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24142669 No.24142669 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else here not a consoomer? why is everyone so god damn retarded?

>never paid an ethot
>never bought porn
>never paid for microtransactions
>never bought cosmetics for dumb games
>never buy games or consoles as soon as they come out
>use a decent phone but not the new $1200 iphone every ear
>fine with any laptop i just browse around and make music anyway

i just buy a console when its on sale and the best version came out and it has a lot of games or some drugs if i find them cheap

>> No.24142723

all i buy is groceries and fast food

>> No.24142757

Way to enjoy your lives anons
> not living just existing
Never change biz

>> No.24142772

I bought japanese porn for $10 once. I almost forgot about that lol

>> No.24142774

I have about $140k in cash and crypto but don't own a car.
>buy food if it's reduced price
>the only new games I get are free on PSN
>Walk for 30 minutes instead of public transport

>> No.24142790

>or some drugs if i find them cheap
You were doing so well OP.

>> No.24142799

>not consoomer
>use drugs
choose one

>> No.24142816

As nonwhites become a higher proportion of the population in previously first world countries the likelihood of high tax semi-socialistic economies increase
As the non-productive state increases in size, more taxes are necessary
As tax rates increase, the value of a saved dollar increases relative to the value of an earned dollar
As an added bonus it more rapidly invalidates fiat backed by such systems
Good work anon

>> No.24142837

making music is a waste of time dude. huge time drain, with practically 0 reward

>> No.24142842

I have a small collection of anime blu rays and some vidya. I don’t like owning lots of things, it’s like a mental stress for me to just look around and see stuff everywhere. I go to people’s houses and they’re just filled to the brim with useless shit. I try not to be a dick about it but sometimes I’ll be like “yo, why do you have this?”. The thing that annoys me the most is video games. People who play modern games are so depressing
>I can’t wait to spend 500 dollars on my new console and then spend 700 when the 4K version comes out. Yeah, games are 70 dollars now but muh grafix
And then they just buy new versions of the same uninspired games, play them for 2 days and move on. It seems to me like they’re somehow fooling themselves into believing that what they’re doing is fun, but to me everything about the whole thing is just depressing

>> No.24142849

what music do you make anon, also are you using Ableton cracked like me?

>> No.24142853

Yup pretty much me. Allthough I was like that few years ago... Games are like drugs. they waste your time, cost money, can be addictive. Only difference is Games don't fuck your health up that quickly. You mgiht become fat that's it. Imagine every hour you sat in front of your PC playing a game, you'd have used to earn money to save for later, or learned/studied something like Guitar or etc...
I wish I wouldn't have wasted 6000 hours on Dota.

>> No.24142910

There’s a fine line between being a soi consoomer and enjoying things in life. A consoomer lives for the next product even to the point of debt and not eating or sleeping to get the newest hottest item.
Each person has a way of enjoying life and spending their money on what they want not need. Your points are valid but it doesn’t make you special, once you find somthing worth spending money on like audio or buyfag anime figures you will look like the retarded one.
T. Owns over 15k worth of headphones IEMs DAC AMPs but still drive a shit box

>> No.24142912

>make music on a laptop
Lol ngmi

>> No.24142921

>Haven't bought a game above $15 since 2012
>Cook all my meals using cheap veggies
>Same car since 2007
Comfy life. Saving up to make it comfier.

I remember when I was a young boy my father- I mean- I went to the mall with some friends. It was in middle school, so the friends I had were the people I was forced to spend time with at school, and they were huge fucking normies. We had all finished a pre-college project where you would get 100 dollars as a stipend at the end. At the mall I bought a used copy of King of Fighters 2002 and a slushie, totalling around 10 dollars. The rest I pocketed for later. I met up with my friends who were all complaining that their money had run out. They'd spent all their cash on one or two things like a $100 jacket or $98 on a pair of faggy skinny jeans. They didn't have enough for lunch.

I told them I had spent all my money and went home to contemplate getting new friends.

