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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2412744 No.2412744 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2412775
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>> No.2412800


Portfolio total $9960

Change in last 24 hours - +$9470

so you literally just chunked some bullshit numbers in right this second? why?

>> No.2412822
File: 101 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-12-14-09-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started 2 weeks ago with 500, the recent dip is hurting me, but can't complain about my gains from DGB and ETC

>> No.2412826

He just made it you fucking retard

>> No.2412849

diversified one bitcoin into several shitcoins on bittrex. will probably have to let some of them rest for a year in order to make a profit

other than that it feels unreal to sell 88 ethereum for 30000€ considering i started back in october 2016 with 6000€, having another 8 bitcoins in ripple, golem, augur, lisk, nem and some other prospects

>> No.2412889
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day 6 of investing for me. doing pretty well. beginners luck

>> No.2413027
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>> No.2413922

teach me, sensei

>> No.2414406

>buying eth at the top

>> No.2414478
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Might as well call this week THE HALVENING

>> No.2414534
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Back to square one

>> No.2414606

>all you did was buy eth at the wrong time
>im so lucky guys


>> No.2414666
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>> No.2414678
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Getting fucked right now.
My hands are very shaky about BTC, I only have it as a reserve just in case the cryptopocalypse occurs

>> No.2414884

lol I'm getting raped
But I'm still up from 2 weeks ago so whatever. I literally only had 5k USD value back then. Still doing fine. This shit is going to keep teasing 10k isn't it? I don't even want to get rich, I just want 40-50k USD to pay off all my loans and take a year off to live in Thailand or something.

>> No.2415056
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what app is this.

also nice trips.

>> No.2415068


or he just randomly entered some make believe numbers. That is also a possibility you fucking retard.

>> No.2415387

okay so I guess 40% in 6 days is really bad ROI, jeez I guess I'll cash out and hope to do better next try. fags

>> No.2415403

Regained most of my losses

>thank you IOC

>> No.2415415

Thea after everything to ETH. Only place for solace in this world going forward. Enjoy being ok.

>> No.2415417
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Forgot pic

>> No.2415450

bought a bunch of NGR. steady returns

>> No.2415462
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Our hands are being tested. How strong are yours?

>> No.2415637


>> No.2415664


>> No.2416186

A fellow dgb bagholder?

>> No.2416498

i made 300% in my first 24 hours, get real faggot
try day trading you idiot

>> No.2416615
File: 115 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170612-230732 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even now I'm laughing and having a drink
BTC ain't shit, it seems

>> No.2416625

I sold at the bottom of the dip.

Should i get the noose ready?

>> No.2416645

Yeah so he could brag on an anonymous forum

>> No.2416695

>Lost money on everything except Ethereum
>Ethereum gains big enough that I still come out a little bit ahead

I was an idiot and fell for the DGB and ARK memes. Blah blah blah solid fundamentals, blah blah strong development team. The real question now is do I cut my losses (buy high sell low) and put into Ethereum or do I wait it out and hope they somehow recover? If I wait it out, I'm basically waiting just to get my money back and potentially losing out on gains in other coins.

>> No.2416713
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I wanted to REEE at you for having more than my 8k, but then I remembered that my portfolio is already worth 12k.

>> No.2416719

You obv dont know what youre doing... dont listen to yourself whatever you do lol

>> No.2416759
File: 97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170612-185156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walked a long way trading niggers and posting on beg threads before I got here. Started on bittrex with 90k sats. It went to 120k over night and now I'm at 130k. I have to hold all at one coin since the smallest amount you can trade is 50k sats, if I diversify it 1/1 and one of them falls too much I'm going to have money locked in there for a long time unless I move the other half to that coin so I can move to another while getting fucked by fees.

>> No.2416819

don't blaspheme ARK, you'll see in time it's a winner, at least that's what I reckon

>> No.2416840

How do I link my wallets to blockfolio? Or how can i get it to show my holdings, otherwise

>> No.2416857

you don't, it's a pajeet kind of task to put it all in; to make matters worse, your sells don't enter BTC balance, you have to pajeet that too

>> No.2416863
File: 411 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20170612-165912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing okay. Got out of DGB. Wish I had gotten out sooner. Used the proceedes from DGB to get into BAY, BTS and UBQ.

