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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24132842 No.24132842 [Reply] [Original]

Is this something that happens frequently? I use Coinbase and while I'm making like $20 gains I'm worried the IRS is going to somehow screw me out of everything if I ever somehow made money

>> No.24133190

Coinbase is a pajeet of crypto trading. Use some exchanges that are running away from law and you'll be good lol

>> No.24133259

Oh shit. I have been swinging shit coins using coinbase wallet. Only had 40 dollars in profits. Shit, I'm in for a jewing, aren't I?

>> No.24133326

how a bout you take your r*ddit posts, and you fuck off back where you came from
this site has seriously turned to shit I can't believe that the culture is nothing but r*ddit and tw*tter garbage

>> No.24133432

Such as?

>> No.24133466

Eh I got a 7k bill for my gains a few years back. I neglected to enter some info about some transactions by accident. Woopsie doodle, whatever heres 7k uncle sammy boy. Just be honest and pay the IRS what they deserve.

>> No.24133489

Yeah expect a 6million dollar fine

>> No.24133499
File: 93 KB, 1019x637, u33gu7mc1p061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is completely fucking cancer now solely just pajeet scam threads with 300 replies linked from twitter. If you can tolerate browsing here and only here for financial purposes your brain is already completely fried.
>I can't believe that the culture is nothing but r*ddit and tw*tter garbage
Fucking boohoo lmao look around at your "culture" compared to even 2016

>> No.24133518


>> No.24133577

>/biz/ is completely fucking cancer now
Nice, then you should have no issue fucking off back to where you came faggot

>> No.24133582

thank god i'm not murrican

>> No.24133751

>I just assumed I wasn't going to be taxed because I only made a little money
What were your total capital gains for that year?

>> No.24134273

If I withdraw my initial investment there are no realized gains so do I have to pay tax?

>> No.24134682
File: 176 KB, 459x375, vizzini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell victim to one of the classic blunders