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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24073109 No.24073109 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24073166
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>Executive branch can cancel debt

>> No.24073453

Would be nice tho.

>> No.24073577

I feel that the entire concept of personal responsibility is slowly eroding in Western society.

>> No.24073797

by buying data. know how you buy data? oracles. LINK is overpriced IMO, but DIA isn't.

>> No.24074093

because we live in a world now where you dont need it. this world you can stay alive by literally doing fucking nothing.

>> No.24074115

apply for college and max out on loans?

>> No.24074132

as long as you have those flyover retards who are brainwashed from birth to be a "wurkin man" then they'll attend to all the modern serf-dom activities like water treatment, powergrid, sewage, and infrastructure. the rest of it is just "hustlefaggots" finding new demands for half-retarded mongrels to get through the bleakness of existence

>> No.24074147


>> No.24074161

>ID: fag 6 is a 7

>> No.24074393

All those federal loans were already paid by taxes if I remember correctly
To be honest at this point its probably just better to bail them out. They're writing off all the interest anyway. Young people tend to spend money more so its good for the economy as long as its not to shit like Amazon

>> No.24074506

I can't believe both libtard and Maga idiots think this could legally happen by the president alone.

>> No.24074556

The interest is not just "written off" - it compensates for defaults/prevents the cost from ballooning to the tune of ~$10 billion per year. Now that's compared to total federal revenue of around $3,400b per year so not too bad.

However student loans are a third of all federal assets. That's collateral we don't want to magic away, with rates doing what they're doing.

>> No.24074609

I thought you commies supported the working class

>> No.24074610

Buy silver buy Bitcoin

>> No.24074615

Just print more money and throw it in federal student loan bonds

>> No.24074620

at least take away the fucking interest god damn

>> No.24074671

this, between social security, expanding medical benefits, covid related shutdown and impending bankruptcies that are coming. we are going to print SO MUCH MONEY, America will end up Argentina tier in 30 to 40 years with an impending break up of the country.

>> No.24074694
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Well, see, having a reserve currency is a privilege, not a right.

The British can probably tell you what losing that is like.

>> No.24074902

Better student loan forgiveness than printing more money to hand to corporations for stock buybacks

>> No.24074913

Ever notice democrats specifically always talking about helping people by means of college dispite that being a totally inequitable way of helping the poor and only effective for those who actually went to college in the first place? (Usually the richer half of the population anyway)

Ever also notice that those with college degrees tend to favor democrats in voting?

I'll quit being pedantic and say what I mean:
In recent times, likely since the 1970s and bolstered by the rise of MMT, people have been trying to bridge the widening wealth inequality gap by trying to nab a ticket into the upperclass as it quickly leaves the underclass behind.

One of these ways is stepping around the labor market early in life by going to college, which used to be done to get certifications and used to be hard
Now that tuitions are reaching the point of equilibrium with the real world opportunity cost of not joining the workforce for 4 or more years, those who have been sold a ticket are increasingly anxious and rationalizing their economic choices for moral ones.

Just like letting in more immigrants/population growth is worse for every aspect and sector of society except rich capital owners (look it up bitch, yes it's true) and good for votes for democrats, a similar thing is true for enriching that upper-middle class of those risk-averse moralizers desperately trying to claw their way up to the yuppie citadels so they too can fly blm flags from their condominium windows

>> No.24074940

based and redpilled

>> No.24074952

debt is bigger than politics, that is why politicians listen to the bankers

>> No.24074978

Wtf? I love college now

>> No.24074980

In every era institutions abuse people until the people destroy the institution.

Maybe consider that the current era of corps and institutions are nearing their apex/end.

>> No.24075005

Buy stock the day it happens in consumer goods companies. Economy will "drop" at first but consumers will have a lot more disposable income that will go right into consumer goods.

>> No.24075032

I hope their jew score takes a hit at least

>> No.24075041

I unironically took out a student loan for the first time at the beginning of this year, dropped out and bought Bitcoin with it
Then the rona happened and I don't pay interest on it either until 2021 LOL
Now I hope this shit happens, though it won't, literally everything that can happen with this is profitable to us both politically and financially
I think this must be what it is like to be a Jew

>> No.24075065

[a Stonetoss comic goes here]

>> No.24075080

they are just trying to rile them up for what is to come

>> No.24075235


>> No.24075391

trump won
then what do you think will happen

>> No.24076087
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a hard days work is the best thing for ya

>> No.24076153

>little kids think biden can just cancel student debt
Ok, explain me why is the us $27 trillion in debt? If it's so easy why don't they just cancell it all? What's next, free money?

>> No.24076162
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Sure, do it. I don't want to pay my student loan. The country's going down the shitter anyway. It's not like it matters.

>> No.24076174

I hope not. Dumb cunts need to suffer for years for their useless gender degree brainwashing

>> No.24076183

Dangerously based

>> No.24076184
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Do you know any good defi?

Recently found DMX token on Probit, team made a referral program there. This platform has a good staking model with dynamic liquidity. And they collected 1mln during private sale : dymmax.com

>> No.24076207
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>> No.24076215

yea, i paid off 40k of student loans. if these faggots get a break, then they can all die in a fire

>> No.24076320

Bet on on Augur that students will still suck on day 1 oh Biden presidency.

