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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 729 KB, 1024x768, Untitled.001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2397288 No.2397288 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, in a matter of a month this board has become a cesspool of /b/tards and /pol/zis.

NGR coin? Really?
1. You guys are never getting your money back.
2. You've giving the crypto community a horrible name right now.

I know this thread will be overrun by our new friendly shills, but I'm pretty done with /biz/ at least until the next crash comes. I hope all you cancerous newfags lose every dollar you have.

>> No.2397327
File: 203 KB, 640x960, 1490072224790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ayo shutup an gibsmedat nigger coin whiteboi, I know u be tryna hold da kangz down n sheit.

>> No.2397331
File: 190 KB, 756x527, 1495084440122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are saying things i dont like!
>stop doing things i dont like!

No, we are free to do what we want. Cry more.

>OP: I invest in cryptocurrency (a decentralized currency) but get mad when people use this decentralized currency and went to stop them from using it in a way I don't like.

You are mother fucker?

>> No.2397340

This shit is so stupid. Your personal life must be fucking miserable.

>> No.2397352

I tried to get into crypto last year and failed miserably in the "convert dollars to cryptocurrency" part, but this is genius. As soon as the media reports on it it's gonna skyrocket.
>literally owning niggers
it's like pottery

>> No.2397369
File: 94 KB, 700x430, 022816_17b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. alphonse

>> No.2397378

I hate niggers as much as the next guy but I agree with OP. Doing this stupid shit childish shit will only make more normies be okay with government cracking down on crypto.

How fucking immature are you faggots?

>> No.2397385

shut up nigger

>> No.2397389

fuck off to leddit, cuck


>> No.2397401
File: 357 KB, 560x560, 1427958901017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking decentralized, they cant do shit

>supporting a decentralized currency, but then wanting to police it for "hate speech"

you cant, youve missed the point of cryptocurrency completely, we can do what we want, cry more

>> No.2397403


kys nigger

>> No.2397405

The racist in chief will not mind

>> No.2397414

>enslaved nigger

>> No.2397438

Okay, this has gotten to the point where it's not even funny anymore. You're just shilling your shitty coin without any real good memes all over this board. It's totally fucking annoying...

>> No.2397446


If the news ever reports this (which they probably won't you bubbled dumbfucks) they are going to press the darker (stupider) side of crypto until normies never want it.

The typical normie knows about buying drugs with bitcoin, they know about pedophilia on the deep web (well, actually just /b/ nowadays), and now they'd know that the crypto community is an uninviting cesspool of backwards child-of-a-conservative fucks.

You guys are actually trying to make it harder for legit coins to get traction, ultimately making us all poorer.

Maybe if you weren't fucking autist level edgelords you'd realize that.

>> No.2397452

cry more, we can do what we want

its decentralized and you cant stop us.

>cryptocurrencies should be controlled to avoid "hate speech"

nope, fuck you nigger

>> No.2397454
File: 2.06 MB, 2400x1146, Optimized-BizAfterPol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks /pol/!

>> No.2397468

cry more, we will do what we want

>your coin cant have HATE SPEECH!

Fuck you and fuck off, if you want censorship go somewhere else.

>> No.2397490

Okay guy, singlehandedly shitpost more. Your team of <25 y/o autists is going to keep this shit up, why pay any attention to me?

>> No.2397500


Still better than DGB shill threads.

>> No.2397540
File: 482 KB, 1378x911, crymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay btfo

>> No.2397557
File: 460 KB, 709x636, 1391785836141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> shouldnt be allowed to say things i dont like, or trade currencies i dont like

you sure cryptocurrency is the right field for you? maybe you should try a different board


>> No.2397583

That's not what I'm saying.


>> No.2397589
File: 32 KB, 385x477, 781567-dustin_hoffman_rain_man1218236383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is so right. This puts a black eye on biz and creates unnecessary risk in the cryptosphere just so a bunch of anonymous neckbeards can have some 'edge.'.

Anons, are you all so rich you're ready to throw your money away at some dumb, racist project? At least look out for yourselves...why would you even consider NGR coin when you can make enough money to quit your job and retire if you just take this seriously? Ark, Lisk, Waves, Bitshares, ether, dash, pivx and two dozen more....all red hot right now. Do those.

Look, I made over 350k last month and paid cash for an M4 last week. I'm early 30's and quit my day job as a lawyer. I'm fucking Rainman at assessing risk and evaluating the scene, so do what you want, but you'd all do a lot better to take some friendly advice from a bro that knows what's up.

>> No.2397616

>stop saying things I dont like!
>stop trading currencies I dont like!

You dont understand cryptocurrencies. We can do what we want, cry more.

All this does is keep pussies (like you) away from crypto while we accumulate. Crypto adoption is inevitable.

>> No.2397637


>> No.2397662
File: 41 KB, 376x288, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger coin has brought us all together, it's a step in a brighter future!


>> No.2397666

>dont like,
I believe in apartheid, desu. I think niggerCoin is the way to go. For a better future for every race.

>> No.2397679


It's apparent everything I've said has gone over your head. Maybe one day you'll understand.

Who knows, you're probably a majority stakeholder fucking over all of your /pol/bot autist followers.

>Keeps pussies like you away from crypto while we accumulate
>Turn crypto into one giant shitpost that no normie will ever want

>> No.2397682

Seems like he's just calling y'all out on being edgy dummies. Which checks out desu.

