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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.24056589
File: 42 KB, 175x175, extra_large_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy my GME bags.

>> No.24056625


40 EOW

>> No.24056633
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1602624187682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when NIO was at 8$ i thought about going all in but instead i went all in with NKLA

>> No.24056637

extremely bearish day. more blood soon

>> No.24056642
File: 325 KB, 1170x2532, A4E40F06-C670-48CE-A1DB-29F4FA0DFA5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can’t sell because restricted

This hurts

>> No.24056645

is this worth reading

>> No.24056650


>> No.24056654

Should I buy the MGI dip? Or is it going back down to 5?

>> No.24056655

>selling before earnings in console release year


>> No.24056661

did you buy the dip?

>> No.24056663

what is it

>> No.24056667

>stocks going up 8-10%
Shouldn't have invested in fucking meme stocks son

>> No.24056669

Wtf happened to /pmg/, they look like they're having a breakdown.

>> No.24056675

what's the retarded mummy with a fucking sword sticking out of her forehead lmao?

>> No.24056678
File: 115 KB, 273x1326, Screenshot_20201119-102418_TD Ameritrade Mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post chad stacks

>> No.24056680

I didn't read it but I enjoyed watching the show years ago

>> No.24056690
File: 85 KB, 534x548, Good God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24056704

I considered NIO at the time, I didn't do it. Had I done it via all in I'd stop looking for a job.

>> No.24056714

google images says medaka box

>> No.24056715

why did CSIQ dump so badly? they are still making profit which is good considering how fucked business is around the world

>> No.24056724

They realized the only precious metal is lead.

>> No.24056725


>> No.24056747


>> No.24056757
File: 268 KB, 267x441, 1602930751455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's in his portfolio?

>> No.24056768

He's probably using Robinhood, and they restrict your trading if you get flagged as a "day trader"
Which means he made more than three day trades in one week.

Robinhood is not the service to use if you're planning on doing this regularly.

>> No.24056770


>> No.24056771
File: 59 KB, 595x560, 1605802261612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real reason Twitter instituted all their """fact checking""" crap. If only liberals and children had a little bit of foresight.

>> No.24056776

My shit stinks

>> No.24056779

NKLA right now

Most of this board will FOMO in two weeks late, just like last time.

>> No.24056782

>Buying useless metal you can't do anything with

I wonder why

>> No.24056783


>> No.24056787

I was memed into CRSR, here's to gauns

>> No.24056786



>> No.24056788

Guy what the fuck I'm trying to short naked. (NAKD)

My broker won't let me sell stock that I do not own.

I thought I simply had to press sell on my margin account.

Quick help me.

>> No.24056792

i've noticed nio thursdays are always green

now friday-monday, those are the days that will make or break you

>> No.24056794
File: 721 KB, 744x768, ac0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the lockup expiry on CRSR and PLTR? Because this FOMO shit is getting tiring and I want real dips not this stocktwit kikery.

>> No.24056803

all in on chink evs and pltr

>> No.24056807

Hows the MEME ETF doing?

>> No.24056810

darn I missed PLTR at $15...

*sells $20 ITM put on Monday for 500 bucks*
*time travels in your path*

heh nothing personnell, FOMO...

>> No.24056811
File: 652 KB, 1125x2436, AAAAE9EA-1485-496A-9982-C7A42563779C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any CRSR chads here?

>> No.24056815

100k of BILI and 2 shares of GOOG.C

>> No.24056817


>> No.24056819

Whole lotta CUK.

>> No.24056820

If you are trying to trade I would look at MDGS. It will be way more profitable than TSLA today.

>> No.24056826

press buy

>> No.24056827

Ask me how I know you're 45

>> No.24056830

i miss him, you think he still lurks?

>> No.24056834
File: 51 KB, 720x710, 1605724630518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You unironically made a good choice anon

>> No.24056843

Anyone getting in on TLS ipo? Not sure what to think of the company.

>> No.24056863

Can you explain what is happening in this tweet? I get that twitter uses this type of fact checking to undermine conservative political views, but what the fuck is going on here with united airlines?

>> No.24056867

Official sources stated this is cringe and unbased

>> No.24056868
File: 64 KB, 925x750, 1605320518036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only regret was not buying more CRSR

>> No.24056882

i will get my paycheck on the 26th what should i buy?

>> No.24056885

medeka box was a great manga

>> No.24056905

I don't want to buy it, it's an absolute pump an dump.

How do I borrow stocks?

>> No.24056906
File: 152 KB, 1200x936, f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the snoozer.

>> No.24056919
File: 338 KB, 1170x2532, 7B474718-1159-40C3-A502-E78AEB2C79A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m big dumb

>> No.24056921
File: 95 KB, 893x625, from_EEM_prospectus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you invest mostly in China and manage to see negative growth majority of years??

>> No.24056923
File: 4 KB, 834x57, pltr-gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this too aggressive?

>> No.24056931

it's satire. desperately need good satire too.

>> No.24056935

oh nvm i thought you meant you'd shorted and were trying to close
idk that's (the way you described) how i do it on mine

>> No.24056943
File: 154 KB, 1600x1064, 582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dream has become reality
If only my wet dreams applied to this.

