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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2406519 No.2406519 [Reply] [Original]

It is currently 2.5x cheaper than a week back. It is time to invest and cash out with huge gains. AGAIN. Who's in???

>> No.2406534

The order book looks great on this one. It looks like it is going to rocket any time now!!! :D

>> No.2406535

Nobody, you pathetic wreck of a human being.
Why did you buy at ATH?
It's almost impossible to lose money in this market, and yet there's still subhumans like you that see a coin already at a new peak and goes "Oh boy, I'm sure it'll keep rising and stay stable after this innatural climb!"

You're the kind of person who'd buy ETH at $410 right now

>> No.2406547

How much are you in?

>> No.2406549

looking at this post it must be very painful for you to deal with the fact that most dgb holders on /biz/ bought in at 100-150

>> No.2406564

Oh man. I love listening to such poor and frustrated people... If not interested, get the fuck out of here and play with your 100 satoshis on a dice!

>> No.2406570


>It's almost impossible to lose money in this market

It's easy when everything is crashing.

>> No.2406574

All in! Will send some donations to fuckers once we will be at 2500!

>> No.2406581


It's an exception to the usual market though
BTC and ETH are going crazy right now, nobody can trade alts until they stabilize

>> No.2406585

I got in at 650sats. Kind of regret not selling at ATH but meh, still up 20% overall. better than cash in the bank eh senpai

>> No.2406589

Yep, DGB looks to be on an upward trend. Nearly 1300 last night, dip now barely went under 1k.
Buy orders still well over 1k BTC on Polo too. Fantastic.

>> No.2406608

im still holding

>> No.2406697

From Jaerd this morning on Bitcointalk:

First off, thank you to all the long term DigiByte supporters and a very warm welcome to all the new DigiByte community members here! Things have been very hectic the past few weeks.

This sudden rise caught all of us by surprise as much as it did some of you. If you look at the history of other major crypto markets as well as the history of DigiByte you can quickly tell things can get volatile very quickly. So please make sure to take the time to fully educate yourself on cryptocurrency trading and blockchain technology in general. And please note we do not answer speculation questions or make forecasts or predictions. We are here to focus on the core technology and the true innovations and applications that blockchain technology allows us to build.

>> No.2406703

pls mr pennybags, I work the digibyte mines 27 hours a day, hunt for food with my bare hands, and live in a rolled up newspaper with my wife and 13 children


>> No.2406712


We are actively working to expand the team and get better organized. The recent Citi Tech 4 Integrity Challenge was a great event for DigiByte! We were told that we were one of the finalists in the competition and it was a tough decision for the judges that day. However, the competition is not over yet. The main awards will be concluded in July where over 60 awards from several of the main partners will be awarded.

We made several great connections with some very large companies. However, please understand it takes time for things to move forward with such large organizations. Please do not expect anything to happen overnight.

Most blockchain businesses are flooded at the moment with a backlog of news users and messages. So please understand we are working to get through the 1000's of messages we get each day across all our social media including Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Email and here and more. It is a very exciting time but there will be growing pains!

Finally, a few housekeeping notes. All recent orders on DigiByte Market will be refunded due to the recent price fluctuations. We also want to point out the dev team is not the organizer of the meme contest or the developers of the Minecraft server. So please direct your questions toward the appropriate organizers of those projects. Thank you all again for your continued support. As stated, many, many times over the past 4 years. We are here for the long haul!



>> No.2406753
File: 27 KB, 640x454, 1426632488665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

count me in pls, plebian level here

>> No.2406786

I wait for price around 500 sat then i will fill my bags

>> No.2406870
File: 363 KB, 1280x2048, 1052174-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any and all donations will go toward my fidget spinners fund.
god bless


>> No.2406884


>> No.2406917
File: 162 KB, 1906x990, dgb-reentry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB looks like it wants to rebound. It reached its lowest points. All weakhands sold off. Trend seems to be reversing (though too early to be sure).

I'm keeping DGB on my watchlist.

>> No.2406934

whatever you send I'll match


>> No.2406937

stfu moron

>> No.2406941

Thanks anon. Do you have a link to this?

>> No.2406944


He's not wrong though. And with ETHs metoric rise, it's obvious profits will spill into dipping alts. It's going to be a very interesting week.

>> No.2406969


No problem.

>> No.2407064

count me the fuck in

>> No.2407072

y-you too

>> No.2407425

Too late?

>> No.2407450



>> No.2409145

I hope you are not called Riche Rich for nothing!


>> No.2409291

Every ether I bought I have purchased at all-time-highs. I have yet to lose money in ETH.

>> No.2409767



>> No.2409826

some whalefag is just gonna sell it back down again. DGB won't get an upward trend for at least a week

>> No.2411010

What is Digibyte? It sounds like a cheap Pokemon knock-off.