>> No.24142928

these cope threads are made by 3rd worlders whose whole crypto stack could not buy a console

>> No.24142951

It’s 2020, nobody is paying for porn. It’s all free and unlimited.

>> No.24142973

Whenever I call someone out to be a consoomer, I get a typical response along the lines of “why even live if you won’t spend on stuff you enjoy” and I have no answer.

>> No.24142997

>Larps on 4chan
Lol ngmi

>> No.24142999

Fucking same, I have all my games in one of this dvd cases I kept the art but threw out the boxes. I can’t stand clutter and more importantly having unused equipment. If you don’t need it or aren’t immediately using it sell it, donate, or throw it away. (I say this but have some consoles in storage I don’t even use my switch, I only use my pc and even then it’s getting dusty)

>> No.24143044

Because the typical anti-consoomer lives,looks, and eats like shit. Like damn bitch you exist like that?!? It’s opposite extremes one is in debt and the other lives like they’re in debt

>> No.24143080

This. Boomers and plebbitors will make you think it's wrong to spend a dollar on yourself until you're about to die. These people are NOT living fulfilling lives, they're living fearful lives full of not having enough.

>> No.24143087

I wouldn't consider or relate the Way of the consoomer in any way with/to living or life in general. You can't live and be a consoomer. You have to be braindead to be one.

>> No.24143108

Imagine two people: Carl the consoomer and Sam the Saver.

It's pay day and both of them are jumping for joy thanking their jewish masters for allowing them the privilege of working for scraps. Carl, being a consoomer, and possibly a homosexual, runs out to Best Buy and buys a PS5, 3 full-priced games and a dragon dildo. He spent 90% of his paycheck in one day.

Sam is also an avid gamer, and definitely a homosexual. He saves a little bit of money for his PS5 and lives frugally. After a few weeks he manages to pick up his PS5 at a minimal financial hit and even gets a new game at a discount.

Of course Carl got the games weeks before Sam, but Carl now has to dedicate 100% of his next paycheck to paying the bills he left unpaid last month. He now has to suck cock for money or risk having his Disney+ subscription cancelled.

Sam looks on in envy because on top of getting a PS5 earlier than him, Carl now spends sucking cock for money, and Sam is still a wagie.

>> No.24143135

weed is better than games movies and sluts and can be grown in your closet and im not spending money until its for a fucking house or investments

>> No.24143137

What if I bought the ascended fennec in cod mobile, so my enemies can kill me with my own gun for free?

That’s my thing bro, I like to get abused without having to get hurt and a lot cheaper than paying someone to do it.

Also I bought XRP like a champ and selling now to get some sweet COMP and AAVE before the next DeFi rocket ignites.

>> No.24143145

It’s opposite extremes, A consoomer lives for the next new product and and anti-consoomer lives like a broke bitch hating on the new product using 10year old hardware.

>> No.24143151

>You can't live and be a consoomer.
>consuming air
>consuming water
>consuming food
>consuming information
>consuming money
You cannot exist in this world without being a consumer to some degree. Being a bitch about it toward other people who take it to the extreme doesn't help. Avoiding life and resenting consumerism will also make you a shitty human being.

>> No.24143156

>>never paid for microtransactions
>> never used crypto

>> No.24143167

For me I consume, but all of my hobbies are extraordinarily cost effective. Videogames are amazing value if you don't spend on digital shit, most of which I don't care for anyway. Same with books, tv shows. I try not to judge people for their purchases but watching people donate non-insignificant portions of their income to streamers disturbs me on a fundamental level.

>> No.24143177


Depends on the amount of money you have anon. You always need to have a reasonable amount of money in an investment portfolio before you start consooming.

>> No.24143186

They (and by extension you) are both consoomer faggots for buying any kind of gaming console when you could build your own PC for much cheaper that will last longer and do more than just game/watch movies.

>> No.24143205

Straight white men are the least apt to spend money of any demographic. Economically, it's in the governments/banks/financial institutions interest to put money in the hand of women and minorities. Lo and behold we have overbearing taxes and divorce courts that wildly favor women.

