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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 242x241, bancor_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2411278 No.2411278 [Reply] [Original]

You can only post here if you have over 100 BNT
What color will your Lamborghini be?

>> No.2411289

Still pending

>> No.2411305

7k BNT

I will buy seven lambos and make a rainbow

>> No.2411306

>your Lamborghini
Do you mean GALIA's Lambos?

>> No.2411308

480 here, can't wait to be rich op

>> No.2411310

Blue-white-blue, and with LPG installation

560 here

>> No.2411316
File: 53 KB, 596x643, suck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy it tomorrow

>> No.2411318

pending.. but will have 130 BNT when its all said and done.

*This spot is reserved for future Lambo owner*

also INB4 very low IQ Poltards come in here and scream racist shit

>> No.2411324

It says I have my tokens on etherscan but not in myetherwallet?

>> No.2411326

is BNT on any exchanges yet hehe

>> No.2411331

The same color as your candlechart once this scam hits the exchanges: red

>> No.2411343
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I like this color.

>> No.2411346

500 here
I'll take Galia sitting on my face over a lambo tbqh

>> No.2411351


>> No.2411352

500 BNT here

can we see them in our wallet yet?

>> No.2411381

HAHA, they end it 20 min earlier, you can't trust them

>> No.2411384

I really don't want to support one world government and jewish bankers, but on the other hand lambos are really nice.

>> No.2411400
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I'm thinking red

>> No.2411404
File: 54 KB, 636x849, 642ff23a1a3c80aeefc0fa042589f3f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I gonna do with the extra two?

>> No.2411431

Can I buy in tomorrow?

Can I only buy in with ETH?

What price do you think this is gonna start out at / go to ?

>> No.2411454

Probably gonna start at 350m market cap and it could easily reach the same market cap as ripple which is a total shitcoin.

>> No.2411466

Starting price is 0.5.

t. 900 BNTs currently held by the mountain jews

>> No.2411472

how do I add my tokens to my wallet ?

>> No.2411487


.5 btc?

>> No.2411496

When all the currencies get tokenized Bancor will easily overtake cripple

>> No.2411510
File: 31 KB, 375x211, 1496381076176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 tokens

effective cost $50 because I bought eth @ 25

>> No.2411511

110 reporting in :P

>> No.2411522

400 here

Pretty much this but I want her available to sit on my face on any given day for as long as I live.

>> No.2411543

13.5k reporting in.

>> No.2411544

I'll just buy this shit once it is on exchanges. Btw where is this shitcoin trading at first?

>> No.2411546

whats the market cap?

>> No.2411558

2301 BNT. I'm buying the dealership

>> No.2411563

lol ico ended already

>> No.2411584

Can all you rich people send me any scrapes of ETH you may have left 0xAC644c87D1B50Fd570A6626Da3350efB1721C171 , any amount will do no matter how big or small , i will appreciate

>> No.2411598

How long did this ICO last?

What exchange will it hit first?

>> No.2411607

My 400 BNT has costed me $150
Bought ETH at an average of 37.50

>> No.2411608
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More or less the same as you. Bought it through the pre-ICO thing by BitcoinSuisse.

Good luck to us both Bancor-bro !

>> No.2411623


>> No.2411624
File: 180 KB, 501x350, 1464786042231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 ETH withdrawal from bittrex disappeared from the blockchain
>have to settle for 317 BNT instead of a glorious 617
>ethereum now crashing while my coins are in limbo

>> No.2411648

>literally able to increase cap
>"malicious attacks"
>extended sale by three hours
>have a product that will never actually hit the public

Enjoy tanking after hitting exchanges

>> No.2411650

1k BNT here, what can I buy?

>> No.2411657
File: 21 KB, 370x284, 1212431234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you on the other side brother

>> No.2411658

I feel pity for those that gave their ethereum to this scam. There are reports of fundraisers ethereum banishing after donating


>> No.2411681

Not getting a Lambo. Too mainstream.
Gonna get a black huayra

>> No.2411686
File: 37 KB, 668x729, 1497285120164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be this big of a whale


>> No.2411698

sheeit I'll take just enough gains to pay off my current car loan.