>> No.24056949 [DELETED] 

i just turned 21, im a female, a 4.0 engineering student, and Tesla allowed me to reach a net worth of $200,000. I am proud of myself

>> No.24056964

you will never be a woman

>> No.24056974

S-s-show us that butthole, babe

>> No.24056975

Show me your tits

>> No.24056976

That (!) tag is just United Airlines putting it there themselves as a meme to look "hip and cool" for dumb people

>> No.24056979

>naked calls

>> No.24056985

>FOMO'd into MARA and RIOT yesterday
what do ?

>> No.24056990

you know the rules

>> No.24056991
File: 149 KB, 1024x958, 9D3D988F-A94E-4D62-BBE3-38FE338B4538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is someone out there today that bought my TSLA $570 call weekly for $300 and it’s worth less than $100 now

>> No.24056993
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>> No.24056995


>> No.24056997
File: 22 KB, 720x404, GTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24056999

show titties

>> No.24057003
File: 14 KB, 882x758, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought XOM calls. How could I be so stupid?

>> No.24057008

I want to short it, but I don'T know how to sell stock I do not own.

>> No.24057012

Why only two months out?

>> No.24057019

Bros wtf you scared her away

>> No.24057021

Alright bought 100 CRSR at 37.25, it IS undervalued after all, I don't think i'm risking much.

>> No.24057022

This is some weak bait.

>> No.24057030

Do I buy Corsair or PLTR?

>> No.24057032

women arent real

>> No.24057034

where my AMD bros at

>> No.24057038
File: 1.92 MB, 345x406, default dance kleiner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24057042

Covered? If not, that's spicy.

>> No.24057045

>it IS undervalued after all
wow anon
when did you suddenly become an expert value trader lol

just admit you're FOMOing in

>> No.24057046
File: 67 KB, 1017x623, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this pattern called?

>> No.24057051

DW bro I sold $30 11/27 calls for $1.80, instead of $7.50 if I just waited until today

>> No.24057063


>> No.24057065

Stacking MOON. Nice gains as an ETF thus far

>> No.24057073

this is depression bros. let me be real with you. this was me for like 2 years, just getting high passing out and sleeping all day. didnt see the sun for 2 years. not a great time.

>> No.24057082

would you still lurk if you were him?

>> No.24057085
File: 326 KB, 1554x1552, m9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellas, did you take part the Baexplatform(baex.com)? Found their advertising, didn't know if defi binary platforms work. What toolsdo you use? I am thinking about Tesla and Amazon but still not so many guides and videos on how to use them profitably

>> No.24057087
File: 2.89 MB, 262x300, 1605511637132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One tranny farming all of those (you)s and outing the simps that quickly
We have reached the absolute top.

>> No.24057089

All cash right now.

Waiting for:
NIO sub 44
GME sub 11
PLTR sub 17.5

>> No.24057092

I doesn't take an expert to figure it out, just look at the concurrence.

>> No.24057099

its the fucking future

>> No.24057102
File: 155 KB, 1187x536, 2113C2B1-5F88-4575-A1AF-54DC39EE2605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much will 25 shares of PLTR be worth next summer?

>> No.24057110

fund managers have to diversify for the sake of diversifying
can you imagine being exposed to Intel or some other garbage

>> No.24057109

the "clear sell signal". I don't recall seeing this without seeing it go down afterwards to get back on the previous overall trend.

>> No.24057111

I didn't get to see the deleted tranny post, I feel so left out

>> No.24057113

PLTR. cheaper = buy more. probably better long term as well bc nwo

>> No.24057119

I wish there was just one day where I could carelessly sleep the whole day away. I'll likely never get that chance again. Feels bad man.

>> No.24057125


>> No.24057128


>> No.24057132

god i cant wait for my check to sink it all in volatile untangible stonks

>> No.24057137

>outing the simps
It's SOP to show tits or gtfo

>> No.24057145
File: 151 KB, 1186x946, noonan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright /smg/ need advice.

I'm set to get a windfall of ~$350,000 (after taxes) sometime in December. I have a mortgage that is just about $350K at this time. The issue is that I originally qualified for a LIBOR loan, which means that my interest rate on my loan (for now) is like 2% i think.

Should I just pay my mortgage and own my home free and clear (other than the property tax golem), invest it (i have a decent amount in the market already) or split it?

If I invest it, I'm looking to put $100K into VTI, $50K into BND, $50K into VNQ, $25K into QQQ, $25K into VYM, $50K into a CD and $50K cash in high yield savings account.

what would you do?
>inb4 yolo tesla calls on margin

pic unrelated

>> No.24057155

break $20 this month
then mouthbreathers fomo in next month

>> No.24057156
File: 10 KB, 245x206, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bizbros, where do you get your info on JUICY IPOs like PLTR, CRSR, apart from here?

>> No.24057159

Just put 1000 into CRSR. Did i do okay? Is that too little to bother with?