>> No.2397701

What crypto communities with good speculations and talk besides /biz/ do you guys congregate at?

>> No.2397732
File: 826 KB, 1472x828, 1494745390518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto adoption is inevitable. no one is staying away from crypto because of MEAN WORDS ;-;

if you actually think blockchain technology would be abandoned just because someone on 4chan said NIGGERS, you dont believe in the tech enough to invest in it.

>stop saying words i dont like!
>stop trading coins we dont like!

no, we will do what we want. cry more. you cant stop us.

>> No.2397748
File: 198 KB, 633x758, hisoka wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2397773

You're a fucking moron. You completely miss the point anon was trying to make. You sound like a fucking 14 year old who just got unlimites access to the internet.

>> No.2397784


>we will do what we want.

Congratulations, and so will literally everyone else in the world. I'm glad NGR coin was the outlet you found yourself in.

>> No.2397788

lel, who are you? You're like Alphonse without the degenerate furfag nigger part

>> No.2397791
File: 21 KB, 284x176, Niggernaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waves wallet
>create account
>click on tab at top next to suitcase tab
>type in "nigger" where you see waves
>this next part is important







>use waves and/or BTC to buy your niggers
>Congratulations on buying your 4chan token


I always have room for more niggers on my plantation.

>> No.2397804

Guys keeping normies at distance is good. If this coin buys us more time, then great

>> No.2397806
File: 20 KB, 500x375, 1380739878866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*not an argument*

if you actually think blockchain technology would be abandoned just because someone on 4chan said NIGGERS, you dont believe in the tech enough to invest in it.

>stop saying words i dont like!
>stop trading coins we dont like!

no, we will do what we want. cry more. you cant stop us.

>> No.2397812
File: 44 KB, 540x540, 5c0918160c501e66e61f3c0476296d4ca7d3256e364c7cfa4dd475c8ba60ba5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j-joke's on you!
lmfao can't make this shit up

>> No.2397817

How are you so dumb?

>> No.2397820

we're trying to help you OP.
the price is going up. it's got a super low market cap. it's going to get attention for the name. they're being given out for free. we just want to see the word "niggers" on exchanges, why do you hate humor?

>> No.2397827
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>> No.2397828
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>> No.2397829
File: 643 KB, 1830x923, 13267d2263[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday we will have mods that do their jobs

But today is not that day

>> No.2397834
File: 72 KB, 576x480, 1428227439184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*neither of these are arguments, looks like NIGGER COIN won this round boys*

>> No.2397842

>they're being given out for free
I thought you needed wave tokens to get them

>> No.2397852

not about making money, niggerjew

>> No.2397855
File: 58 KB, 560x560, 1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the mexican who used to shitpost in /o/?

>> No.2397862
File: 71 KB, 560x453, 45365434534534343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot, he's a complete cuck that loves niggers

>> No.2397870

Not everyone else in the world is a brainwashed retarded PC american

>> No.2397884

I never thought said blockchain would be abandoned. I'm worried about the backlash from normies and governments cracking down. Governments could make our lives a living hell by imposing taxes or fees. Or maybe something even worse.

My point is, crypto doesn't need another blackeye. This nigger coin shit is so fucking childish.

>> No.2397903

/biz/ should be pass users only
instantly would remove all the 15 year old pajeets spamming shitcoins hoping to make 25 cents

>> No.2397936

I honestly don't have an argument and don't wish to argue, merely point and laugh. I just realize that you must clearly hate money due to your warped mindset.

This is what hapoens when containment boards don't do thier job.

>> No.2397959

Being an egdelord makes you just as bad.

>> No.2397971

You do a great disservice to white men by assuming they're not capable of shilling

>> No.2397997

Don't worry, they all "invested" in xby. They'll lose it all soon enough.

>> No.2397998

I am not OP.
However I am a mother fucker.

I have fucked several mothers, the first being the local tv weather girl. It sucked; she didnt.

The most recent mother I have fucked is my wife who Hs two children with me.

speaking of children - you are acting like children and I suspect several of you are still minors.

But hey - go right ahead and practice saying these things in utter anonymity so that you will be well-rehearsed when you go to your job and say some stupid edgy shit (because in my experience every racist shows it sometime) and get fired.

Then you will more time on here to complain about how its everyone else's fault but yours.

>> No.2398042

This is what happens when /biz/fags shill on /pol/. We got what we deserved.

>> No.2398043

its not really censorship.

>> No.2398061

>get fired.
normie. true /biz/nesmen have their own companies.

>> No.2398069

This would be fantastic. If not this, then maybe a seperate /biz/ for pass holders would work too. For starters, the nature of the discussion on /biz/ makes us FAR more susceptible to spammers than other boards, because this is the only board where there is an actual direct financial incentive to spam. Additionally, if you can't afford $20 why does anybody need to be listening to your opinion on business anyway?

>> No.2398070

>till you say something racist and get fired
kek, my boss makes nigger jokes all the time

>> No.2398080

>We can do what we want, cry more.
Those should be two sentences, or perhaps, set off with a semi-colon instead of a comma.

i guess it depends on your intent. As it is, it reads like you are saying that you want to do what you want, which to cry more.

>> No.2398098

Who the fuck invited /pol/ to our board?

