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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 514x524, bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24137626 No.24137626 [Reply] [Original]

i know there are some of you here who make money no matter the market conditions. this thread is not for you. this is for the newb faggot retards who came here say within the past 6 months to a year or something and have never seen this kind of surge before:

so you made some money, thats cool. it's good to win. but it's not cool to lose. this kind of growth is completely unsustainable and you'd be a complete fool to think it will continue forever. this is not THE run, none of the math supports that. so do yourself a fucking favor:

you make like a few grand or something, 5-10k whatever. get the fuck out. i'll tell you exactly what's going to happen inevitably. whatever you're in is going to tank like 25% while you arent paying attention. you'll be like ok thats fine i'm still up. then it's just going to start sliding down and down and down every day as the whales exit. BE HAPPY WITH SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED GAINS, RETARD. THEY ADD UP OVER TIME. YOU'RE NOT GOIGN TO FLIP A COIN AND BECOME A MILLIONAIRE IN A MONTH.

you will regret not heeding this advice and i'm not posting this thread again. you've been warned

>> No.24137653

ok I defintely wouldve
but I am a full blown schitzo and don't fucking care
either 2k EOY or I lose all my money

>> No.24137672
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This. OP btfo

>> No.24137682

if you don't lose it all by then, you should pull right after the snapshot (december 12th)

>> No.24137720

It certainly is looking like a shitshow for most markets. A lot of money is being forced to move in strange ways. With some of the concerning stuff coming out of a couple of courtcases and business reports looks like we are in for a rough ride. Wish we knew how many normies have jumped into crypto.

>> No.24137732

my mom just texted me like 2 days ago telling me shes getting ready to buy btc and i immediately called her and told her no
this is just a repeat of 2018. fucking idiots are like cattle

>> No.24137748
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>> No.24137764

i forgot this thread also does not apply to PNK
PNK hold until you are dead

>> No.24137793

what's a PNK make-it stack?

>> No.24137802

Although, if you have enough money outside of your crypto portfolio so that you don’t ever *need* it, then it’s much better to just leave it long term and don’t worry about the price.

>> No.24137836



t. about halfway there.

>> No.24137850

I have less than 5k invested in crypto. Meh. Its schizo time now

>> No.24137863

t. tetherd up too early

>> No.24137894

I'd say the more effective option would be to buy when it's low anyway -80 - -90% of latest ath, if it goes to 0 same result but way more potential upside

>> No.24137904

The smart play is to regularly take profits and sink them into property or PMs and maybe rock solid companies like miners, food/agri, defense.

You can stay in BTC and crypto without going all in and getting your asshole reamed in the event of shit going down.

>> No.24137915


>> No.24137929

i made $6500 last month
what did you make

>> No.24137942
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do not resuscitate?

>> No.24137953

Just go on bitmex with 1000 dollars, Go in with 100x Margin, buy in at a Highly promising bullrunn. Coin grows for 20% during bullrun, your Margin 100k Dollar you are trading with now are worth 120K dollar. Repay Leverage debt. Congrats you just made 20K bucks within a few days.

>> No.24137962

i made 9k in the past 48hours
still holding

>> No.24137971
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>> No.24137981
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Fuck you Bobo! Clown World. None of that matters.

>> No.24137985


>> No.24137999

thanks, sold 50%

experienced the same shit with LINK and felt for the
> new paradigm!

>> No.24138001

Why not? Will it dip first?

>> No.24138006

you’re poor as shit and your advice in OP is unironically a great way to stay poor

>> No.24138013

sorry, if you know you know

>> No.24138021


>> No.24138026

I just don't have the balls to do this yet. But if there are anons who profited from it I'd be glad to hear from them kek

>> No.24138035

ok retard troll harder because you think it's funny to watch newbs lose all their money

>> No.24138072

So will everything dump again? And what is the snap shot you are talking about?

>> No.24138082

This post is chad-level intelligent.

Getting lucky here and there doesn't make you a genius. Get the fuck over yourself. No, you won't break economics. The market will get fucked soon.

t. econ and finance major

>> No.24138089

>none of the math supports that
kek what a joke. Where's this math? Kindly point us there so we can see you're not a lying faggot, which you obviously are :)

>> No.24138106

every great trader will tell you that the vast majority of their PNL came from maybe 5 trades. you make it by making concentrated bets and sizing based on your conviction. you will never go broke following your advice but it will keep you poor forever.

o nvm $6500 is probably a lot in your village

>> No.24138110


>> No.24138113

22k past month

>> No.24138152

2017 poorfag detected

>> No.24138154

If you are still holding, then you did not "make" $9k...