>> No.24057161
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>> No.24057164
File: 181 KB, 720x694, 1605711798667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking welcome. I'm so mad I only put in 1k, but I'm a poor fag and that was 20% of my portfolio. Still, I'm up ~250$ on it. I'm sure the EV bubble is going to pop, but right now it's a pretty safe bet.

UTZ is great. They have loyal customers and great branding. Their quality varies by product, but you can never go wrong. If you own their stock, you should at the very least go buy a few of their products to see if they're worth the price. For me, it's a definite buy.

Fucking faggot, that thing looks awesome as hell. You forget that consoles have a level of prestiege into their branding, PC's have to work a bit harder for people to get their ego boost out of owning one. I have a CRSR keyboard and I can tell you that it definitely makes me feel less like I'm playing on my dad's PC and more like I am playing on a dedicated Millennial gaming machine.

Anyway, just letting you guys know that the market is going to dip pretty hard pretty soon. Bobo is coming.

>> No.24057165
File: 256 KB, 1284x1572, 87694C0C-D99B-4B6E-8568-1EDEECD81A2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UwU oopsie woosie!

>> No.24057166

PLTR has more room to grow

>> No.24057167

why? it sucks

>> No.24057185

Investing yields much more than what your loan's interest cost, seems like a no brainer to me.

>> No.24057186


>> No.24057191

>high yield savings account
lmaoing hard right now

>> No.24057202

>Shorted AMD for PLTR
>Radeon 6800 XT
>AMD moving up right now.

I still think I made the right move. Eager to see how this plays out.

>> No.24057208

I do the exact opposite of what wallstreetbets says

>> No.24057210

Idk why this made me laugh so much

>> No.24057211

>30% MOON
>30% SPY
>30% towards mortgage
>10% gold and silver

>> No.24057213
File: 264 KB, 1118x1096, PLTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean after everyone is forced to get the covid vaccine? It will be a penny stock.

>> No.24057220

100k into dividend stocks
100k on your current mortgage
100k on a rental property
50k for yolo

>> No.24057224

gonna be waiting on that pltr sub for literally ever. its not going below 18.30 at best. believe me, i want sub 18. but it's not happening because I want it. screenshot this.

we can be sad together

>> No.24057228

its 0.8% and its for emergencies and issues with the home. right now I have about $10K in it, $60K would make it so that I can have 1 year uninterrupted enjoyment or 2 years on survival mode.

>> No.24057231


>> No.24057233

>$25K into QQQ
better put it in SPY, QQQ is underperforming. Or put a third of the money in TQQQ.

>> No.24057241

>which means that my interest rate on my loan (for now) is like 2% i think.
all i can say you're a dumbass if you even have to ask for advice from strangers online

the only reason you would consider paying off the house is if you don't have stable income, and even then with $350K you can just start collecting premiums or even just dividends

>> No.24057245

What a trustworthy and angelic face

>> No.24057249

>100K on rental property
I'd rather just own REITs (hence the VNQ), too much work and I work a lot as it is

>> No.24057254


>> No.24057263

is there a chance this fund devalues itself periodically to keep the price attractive? I heard ETFs do that a lot

>> No.24057265

Damn AMD just started MOOOOONING out of nowhere

>> No.24057267

>My assets are 50% TSLA 50%BTC
>Accumulating both since 2015
>My chad folio out performs just about everything
Fuck boomers. Get ready to fomo in and buy my fucking bags.

>> No.24057272

What you say makes no sense, if anything a mandatory vaccine would make PLTR moon because you have to track the shot-relunctants.

>> No.24057273

>climbing since this post
H-hoping i bought at the bottom!

>> No.24057275

Are these like auto sells and buys?

>> No.24057281

literally same but i have hopium for 16

>> No.24057284

You invest before you pay off your mortgage early. Buy you could probably split the money between the two options.

>> No.24057288

oh lol GME is trying to hold over $12 again
now's your chance to scalp because it will be back to 11.60 tomorrow

>> No.24057290


>> No.24057297
File: 26 KB, 678x346, 2020-11-19 17.46.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMDchads we're back, I hope you loaded up on cheapies

>> No.24057304

where do you get tips on juicy ipos tho apart from biz

>> No.24057309

libor loans change with interest rates, if that raises significantly any time soon, my payments could double overnight, just asking what anons would do if they'd rather not have any debt or have some debt but with investments

>> No.24057321

>does a line of hopium
you're right fren.

>> No.24057322

You knew goddamn well that wasn't a woman. Niggers can't even find there way here, what makes you think a woman could?
You remember the kid in school who always wore dirty close to school and had that single mom that chain smoked? Those are the households that purchase Utz products.
I'm constantly tired from lack of sleep, I never get to sleep in.

>> No.24057334

Cheapies of the day? DIng ding
thats about it

>> No.24057348
File: 53 KB, 982x253, Screenshot_20201119-084820_TD Ameritrade Mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMD bros rise up

>> No.24057357

You’re a liar unless you post your TSLA portfolio dating back to 2015

>> No.24057358

I decided to invest in corsair instead.
I should see higher yield and I already have enough AMD at the moment.

>> No.24057366

MDGS is a perfect day trade for today.