It was so comfy before then

>> No.2398107

holy fuck anon, why are you such a cringy edgelord

>> No.2398112

there are 0 threads on /pol/ about this.

>> No.2398124

This is more of a /b/ / /pol/ mix, /pol/ is essentially anti-pc and counterculture and hating on lower class black Americans is definitely part of that. But this overdoing of it is meant to trigger responses in others, like a troll, it's not really /pol/.

>> No.2398125

NGR shilling isnt /pol/ though

>> No.2398129

Actually - crypto purchases is better described at speculating, not investing.

I suppose there are some crypto that the proceeds from the sales go toward developing apps and such, in which case you are using the currency itself to invest in the underlying tech, but somehow that has not come across in many of the boards.

edge on

>> No.2398136
File: 412 KB, 508x501, 1497219895901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rounding up these filthy Negros Cletus fetch the dogs

>> No.2398137


Dude nigger XD

>> No.2398140

Prepare to be lectured about how "/pol/ founded /biz/ we were pretty much always here" when the board has never looked remotely like this in its history.

>> No.2398178

Kill yourselves shitlibs. Leftist subhuman scum is not welcome here.

>> No.2398180

>/biz/ shilled crypto all the time to /pol/ months back
>/pol/ comes to /biz/
>some of us stay
>/biz/ bitches about us being here now
You brought this on yourselves, what did you think was going to happen as a smaller board shilling on a larger one? Only an idiot would expect no change in board culture after inviting immigrants.

>> No.2398195

Fucking seriously ?

30 posts on /pol/ pointing out the nigger spam proves that /pol/ coordinated it?

Fuck off. The nigger spam will die in a week anyway.

>> No.2398199


>> No.2398209

>Only an idiot would expect no change in board culture after inviting immigrants.
>Literally the same guy who would shitpost
>So ironic it's painful.

>> No.2398224

Yeah they are going to give us a bad name.... I would pay for crypto only board with pass only access

>> No.2398235

True. NGR is a trollcoin and related discussions are for entertainment.
Nevertheless, I do specifically remember Ethereum shill threads on /pol/.

>> No.2398237

What's ironic about it you retarded nigger? It's evidence that if you like your culture the way it is, you should in fact build a wall. Dumbass.

>> No.2398243

Literally the Muslim rapefugee attitude
>You tried to help us by making us richer and happier so now we get to invade and fuck up your culture so that no one gets to prosper

>> No.2398247

communist here, made some profits on this shitcoin that i'm going to invest in a gulag for all of you

>> No.2398255

exactly, /pol/s point is proven, assimilation does not work and immigration is death

thanks for playing

buy niggercoin

>> No.2398262


Pretty edgy and insecure stuff over here, but what did you expect to find on 4chan, the default place for all insecure and wanna be edgy kids?

If you don't like the shill and spam, the intelligent thing is to just move on and find another place to post that's at least decent to invest your time.

It's going to stop eventually for a newer (Probably 'edgier') thing, though.

>> No.2398267
File: 52 KB, 600x394, thumb-1434379247607-clayton_bigsby_chappelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be the immigrant

>> No.2398272



>> No.2398317


Fuck off. I'm still laughing.

>> No.2398326

based boss

>> No.2398346
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, IMG_4323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great so it's /pol/... fucking autist

>> No.2398354

>But hey - go right ahead and practice saying these things in utter anonymity so that you will be well-rehearsed when you go to your job and say some stupid edgy shit (because in my experience every racist shows it sometime) and get fired.
that's not how it works dummy
4chan is literally my blow off valve where I can vent my views without worrying so that I can continue hiding my power level irl

>> No.2398372

no one's talking about hate speech you dumb shit. Stop arguing with strawmen.

We want you to stop spamming and shitting up /biz/

>> No.2398458

>implying /pol/ isn't just an attempt to tame what used to be /b/ and /news/
/pol/ is 4chan, 4chan is /pol/
deal with it

>> No.2398488

Fuck off /pol/tards, you're the reason why 4chan is shittier than ever.

>> No.2398495
File: 107 KB, 388x475, niggersjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /biz/ was a safe space for reddit fags.
Glad it all changed


>> No.2398516

Praise Kek
Send niggers 3P3BQb4B99yamSck4T71zwHrk5tp48djxzN

>> No.2398548

>blaming /pol/ when the board had nothing to do with it and it was developed on /biz/

Embrace /biz/ first coin faggot.

>> No.2398596
File: 36 KB, 468x312, happy-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp muh family sur. gib me dats EY/NGR


>> No.2398654
File: 67 KB, 450x337, dont feed trooollllss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.2398701

Just leave, lol.

>> No.2398706
File: 408 KB, 706x810, bancor_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancor Israelis are giving crypto a bad name.

>> No.2398738

No no. /b/ was nothing like /pol/ that just proved you were a new fag. In fact /b/ supported Obama. SUMMMMMMMMER IS HERE

>> No.2398771

i see people talking, but no niggers comming


>> No.2398903

>Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia
Nice try
/b/ was all about Ron Paul

>> No.2398947

Nope it was for Obama you have failed. You are a newfag gtfo

>> No.2398960


yo yo famalam where mah niggas at

>> No.2399001

nice retcon fanfic cuck

>> No.2399023

Awww the summerfag is butt hurt because he's been spotted

>> No.2399038
File: 22 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sugar, and I like tea
But I don't like niggers...no siree!
There's two known things that'll make me puke
And that's a hog eatin' slop, and a big, black spook!