Just my theory.

>> No.24143209

i meant gacha shit

>> No.24143217

So you’re a console fag, probably playing on a ps3 or Xbox 360, because on pc unless you’re playing 15yearold shit physical no longer exist. Which is why you never pay full price on any game

>> No.24143263

I meant digital items like microtransactions. All videogame purchases including physical are only a license legally so I figured I didn't have to specify I didn't mean games bought on a digital platform. I pc game.

>> No.24143264

The whole point is that material possessions like a new car or some new designer clothes etc. isn’t going to make you happy. You might get a dopamine hit when you buy it and it might make you feel good for that first day but you’re not going to get any long lasting happiness from consooming. The best and most rewarding things in life require actual effort beyond just splashing out some money and are often inexpensive; eg reading a challenging book, learning a language, working out and seeing progress in your strength/aesthetics, putting effort into developing a long-term romantic relationship with someone, spending quality time with your friends etc. Wasting your money on some fleeting gratification of a material desire is not a wise decision, and not doing this doesn’t mean not enjoying life, unless the only things you enjoy in life are consooming which would be a very sad life indeed.

>> No.24143265

What if he plays RuneScape old school like a chad?

>> No.24143286

Micro transactions makes the games stay profitable so big corporations don’t shutdown your favorite game.

>> No.24143293

my favorite games arent f2p garbage

>> No.24143300

Apart from the fact that it is economically advantageous to the government if people save more money as this promotes long term economic growth by increasing the stock of capital and therefore more money in the hands of straight white men would (by your hypothesis) lead to better economic growth.

>> No.24143313

Why not?

>> No.24143329

I don't require anything to last that long, but games before now had no issue staying up if they were good. I can still find games of Quake. On top of that, games with microtransactions gear their content toward daily quests and grind, devaluing the experience overall. Singleplayer games are vastly more cost effective if you like variety in content. Live games are only good if you like playing the same game over and over for years.

>> No.24143332

You have a $300 laptop don’t you
Micro transactions keep the games free and shouldn’t exist on paid games like 2k but niggers love that shit

>> No.24143354

You can play on your phone so entry point is at most $60 plus internet service

>> No.24143360

Like everything else in life, you can go too far in saving money. The important thing is that you find a balance where you buy things that make you truly happy, not merely out of compulsion.
Living in the trendy area of town where all the hottest nightclubs are is a waste of money, but saving money by living in a "ethnically diverse" neighbourhood where you fear that your stuff will be destroyed in "mostly peaceful protests" is not better.
The key, really, is to have a flexible budget so you have a plan what you're spending money on. Once you start tracking your spending, your urge to consoom will decline over time, and you'll budget for big-ticket items that truly bring you joy while being able to put away savings every month.

>> No.24143416

>paid an ethot ONCE because she was fat with massive titties
>only bought vintage nudie mags as souvenirs from my year in japan
>fuck skins
>fuck consoles
>my phone is a warranty replacement on a 4y old model
>my laptop is 6 years old
Did I make the club?

>> No.24143417

Nope. My rig is in need of an upgrade (waiting for the new cards to get more available next year) but it's mostly top of the line, and absolutely was when I made it. But a fast PC you upgrade piecemeal is also cost effective considering the use I get out of it, so I have no fear of dropping money on it when needed.

>> No.24143433

>zero reward for creating something of your own

Do zoomers really think that?

>> No.24143440
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*forgot the fatty

>> No.24143470

plz upload her nudes and link them here

>> No.24143490

You paid her for pics or fucked her? Better be the latter

>> No.24143503

Do you hold bitcoin?

