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2405073 No.2405073 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder not to kill yourself if you didn't buy ETH or only bought a little bit when it was cheap.

There will be plenty of other opportunities to make money, and not just in crypto.

We're all going to make it. Stay strong boys.

>> No.2405159

I needed this, OP

>> No.2405181

No there fucking wont. This was my fucking only chance. I couldve put more than 250$ when it was at 220$. I deserve to be fucking poor for the rest of my life.

Would rather be a fucking normie and have never heard about ETH

>> No.2405182

I'm not killing myself because I missed ETH. I'm killing myself because of everything I've missed up to and including ETH.


>> No.2405185

Fuck you, I do what I want.

>> No.2405197

There are other ways to make money besides converting your NEETbux into monopoly money, retards

Try actually making something people would want.

>> No.2405202
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>Born too late for Apple
>Born too late for Facebook
>Born too late for BTC
>Missed ETH
>Missed BitBean
Its over, there isnt any way to get rich anymore

>> No.2405204

I bought 100 eth at 4 dollars then sold it when it was 18 each before the DAO hack

You know nothing

>> No.2405213

The crypto market is still TINY relatively speaking. If crypto really takes off, we are all going to make it.


>> No.2405216

Thanks dude.

>> No.2405217
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God you fucking morons are so short sited.

OMG WHAA ETH ETH who gives a shit you retarded faggots. You can make bigger gains buying pretty much any shitcoin than you could buying ETH right now. Fucking retards could of made more of REDDcoin or VERGE or BITB or DGB three weeks ago. STFU and stop crying and giving your money to ETH holders. Man the fuck up and move the fuck on or you'll never make it. There are plenty of more profitable crypto gains on the horizon for us.

Also if it makes you feel any better most ETH holders will look like this in the next couple weeks anyway.

>> No.2405252

I play a game called spot the shill, you see a shill tries to discredit every thread that isn't his own
I see you, too bad ID's are per thread, eh?

thanks OP, your positive attitude is refreshing and I appreciate you

>> No.2405276

>No there fucking wont. This was my fucking only chance.

Agreed, OP is coping.

This was your once chance to fix your life forever and you blew it like the laggard loser you are.

I guess suicide is the only option here.

>> No.2405278

I'm playing a game right now called spot the retard and I found you.

>> No.2405281

You know everything is risk vs reward right? yeah you might 2x your money in 24 hours by buying the shitcoin of the day but you will just as easily lose half of it like dgb did. ETH is by far the safest return in crypto right now

>> No.2405285
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He just sold his ETH so he wants the market to crash, hence; the FUD

>> No.2405299

BTC, PIVX, XRP, ETH, ETC, DGB, RDD, XVG, BITB, DGB, and more i'm not thinking of. It's over guys.

>> No.2405323

>t. ETH shills

I won't buy it if it crashes to $100. It's an overpriced shitcoin that people think corporations are using and don't understand the difference between Ethereum and Ether. Even the developers know it's out of control. Enjoy the crash you greedy faggots.


>> No.2405330

ETH was incredibly risky a year ago, especially after the hack.

What, you think ETH was some sure shot when it rose and fell between $8 and $12 constantly, and it was nothing more than some autist's pet project?

>> No.2405339 [DELETED] 

That's why you don't play the day to day and you hold jackass. Saying ETH is a safe investment is stupid as fuck. It was ten dollars three months ago.

>> No.2405349

> all these people complaining about missing out
> tfw holding a million BitBay, literally a working decentralized marketplace
> tfw Biz will miss out on this obvious moon mission and cope later

Feels Good Man, you faggots literally cannot help yourselves

>> No.2405365

Ethereum could have literally 0 corporations use it and it would still have better functionality than bitcoin in its current state, not to mention the fuck ton of upgrades that are coming like Raiden, sharding, metropolis. This shit is going to be 1k before the end of this year.

>> No.2405370

THIS, people need to drop the FOMO and look at what's ahead

>> No.2405444

>delusions based on greed

>> No.2405509

I wonder when people will realize that there is basically no DAPP that wouldn't function better on traditional application architecture

>> No.2405549

Decentrilised drug / CP market dapp?

>> No.2405573


I thought normies hated that stuff?

>> No.2405575

Scrubs need to stop worrying over missed opportunities and start looking for current ones.

>> No.2405603

>Try actually making something people would want.

Thats a form of slavery to the masses.

fuck you.

>> No.2405641

Normies love drugs

>> No.2405649

Ubq was at around 3k sats this feb, also 30x

>> No.2405660

Kinda looks like itll be $1k before we go to sleep

>> No.2405676
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I don't have any real skills in life.

Crypto is the only way for me to make incredible gains.

Everything else is too controlled and regulated.

>> No.2405684


>> No.2405694



>> No.2405708
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>> No.2405729


Eh, I made better profits on DGB anyway, even after the crash LMAO

>> No.2405734

I'm offing myself for not waiting waiting and being patient. I sold at 290 for a nice profit but this fucker actually just shot to the fucking moon in like 2 days.

>> No.2405748

Based OP

have faith and stay calm

Theres so much more ahead of us! the trick is to stay AHEAD of the normies and allways be the early adopter, be the smart money and the old money will follow to cash you out.

>> No.2405765

>bitbay moon mission
But why?

>> No.2406005

>plenty of other opportunities to make money
>and not just in crypto
Yea right faggot. This is once in a generation.

