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24088575 No.24088575 [Reply] [Original]

I did it.
I have a 6 digit crypto portfolio.

>> No.24088625

Based. Time to grab some EGO and turn it into 7.

>> No.24088662

Congrats anon proud of you

I’m hoping to join you someday

>> No.24088701

good job anon. Just a 10x to millionaire status

>> No.24088763
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Wait for me!

>> No.24088804

Almost feels like everyone here has a 6 digit portfolio by now

>> No.24088819

nice job fren! what are you holding?

>> No.24088830

I have a 3 digit one

>> No.24088867

The digits after the decimal point don't count, you know.

>> No.24088870

Welcome to the club, you completed the tutorial, now the actual game begins.

>> No.24088872

As far as digits go it is halfway there. Keep going.

>> No.24088899

$22000. I'm jobless so have no money to put into crypto...

>> No.24088907
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>> No.24089205

Also scared to do the buy high and sell low strat because I don't want to fuck with the taxes. I'd rather higher someone to handle it if I were to do that.

>> No.24089263
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>> No.24089347

Good job anon! I hope you are white. Take care of you.

>> No.24089459

Welcome to 6 figure hell. You have enough money where you could enjoy yourself, but not enough to comfortably change your life. Enjoy the constant stress of worrying whether or not you should cash out and diversify and the seemingly impossible task of getting to 7 figures.

I’ve been in 6 figure hell for over a year now.

>> No.24089481


>> No.24089484

$105k here

>3.4 BTC
>42 ETH
>1500 LINK

What do I do guys?

>> No.24089505

Main problem for me are taxes. If you cash out too much, government will ask for a share.

>> No.24089521

Been stuck at 5k for like a fucking month or two. How moon sirs

>> No.24089536

All you hat to do was to accumulate chainlink in 0.20-0.40 range and ethereum under $100.
It was literally that easy.

>> No.24089547

Get on my level faggot, I have 5$ worth in crypto. Nothing can stop me now!

>> No.24089559

swap the btc to link keep the eth as is

>> No.24089561

32 ETH
rest in LINK

>> No.24089570

nothing, just wait

>> No.24089589
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well done nigger, now don’t come back until you hit 7 digits

>> No.24089603
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Welcome to the club anon. Enjoy the hell of having nice large sums of money that you can't use unless you are willing to sacrifice long term sustainability for short term fuckery. That's the 6 digit purgatory.
t. 19 000 LINK holder, been here for about 6 months

>> No.24089618

Congrats! I did that almost a year ago... Ill let you know whem it hit 1MM.

>> No.24089654

PS. Im approaching 1/4 MM :) Feels good.

>> No.24089685

Theres always a convenience store smelling pajeet quick to reply to these kind of threads

>> No.24089690
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tfw only $20k folio

>> No.24089736
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3300 GBTC

>> No.24089852 [DELETED] 

yea $100k is pretty easy desu. Any first worlder can get there with a bit of wage slaving and/ or time in the markets. $100k is a nice buffer to have to but it won't really change your life.

$500k+ is comfy. At this level you start to have enough money where you easily can afford to take some time off from work, you don'thave to worry about living expenses, you start to make passive income that actually makes a meaningful difference etc.

$1MM+ is where actual wealth starts. This is where you can start thinking about retirement (if that's what you want) and it's hard not to get richer over time because you don't have to touch your principal at all even if you don't have another source of income.

>> No.24089879

wish that was me

>> No.24089939

wish that was me

>> No.24089980

this lol. But slowly we will make it to retirement

>> No.24089982

1000 LINK
50.000 UTK

Will I make 6 figures soon. 36K now

>> No.24089987
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I'm a noob with $1,600 in my portfolio, 50% BTC, 33% ETH & 17% LTC. I've also got about $5,500 sitting in my chequing account.

What should I do? How do I get rich with my meager moneys? I hate wageslaving so much.

>> No.24090045

Kek 90+%of people would die to have six figure fuck off with your humble bragging

>> No.24090064

yea $100k is pretty easy desu. Any first worlder can get there with a bit of wage slaving and/ or time in the markets. $100k is a nice buffer to have but it won't really change your life.

$500k+ is where things start to get comfy. At this level you start to have enough money where you easily can afford to take some time off from work, you don't have to worry about living expenses, you start to make passive income that actually makes a meaningful difference etc. Also, you can retire in a third world country with $500k which is a nice thought to have in the back of your mind if you ever get too sick of your job and/ or society.

$1MM+ is where real wealth starts. This is where you can start thinking about retirement (if that's what you want), you can diversify into real estate, you usually have easy access to mortgages, and it's hard not to get richer over time because you don't have to touch your principal (even if you don't have another source of income).

Getting from $100k to $1MM is pretty fucking hard unless you're an inheritancefag or got super lucky in the markets. Once you reach $1MM it's easy mode.

>> No.24090067

Congrats on reaching level 6 man. I'm stuck on level 4 but I'll reach level 5 soon if my moonshot coin gives me a 10x or 100x

>> No.24090095

I wish I was a smiling frog too anon. Life would be a lot simpler and probably happier.

>> No.24090097

Sir you must buy PNK, village will be happy.

>> No.24090115


>> No.24090130

Wait for correction then buy more. Money in the bank is money lost to inflation

>> No.24090157

What's the point of GBTC if you have the real thing?

>> No.24090186

Jesus christ that sounds stressful af. Im a poor fag living in public housing and I strongly believe we'll all make it as long we dont buy high and sell low.

Literally 6x from a $500 investment since August this year.

>> No.24090198

Kek. Broke boy

>> No.24090224

gratz brev

>> No.24090345

should I keep any more money I Invest at the same diversification %? I'm interested in linkies but I buy through a brokerage and they don't support it yet

>> No.24090355

I finally gave in and started a few days ago...
0.25 BTC
2.1 ETH
1000+ XRP
+a bunch of alts

hoping this 6400$ can multiply

>> No.24090368
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Link got me to over 100k this year feels pretty good but the run from when I started with about $600 in 2017 up to $10k the first time before the bubble popped was more fun hopefully I'll feel joy again when I get to the first mil

>> No.24090430

eat shit emily, your daughter is going to be my rape slave

>> No.24090447

Based positivity anon

>> No.24090524

All in RSR

>> No.24090532
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3 years for me

>> No.24090566

10k Link. It’s not enough to cash out but too much to not worry. I hate it.

>> No.24090582


>> No.24090618

Really guys. I just need a modest condo. But it might not be enough. So I won’t escape the crypto hell.

>> No.24090628

Do nothing for 10 years

>> No.24090643


>> No.24090683

this unironically

>> No.24090696

How does $50,000,000 in 2120 sound?

>> No.24090713
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GBTC = ROTH IRA Tax free gains

>> No.24090732
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>> No.24091064

based fren. i still haven't even gotten to 5

>> No.24091075
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I've got $25k we'll make it fren

>> No.24091089


>> No.24091104

congrats, OP. I was euphoric when I hit 6 figs. Felt absolutely nothing at 7 figs, brain is dead by that point.


>> No.24091219

This but unirocally. Do the needful.

>> No.24091263

>tfw 300k
7 figures feels painfully far away

>> No.24091324

fuck i got 45k and i been doing this for 3 years. someone fucking help me please

>> No.24091364

I got lucky with ELIX is all. Since 2018 I've mostly stayed even.

>> No.24091448

This is so real it hurts.
Like I said now the real game begins OP.

>> No.24091456

Congrats anon.
Drink some champagne tonight!

>> No.24091470

cope more lmfao