>> No.24057368



>> No.24057370
File: 193 KB, 942x1172, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google. You look up a company and look at the graph. Number go up? Number maybe go up? Look at Denny's graph and write a report on it. Is it a good buy? Why or why not? Use examples from the text. 2 pages, double spaced, on my desk by tomorrow.

>> No.24057377

I don't know whats worse. This, or me only buying 1 share of NIO at $4. Feels bad, bro.

>> No.24057380

I use google nigga, just read 10+ articles from non retarded sources, watch a couple of videos. If you are not stupid, at least you shouldnt loose any money

>> No.24057381

TSLA....... please.... no.......

>> No.24057390

you have a stable income right? I don't see any reason to consider paying it off
especially if you can just reconsider the same shit when it actually increases overnight

like nothing's stopping you for liquidating assets to pay it off overnight at will. You have so many shit open to you, just collecting premiums would be an additional maybe 2% to 5% off that 350K every month for relatively low risk

read into running the wheel because you could almost stop working with that capital already

>> No.24057391

here comes the blood

>> No.24057392


>> No.24057396


>> No.24057405 [DELETED] 

NASDAQ Futes going AAAAA

>> No.24057411

just lost $7k on tsla what do i do

>> No.24057421
File: 68 KB, 1242x751, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone just MARKET BUY like 398K shares? lel

>> No.24057427
File: 1.83 MB, 333x358, (((Vapor))).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all my best stocks are parasite stocks that grow with tesla

>> No.24057428

This is a smart move

>> No.24057437
File: 372 KB, 601x598, oh-Cannabro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannabro here. Hope all of you are buying the current CURLF dip! This stock is highly undervalued and will go to 25$ easy by june. I hope none of you miss out on the CannaTrain!
>If you buy a bigger bed, you have more bed room but less bedroom.

>> No.24057440
File: 207 KB, 371x600, 640px-sahpo_embrassant_sa_lyre-jules_elie_delaunay_mg_8275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think $18.xx is the floor desu. I'd love a drop but I'm only buying now if I can average down. Think we crab rest of the year, my best guess is $21-22 EOY. After 4Q profits are released and the IPO lockup hurdle passes in February we begin the real moon mission. It's anyone's guess but I expect $50-60 by this time next year.

>> No.24057447

you cant google a name you dont even know, stupid person

>> No.24057450

Mortgages aren’t debt, they’re leverage. Once you have a mortgage you always want to have a mortgage. Refi for a fixed interest rate and pay down a little bit.

>> No.24057451

buy more

>> No.24057466

yeah sleeping in is different to - i dont want to even be awake because i hate living, its different.

>> No.24057475
File: 15 KB, 275x300, Slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold my BLNK like two weeks ago thinking it had stalled. I feel like a massive retard having checked it today.

>> No.24057478

where do you get the name to seach on google to begin with, tats what im asking

>> No.24057479
File: 2.97 MB, 200x180, 1595038115337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought SBE
>Immediately green

>> No.24057481
File: 33 KB, 600x600, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I invest in CloudMD Software & Services

It's like doctors but, online?

>> No.24057507

no. thats for boomers and liberals

>> No.24057513

Not when NEE cheapies are on the table you ducking retard

>> No.24057516

Well that's no good. Play some vidya and have a hamburger. That always helps me.

>> No.24057520

>You knew goddamn well that wasn't a woman.
That's the point.

>> No.24057522

On average each day with stocks I profit about 100-200 bucks.
It hurts. I’m happy to be profiting but I feel like a snail. Meanwhile my friend has made like 70K since March.
Help me not be so retarded

>> No.24057535

scared money and paper hands and etc. Just consider it a lesson and learn from it.

>> No.24057537

what about tsla now?

>> No.24057540
File: 187 KB, 1320x742, basedMillenialportfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy TSLA and Bitcoin
>Out Perform literally every ETF on the market
Can I be a hedge-fund manager now?

>> No.24057549

No, I don't even know anyone that's okay with webcam healthcare. A doctor's visit is just a thing that has to be done in person. That shit won't fly.

>> No.24057551

Anyone know where this clip is from? Plz I ask every time and I've looked.

>> No.24057570

I know you also said other than /smg/ but literally just read /smg/ every day and like, just be yourself bro

>> No.24057574

I’m 3k in on GME with a cost basis of 11.70. However I’m thinking of selling so I can buy back in. I’m a bong and the exchange rate must have been shit when I bought back in on GME as FX impact means I’m always 2% above my buy in position. Do I resell hoping to buy back in lower or just hold and shrug off the 2%?

>> No.24057598

just hold gme 20 eoy

>> No.24057605
File: 1.99 MB, 2100x2100, 1605278068831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing an assignment and didn't look at GME for 10 mins, what the fuck happened?

>> No.24057611

Stacey Donovan. Vintage pornstar.

>> No.24057612

United Airlines twitter got hacked so people started tagging it like that. It's actually like the only good use of that alert system.