You know it...cause I show it
Like a barn-yard rooster I crow it!
And the NAACP
Would sure like to get a-hold of nigger-hatin' me!

Roses are red, and violet's are blue
And nigger's are black, you know that's true
But they don't mind, cause what the heck!
You gotta be black to get a welfare check!

And I'm broke...no joke
I ain't got a nickel for a coke!
And I ain't black, you see
So Uncle Sam won't help poor nigger-hatin' me.

Jig-A-Boo, jig-a-boo...where are you?
I's here in the woodpile...watchin' you
Jig-A-Boo, jig-a-boo...come out!
No! Cause I'm scared of the white man's a-way down South

You know it!...cause I show it.
Stick your black head out and I'll blow it!
And the NAACP
Can't keep you away from little old nigger-hatin' me!

Mirror, mirror...on the wall
Who is the blackest of them all?
A man named King, and there ain't no doubt
That he's causin' lots of trouble with his baboon mouth.

Brewin'...he's a doin'
It's caused by the trouble he's a-brewin'
And the NAACP
Can't win if the white men stick with nigger-hatin' me!

Hey! Mr. President! What do you say?
When are we whites gonna have our day?
The nigger's had there's such a long, long time
I'm white, and it's time that I had mine!

You know it...cause I show it!
Stick your black head out and I'll blow it!
And the NAACP
Can't win if the white man sticks with nigger-hatin' me


>> No.2399043

Listen you leddit shithead. I remember /n/ and the Ron Paul spam. You may have been one of those retards who only browsed /b/, so that may explain why you're wrong.

>> No.2399066
File: 220 KB, 373x327, IMG_4328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be the coolest kid in school

>> No.2399084

I'm being dead ass serious. /b/ was all for Obama. You might just be a newfag and jumped in his second term but his first term /b/ was all for him

>> No.2399092

You sure told me plebbit
/b/ only supported obongo in the primaries because they thought it would be easier to beat a nigger

>> No.2399110

NGR will bring coons to the moon!

>> No.2399118

Nope you're WROOOOOOOONG don't get mad because b supported a person with darker skin. It's ok poltard

>> No.2399164
File: 40 KB, 330x381, 1496014455441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2399172

I distinctly remember both. There were Paultards and there were Obama supporters (back in 08, not so much in 12).

>> No.2399184

Secret code word for nigger coins is now mooncrickets. Don't let the normalfags know.

>> No.2399197

>/b/ only supported obongo in the primaries because they thought it would be easier to beat a nigger
Yeah, not at all. Literally, no one on 4chan supported McCain/Palin, that is just a straight up fact.

>> No.2399230

Whatever happened with Trumpcoin? I woulda thought it shoulda gone to the moon when he won.

>> No.2399252

Kek stay poor whiteboi

>> No.2399273

He's a newfag he's to young to know about this

>> No.2399289

Celebrity coins are a meme, avoid at all costs. The only way I could see one working is if it were like a Taylor Swift coin or some shit that you could sell for tickets, backstage passes etc. Another possibility could be something like Yankeescash or Lakerscoin that you get in on early and possibly be able to trade in for amazing seats and unique fan experiences if it moons.

>> No.2399307
File: 105 KB, 429x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC has been /pol/ - tier since it's inception.
It's only that you're late finding out about it.

>> No.2399319

Thats a good idea, taylor could pull this off if she wanted.

>> No.2399388

Haaa Taylor Swift, yea right. If ya got half a brain and want good things you follow trump and his Trumpcoin

>> No.2399427

Btc was a /g/ thing. Newfag spotted

>> No.2399578

>implying /b/tards weren't fapping to the idea of having her as a VP
of course there were Obongotards, just like there were Hilldawgs in /pol/ recently. That doesn't mean "/b/ supported obongo", the majority were in for based Ron

>> No.2399598

The very idea of a currency with limited supply is /pol/ tier

>> No.2399624
File: 10 KB, 300x225, mooncar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't we created a mooncoin yet?

>> No.2400687
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1495570387193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2400710

This is how I know you are newfag part 3. Moon coin was created and shilled last month. Get out of /biz/ you new fagit got back to /pol/

>> No.2400865

>taking a break makes one a newfag
really made me think

>> No.2400895

>taking a break
Mooncoin is three years old.

>> No.2400931

This edgy 16 year old racism meme is 20x worse than SJWism. There I said it.

>> No.2400933

Go back to fucking /reddit/, nigger.
Yeah, I hope the Crypto market doesn't grow soon or else it's going to stagnate like stocks market.
I hope you nigger die. Fucking faggot, you are disgusting

>> No.2400957

>takingna break

Lol lame excuse try again new fag

>> No.2400961

The niggerboom is ruining /biz/ with hundreds of threads, but how are you calling anyone /pol/? All of 4chan hates niggers and kikes and calls them out all the time and /biz/ is one of the boards that does it the most, whether you like it or not, nigger.

>> No.2400962
File: 180 KB, 500x405, 1495509983744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I now see why people want regulation on free speech

seriously though these spams on the board is making people hate the shill and pump and dump posts

I put some in once in a while but holy shit.