>> No.24138164

yeah every "great trader" who grew up with an institutionalized knowledge of stock markets and had a foundation to start from. we're talking about retards sitting here in their underwear in their parents houses. to them 5-10k is life changing but instead you'd have them sit on their bags and watch it get drained of value

cool, but is that realized? doubtful. you will probably lose half or more of that when things correct. also why are you in this thread if you have that much at play. you probably started years ago. do you seriously think this run is going to continue much longer?

congrats anon

>> No.24138175
File: 97 KB, 1125x971, 1602492224164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btc is literally the new paradigm meme right now. Definitely not the time to buy.

We still don't have euphoria yet but at the first hint of euphoria here in a couple weeks I will be dumping everything except for pnk.

>> No.24138179

there is already euphoria. go scroll the catalog

>> No.24138202

ah i see. you’re right actually it’s sound advice for retards. it probably worked great for yourself.

>> No.24138204

Ment to say enough euphoria. But yes green wojacks are bearish.

>> No.24138211

Losing the amount of money you put in, is not life changing. Especially if you're young.

But if you do make a 100x, then it is life changing.

Risk Reward profile.

if you held eth or btc from pretty much any time, you did well.

monthly even quarterly gains or drops mean nothing.

>> No.24138231

What if it’s actually a new paradigm and not a “new paradigm!”. Ever thought of that?

>> No.24138237

>this is not THE run
yes it fucking is you moron. there will be a pull back sure, but in the grandscheme for the next 12 months yes this is the fucking run.
>none of the math supports that
post your numbers

>> No.24138247 [DELETED] 

Most people don’t get this anon.
Let them play it safe.

>> No.24138248

what price are you going to sell at?

>> No.24138251

150k approx

>> No.24138258

Thanks. Nio, Jmia, BTC

>> No.24138292

every unironic new paradigm looks like a “new paradigm” at the start, it’s only in hindsight that it becomes
obvious. (bitcoin is an unironic new paradigm)

>> No.24138294

thread's over
>i know there are some of you here who make money no matter the market conditions. this thread is not for you.
tell me i didn't call it. cocksucking faggot brigade is here right on time to pretend like they're all millionaire geniuses
any new people still reading this just know that these people want to see you lose everything
better things to do than babysit these fucking faggots

>> No.24138297

Bout $80k

>> No.24138320

>gives shit advice
>wahhhhhhh why won’t people listen!!!!
fuck off to your “better things” and try not to sell too early

>> No.24138371
File: 10 KB, 399x400, 121031394_735118683707245_727950272463517126_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP posts garbage about saying stop holding now guys, right at the beginning of the GBR.
Here is the real advice guys, buy anything in the top 20 of cryptomarketcap and just fucking hold it til the end of 2021. Don't worry about the short term because even though it may drop for a while it does not fucking matter compared to where it's going over the next 12 months.
OP is trying to fuck you.

>> No.24138376

>>To the newb faggot retards who came here say within the past 6 months to a year

There were bobo threads exactly like this back in September 2017, don't sell cheap, this is just the beginning

>> No.24138439

Unironically this but I think he was talking to the idiots who don't have the hands to hold and are all in on shitcoins. Obviously if you're more seasoned in the market you know how to position yourself best for this next run.

>> No.24138481

you're a good guy. I was starting to entertain the fud

>> No.24138485

You’re the only retarded nigger here for gatekeeping newfag and tourist shakeout thread.
Lurk more faggot.

>> No.24138548

you're unironically worse than niggers. at least a nigger is too dumb to know what he's doing is immoral
someone with eyes that can read

>> No.24138560

The only one who embodies the spirit of old/biz/.

>> No.24138589

“It is not enough merely to win; others must lose.”
Most oldfags are just waiting on the first part, because it’s inevitable. Meanwhile we can work on the second part.

>> No.24138620

and yet, you call me the gatekeeper saying shit like this. fuck off

>> No.24138627

BTC Link eth aren't doing shit. This run is different. It's about investing in the emerging technologies. Link is a year early it'll pump after the alts like xrp RSR PNK etc.

