take it out.

>> No.24158169

Private sale buyers paid .06, 08 and .14 cents with 12.5% unlocked, and those fuckers DUMPED whenever it was in the .35-.40 range to the point that it seemed pretty coordinated. This is a great project for the long term but wait until it gets to .15-17 cents before you enter.

>> No.24158176

Low IQ response, trying to be reddit tier witty, you have to go back.

>> No.24158750

what's the vesting schedule like?

>> No.24159044
File: 217 KB, 1051x1187, 2yrVest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24159132
File: 2.39 MB, 2378x2378, 00F46B30-8739-4124-8717-F36403499B5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a look, looks like the same old farming scam token flavour of the month, pass

If you wait until the 24th a REAL innovative fixed rate defi lending protocol will have mainnet released.

For know I’ll just leave you with a clue

>> No.24160278

Prove me wrong