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24078997 No.24078997 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck taxes and fuck UBI

>> No.24079024

UBI is a fucking retarded commie economy, if they will introduce UBI i will just stop working and start putting the gibs into BTC

>> No.24079047

>receive UBI
>roll as much as is feasible into crypto every month
>live off the gains and never work again
Enjoy your cage, wagie.

>> No.24079059

>stop working
to build a cathedral

>> No.24079091

>implying that communists regimes would allow people to own cryptocurrencies
kekkk brain to the let

>> No.24079097

Look kim
You might be a commie and i can't blame you
I was one too in 2013
But you need to realise that UBI is retarded

>> No.24079127

>noooo please, please don't give us more money
Why are wagies like this?

>> No.24079137

i really cannot fucking understand why normies think UBI it's paradise and not a scam that will inflate their currency and make them even more poor and dependent like heroin addicted, while investors will keep getting richer because they can use at least one quart of brain

>> No.24079173
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the gospel must be spread

>> No.24079245

I’m not a commie, I’m just saying if I was in a position to receive it that’s what I do. In fact, I’ve been furloughed most of this year, it’s what I’ve BEEN doing. the majority of my pay has gone straight into crypto. Even though I only get 80% of my wages, the gains I’m making on my portfolio means it doesn’t even matter.

It isn’t paradise, but you try looking for a good job in 2020 that doesn’t have over 7000 overqualified applicants.

>> No.24079253

the government isn't going to make you rich you retarded faggalo matter of fact it will make you literally suck his dick for your whole life. if the government says you got to eat the bidens asshole with chocolate and cream for breakfast every day for 3 years you would have to do it otherwise the cut your "independence" as you call it off in seconds. you want to be a bitch to the government because you're pathetic loser who can't find ways to prosper in a "free market" which never has been free as it got always crippled through leftist brainlets.

>> No.24079724

>noooo please, please don't give us more money
>implying these money don't have a cost
pick one
you will pay it with asset inflation and salary deflation, so unless you are an absolute nigger living on welfare it's only going to make poors poorer and rich richer
go ahead, i'm on the other side of the trade (all in assets), let's see who UBI benefits the most

>> No.24079754
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>>noooo please, please don't give us more money
The money is going to lose value, idiot.

>> No.24079760

>but you try looking for a good job in 2020 that doesn’t have over 7000 overqualified applicants.
that could have something to do with US politicians sending all of your industry abroad wholesale for the last few decades or something, seem to have heard something about that

>> No.24079770
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Why don't we just abolish the federal reserve instead?

>> No.24079783

to post something retarded as this you have to have 0 concept of what money is

>> No.24079811

because accepting communism is easier than thinking one single time in their lives for most people it seems

>> No.24079828

Could someone who thinks UBI is retarded explain to me how it's any different from paying people to do jobs that don't need to exist?
A huge part of the workforce in western countries is basically doing nothing anyway, but we act like we absolutely have to have a job for everyone or everything will fall apart. Seems much better to re-adjust our attitude to work rather than fetishising waging just for its own sake.

>> No.24079839

this, FIAT money is FAKE money
central banks are trying to accumulate gold (and soon BTC) while they print free fake money

>> No.24079882
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>A huge part of the workforce in western countries is basically doing nothing anyway
That's the problem brainlet, we're allowed to do this because we have the world's reserve currency. The world isn't going to keep sending us free shit forever.
This is going to end badly. Buy gold/silver and mining stocks while you still can.

>> No.24080137

So what? Your image shows that it's already losing value and has been doing so for decades.
At least now you get some of the pie for yourself.
And you don't have to keep it in bills, put that money into crypto or metal or assets of any kind, just like you'd do with your income.

>> No.24080171

Just put all of your UBC into BTC. UBC alone is sub-poverty.