>> No.24057626


>> No.24057632

i search the companies game + future, technology, results idk The just go down the loophole

>> No.24057635

>AMD keeps going
Jesus this is a pure straight line going up 2% in 30 minutes

>> No.24057639 [DELETED] 

So mad. Somehow I was so preoccupied yesterday that I didn't notice one of my picks was up high. Couldve sold the options for an extra 5k gain. Now I'm out of an easy 5k and must choose whether to exit now with a smaller profit or keep holding hoping it goes up soon. This pisses me off so much. The stock literally just bled out on no news even though its been doing well enough.

>> No.24057644

bobo just fuck off this is mumu market till january

>> No.24057647

GME goes up 5% and the bagholders freak out

>> No.24057659

dirty teeth, disgusting.

>> No.24057661

pretty sexy ngl

>> No.24057662


>> No.24057663
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 4sVZq4p8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the salt on BEST stocktwits

>> No.24057675

My entire dad's side of the family are made up of Doctors and PhDs, they all buy Utz. Proportionally, doctors, lawyers, and CEOs smoke more cigarettes than the average joe.

You can make a case for UTZ being overpriced or having little growth, but not from a customer stand-point. Women may not like it as much as men, but all men like it. It has good foundationals.

>> No.24057677
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m lacking any asahi silver. Anyone want to trade one asahi round for 1 asahi type 21 ball valve? The valve is worth more. I just want a piece of silver from the same company that produces most of my ball valevs

>> No.24057679

are you legit a bot? lel

>> No.24057695

Are you really this stupid? Look around your corrugated steel shack, find any product, google the company on finance. The kleenex you keep next to your keyboard? Kimberly-Clark.

Expensive stock. Hmm, maybe there are cheaper options in the related stocks at the bottom. Look at the graphs and use basic pattern recognition to see if number is likely to go up or down.

Another alternative is to start with normie stocks and branch off from there. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Bad Dragon, etc.

Read the news, too. If a company ends up on the news it means their stock is likely going to be affected. Research if it will be good or bad. Pappa John says the nigger word? Stocks dip. Do you buy the dip? Will the company recover after the nigcident? If you think it will you pick it up and wait for it to come back up.

Now come here and let me burp you. It's the least I could do after spoonfeeding you.

>> No.24057705

Well, I never bought any......

>> No.24057709

yep webcam healthcare are for those script farm dr offices who will prescribe you whatever you want(adderall, xanax etc...)

>> No.24057710

why was it mooning in the first place

>> No.24057711


>> No.24057716

some idiot fat fingered an order and bought like 398K shares on a market buy
or someone is starting to cover because they realized a Cohen shareholder vote will 2x the price instantly (shareholders recalling their shares to vote)

or someone believes there will be a trading halt later today because it's Thursday
or there really was a news leak
either way that was almost $5 million in capital in a single trade

It'll probably dump under $12 tomorrow though because there are too many calls that are not allowed to COOM

>> No.24057717

Would you rather make a guaranteed extra like 2k, or whatever your payment is, every month for the rest of your life, or put it in stonks that may or may not grow, while S&P500 does have a tendency to grow, but you cant use any of it during that time?

>> No.24057720

I remember the good old days of September and October where everyone would be bored if it didn't move by at least two digit percentage points
Feels like ages ago now, oh the glorious COOMposts...

>> No.24057730

You're completely missing the point. He wants to know where he can find upcoming IPO's.

>> No.24057733

Just longed: USOIL, stop loss at 38.50 USD; XOM, stop loss at 34.50 USD.

I hope to end this trade in 200 days when probably OIL will be higher. What is your opinions on this /biz/raelis?

>> No.24057735
File: 333 KB, 720x559, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GameStop moving again. Has it become a good play yet? Going back to $15 for Black Friday and earnings call?

>> No.24057736

Yeah we'll probably dump back to 11.50 and crab some more, it's good to see it move though

>> No.24057740

What's your portfolio price target EOY?

>> No.24057746

it's a fuckin retarded meme stock that's what happens

>> No.24057762

bro i wish i made what you make daily, that'd mean i can live off it!
any advice? im listening!

>> No.24057764
File: 152 KB, 300x328, hahhahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not selling before earnings in COVID-19 year
I just hope it pumps a bit first.

>> No.24057769

I don't think it's moving too much outside of the 11.80-12.20 range unless we get big news or we're near earnings

>> No.24057773

selling cash covered calls, What are some low rosk high rewards stocks? im tired of losing my money guys, i tried to short the market and it ddnt work, now i need to buy some call options, First ones free right?

>> No.24057779
File: 503 KB, 768x1024, 1516824046213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets found out to invest in evil
>i guess I'll sadly take my 70% gains
>his liberal puppets cheer him for dropping evil firm
>*comes back in dark pool*
>gets found out to invest in evil again
>rinse and repeat

In 2 years, Palantir will be $100+

>> No.24057792

Do you guys follow any stock twitter feeds to get news?

>> No.24057796

Question, Can you sell your stocks if you're marked as a "day trader" on Robinhood?

>> No.24057801

im better these days. still need to get out more. at least im going to gym 4 times a week now and not doing drug any more so overall doing a lot better. ironically 4chan has helped me in some ways

>> No.24057809

pltr goes up during lunch every day. like JUST DROP TO 18 SO I CAN BUY MORE PLS

>> No.24057819

yes go ahead nothing bad will happen

>> No.24057820
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>> No.24057825
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>betting against AI

>> No.24057829

The news.