>> No.24076394
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>government funded student loans.
>normie takes loan.
>private education system takes payment from government on behalf of taxpayer.
>normie: "oh no I cant into responsibility.
>239 organisations: "the cattle aren't buying our products because they're too busy paying back student loans. Cancel student loans!"
>normies no longer pay the TAX PAYER back but now redirect their income to consooming from said organisations.

Financial illiterate here. Is this what is happening? I see the only loser here is the taxpayer.

>> No.24076715

So invade Iran?

>> No.24076771

Can we cancel debt owed to China and cancel income taxes too? While we're at it, cancel work and school for everybody. Cancel cancel cancel.

>> No.24076843

the great reset shizzos are all in on this. you will own nothing and be happy. this is the price people will pay for having their debt cleared

>> No.24076882

wow you're an idiot

>> No.24076932
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If the government was interested in unburdening students with student loan debt they’d get out of the financial aid / secured loan practice altogether and let the price of tuition collapse on its own, but instead they keep pumping up the education bubble by injecting more easy money into the hands of students which pumps up the total cost of education. Joe Biden isn’t gonna do shit, he’s gonna make it worse because that’s good for those who pull his strings.

Also I don’t even give a fuck, I dropped out of college long ago, I don’t want to pay for a bunch of faggot lefties liberal arts degrees with my tax money, they can go pound sand and buy crypto to exit this cycle of slavery like the rest of us.

>> No.24076940

it could happen so fuckign easily and he should do it. Fucking niggers used our money to bail out the CEOs and banks of 2008 now bail the people out. Everyone who is vehemently against aiding the people is a dog in my eyes.

>> No.24076974

You're forgetting the parts where nearly every kid is told pursuing higher education is a blessing and something to strive for. You're also missing the part where the tuition is propped up by the government and inflated to shit because of that, while many unis spend ungodly amounts on the sports departments. The people are basically being preyed on.

>> No.24076994

I dropped out because I weighed the costs and benefits, and now you want people like me to pay for your college degree? Go fuck yourself you parasitic piece of shit. People like you are lower forms of life than tapeworms.

>> No.24077129

taxpayer dollars has been and continues to be used for shittier things yet you say nothing and know nothing because you're a clueless fuck. Meanwhile the guys at the top just blame poor people and immigrants and it gets eaten up every time.

>> No.24077172

classic /biz/. care to explain why I'm an idiot or do i just take your word for it?

>> No.24077174

>Some other people fuck over all the average joes so that means it’s A-OK if I do it too

Eat shit and die you absolute piece of wormshit

>> No.24077208

Sqqq skyrockets

>> No.24077235

(((lenders))) should have never been allowed to prey on the nation's youth in the first place.
On the other hand if it happens I hope that people who had no student debt are compensated too.

>> No.24077276

This. Fuck college

>> No.24077292


>> No.24077298
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Fuck you commie child

>> No.24077328
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>muh immigrant humanitarian movement sponsored by ((;chosen ones)))
Reality: modern slavery - cheap workers for jews to prey on

>> No.24077549

>by buying data. know how you buy data? oracles.
the oracle "problem" can be solved by a 16 year old high schooler using BASIC or JAVA to scrape the web......therefore....its not a problem

>> No.24077568


>> No.24077593

Buy SPY puts. He wants to fund the student loan gibs by raising corporate income taxes

>> No.24077606

Why would anybody give even the smallest fuck about string pullers? Just do what you want, if they kill you you just say it was because you were a good president like Lincoln or JFK.

>> No.24077609

Yeah this isn't going to happen. Loan interest is how the gov pays back the federal reserve in exchange for the loans they took from them that was created with money out of thin air.

>> No.24077610

it wont effect FANGT though cause they dont pay taxes...which is the entire sp500

>> No.24077641

won't happen anyway cause he's not the president and i mean it unironic as fuck don't eat msm for breakfast or you wiöö end up shorting wrong shit

>> No.24077652

>Meanwhile the guys at the top just blame poor people and immigrants and it gets eaten up every time.
we need to deport all the immigrants so we can start the class war
i don't know why so many lefties like immigrants, even marx thought they were just pawns for capitalist exploitation and shouldn't be let into first world countrys.

>> No.24077657

I have student loan debt and I don't want that to happen

>> No.24077661

>It's not tomorrow yet, the sun hasn't come up!

>> No.24077699
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The government is responsible for the student loan crisis in the first place

They are why it's so expensive.

Just ABOLISH government student loans.

>> No.24077719

Why don't we just abolish the federal reserve instead?

>> No.24077722

i support removing student loan debt. that stuff is insane.

>> No.24077745

Thaat would be antisemitic.

>> No.24077751

Then attack the source of the problem, government student loans.

>> No.24077765

Are you willing to pay for it?

>> No.24077768

The gov would not remove revenue streams that it's getting.

>> No.24077791

what did you mean by that?

>> No.24077851

what did you mean by this

>> No.24077888

yeah, and you know what, while we're at it, I want all mortgage/house debt removed too cause I don't wanna pay for that shit! It's too much!! Should be free in n' sheit; more essential than women's studies or a sociology degree amirite?

I don't even care if I signed and agreed to pay for it knowing all the details ahead of time!!!

>> No.24077918

the fed isn't the problem per se, it's the fact we aren't on the gold standard anymore

>> No.24077960

no idea
>I want all mortgage/house debt removed
ok just take the vaccine
checked btw

>> No.24077963


>> No.24078470

The fed is the reason we aren't on a gold standard anymore.