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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 512x512, unnamed-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24066506 No.24066506 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone making money off youtube? Thinking about starting a channel.
Basically stole videos of car accident from liveleak and put a title like "CRAZY ACCIDENT WOW" and shit like this.
Anyone doing this?

>> No.24066527

this is very jewish, but based.

>> No.24066626
File: 6 KB, 900x600, png-clipart-surprised-emoji-world-of-warcraft-emoticon-facebook-computer-icons-smiley-wow-desktop-wallpaper-snout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also puting some retarded emoji in the thumbnail like this. To offer the full package

>> No.24066642

I'd also like to get into resharing on Youtube, or maybe copying content to make a porn/hentai site with ads. Currently selling merch

>> No.24066691

I posted a vid that was basically a native ad with affiliate links in the description and a call to action, shared it around Reddit, and made $1300. It's really fine-tuned though makes about $0.50 a view with targeted traffic. Made $1500 off 3k views. Now it gets about 400 cold traffic views a month(brings in about $100) through basic youtube search traffic.

Growing an audience is retarded. I did all this stuff and only have 12 subscribers. Monetizing through youtube ads is absolutely retarded. If you're there to make money, make money.

>> No.24066692

>Anyone doing this?
lots of faggots

>> No.24066714

>or maybe copying content to make a porn/hentai site with ads.
Where would you host that? I think enough coomers with flood your site if you have contents from brazzers

>> No.24066741

dont forget the basedface, boobas, red arrows and emojs

>> No.24066760

i meant onionsface

>> No.24066790
File: 20 KB, 300x300, pile-of-poo-emoji-emoticon-sticker-screaming-emoji-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24066814

How do you handle comments that say "Stolen content"? Do you delete them then ban the user?

>> No.24066865

>Do you delete them then ban the user?

>> No.24066947

Can you elaborate more on this

>> No.24066968

And you kill them and their family.

>> No.24066982

A native ad for what?

>> No.24067045
File: 8 KB, 242x208, 1594192084894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24067135

Only way to be sure.

>> No.24067137

I am, run about 5 channels. All content is CC accept for 2 which is content I produce. All low effort, can churn out 50 vids in a day for a couple of them. Pick your market, focus each channel on only that market and try grow.
Recently YouTube #shorts would give your channel a bit boost. They are targeting the tiktok crowd so push your videos hard. I just re-edited an old vid into the short format and it got 5x the views and gained me a bunch of subs. So I did it for all my channels and the success was pretty across the board.
There is another anon who automates the whole process and makes money from it. I want to get in that level. I'll probably make a channel soon and trial / error it.

>> No.24067282

Pretty much any service online has an affiliate program, think of something you like to do/use and see if it's got an affiliate. You basically do what these poos do when they share a coinbase affiliate link, but you're doing it right.

Make entertaining content, that gives people a bit of fomo about the service/product and then do a few calls to action. It should be:
Interesting - People share it around
Works toward solving a need - people will be more inclined to buy
Trustworthy - You gotta be genuine and not a pajeet. Thats why I suggest things you actually use.

Find something worth shilling. Find a current trend on youtube. Figure out how to mix the two to make an entertaining native ad. Learn some copywriting, AIDA method is good enough for this. Write a script that's entertaining and leads people toward a sale.

>> No.24067316

How long are your video's? I'm thinking 1-2 minutes?
What do you post? Car crashed? Fails?
Do you post the same content on all the channels?
All linked to adsense? Can you link the same card to multiple adsense/google accounts?
Do videos targeting the western world make more money?
How much you make a month?

>> No.24067346

>Growing an audience is retarded.
This. Growing an audience on every social media is retarded. I spent 3 weeks on Instagram and gained 100 followers. Fuck that shit.

>> No.24067368


Also a list of buzzwords that I made rn for you faggots

>> No.24067450

I have multiple channels, some are 60mins, some are 1-2 mins.
Neither, car crash market is all yours fren. Gaming, fitness, cars, travel, outdoors stuff. Basically my hobbies.
Not all have the requirements for monetization yet.
My main audience is USA yet I'm Aussie.
Not much but I am growing slowly. My goal is a couple hundred side cash.
I grew an Instagram to 50k followers by just liking, commenting and following people who liked and commented on my competition. This was 5+ years ago but might help now also.

>> No.24067472

Let me answer for him. Shorts are around 4 minutes. Find a market if you want to get in, do your own research. No, you don't post the same content, that's retarded. I don't think you can link multiple accounts to one Adsense but i could be wrong, it's been a while since i did youtube. Videos make money based on views. 1000views was around 1 dollar back when i did videos. It's a grind and if you can't edit properly you'll need at least a few weeks of practice and research.

>> No.24067492

are you serious lol? I've grown igs to 100k in a year.

>> No.24067528

I may be retarded then. I spent about 5h a day on it liking, following, commenting, uploading, using the proper hashtags etc. It was a political one so this might be the issue, what was your insta about?

>> No.24067561

How did you do that? wtf

>> No.24067603

I'm asking if I can have multiple youtube/adsense(google) accounts linked to the same card.

>> No.24067718

I don't think you can but I could be wrong. You can also select checks/PayPal for pays.

>> No.24067724

Mine was for the company I worked for. I really should do it for myself. Was the fitness scene so lots of nuts who obsessed over image. Any form of validation and you had them hook Line and sinker.
When they came to commenting on my posts I was always interacting with them, would repost fan photos and get a community growing. By the end half my content was reposts.

>> No.24067788

I have one google account and all YouTube channels fall under it. This was a semi recent change they allowed. Before you had to make new Google accounts over and over.

>> No.24067800

How long did it take you? And did you film yourself on stories/posts or just company stuff?

>> No.24067881

Never featured myself. Everything I think of is basically ways around not involving 'me' as any selling point. I hate YouTube personalities and the cult of celebrity.
I also find this way any failures don't really hurt and any criticism is laughable because it's just a scheme to make money. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.24067961

Company promotions were by far the worst performing posts but obviously nessescary.
Was mostly just photos and videos of workouts sourced from where ever I could. It got easier as we grew because people would tag us in their photos/take pics with our product and we'd just edit and use them.

>> No.24068034

>I hate YouTube personalities and the cult of celebrity.
Same. I never include myself when I'm doing social media, other than my personal accounts which I barely use. Can't remember the last time i posted a photo lol.
That's good, how long did it take you to reach 50k?

>> No.24068384

I have 250K views per month and $216 average paid per month. And I've been in the game for 6 years so no I am not making mistakes. Youtube is a massive greedy jew

>> No.24068419

Whats the roi on a project like this

>> No.24068535


if that is the best you can do, don’t be surprised when you stay broke and never amount to anything that you ever try.

>> No.24069622

250k views are only $216 dollars in a month?
That doesn't sound right. What is your content? Are you demonitized?