>> No.2411700


Enjoy kys

>> No.2411707

The only incentive people would have to spread FUD is to keep market cap low immediately after ICO to maximize profits for themselves. Keep this in mind when seeing posts like this one

>> No.2411709

Yeah Tim Draper and Blockchain Capital are going to let their investment tank. How mad are you that you missed the moon AGAIN

>> No.2411778

>no USA citizens allowed
>no lawsuits

staff is 9 million dollar richer fuckers, in 1 hour after a few months of blogging.


>> No.2411826

I don't know how people can be this retarded. Most of it is just FUD anyways, plus not a single ICO has actually lost any money.

>> No.2411837
File: 43 KB, 647x163, lul2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are humbled
>396,720 ETH RAISED

>> No.2411857



>> No.2411900

Well my transaction is still pending and eth is crashing..

am i fucked or what

>> No.2411911

You guys fucked up. Bancor's a scam. The Ethereum platform allows you to create contracts that define the monetary policy and have it enforced by the blockchain, yet they went ahead and explicitly allowed themselves to issue as many extra tokens as they want, at any time. They also just said screw it to their terms and extended the minimum time. They also went ahead and accepted more than the hidden cap because the hidden cap was "stuck together w/ other transaction due to massive attacks". It's a fucking joke. Even if you don't think it's a scam, FUD will spread and people will dump it hardcore.

You guys will have to settle for a Lada instead.

>> No.2411913

435. I actually bought 870, but a friend is buying the other half since he didnt have any eth.

>> No.2411943

didn't get in, shit is in the void.

posted transaction around 10:50. transaction still not completed, myetherwallet shows my 15 ether still in it, but when I tried to post another, it said wallet was empty(which it should be).

no bancors, no ether in wallet, yes I sent to right address, yes 200000 gas and 50 gwei, did it right but its in limbo now.

>> No.2411944

only pathetic neets like you care about the fud, me and my elite globalist friends are laughing at your shit

>> No.2411959

> buy our jew coin goyim, only 100 CHF fee for the presell with the mountain jews
> actually you can buy straight from us goy, limited to 1 hour with hidden cap
> hidden cap reached goy but we cant stop now due to lost transactions
> actually we gonna triple the time limit - dont worry goy we will take all your money

in b4

> sorry goy coins worthless now, noone couldve predicted it, thx for them ETH tho

>> No.2411975

go back to /pol/ you low iq fuck

>> No.2411984

>muh scamcoin
>muh greedy jews
The funny thing about /pol/ is they admit Jews run the world, yet whites are somehow the master race

>> No.2411990

sent ETH 3 minutes after launch, transaction still doesnt exist

used metamask

>> No.2411995

Similar thing happened to me, the transaction was pending for 35 mins then it disappeared for 5 mins but then showed back up. I was worried it didn't go thru as well because I still had eth in mew but it eventually all worked out.

>> No.2412038

>only pathetic neets like you care about the fud
What are you talking about, normies eat the up the FUD better than anyone else. Smart money probably realized how big of a scam this whole thing was and are pulling out of ETH and shorting it. Have a look at ETH/fiat charts and you'll see what I mean. Sit on fiat, short and cut some of your losses before it's too late, anon.

>> No.2412070
File: 503 KB, 1440x2560, 1497162790649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9500 BNT. I didn't go all out. They raised a lot less than I expected.

>> No.2412123

do I need to add a custom token to MyEthWallet in order to see it? I can see it in explorer

>> No.2412181

Exchange starting price predictions?

>> No.2412184
File: 111 KB, 640x439, 1495236383990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably because they themselves want the Bancor tokens to increase in value. It's actually pretty good news.

>> No.2412186

If you click on tx id you will "x Bancor token tranfer to 0x....." - click on that and you will see it under balance

>> No.2412201

0.01 eth

>> No.2412264

For anyone wanting to see there BANCOR tokens in there myetherwallet heres a link on what to do -

>> No.2412265

Haha, no. They want eth to go up. That way it's cheaper for them to buy back those shekels they sold you...Hope you like those bags.

>> No.2412337

It's backed by eth with a massive buywall at .01eth

If eth goes up, so does BNT

>> No.2412361
File: 157 KB, 1024x768, 7b0722ca26c56fed73401f73c1f2365e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe. Maybe not. Mustangland here I come ! (I hope)

>> No.2412381



A Dodge is okay too.

