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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24089697 No.24089697 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC about to break all time high
>ETH still down over 60%

>> No.24089809

ETH is not money. At best it’s like postage stamps

>> No.24089812

BTC is king, but that doesn't mean ETH won't have its day. You might have to wait until next year though.

>> No.24089834

It hit $500 have hope, diamond hands king

>> No.24089968
File: 122 KB, 996x1272, flibbening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll get there anon.

>> No.24090145
File: 234 KB, 702x1013, ICantSaveYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine holding anything but BTC right now during the golden bull of 2021

>> No.24090472

The fuck are you crying nigeria, I fucking quadrupled my money thanks only to eth in less than an year. If you're always late it's only your fault

>> No.24090682

It means it will have a better%

>> No.24090928

it means ETH still has at least 60% more room for growth you dumb fuck

>> No.24091057

anon if you want bullrun to start here is what you gotta do;

Write the name of your favorite altcoin on your left manboob, then write the name of your second favorite altcoin on your right manboob. Go stand in front of the mirror and jump up and down singing "coiny manboob, coiny manboob, give me gains, give me gains, in the name of biz, give me gains". The longer and more you do this the harder your favorite altcoins will rise. Try it, I found this to be very effective!

>> No.24091081
File: 118 KB, 612x621, firefox_kaKp7HPVZX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this making me so nervous

>> No.24091121


>> No.24091137

ETH: A midwit's "genius" take on making BTC "better" by adding a bunch of garbage features to it and compromising any redeeming qualities it had in the first place.

>> No.24091196

No, that's Mastercoin, Ethereum's predecessor built on top of BTC.

You have no idea what turning complete means if you honestly don't think ETH is a game changer. It's like that link meme where idiots buy and geniuses buy, but all you idiots in the middle believe the fud and never buy.

>> No.24091269

premine the next meme you are going to print in my head faggot

>> No.24091359
File: 101 KB, 380x349, 8421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would buy Ethereum lol. Decentralized apps? Just use apps on windows/apple. They work way better.

>> No.24092496


Imagine being upset that ETH is still a good buy right now.

>> No.24092808

ETH will most likely outperform BTC over the next year. Same with LINK.