>> No.2400966

yea you can tell by posts like this >>2400933
it's adhd 15 year olds who are behind most of it

>> No.2400969

I'm a newfag to crypto, I'll give you that
I'm a Fxfag

>> No.2400970

I'm with you man. It's just fucking annoying

>> No.2401012

Congratulations on accepting your autism.

>> No.2401057

Then go back to tumblr or reddit, retard.
You don't like it here, leave. This place is not for you.
Are you such a faggot that not even tumblr and reddit likes you so you have to come here and bitch about its userbase?
Fuck off

>> No.2401076

>waves wallet
>create account
>click on tab at top next to suitcase tab
>type in "nigger" where you see waves
>this next part is important







>> No.2401085

lol no, not even close.

>> No.2401099
File: 28 KB, 519x442, 1495959017604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a forexfag means I'm autistic

>> No.2401116
File: 102 KB, 1017x715, 1493917500721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2401121

you faggots making meme niggers are ruining the whole thing

>> No.2401148

Hi nigger. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.2401160


>t. edgelord on tilt when his money is on the line in a racist shitcoin that will never work.

Oh boy, this will be fun to watch from the sidelines.

>> No.2401174
File: 131 KB, 1000x481, 1364492895176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfag spotted
I've monitored BTC threads on /b/ / /g/ since 2009 but only got into it 2013. Picture related is from March 2013.

>> No.2401192
File: 239 KB, 434x428, pol in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2401202
File: 12 KB, 450x300, 1451265159657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.2401203

this NGR coin is from a bunch of fags in another social outlet jealous of the gains made here so they are trying to ruin it here. Well done OP at letting them win with you.
Such a shitcoin they are giving it away over and over to clog up this thread. Only tards will invest in this crap, and sadly about 30% of this channel are tards.

>> No.2401249
File: 5 KB, 205x246, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are probably doing the nigger coin thing ato puncish us for the whole DGB thing

>> No.2401275

Back to /r/eddit, retards.
Who ever said that they plan on getting rich by selling niggers? People made it as a joke, in case you are such a newfag that you didn't see the first threads last week saying as if it was an already stable coin on yobit and bittrex.
Say all the shit you want, go to the first page or the catalog and you will see that I have /biz/ as a whole while you two circlejerk in this shit tier thread. The only thing that made it get out of control is that many of us have lots of cheap niggers that we are trading as a joke(not for profit) and are giving it out. And everyone likes free shit. I've given and received free niggers.

>> No.2401301


Shit, I thought it was the /biz/ old-timers trying to run off the coin kiddies. Go figure.

>> No.2401351


Well good luck with your racist play tokens anon, I'll focus my effort with BTC to make disgusting amounts of money each day while you play trade'sies with your friends. have fun wasting the greatest opportunity you will ever have in your shitty life :^).

>> No.2401406

no. just a free waves wallet address

>> No.2401419

I wish i wasn't so intelligent. I'm honestly superior to every human i meet. Even my professors don't have an ounce of the intelligence i have and it's quite sad. I consider myself a gift to humanity a prodigy. Sigh. As great Sheakespeare once said 'Lord, what fools these mortals be' I agree William, i agree...

>> No.2401428

>durrr it's a joke can't you take a joke durrrrrr

>> No.2401472

As we've explained dozens of times, it has nothing to do with racism. See >>2398346. You could be furries, gamergate faggots, MLP pedos or whatever. It's all the same cancer bullshit. No one would care if you just kept this nonsense to one general. You're just like the Grimes/K-Pop posters on /mu/ or the WWE autists that used to be on /sp/.

>> No.2401485

the majority of the excited reply's to the NGR coins are just themselves trying to trick this channels users into thinking folks here are jumping on the true definition shitcoin. And hell, its wallets more than likely has a keylogger in it. Avoid it like the plague

>> No.2401497

gib niggers plox

>> No.2401510


you haven't looked into the true potential of niggercoin. it is on waves platform. so for it to have a keylogger waves would have to be a keylogger.

also gib me some niggers


>> No.2401514

>And hell, its wallets more than likely has a keylogger in it.
are you saying waves platform is compromised?

>> No.2401522

What are you, dumb? I'm starting to think you are an actual nigger now.
Me, like anyone else, is playing with pocket change right now. Do you really think anyone is banking out on what they think is going to rise to buy fucking niggers, retard?
You are so fucking dumb.
You are a fucking newfag and yet you want to talk shit? Holy shit, get out of here.
This last post just showed how much of a retard you are. Go look at the price niggers are. Look at every sell/buy order. The nigger trade whales are trading like 10 dollars. Fuck you, retard.
Which ones do you want?
Look up my posts. I mention that the problem is the fact that people are crazy at getting free shit so hundreds of threads are being made for daylight nigger trading.

>> No.2401550

>Which ones do you want?
any of them, I don't have any lol
I just want to start my plantation

>> No.2401562
File: 339 KB, 1242x1237, 1497231217229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this wrekt because nobody likes your """epic memes"""

>> No.2401573

>/biz/ is full of people asking for niggers for their plantations
>"nobody likes"

>> No.2401615

>/pol/tards invade and circlejerk and samefag their own stupid meme

>> No.2401633

I'm going to send you one of each so you can start breeding them.
Sure, have you seen all the thread over at /pol/ talking about invading /biz/?
It's not /pol/, retard. You are in fucking 4chan. Bringing pictures from reddit in here only proves that you are reddit, nigger.

