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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 400x320, Autismo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24124623 No.24124623 [Reply] [Original]

I hate fat people...

>> No.24124634

sames they are disgusting

>> No.24124655

Right? Just eat less for your fat retards

>> No.24124753

Slampigs are ok tho

>> No.24124756


>> No.24124887
File: 526 KB, 728x674, BFA78AD4-C796-4012-9E37-863AC56C59FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gained 30 lbs in the past 7 months and I hate myself for it

>> No.24125005

It's never too late to make good habits. Energy in needs to be less than energy out. That simple

>> No.24125281

i hate fat people that eat meat. like god damn were ruining the environment and the world eating meat and you people arent just going to eat your share youre going to eat fucking 2 or 3 peoples share of food and go to fucking mcdonalds every day and order 4 burgers and chicken nuggets and then go home and eat fucking bacon and as many dead animals and cheese you can get your hands on every day

how fucking hard is it to just eat natural shit. i get vegan thai food that blows mcdonalds out of the fucking water

>> No.24125303

>tfw hate fat people but have fetish for fat chicks
>tfw live in eurofag country where everyone is skinny or normal and there are barely any fat chicks

>> No.24125305

vegans on average have a lower BMI then meat eating retards and they waste less water and cause less pollution by fucking miles

>> No.24125342

In my culture everyone eats meat, there arent any real meals that could serve as dinner that dont have meat or atleast diary in them.

>> No.24125349

I’m a fat ass now. Honestly couldn’t give a fuck. more fat to burn through is better for converting to muscle so yeah

>> No.24125353

consider yourself lucky.
having half of the potential mates in your country being fat piggies isn't fun.

>> No.24125366

Go back. Also, you will never be a woman.

>> No.24125373
File: 26 KB, 238x238, 1601498123867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking LOVE being fat. Unironically my fetish. I sit up spread eagle rubbing my big belly and fat tits with oil while I jerk myself off with a silicone horse pussy I bougt after selling my bags to retard topbuyers. Nothing more euphoric then rubbing my fat nips that will only get fatter because Im fucking RIIIICCCHHHH NOW. I shoot fucking ropes at the thought that you fags made this fatass RICH>>24124634

>> No.24125380

they're also often terminal faggots with mental health issues

>> No.24125384

I wish i had the self control to stop beating my meat to slampigs on the interent, i absolutely warped my sense of what a normal person should be attracted to.

>> No.24125801

umm do you know where you ar- nvm everyone here is a retarded brick wall

>> No.24125856

I hate old people, they make me grossed

>> No.24126028 [DELETED] 


>> No.24126158
File: 41 KB, 451x783, 3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24126246

The reason they're fat is because they have other issues too. They're not worth your time.

>> No.24126289
File: 55 KB, 709x1024, 1603557943650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too op, specially girls that defend their obesity by "body positive" lmao.

>> No.24126316

>they have no self respect
>they are hideous
>they blame their fatness on everything but themselves (genetics, being poor somehow, etc.)
>they usually allow their kids to be fat
>they either dont care, dont realize or dont have the will power to stop

>> No.24126329

Same anon. Same. People on this board hate black people but fatties are the real problem. If we killed them all the world would be a better place. And this is business related because they cause our healthcare costs to go through the fucking roof which makes it much more expensive to hire and provide benefits to workers.

>> No.24126355

Man but did you saw the boobas?

>> No.24126364

fix that shit before it gets out of hand fren

>> No.24126417

if you were a women, i'd bang the shit out of you

>> No.24126442

If you like swallowing yeast that has fermented in her adipose vagina flaps. Sure you fucking disgusting jew

>> No.24126473

You are a stupid fucking nigger who has been brainwashed by soros shills

>> No.24126479

agreed. jannies, fat people are a serious drain on the healthcare system and therefore affect the economy

>> No.24126531

>fat black bitch hooked up to machine on bed rotting from diabetes.jpeg

>> No.24126570
File: 449 KB, 600x624, cfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went for a 2.5 hour walk
when I left my diabetic obese lard fuck of a father BMI of probably 40 was lying in his recliner, and when I got back, he was still in it
and I realized,
I just walked more in 150 minutes in 1 afternoon than he has walked (or done anything) in the past 5 years combined
...and I do this every single day

you have no idea how much I hate fat people, it's infinite, it's immeasurable

>> No.24126572

They are also malnourished and have to take supplements to stay alive that’s how you know it’s a retarded diet. You literally could not survive on that diet throughout most of human history. Limiting your intake of fatty meats and dairy sure but avoiding all animal products is going too far. I can almost guarantee you’re a femme cuck søyboy type.

>> No.24126993

No. Obesity is a sign of mental illness which is highly heritable and they are likely to have problems giving birth.

If your brain find this stuff attractive, you might as well start banging trannies, and adopting cats.. or just kys.

>> No.24127037

>less wastage
Listen oxygen thief
YOU are the waste. Waste of your poor father’s semen

>> No.24127068

The n-s-cycle

>> No.24127075

>banging trannies, and adopting cats.. or just kys.
Thanks for the recap
Go back now

>> No.24127098
File: 60 KB, 699x485, 1602364869389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you hate yourself, OP?
Based, but only up to a certain point.

>> No.24127125

have you ever seen what the limbs and extremities of long-term diabetics look like? they are indeed literally rotting away, the oxygen supply, nerve function, dermis, blood vessels, soft connective tissue, it's all fucked, their muscles atrophy, their circulation fails, their nerves deteriorate, the skin becomes thick and scaly and ashy with capillaritis and telangiectasias, it's fucking revolting

>> No.24127160

Fat cunts are disgusting

>> No.24127238

when i was somewhat overweight, i thought i looked disgusting. never again

>> No.24127250

if you are fat you should not be allowed to post on /biz/. no one wants to take business advice from someone who can't control their eating habits

>> No.24127335

most people on here don't hate all black people, it's just being edgy for fun and for scaring off normalfags
I do hate black thugs but I don't mind civilized blacks at all

>> No.24127419

yeah I couldn’t think of any fat successful businessmen......

>> No.24127670
File: 125 KB, 626x856, 1 (858).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't
>my dream gf

>> No.24128085

Also they are responsible for the lockdowns. Not fatties or diabetes and no lockdowns. They should all do neck hangs to failure.

>> No.24128834

then u didnt see me in Boring DAO