>> No.24138638

Don't get too cocky, bobo. Go back in your cave while you still can.

>> No.24138670

>>racist inbred
>>on 4chan boards
Pulls the morality card.. bobos are really desperate kek

>> No.24138697

>calling people racist on 4chan
>double quotes
have fun being a caricature of the "future 4chan user" about 10 years ago

>> No.24138752

OP is a faggot, newfags will be rich.
Whahahahahahaha fuck you all faggots.

>> No.24139118

Based XRP Chad.
Virgin OP Bobo on suicide watch. Come to Christ, Bobo. You too can make it.

>> No.24139130

This. I don't gaf if I lose my money. I DO give a fuck about potentially not having to wage slave for the rest of my life.

>> No.24139195

>t. econ and finance major
Econ majors are literally just bros who didn’t want to study something hard so they picked Econ thinking it would teach them how to become Jordan Belfort

>> No.24139301

All of these replies are full of shit and everyone on this board is a larper.

>> No.24139319


>> No.24139372

that's what happens when you make faggots anonymous they will larp all day

>> No.24139390

sitting make money, didn't read, never selling

>> No.24139399

Yeah, best you fuck off back to where you need an identity

>> No.24140123

a good way to get liquidated by king nigger arthur

>> No.24140129

OP is the kind of faggot that trapped people in the tether FUD in 2017.

>> No.24140209
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 6BB5EE94-E728-4E3D-AAAB-BDAFD87D24F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$6.5k in a month in the greatest run since 2017
>thinks he should give out advice
is this bait?

>> No.24140278


>> No.24140281

I mean OP isn't wrong.. This market will end up taking your money. If you are just holding good projects for years it doesn't matter though.

>> No.24140603
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>i'm not posting this thread again. you've been warned


>> No.24140863

100% all in Link is obviously the best position to hold.

>> No.24141040

Unironically the best holds are XRP, LINK, PNK, and ETH. ETH is rather invaluable for the oracle market as its crucial for PNK and LINK. LINK Oracles obviously have their place in the great reset. PNK is needed to deal with subjective data. XRP is also the most environmentally friendly utility token for the transfer of value between CBDC's. It would take tens of millions and over a decade to have a actual competitor to XRP at this point to build a project with the same amount of partnerships and tech behind it. I hate rooting for the establishment as much as the next guy here but at some point or another you grow up and realize that banks won't die. They'll merely adapt. The crypto market will mature and only the best of the best will survive. Like almost every other anon here has likely parroted at one point or another 99.99% of all crypto's will die. Only those that build and maintain the establishment will remain.

>> No.24141069
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>Wish we knew how many normies have jumped into crypto.

>> No.24141089


>> No.24141130

Bitcoin isn’t going to 2k retard

>> No.24141143

should I short btc or eth?
with how much?

>> No.24141205

basado, though im not even gonna consider selling any of my xrp until its past 20$ and the flare snapshot, its not worth the risk if YK why youre in xrp in the first place

>> No.24141236

$20k in the last month kek

>> No.24141244

On the verge of mini alt season potentially major alt season. There is the bear.

m8 pls

>> No.24141263

too add to this, it blows the fuck out of my mind that biz normans are turncoating on their xrp stance (not the bit that surprised me) and have absolutely no understanding nor interest in flare. its like they unironically, hand-to-god, want to lose money

>> No.24141372
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I should have listened

>> No.24141487

I sell and it shoots back up immediately. Fuck you op

>> No.24141497

Imagine selling before the great reset and all the worlds financial institutions, governments, banks etc pour into the crypto sphere. BTC will be $150k next year.

>> No.24141582

>I know you’re a faggot. Great, you love sucking dick. There’s nothing wrong with faggots sucking dick. I wouldn’t do it, but I’m rich and successful, and you just like sucking dick. Lemme tell you what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna sell, and when you do, it’s gonna bounce. It’s gonna go past previous highs, and then you’ll slap the dick from your cumfilled mouth for a second and buy. You’ll make a 20, maybe 50 dollars while you suck dick, and then it’ll drop. You’ll be negative money again but at least you’ll have that dick in your mouth. In reality, you don’t want money. You’re a loser faggot. And that’s your excuse. You want to be poor so you can be a faggot who sucks dick. You just don’t want to admit it.

>> No.24141651
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>> No.24141803
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>> No.24141819
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