>> No.24057831

I'll hold. Don't want to short my other picks. AMD stock performance has disappointed me so far.

Got absolutely rekt by LEVI in my portfolio.

>> No.24057834

a bot would be far more efficient
its fun to dump on stuff based on memes, but they gotta be good memes

>> No.24057835

AMD about to breach $85 holy shit

>> No.24057842

You're being indignant about the response you're getting after you asked to have all the answers spoonfed to you. Stop being a whiney faggot and help yourself. Go read investopedia, use search engines, read the news etc. You live in an age where you have access to unlimited information at your fingertips and yet you act like a child.

>> No.24057844

twitter is for fags and libbies. so no. the only thing we care about on there is when DT talks about the market bc its a sell signal.

>> No.24057845

Ha, honestly its maybe not as accurate, its been true this past month which has been the best month for me. It’s mostly stocks like SNAP, NTDOY, SONY doing it for me as well as some really cheap putchases of Norwegian cruises and some airlines.
Maybe more like 100 a day, not 200

>> No.24057851

well if you've held GME this long without scalping, you might as well watch it keep crabbing until Q3 which is in a few weeks
the fact that it's managed to hold in double-digits is pretty good, the only reason to feel bad is because TSM, CRSR, PLTR, NIO, etc etc etc have all mooned while GME is just crabbing

>> No.24057867
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>> No.24057877

youre killing it dude stop comparing yourself to others

>> No.24057885

I own shares not gonna lie, I'm just surprised that it's doing so well.

>> No.24057889 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 540x960, 1605794851186.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i profit from this

>> No.24057893


>> No.24057903

Daily profit of $100-$200 is a salary, dude. Be happy.

>> No.24057908


back to plebbit with ye

>> No.24057915

What's this pattern called bros?

>> No.24057919

Oh, my name kek.
Sorry forgot to change that.
But it's up 10% today compared to yesterdays close.

Thumbs up for TSLA chads I never bought any shares sadly. I keep thinking that the stock is overpriced but it seems to go up everytime magically. I already missed out on the bag with TSLA anyway.

Look at >>24057540, I hope it drops like BTC so I can buy. TSLA is here to stay for the next couple decennia, but I don't want to go in right now.

Thumbs up for TSLA chads, I commend them.

>> No.24057931

Pltr volume dying off. Already through a chunk of the day and volume is lower than yesterday. What does this mean for its price if volume dies off?

>> No.24057933

this girl needs a good choking

>> No.24057939

That's the gamer bump. GO RED TEAM! CRSR and AMD pumping on the same day. We did it, gamers. Treat yourselves to an extra funko pop this week. I'll be fortnite dancing while my hot pockets cook.

>> No.24057944
File: 54 KB, 719x521, he's too cute gamers don't die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my GME bags for a 20% loss but i feel confident i can make it back in a week or two no biggie

>> No.24057946

Shut the fuck up over these 20 cent moves
PLTR retards need to stop spamming

>> No.24057950
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did a stock market simulator in high school for a math class
>bought amd at $2
>never did it irl
>mfw I remember

>> No.24057952

Thanks, I guess I just get FOMO when my friend shows me when he makes 10K off a single option. Appreciate it though. Slow and steady works too

>> No.24057957

Delete this

>> No.24057959


>> No.24057972
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>> No.24057979
File: 45 KB, 680x680, 46817171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is RKT good in the long-term? Institutional ownership is crazy on it, and the fundamentals don't seem bad, I bought a small amount of it just to experiment, It's the only red thing in my portfolio right now

>> No.24057981

Back to square one (for me at least).

>> No.24057983
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>> No.24057988

people are holding i guess?

>> No.24057994
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Disgusting thot

>> No.24057997

The titties have to be outside the shirt, for starters.

>> No.24058000


>> No.24058001

Always resist FOMO. It's always a bad idea. Like, even if you are leaving money on the table, if you are in FOMO mode you won't be able to make it.

>> No.24058007

>tfw bought amd as my first stock at $2 but only bought 100 shares and sold it at $30

>> No.24058022


god if i was born a women i would just make money from existing in this timeline.

>> No.24058023


>> No.24058030
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1467593591867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl gets manhandled as shit
>Everyone else is on their phones or is too vapid to even care

>> No.24058031

you miss the point but
>Pappa John says the nigger word?
dude im really still laughing lgmaooofnewionefoiieofk i cant sotp

>> No.24058035


heavy growing regions deliver worse returns than developed markets because of share dilution.
this is a counter-intuitive but well known phenomenon.
pretty much nothing in investing works the way people assume it does.

>> No.24058037

when I make it I will be a professional anime butt sniffer

>> No.24058041

At least youre no longer a baggie!

>> No.24058043

Yoga pants stock.

>> No.24058053

take the tranny pill

>> No.24058064

a based party

>> No.24058068
File: 122 KB, 681x1024, 1605737002319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLTR is never dipping again, right?