>> No.2401651

Shit, nigger. I spent all the waves I had on niggers, now I can't even pay the 0.01 fee. I'm going to save your address and eventually send you something.

>> No.2401665

np man
>incoming transfer from anal

>> No.2401682

LMAO, that's not me. I'm NGROwner.

>> No.2401701

>crypto community

>> No.2401822

seems like "Anal" is another coin, kek
can't say I really understand this thing tbqh

>> No.2402478

>>people are complaining about me sayying things other dont like!
>>stop disagreeing with me and let me be a racist with out being judged

Fact of life. You can't be prejudiced and get sympathy when you yourself get prejudged.

Now throw yourself into a pile of burning books please.

>> No.2402525


>giving crypto community a bad name

Top kek

>> No.2402539

>You've giving the crypto community a horrible name right now.
look, some fag is taking this whole thing way too seriously. i hope crypto implodes so fags like you kill themselves.

>> No.2402563

The moon belongs to the white man. Hitler dubs confirm.

>> No.2402565

fuck off sjw

>> No.2402573


>> No.2402578
File: 165 KB, 550x410, crashing-these-stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hope the crypto market crashes with no survivors, so to speak?

>> No.2402589

moralfag kys

>> No.2402611
File: 400 KB, 654x697, 1422245268324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods please ban this person hes posting words i dont like!

no, we can post what we want. cry more


>> No.2402647
File: 62 KB, 373x359, 1346549027404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks from now people who actually profit off NGR will get out because it's a meme, most of you will lose money. Yet you fuckbois will flock to an already divided meme coin, enjoy your losses for 'ebin m,eme'

>> No.2402672

but you don't need this many threads though, keep it in one place and no one would mind honestly

>> No.2402679

hahahaha i said nigger. hahaha memes
i hate black people XD. le confederate XD

>> No.2402705

Hi nigger.

>> No.2402719


>> No.2402859

Hi cracka XD. I'm not black

>> No.2403195

There's honestly nothing surprising in 14 year old autismos getting overexcited about ebin funny kindergarten tier memes. What I can't quite grasp is why would someone supposedly mature and claiming intellectual high ground pay any attention at all, let alone engage in retarded discussions.
>muh memecoin public image
Re-evaluate your priorities and stop feeding the grade school peanut gallery.

>> No.2403214
File: 31 KB, 512x512, UFOchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, cheer up guys and get UFO Coin.
UFO-chan accepts anybody.

>> No.2403398

>You've giving the crypto community a horrible name right now.


>> No.2404345

Are you seriously just going to play retarded? Yes you can do whatever you want as long as you refrain from breaking the law. What you're doing is corrupting the community around here for no gain but a bit of lulz and some attention. Luckily enough your kind doesnt have any long lasting impact. Something else will grab your attention and you will move on without giving it a second thought. You're trash.

>> No.2404352

>All of 4chan hates niggers and kikes

i guess thats what happens when you forget youre supposed to be in your containment board

>> No.2404706

They don't care. They'll drill and frack their memes until there's no more keks left. 4chan has always practiced unsustainable memeing since forever.

Praise kek. Anything that makes normies slower to adopt is good for us. Gives us more time to accumulate.

Besides, if TPTB want to stop us, they can just fabricate something, like how they do false flags all the time. It would have nothing to do with us either way.

>> No.2404729

OP made me sick

send me some more niggers so I can forget about this triggering thread


>> No.2404744


this coin is a government plant

aftr all this they will point at you guys and say crypto = racist and have an excuse to shut everything down

>> No.2404755
File: 50 KB, 434x720, 1415127211168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've giving the crypto community a horrible name right now.
>crypto community
>horrible name

>> No.2404821
File: 149 KB, 800x820, 1467536385966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread


>> No.2404861

cause moon coin is already excist....

sadly its not our beloved Moonman

>> No.2404863

Glad to see that there r ppl with common sense in here aswell. We came here to have a common goal. Promote crypto. Enjoyed reading and posting here before all this shit started

>> No.2404939

All these butthurt faggot ass NIGGERS in this thread lmao

>> No.2405179

I cringed

>> No.2405183

>liberal faggots policing bad language and thought cries on 4chan
>trying to act like they aren't cancerous newfags
fuck off back to plebbit you double niggers

>> No.2405209

>no, we will do what we want. cry more. you cant stop us
Is that your signature?

>> No.2405233

Buzzwords don't automatically when an argument you brainless donkey.

>> No.2405462
File: 90 KB, 500x492, 1462657279862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cringed
I cringed

>> No.2405877
File: 78 KB, 399x600, 328724[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no argument being made here, faggot. Just butthurt marxist niggers trying to be the thought police. Perhaps you would feel more at home on reddit where people aren't allowed to think or say things that go against the marxist echo chamber.

>> No.2405900

No one is stopping you from thinking and I'm an oldfag. we're asking you to keep the noise down you dumb cunt.

>> No.2405955

>h-hey guys i'm totally an oldfag. Just please stop saying bad words here on 4chan. Somone's feelings might get hurt.
You are one pathetic niggerfaggot.
I hope you are just some brilliant NGR coin shill pretending to be an insuferable betamale to convince people to do the opposite of what you say because i'm going to buy NGR coin now just to increase it's popularity and produce fresh new liberal tears.