>> No.24143510

I’m waiting untill ddr5 comes out but that 6900xt looking kinda tempting not gonna lie. Although all I play is factorio and kenshi I don’t need it but the hype for cyberpunk2077 is getting to me. My r5 2600+5700 isn’t going run it at 4k

>> No.24143513

my idea of making it is to get an $80k/year remote job and buy a $150k house on 1-2 acres of land in my hometown, pay off the home in 3-4 years of wageslavery, and then never consoom again so i can finally tell shekelstein to fuck off

>> No.24143528

The key is to not watch advertisements. They're literal mind control to create desires in you that can only be satisfied by spending money. It's disgusting. Ad blocks and not watching TV, movies, or listening to radio is the only way to live.

>> No.24143538

I paid her to peg me.

>> No.24143544


Carl is actually based. He learned that entrepreneurship is the key to earning more money.

>> No.24143555

So like living in the Midwest after making it big in the coastal cities?

>> No.24143563

$80/yr in this economy.

>> No.24143583


>> No.24143604

Do zoomers know about piracy?

>> No.24143613

I started my own online business. Now I make 280k a year (profit). I even hired a jewish mentor.

>> No.24143621

The only in game cosmetics I buy is with the in game currency the game gives, anything else is just feeding a jew's pockets

>> No.24143637


>> No.24143656

Liking stuff is fine and enjoying your money is fine, but it is too easy to spend money. Not to sound like a Jew but everyone wants your money, you are constantly being bombed with ads and consumerism. Just understand what you like and enjoy and spend on that. Buying a new phone every year is overkill

>> No.24143698

>As an added bonus it more rapidly invalidates fiat backed by such systems
So what you’re saying is buy gold right now?

>> No.24143707

After living like a monk through my 20s and after finally building a business that makes me a 1% income, I finally am able to buy things without price checking and can go out to nice dinners without caring. I just bought a $600 toilet seat that shoots hot water up my ass!

Feelsgoodman to make it.

>> No.24143728

Amen. Even if it releases before I get my card I'm waiting on it so I can play at all 4k.

>> No.24143731

Doing anything other than working is a huge waste of time. Creating things? Fag. Reading a book? It better be about finance, and you'd better sell it afterwards. Learning to cook? Do you hate money, motherfucker?

>> No.24143732

Government wants greater money velocity, no? You'll have to explain how saving increases stock of capital.

>> No.24143735

>“why even live if you won’t spend on stuff you enjoy”

a high quality person doesnt need to consume inane bullshit to live a fulfilling existence. happy people produce more than they consume, because production is creative output, and creative output is hard work and hard work affords you the privilege of feeling good about yourself. this is happiness. this is what people are talking about in regards to 'money cant buy happiness'. it cant. money which is earned as a consequence of your own toil and intellect(not daddies trust fund) can indeed be a source of happiness.

>> No.24143743

i'm an accountant. the only jobs that pay more than $80k/year are management and they won't typically let you work from home since you need to be on site to wrangle your nigger cattle staff.

>> No.24143763

what kind of business?

>> No.24143778

>have a 1400$ pc
>pirate games
>mostly working everyday and gamble shitcoins on the uniswap roulette.

>> No.24143831

>never paid an ethot
>never bought porn
>never paid for microtransactions
>never bought cosmetics for dumb games
>never buy games or consoles as soon as they come out
>use a decent phone but not the new $1200 iphone every ear

>> No.24143899

Bingo my fren. women should NEVER be in charge of any financial decisions.

>> No.24143910

Fundamentally consooming is buying something that is not an investment. Everything I buy is either a necessity or an investment. Spending money isn't bad, we all know it's better to spend than hold fiat. But buying useless shit is bad. But quality, useful, long lasting items; or put your money into crypto/stocks.

>> No.24144027


if you avoid burning out your dopamine receptors, you can be happy on a daily basis without trying.
it's hella comfy.

>> No.24144070


exactly this, hella based comment.

