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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2408200 No.2408200 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor is a direct threat to all crypto. Unless you want to kiss your crypto gains goodbye, it is your duty to make sure bancor fails.

>> No.2408229

Can you elaborate?

>> No.2408304

They want this shit to become a world currency. We need to make sure we preserve the environment conducive to competitive crypto.
Take a look at the euro take a look at any modern monetary system, that is our future. They are parading the architect of the euro to give them legitimacy, but we should be focusing on all the failure of the euro and realize that is our future. They will try to monopolize the whole crypto scene, mark my words.

>> No.2408541

Trying to co-opt crypto into a Nazi-esque Jewish resistance movement will do more to kill crypto than Bancor moron.

>> No.2408574

Do you really think /biz/ is behind all of the bancor hype or could stop it?

>> No.2408630

It will stabilize all crypto and monopolize liquidity on the bancor protocol corp.

This will get you short term gains, however it will kill all gains in the future as the price of every coin joining it will stabilize. Minimal gains will be the new normal, just like the stock market.

>> No.2408719
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Cryto is a libertarian concept at its core. So it is in a sense a jewish resistance as it retakes power from our modern jewish controlled monetary system. Now the jews are fighting back, as they see their grip slipping from worldwide monetary control. Im not nat soc, i just want to see competitive currencies and i think banxor will try to use the power of law to legitimize themselves and delegitimize all others. I've been interested in competitive currencies since before crypto was a thing, and now that it is truly viable i would hate to see it fail due to a power hungry group of Israelis.

>> No.2408791
File: 320 KB, 768x433, Glock-Extended-Magazine-Release-Install-Tools-768x433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz is behind bancor.
No its victim of shilling as it always is, but this time the consequences are much more serious. Looking at the bancor team its easy to tell that they will use existing power structure to legitimize their product. This isnt a bunch of poos pushing a shit coin. This is an actual threat.

>> No.2408819

>Whole point of crypto is decentralization of currencies
>Retards want a centralized crytpo currency for some reason

Just fucking get some USD or euros and add them to your bank account. Bancor is just virtual fiat, absolute garbage.

>> No.2408883


Only problem is crypto is already centralized, a couple of Chicoms and western neckbeards all met in a room a few weeks ago to decide the future of Bitcoin, if that isn't centralization I don't know what is.

>> No.2408890
File: 51 KB, 518x546, ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here bros, priority queue. I got this because I dropped 100eth. but it works for any amount. Tested it.


>> No.2408908
File: 122 KB, 799x534, image-4202487781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A group of israelis with the intent to create a legally enforced world currency is the most threatening prospect for crypto. Having a legally enforced currency will be enforced at the expense of all other coins.

>> No.2408960

Choose eth. As long as we have choice we will be ok. Once our ability to choose is taken from us we will be in the same place we were jan 2nd 2009

>> No.2410162

What would Adolf do?

>> No.2410185

Its up to you biz to destroy this toxic coin.

>> No.2410209

The first step of their plan is to crash ETH.

>> No.2410236

Dont believe the manufactured FOMO.

>> No.2410519