>> No.2412388

but, thats a charger...

>> No.2412428


Yup. I'm kind of drunk. Chimay beer is awesome!

>> No.2412488

12 BNT
I'm happy with a Land Rover, thx

>> No.2412505

Don't blame beer for your own shortcomings. Beer has done nothing wrong.

>> No.2412560


You're right.

Sorry Chimay ! I don't deserve your goodness !

>> No.2412728

where does the token show up?

>> No.2412815

search in google like 'how to create new token for bancor myetherwallet reddit'

theres links that show you how to add the Bancor token to the wallet my friend

>> No.2412873

didn't work for me anon, i don't see any pending transactions.

>> No.2412897

adding to mew:
address: 0x1F573D6Fb3F13d689FF844B4cE37794d79a7FF1C
symbol: BNT
decimals: 18

>> No.2413019 [DELETED] 


0.00499900 btc


>> No.2413021

thats not how it works ya retard

>> No.2413048

Sad to see all those bizbro gains snuffled up by this jew scam. Fiat(bnt) and fractional reserve(bancor CRR) are the tools of the eternal jew. No one will profit from this but them and it will be one the backs of you all, as usual. Gold(btc) is their enemy because you cannot fake its value.

You are all traitors to the true cause and dream crypto offers and you deserve what's coming for trusting them.

>> No.2413147

I hear you

They are globalists and they will ruin crypto, introduce centralisation, inflation, usury, fractional reserve banking.

Doesn't matter because goys will buy into it anyway. It my as well be me getting rich from the 100x increase.

>> No.2413187

sorry bud, we don't have enough time to fix society, I gotta buy a room in the New Zealand bunkers one way or another

>> No.2413227


Did I read correctly that it cannot go under 0.01 eth because of the reserve?

>> No.2413263

This. This should be a right of Bancor's stakeholders!
I suggest a petition. We might need to digitalise Galia first to so that she is able to be omnipresent.

>> No.2413272


But all these keks and memes aside, rs predictions about price in a few years?

I mean a dapp of this fucking scale, with Status integrated.

What can I buy with my shitty 130 BNT

>> No.2413290

my transaction still pending, looks like i missed out

>> No.2413360
File: 149 KB, 1004x1024, 1478154012568m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand your reasoning and you may be right, even considered getting in myself until their plan became clear to me. I will hold my eth and buy up all the btc I can over the course of their attacks on it over the next two months. Hopefully btc will be the Trump to their Clinton otherwise we aren't going to make it.

>> No.2413377
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what was the ICO price

Totally missed it, was sleeping

I think

>> No.2413425


1 BNT is 0.01 ETH

>> No.2413460


80% of what they raised over the cap will go into a buywall at ico price

>> No.2413507

how tell?

i think mine just never posted. myetherwallet showed empty, but it didn't show a pending transaction on etherscan. now the ether are back in the wallet.


>> No.2413573

posts on reddit are saying all pending transactions will be cancelled eventually

put it in 15 minutes into the ICO, kind of pissed right now

>> No.2413602

With a 13 days ico, you re not getting a lambo. You re not getting anything. Bancor is the same thing with minereum and they certainly do not need to raise 250 mill. You got scammed so bad and this seems so bad that it may affect the whole cryptosystem. We re talking here for a DAO 2.0

>> No.2413616

Jews are virus parasites that leech off of whites and everyone else alike. Youll see for yourself soon enough once you lose everything you invested into this scam coin.

>> No.2413772

>13 day ICO

the ICO is already over mate, keep up with information before you post

>> No.2413775

did you set 50 gwei? mine was pending for an hour then i changed it to 50 gwei and it went through.

>> No.2413838
File: 172 KB, 757x880, lelelelelelel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Ethereum Network almost collapsed. This shit is supposed to be better than bitcoin?

>> No.2413861


I almost missed out because of that, I didn't know you had to use the slider.. close call thanks to based myetherwallet giving me a fucking pop up noob box to steer me in the right direction

>> No.2413905

I transferred ETH from Poloniex to MyEtherwallet around 5 hours ago and it still has not appeared in the wallet.
Server lag? does it take this long? or am i robbed?