>> No.24144087

Music is especially a dead end for most people though, you can't compare it to reading a book

>> No.24144098

Pics, I paid Chinese MILFs and Korean succubi for the good stuff when I was abroad
I will again in about 3 days
Spicyxgf/Shoogerr, she omegajewed and wanted premiums for uncensored, I bailed after the first $7 — You’ll find wins if you search, mine are all on the PC downstairs and I’m phonefagging

>> No.24144101


Selling consoomer products lol

>> No.24144104
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>> No.24144140

I only but shit coins and honestly I'd be in better numbers if I was just a consoomer and I can lose my old stuff for predictable value

>> No.24144150

consoomerism is the only reason why your able to make money retard

>> No.24144164

I'm a consoomer what are you holding your money for if not exchange it for goods and services?

>> No.24144227

>creating things is a waste of time
get a load of this retard
what if you sold the things you made? Even shitty music could still be sold royalty free
Intellectual property is the best way to make money. You're probably just a talentless slob

>> No.24144333

I spend a shitloads on running equipment as that's the only way I can keep running. Like, a recently bought a pair of 300eur Nike alphaflys, they are nice and keeps me motivated. Before that I were rocking some hoka one one arahi 4s for like 3 weeks.
Its a waste of money but I had 36k link (12k now rip) so I guess if it contributes to my fitness ill just spend 300eur every month on running shoes to keep myself motivated couse its for my health and all that. Ah I also spend like a couple hundred on weed. Then again for someone who never had any money im doing good with my 100s of thousands in my savings account lol. I'm driving a 5k civic lel

>> No.24144456
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don even joke about that

>> No.24144467

i don't consoom so the pennies that i make with cryptos will keep me going further into life, without me having to wagecuck

>> No.24144472


OP is a poorfag

>> No.24144554

eh sorta but i come from the poorest place on the planet earth literally and my parents were really fucking poor. i have over 10k usd saved and invested and trying to make money and im making more than wagies. i have it really fucking hard though

>> No.24144570

ok so don't call other people consumers when you literally cannot afford to consume, otherwise you would

>> No.24144665

all i buy are groceries

>> No.24144718

>hoarding something that literally exists to be spent

cool anons...you realize you guys are bragging about not being attached to material things by bragging about being attached to a material thing. Quite a fucking paradox.

>> No.24144738

>im making more than wagies
Lol nice LARP

>> No.24144769

I make close to $190k a year and I only spend about $2500 a month. My care-free life will begin when I retire early before I turn 40. The only non-essential things I spent money on (before covid) were music festivals with my friends and traveling internationally. I don't need a brand new luxury car or big house to feel happy.

>> No.24144828

All forms of saving, in one way or another (banks, mutual funds, index funds etc) increase the supply of loanable funds for businesses that are looking to borrow money for the purpose of buying human or physical capital, thereby increasing the net stock of capital within that economy.

>> No.24144969

Shes perfect

>> No.24145054


Food, rent, and investments are around 90% or 95% of my spending. I travel for work, so I bought the new COD to play online with my brothers tho.

>> No.24145202

i can afford video games and microtranscations and newest iphones every year

>> No.24145506

your concept of living is jewish brainwash

>> No.24145538


>lives like a cheap jew
>spends money (((controlled by jews)))

>> No.24145586
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This is an American
Based OP. I'm in it for the freedom and the engines since /o/fag, and to take the farmstead pill. Every thing else fake and gay.

>> No.24145627

Saving money isn't hoarding it. It's insurance against the future. Any number of things could happen that require immediate cash payment. I grew up extremely cash poor, and then extremely poor, and now I spend the minimum I can on things, because I know what it's like to not have enough money.

Now, depriving yourself of basic necessities to save money is indeed stupid, because the relative value of eating better than a can of beans every day is greater than the couple bucks it costs to get some chicken and rice and spices. But there's nothing wrong with cooking simple, cheap food at home and stashing thousands in savings/crypto instead of eating out all the time. Having money makes life much much easier, there's no reason NOT to save up as much as you can and live frugally. The only reason anyone does that is because they consume literal hours of brainwashing propaganda advertisements every day. Thankfully, for the first time in generations, ad blockers and the internet make it possible to live a largely ad free life, at least at the level of our ancestors before the advent of radio.