>> No.2406033

>what is making your own product
>what is writing a book
>what is making a movie
>what is making a video game
>what is developing your own program

>> No.2406087

None of those compare to investing a few hundred bucks, then sitting on your ass and accumulating a net worth of tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars while sleeping.

>> No.2406661

This x 1.000,000,000 .

>> No.2406673


>> No.2406701

Buy SWT you clueless idiots. I'm going to say it straight, it's the next 100x coin.

>> No.2406987

I went from 48 ETH last week to now only holding 44,000 xrp. I want to die.

>> No.2407016

this is literally the last opportunity on planet earth to get rich

you're fucked forever

time to sudoko

>> No.2407165

>t. coping

>> No.2408328

Buy MOON and HTML.
Will x100 within a couple of moths.

Why make Maybe x2 on ETH and risk 80% drop

>> No.2408359

just invest in icos

>> No.2408374

>only bought 3 eth
>sold 1 to buy ARK
>ark is dropping from $1.20 to 84 cents
fuck me

>> No.2408431
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>didn't stockpile ETH when it was 10$


>> No.2408435

NEXT is also a good x10 within a week Or two

>> No.2408463

RDD Will launch redd-ID soon.

X20 right There

Stop crying and start making money boys

>> No.2408504

Does nobody on here actually trade? Is it literally all people trying to strike it rich in the shitcoin lottery?

Take the time to learn how to make consistent gains with a proper trading method and your equity curve will look better than the ETH chart.

>> No.2408747


Thank you

>> No.2408808


thats why singapore is running singapore dollar tokens on Ethereum right?

>> No.2408833

I don't like eth, I don't like how its centralized, dont trust the team, but it seems like its going to kill btc. what the fuck do I do? should I just take my btc gains and leave the crypto life behind?

>> No.2408947

I had one ETH but sold it to get more into XVG at 70 sats

no regret, but congrats to ETH guys.

>> No.2408999

Any suggestions on what to read?

>> No.2409061

I had 9 when they were still $44 a coin.
I sold out at $50 to buy POSW. A few others did this too.

Started buying back in around the $90-something range. It still has a way to go, but so do many other cryptos.

>> No.2409226

how the fuck you coinpro's find the next coin that will rocket ?

What are you looking from a coin ?

teach me senpai's

>> No.2409337

I agree.... My fucking shitty developer job only pays 35k, and I don't wanna slave away at getting clients who pay me like 700 for some shitty website I spent a week on. I WANT GAINS.

>> No.2409359

Literally fucking this. Plus actually working has a pretty good chance of not ever getting anywhere. Game devs are all starving artists now, and same with most of the arts.

Crypto's are pretty much our only shit at making it fucking big.

>> No.2409384

Give suggestions and I'll educate myself.

>> No.2409525

probably the weakest coin on the reputable exchanges

>> No.2409558

You think that's all it takes is a weak coin that can be bought in mass for cheap?

>> No.2409655

yea can basically bet you've done none of this aside from a shitty amazon ebook.

>> No.2409897

I've always wanted to build a ticketing system and own my own piece of software.

>> No.2409943

it worked for me with XVG and RDD when they were worth 13 sat.
I'm a noob like you though.

>> No.2409965

If you hold RDD for the long term, it makes eth gains look like shit.

Now wait until Redd ID comes out.

>> No.2409979

Same story but with 1500eth....

>> No.2409998

loaded my bags, steady growth, didn't moon yet

>> No.2410004

sceptical since biz has already shilled it so much, can anyone convince me its legit and i wont just be buying peoples bags

>> No.2410008


>> No.2410023


>> No.2410058
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400~btc buywall being demolished

crashing imminent?

>> No.2410075
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I'm currently joining ReddCoin's dev team, I'm going to be redoing their website to give it a more modern feeling.

I can confirm their are things that are currently happening, and that the team isn't dead, just a little disorientated because of it being an open source project. It's going to be great at the end of the day, people are honestly talking about it hitting 2000 sats, which sounds a little crazy but I don't know.

>> No.2410092

It's seriously on the way don't doubt it. There are a few issues that need addressing.

>> No.2410104
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>> No.2410123

Buy Aragon and golem!!! Hodl for a until atleast next year even longer for more gainz and you will make it. Load up now while it's cheap

>> No.2410180

>Implying its too late to be part of the crypto revolution known as Ethereum
Stay poor you pessimistic cry baby

>> No.2410189

Friendly reminder that its not too late to buy ETH.

>> No.2410206

stop shilling.
It is too late.
It's going to crash soon.
Of course I bought in the day before yesterday but that doesn't mean anyone else shoudl

>> No.2410211

>Crypto's are pretty much our only shit at making it fucking big while being a fucking worthless leech

>> No.2410312

theres gotta be more reason to pick a coin..maybe you got lucky... who knows..

>> No.2410331
File: 1.92 MB, 300x170, Nichijou-_tcu7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> didn't buy thousands of BTC back in 2009 when it was worth like $1x10^-100^-1000^-10000...
> didn't cash those it in 2013 bubble
> didn't buy back with gains when it was low
> didn't cash out new BTC gains in February when ETH was just $10
> not able to cash out now during ETH bubble
> not able to take new gains from ETH bubble to cash into LTC's impending bubble now that Charlie Lee is working on it full force
> not being a literal fucking billionaire with a fleet of lambos in 2020


>> No.2410573

I work an 8-5 I'm not a leech, just a fucking poor developer who can be replace by Mohammed, or some other indian or russian fuck in the blink of an eye.

>> No.2410599
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Some people never learn and absolutely deserve to be poor.
You're one of them, congrats.