>> No.2405976

Why are you using buzzwords outside of /pol/ are you a parody of your own stupidity? It shouldn't be hard to understand that you have a containment board for a reason.

>> No.2406013

based Fred poster

>> No.2406024


> and i'm an oldfag

kek, sure

>> No.2406040
File: 92 KB, 243x248, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
This is fantastic. Your tears are delicious. Most coins don't have any value yet but NGR coin does. It's the best way yo buy fresh marxist tears. It's going to moon.

>> No.2406080

there's no nuance to this, your not trolling and it isn't funny. It isn't even ironic or satirical. It's just edge for the sake of edge on a board that doesn't give a shit. crying about free speech makes you more insufferable than sjw's. I don't know how to explain this any further than I have.

>> No.2406095

>m-muh buzzwords
seems like you think you're sassy, but you don't have the required leverage to be disruptive. Niggercoin could become viral and be a game-changer, at the end of the day one has to think outside the box and find a way to synergistically combine our cutting edge altcoins with the potential of social media to be a change agent, as it's mission-critical to make them ubiquitous if we want to get some value out of this.

>> No.2406107
File: 469 KB, 658x381, 5qyrnlajxiwx[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2406138

Are you twelve? Anyone with half a brain will stay away from it. I don't even think that the pajeet shills will touch it at this point.

>> No.2406141

>giving a horrible name
This is normal name for stuff that might be sold or bought.

>> No.2406147

>no argument

>> No.2406190
File: 101 KB, 734x780, Liberal+tears+taste+so+good_183867_6083089[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't make an argument to argue. You just cried like a faggot. please continue to entertain me while I get the Waves client to buy niggercoin

>> No.2406269


Unironically thinking /pol/ is a containment board is cancer in its self m8. The sheer traffic on /pol/ suggests that most other boards have a large poster percentage that use it, which is backed up by this thread.
Stop using /pol/ its self as a boogyman and accept that cancer is cancer, a large amount seems to come from /pol/ because its traffic is so much higher, that cancer is far more of an issue for /pol/ itself than anything /biz/ has to deal with too.

>> No.2406282


hit me, nog

I have a plantation to tend to

>> No.2406330

Its traffic is the first indication that its a newfag containment board. Once apon a time /b/ used to be the same thing except back then /b/ was effective in introducing people to the way chans function. The problem with /pol/ is that newfags and teenagers don't understand satire and end up spreading their cult everywhere without realize that no ones gives a fuck about their gay trump frogposting memes.

>> No.2406419
File: 1.39 MB, 545x1024, cryptocucksbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nocoiner here
they've just proven how fucking stupid crypto is and I'm cackling all the way to the brokerage

>> No.2406468


Actually its pretty much the same as what happend with /b/, you are looking back with rose tinted glasses. Like i said cancer is cancer and if you think old /b/ would not have reacted in an equally immature manner then you never went on old /b/.

>> No.2406538

I might be getting too old but back then /b/ was chanology incarnate but even then it didn't spread like le funny kek gud to other boards. Now people unironically think that /pol/ culture and the rest of the website are the same. Old /b/ would have acted the same way but at least back then they would have been contained, not that mods do anything on this board anyway.

>> No.2406655

Nobody said you should be banned, they were just calling you a faggot.

Which you are.

edgy /b/-tier racism stops being funny to people once they turn 14, sorry you never developed past this point brah

>> No.2406674

>/pol/ has a lot of traffic
>therefore it isn't a containment board
weak logic skills

it's a very large containment board, that's all

>> No.2406782

>have you seen all the thread over at /pol/ talking about invading /biz/?
Doesn't change the fact that all the people involved in NGR coins are people whose main board where they spend 99% of their time on 4chan is /pol/
you don't need premeditated organization for retardation which is what these coins are

>> No.2406795
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 1497263620185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these kids will never get it

>> No.2406820

>t. jigaboo

>> No.2406838


>> No.2406930

>Now people unironically think that /pol/ culture and the rest of the website are the same
because it's the board with the most users
also i was on b in 2010 and i remember we said nigger all the time

>> No.2407073
File: 363 KB, 213x200, ohneinyoudidnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were always the normie cancer. /pol/, /b/, and Image Board are synonymous and have far longer history than your normie butt being here.

>> No.2407097
File: 19 KB, 242x257, Wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to plebbit, you r/T_D normie! Your kind doesn't belong here! I bet you even gave your magic powers up in a cheap coital act one night...

>> No.2407115

We still say nigger on /biz/, nigger isn't a problem, fucking up a board with edgy pre-teen circlejerks is the problem that needs containing to a general. I'm glad newfags have found this board and that they can make money but at least lurk before you fuck it up.

>> No.2407123
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, ChanGuideForBitchesRules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'd know that the crypto community is an uninviting cesspool of backwards child-of-a-conservative fucks.
You don't belong on this website. Your language reads like a r/TwoXChromosomes user. Tits or gtfo, cunt!

>> No.2407140
File: 68 KB, 514x568, NaziTrollKek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2407179
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, BlackKeksHeadBacksLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, it's more plebbitors! One even said *cringe*!

>> No.2407206


If 20% of /pol/ cross posts then that accounts for well over 50% poster count of most other boards, you are the minority in a minority, i dont think such a small portion of an anonymous site really has much say on what belongs here or not.