>> No.24058070

Has a russian look to it, violence against women has been normalized there in the last 15-20 years.

>> No.24058082


>> No.24058084


rather just skip to the ending of the tranny pill

>> No.24058085

PLTR bros whats a good target to enter?

>> No.24058098


>> No.24058110


>> No.24058115

It's still good profit. You can buy back in. Barring some sort of catastrophe AMD will keep creeping up in price over the next few years.

>> No.24058117
File: 531 KB, 681x1024, C0171CA1-CE02-4FC1-8953-D8A3994FA583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better version

>> No.24058118

TLS just went open. Does it even make money?

>> No.24058119

What was being said there? I can tell by body language that she was taunting him, but what exactly?

>> No.24058121

100 a day? shit i'd still make a living of it

>> No.24058124

learn 2 fucking read retard lmfao

>> No.24058128


>> No.24058129

Today will be red. ID confirms it.

>> No.24058130

honestly dont know anymore. as soon as it gets close to 18 tho, im buying more. thats all i know for sure.

but idk what "close to 18" looks like now. maybe 18.20? lets see eod / morning tomorrow

>> No.24058131

Looks like we are going back to $11.80, you were right. This range will be patrolled for a while.
Probably pumped a bit by some large short covering, and then crabbing.

Sold some to FOMO into PLTR, but I'm keeping a position, its around 15% of my portfolio. I am debating if I hold or sell. If it pumps before earnings, I am selling. I don't trust it. Cohen and the board of directors are feuding over something, they are intentionally not buying back stock and not squeezing.

>> No.24058132

>Bought corsair
>gains stopped
Sorry bros

>> No.24058136
File: 207 KB, 750x1334, 45AF16BE-572B-4FF2-B74F-6208C2BFC516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else should I hold forever ?

>> No.24058148
File: 156 KB, 1080x1078, E48E7162-6032-425D-A516-E0E8D3893FD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about Mind Medicine? When do you think psychedelics will be legalized?

>> No.24058149

muh dick

>> No.24058153

>Probably pumped a bit by some large short covering, and then crabbing.

That's been the name of the game for around a couple weeks or so, perfect time for you to do some research on other stocks

>> No.24058154
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>> No.24058155

Could be console sellout news.

>> No.24058163

%500 a week is like 26k a year before taxes. Not bad at all.

>> No.24058165

cash gang what is the play for friday?

>> No.24058166
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>> No.24058167

Eh, I'm on welfare I made like 200 bucks in 7 weeks. Well, that excludes BTC gains though. But still, that's not even comparable to my gains.

>> No.24058180


>> No.24058183

Just wait for CMPS to go public. Everything else is Dollar Store-tier.

>> No.24058182

Shill me a stock thats not gme, or pltr

>> No.24058193

are you spanish?

>> No.24058199
File: 668 KB, 711x532, 45_28ezch8i0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the market about 3 weeks ago I only invested 5k and I'm already up by $1675.
Am I doing good anons?

>> No.24058202


>> No.24058217

The Amazon news is a nothing burger, they will be fine

>> No.24058224


>> No.24058234
File: 824 KB, 1280x720, Encoded by Kayoanime-00003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RAM or the Counter Strikes and the VR hentais
so shit from the 00's internet cafes?
I'm not going to FOMO back in.

I'm the biggest retard here. I bought all the IPO's and got spooked, taking small losses in most. Palantir, Corsair, Chewy, Grocery Outlet, and Albertson's...

>> No.24058238

arm patch needs some pltr too

>> No.24058245

Wtf is going on with BLNK.

>> No.24058249

Wish I bought my feb calls today, they're down 100 each

>> No.24058255

Also TYHT (Chinky cannabis)

>> No.24058256


>> No.24058259

It's a federal law for margin accounts you moron.

>> No.24058274

PLTR losses? Did you sell off shortly after the IPO?

>> No.24058275

ffs ive been waiting since yesterday for it to dip to 16 at least. not even that big a dip but the shit just wont >>24058085

>> No.24058276

for CVS it may not be as impactful but for WBA it will be. CVS is an insurance company now, WBA is going to get hammered by Amazon's prescription service

>> No.24058284

You’re doing okay. The whole market is up big in the past 3 weeks. You don’t even know what a red day is or even a week of red days

>> No.24058296

16 dip is100% not happening. I wish

>> No.24058300
File: 430 KB, 860x596, 18BC495D-FC8B-4CB0-B85F-D12441E8C745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold 2000 shares of BLNK at a 20% loss after the short report

>> No.24058303

The dump is soon.

>> No.24058305
File: 23 KB, 447x531, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing
is this how george soros feels?

>> No.24058318

How low will WBA go? I was eyeing it bc some anon said they pay decent dividents

>> No.24058331

>not a single red
oh boy

>> No.24058339

How much of a stupid FUCK am i for buying CRSR at 17.15?

>> No.24058345

idk if big boss xi jinping will like chinks smoking weed

>> No.24058360

Going mid-long term on this. I didn't expect to make much of a profit for buying near the top of this week. But it's not over.