>> No.2417061
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170612-171438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you are mirroring me almost perfectly but I had much less skin in the game.

>> No.2417154

This is why I set up an excel sheet to just text me every hour with how much my portfolio is worth. Updating Blockfolio is a bitch.

>> No.2417323

I don't have a fancy tracker and graph but I currently hold 80 eth and 3.2 btc so this week has been great, up maybe 45% or almost $10 000

>> No.2417348

Which wallets are you guys using, too?

>> No.2417357

Do you need a different wallet for every coin

>> No.2417395

please tell me how to do this

>> No.2417515
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>> No.2417550
File: 105 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-13-00-46-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing decent in btc, a bit less if you compare to usd

>> No.2417603

easy with google sheets. google how

>> No.2417737

ok, but how does the excel sheet know how much your portfolio is worth? Linked to your wallets, or do you have to manually input all your coins and values?

>> No.2417977

yep, real blood bath. holding strong

>> No.2417980
File: 115 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170612-161208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made huge ethereum gains, but everything else went down.

>> No.2418000
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The breakdown

>> No.2418042


What the fuck are you HODLing?

>> No.2418045
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When will I become rich enough to actually be in a place that doesn't only have US Celluar?

>> No.2418065


with those holdings, never

>> No.2418120

How so?

>> No.2418169

Don't have it on Blockfolio, but my week was pretty decent as I'm up about $250.

Lost a bit learning about crypto and buying into a pump and dump. Thought the thing was gonna shoot up higher naturally and lost $50 on it. But then DGB started going up and got on the hype train and gained $100 there before I jumped off of that and got everything into ETH which has rocketed up a decent bit.

In the end, I'm up about $224 after starting out with about $500. Since things have gone well I put an extra $200 USD into ETH just a bit ago so have a total of $922 invested in crypto now.

$866.53 worth of ETH, 2.25
$56.26 worth of BTC, .021

I am sorta wondering what else is worth getting into. I've heard SYS is supposed to be a good investment for the next few weeks.

>> No.2418203

stop problem gambling its not healthy desu senpai

>> No.2418281

t. lost all his money because he cant into daytrading

>> No.2418288

4 dollars

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.2418294
File: 53 KB, 620x400, change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the recent events with BGR and such, it came to me that 4chan has the actual potential to create a coin of real worth, something that represents us all.

Something that can reach mainstream in a positive light and actually make the top 100 of coinmarketcap... lets fucking do it..


>> No.2418348

how is life in lambo land

>> No.2418353

hardly anyone understands blockchain, and especially not here.

Mind you, I don't speak of coins, but for the reason why they will stick around.

>> No.2418370

lol that's almost my blockfolio exactly-- uncannily similar amounts & numbers, although mine lacks the stark elegance of yours... i do have a light smattering of shitcoins

good lookin, OP

>> No.2418430

atleast he's in the game trying to do better for himself.

>> No.2418477
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What a meme week

>> No.2418500
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>> No.2418502
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If it wasn't for eth...I would be in the hole

>> No.2418550
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feelin good

>> No.2418619

some backstory, i've been buying BTC incrimentally since may of last year and recently converted ~90% into ETH at around 130-180. total fiat invested is 13k

>> No.2418787
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I lost my K ;-;

>> No.2418800

>muh 5 percent gains
just hodl you're gonna lose all your money if you ever get into day trading

>> No.2419987
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Cuckbase is fucking me senpai

>> No.2420004

pls gib me some ETH

>> No.2420046
File: 4 KB, 432x221, ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my wave wallet. I have no idea what I'm doing and I made it today. I feel utterly retarded.


>> No.2420684

>no niggers
anon why?

>> No.2421373
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Any advice? I can out another couple hundred in

>> No.2421393
File: 62 KB, 514x886, 2017-06-13_13-11-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow DGB holder

>> No.2421414
File: 146 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170612-201341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so happy I got out of DGB

>> No.2421454

It's all ethereum

>> No.2422547

I'm sure your K will come back soon.