>> No.24080316

>At least now you get some of the pie for yourself.
You'll get nothing you brainwashed retard lmao
The same people who also get this money are going to be bidding from the same diminishing pie as you, the things you want to buy will just skyrocket in price
fucking economically illiterate leftists

this entire crisis is your fault

>And you don't have to keep it in bills, put that money into crypto or metal or assets of any kind
because thats going to fix anything lmao

>> No.24080345

Hey goys, you are hurting our new amazing economy with your nazi practices.
You will get 1000 Sheckles that will expire by the end of the month, either spend it or they will expire. Wealth accumulation is bad for money velocity and hurts the economy.
Also it can only be spent in specific locations, no bitcoins for you goys.

>> No.24080346

>how it's any different from paying people to do jobs that don't need to exist?
Most people here would probably agree, but also say: UBI and useless jobs are retarded.

>> No.24081502

most people would rather live their lives as sex and heroin addicts than useful workers, its much easier

>> No.24081542

Fuck taxes and a toast to UBI

>> No.24082350


>UBI is a fucking retarded commie economy

kill jews
kill fbi
kill cianiggers
kill mossad
kill jidf
kill idf
kill actblue shills

>> No.24082397


teenage atheist IQ detected

>> No.24082528

I’m a britbong. We exported all our industry overseas ages ago while we still had the empire. Now that’s dead and buried, we’re just a vassal state for foreign oligarchs to launder their money, our country doesn’t give a shit about us

>> No.24082560
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Based and red fucking pilled i will do the exact same thing if we go down this commie timeline

>> No.24082638

fuck you stand and fight

death is assured regardless

die for nothing or die for something

die on your knees or die swinging for the fences

thats what hong kongers and new zealanders and maori and australians are doing

the worth of your life is only determined by how you fought before you died and nothing else

you will die

die with pride and take the enemy with you

>> No.24082829
File: 114 KB, 452x452, red_pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our country doesn’t give a shit about us
here is the red pill:
no gov gives a shit anyway, they just want to keep control of the FIAT printing machine

>> No.24082979

If UBI expired they would not allowed cash deposit type transactions/assets. Obviously you could "avoid" them but that isn't a good strat when you get caught.

Then you are broke, a criminal & UBI excluded.

UBI is unironically to keep people voting for Pro-GIb parties, the same way they got blacks to vote democrat

>> No.24083158
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>> No.24083264

die by my hand personally (outside minecraft)

>> No.24083558
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>> No.24083789

It’s a nice thought but you can’t “fight” an impersonal system. You can only work from inside to subvert it, which seems to me best achieved by stacking sats so that there’s one less individual trapped in permanent serfdom. I would like to think everyone in my position would do the same, but most impoverished people don’t even know what the great reset will mean for them, let alone how cryptocurrency is going to create a new, permanent asset class. Free market capitalism for the rich, crappy socialism for the poor. Ne’er the twain shall meet.

>> No.24083808

i will enjoy my ubi,

>> No.24083812
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anarchy is not a political stance it is a function of the universe like god, it is a temporarily existing state which survives between one coalescence of power and the next: there will always be a militaristically superior power, you could not avoid this no matter your level of technology, God demands this, like Darwinism, there will always be an organization with the most firepower, and they will make the rules and preside over the local population.

all life always is feudalism

anything else is an illusion.

your fake and gay political stance is a psyop designed to collect the minds of the youth and infect them with nonsense,

there is no anarcho-capitalism, there is only eternal anarchy which never subsides for a single second, and separately, the glorious opportunity of capitalism: the promise that you can make it if you choose

>> No.24083893

there will be no great reset, just death for you and your ilk, at the hands of my ilk, at the cost of 100% of our people.

our genocide will be worth trading for the lives of every one of you in acts of violent terrorism

you will die if it costs us every one of our lives, it is the mission and life goal and religion of our people to execute you all; above and beyond our own survival

expect suicide attacks

>> No.24083932

Free money always is Based money.

>> No.24083990

>(((my ilk)))
I wonder who made this post...

>> No.24084096
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we will kill every jew

we will kill every agent of the fbi, mossad, cia, and every actblue and globalism shill

you cannot escape us

your death is assured, we will drag you from your homes and execute your children, this is a real threat, you cannot stop us, this is not a joke, this is a real threat, this is Jihad

Every Christian and Muslim united against you

Convert and repent

Deus le Vult