>> No.24058367
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, [Kayoanime] Golden Kamuy - S03E01-00003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24058369

I thought I purchased them at $20 but it turns out I never hit confirm...then I forgot about it entirely. (Literal) ADHD is a struggle.

>> No.24058373

We're only at 18.50 or so though, yesterday we hit 19.

>> No.24058375

have a lil hopium anon believe

>> No.24058378

Same bud

>> No.24058383

bullish as fuck for walmart, im about to go 50/50 lowes and walmart

>> No.24058392

That sucks.

>> No.24058393

17? its pretty good what u mean

>> No.24058396

18, 19, 20 I don't care those are just blips on the radar

I count my gains in multiples

>> No.24058402

Therapeutic stuff

>> No.24058403

where new thread

>> No.24058412
File: 88 KB, 965x779, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got $2k all cash now
anyone eyeing any of these IPOs?

>> No.24058418
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Is it risk or oppoturnity to go blind into Q3 ER? It's AH too so it's gonna gap like a motherfucker in either direction.

>> No.24058429

GME- Shit uh uh Palan- fuck- uh uh... Gamestop! Fucking...

AMD, CRSR, DENN, COTY. First two are going to keep going up, hold until at least spring 2021 if nothing horrible happens. Denn is an almost guaranteed 2x after the lockdowns end. Why? Before the lockdown it was at $20 and it wasn't even their ATH or a great year. So if they go back to being "ok" you get a nice 2x.

A boomer investment banker put in several million dollars into COTY. It made the financial news. The stock has been subtly shilled by boomers for a bit. It's 6 dollars so if you do go in you're risking very little.

>> No.24058435

I make $176 a day salary after taxes working as an engineer. Get your frame of reference right.

>> No.24058441

damn boy. Golden Kamuy is fucking kino tho

>> No.24058442

Shit, it really sucks to be you.
whatever you do, when you do it, then stop doing it and do the opposite and you'll make it.

>> No.24058451

dw fren, i asked my dad when i was 12 or 13 to LOAN me $100 to buy 10 btc. He said no. It's almost 20k now... how cruel fate is...

>> No.24058452
File: 2.03 MB, 1750x1000, The Best Medicine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only $176 a day

>> No.24058465

>Denn is an almost guaranteed 2x after the lockdowns end. Why? Before the lockdown it was at $20
holy shit lol please stop ""investing"" if this is how you're trading

how are your oil stocks doing btw?

>> No.24058466


>> No.24058468

Beyond Meat. 10% up in 4 days for me :-)

>> No.24058472

$60k isn't what it used to be

>> No.24058484

Im just being an impatient idiot

>> No.24058509

LOL you make a bit more than a special ed (retard) teacher. While i collect a LOT more sitting on my ass shitposting as a Network Admin.

>> No.24058521

yes yes, everyone on this board makes 100K+, that's why that majority of posters have 5 figure or lower accounts lmao

>> No.24058523

I didn't realize how early on in the IPO cycle we are. It's probably now that the DoorDash and WeWork's are coming public that the supply of fresh new equity pulls the market down and traps bagholders in the new IPOs

>> No.24058525


>> No.24058556

they do, but who knows.

look into the WBA CEO and how many shares he owns. He gets like $260M a year in dividends from WBA. I think he's stepping down now

>> No.24058557

I'm aware. It sucks.

>> No.24058585

there was some anon spaking about telos. what about you?

>> No.24058690

WBA just keeps bleeding out.

>> No.24058697

telos as well. can't go wrong with defense.
the IPO dip is already in so I think it's a crab for a bit and then i'm bullish

>> No.24058708
File: 3 KB, 125x123, 1582715611406s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks smg, I bought RTX and SPCE. North Korea is talking shit to old man Biden and Virgin Galactic will be testing their 2nd space ship soon.

>> No.24058734
File: 1.80 MB, 1200x1800, Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 12.39.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which animays or other shit from google drives should I be downloading while I still have access to my hotel's internet connection?

The one where they're smashing those gobs looks nice

>> No.24058736

i'm in for 25 shares

>> No.24058761

new thread


>> No.24058790


>> No.24058793

Climbing girls or golden Kamuy

>> No.24058806

A quick search shows he owns short of 360k shares which is a lot but how did you get that $260m? What am i missing?

>> No.24058808

Yeah, I hope 12x in maybe 15 months from now, but that might be overly optimistic. I think it's too optimistic.

>> No.24058880

I hope you remind your father every day of the mistake he made.

>> No.24058946
File: 547 KB, 1000x1412, __elis_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_sugiyama_ichirou__5c6fe9d46734b0aebb4f81d6fb410739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed a national restaurant chain and I made $220 a day, had free food, sexy waitresses and bonuses.

Last year, one waiter I hired was telling me he was onto something with this "bitcoin thing" he heard about on Tik Tok.

I told him I bought 3 when it was $180 he flipped. He then started telling me about this new app called "Robin Hood". I told him stocks seemed expensive back then and to wait for a crash like in 2007.

He thought stocks only went up...

>> No.24059042

buying what? memes?

>> No.24059149

>220 a day

>> No.24059258

In Russia people aren't emasculated faggots like you.