Thats just how it works, nobody gives a fuck who you are so the pure force of autism and numbers decides what 4chan represents, be that good or bad.

>> No.2407344
File: 110 KB, 530x502, OTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever stop to think /pol/ is the main attraction, and *you're* the one being contained (for our amusement, of course)?

>> No.2407564

I want niggers too


>> No.2407585

>failing to spot such an obvious ironic shitpost that says basically nothing but is filled with buzzwords after you cried about buzzwords
brainlet detected

>> No.2407684


>> No.2407826
File: 25 KB, 320x320, 1493252_820714884658664_9215940062582272743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey goys, all my niggers ran away. Anyone got a few to spare?


>> No.2407851



>> No.2407871
File: 99 KB, 500x441, ou-ˇ-normies-get-out-2732630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corrupting the comunity
You are corrupting the comunity you trans-nigger cuckalooo normalfag

>> No.2407873

You can say it is after the fact but it it wasn't self-aware shitposting during the thread spamming a few hours ago. Retarded gold rush.

>> No.2408012

So now were gonna pretend normal gags speak like you? Also you're obviously too young. Shouldn't post until at least 21.

>> No.2408030

whatever you say, kid.

>> No.2408157

>All of 4chan hates niggers and kikes and calls them out all the time

t. confirmed newfag

>> No.2408461

I literally took the words from this list and made them fit as well as I could to keep a semblance of sense:

>> No.2408471

fuck off shitskin the internet is for white men

>> No.2408503

>muh lower class blacks

You mean every nigger since their IQ has a hard cap.

>> No.2408548

Fair game I didn't notice, doesn't change the fact that cancer is cancer.

>> No.2408652
File: 249 KB, 555x828, 1390092388364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shows that you use "buzzword" as a buzzword and when an actual buzzword clusterfuck is right under your nose you can't recognize it for what it is :^)

>> No.2408665

the cancer seems to subside during non-ameriburger hours.

>> No.2408688

fuck off with this ad-hominen anime shit.

>> No.2408703
File: 113 KB, 620x349, atlanta zoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.2408784
File: 45 KB, 500x420, inigomontoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another buzzword for you?

>> No.2408855

Your implying my stupidity in order to undermine what I've said and avoid discussing anything, subtle personal attack but its still ad-hominem.

>> No.2408891

Nah, I don't care about what you said. I'm just fucking with you for the lulz.

>> No.2408929

>t. Newestfag

>> No.2408942

at least you're bumping the thread.

>> No.2409019

yeah, it will be great because more people will buy niggers to upset you beta cucks
also I checked back and yes I was attacking your "argument" too
that guy used meme insults but his point was valid

>> No.2409133

Are you samefagging or just happy that your getting a (you)? He didn't even have an argument.

>> No.2409189

I'm S3lNv/yI, the IPs my ISP gives are only good for 12 hours.

>> No.2409283

>People are saying I'm retarded because I am
>Stop doing retarded things only retards do.
Fuck off back to >>>/a/utism and >>>/b/abyville where the >>>/b/imbos of [r9k] and /s4s/ live.

And one more thing WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FUCKING HYPOCRITE? Generations of lying douchebags. Go into politics, you'd be excellent at lying in everyone's face till you lose your hiding bush and get your face mauled.

>> No.2409311
File: 679 KB, 720x404, AroundBlacksNeverRelax.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an oldfag.
> we're asking you to keep the noise down
>he doesn't know about filters

Oldfag eh? listen kid, just filter out topics that make you sad.

>> No.2409319

We should get a room, are you hot?

>> No.2409467

So this is what autism looks like....

>> No.2409495
File: 61 KB, 376x600, 4ac4f606c669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad

>> No.2409686

No one is mad, can't you tell that the people in this thread respond to you because they want measure how retarded you are?

>> No.2409741

there's no shame in being mad anon :^)

>> No.2409768

You're delusional.

>> No.2409857

Go back to lolcow you cuck

>> No.2410017


The ironic thing is that /po/, and /new/ before it, brought more normies to the site than all that /b/ tier 2008 shit ever did

/r9k/ created the whole poo poo pee pee meme to try and repel the normies and now that board is basically facebook

>> No.2410100

>2. You've giving the crypto community a horrible name right now.
Moralfags like you are the reason why we can't have fun.

You are like the retard friend with whom you're starting a band just for shits and giggles and never intend to be serious and then that friend goes full retard serious mode after your first show in some shitty club.

People like you take everything too serious and need to be gassed right now because you suck the fun out of everything.

I hope crypto crashes and gets banned around the world because of NGR only so you slit your wrists and suck a shotgun.

>> No.2410184

Uhhh when your making over 1k a night I think it's pretty serious. This isn't a game for lolcow poltards like you so gtfo

>> No.2410198

So many angry niggers and plebbitors posting itt.

>> No.2410496

>edgy /b/-tier racism stops being funny to people once they turn 14, sorry you never developed past this point brah

Fuck off with your projections. I'm 47 and the whole thing still has me lmao.

>> No.2410666

>biz complains about a flood of immigrants
>beautiful illustration of what pol wants to stop in real life
>these "dont say nigger" faggots still miss the point

>> No.2410714

Svenpai, is that you?