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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24053555 No.24053555 [Reply] [Original]

So i got fired today

A little background i make $27 an hour sorting and prioritizing invoices for accounting for a major nationwide medical firm.

Basically ive been working from home since april and i outsourced my work to some pajeet for $9 an hour who sent me the work everyday at 11am and i kept the difference.

Well on tuesday i guess he uploaded some totally unrelated stuff with sankrit language and i didnt see it before i uploaded to company servers and they figured it out after seeing i havent been logged in really for months except 5 minutes a day except only to upload and download.

Anyway..i got about $1000 saved up and am looking to get on the next big thing. Whats hot rn?

>> No.24053602

Maybe Ranjesh will welcome you to his village, you fucking scamming faggot

>> No.24053616

>paying a pajeet $9 an hour instead of giving him $3 an hour
fucking retard, that's like 10k a month for them

>> No.24053638

shit I forgot to remove my name from my previous shitpost, forget about me

>> No.24053679



You think i overpaid the guy?

>> No.24053733

I cant believe you trusted Anil enough to submit his work without proofreading it first. Good scam but dont be so lazy next time. You were so close to passive income :-(
I know its you.

>> No.24053753


Why is that scamming?

They paid me to provide a service. I provided it in a round about sort of way.

Thats not scamming

>> No.24053759

Clearly. Consider the outcome.

>> No.24053892


Well it went on 6 months

The mistake was clearly mine for not proof reading yesterdays upload.

Anyway...shill some shit that will turn my $1000 into $10000

>> No.24053946

eRSDL has a lot of upside. Taking interbank lending which is inefficient and running it through a trustless system so customers can borrow art better rates.

There's a queue of customers waiting and they're basically waiting for the compliance to clear before this takes off.

It's a 5m MCap so it'll likely 10x in the run up to Christmas. Next year a baseline price would be $2/300 million

Buy on uniswap and good luck fren!

>> No.24053989


Thanks man

Im in

>> No.24054098

get out now

>> No.24054115

RSR go all in. (maybe wait for dip tho)

>> No.24054133

I don't understand why you'd get fired for this
at the very least, I wouldn't fire you for this as long as there was never Sanskrit shit in the system again

>> No.24054143

I guess they decided to cut you out of the equation and save $18/hr

>> No.24054146

My pleasure. Don't forget to stake. Good returns at present.

>> No.24054253

>Anyway..i got about $1000 saved up
Where did the rest of your money go?

>> No.24054261

Trips witnessed. How'd you land that cushy gig? Also go in on XRP. Some boomers are predicting a moon. If enough people buy in it will happen and it will snowball from there.

>> No.24054365

It's a scam because they didn't hire a pajeet who's gonna upload some shit you eventually got fired for.

>> No.24054399

Bro you dont belong as an employee. This type of think proves you’re capable of escaping the NPC matrix.

>> No.24054678

This. OP is lying or a retard.

>> No.24054699


Mostly weed and beer and movies and stuff with my girl. Also i spent alot of money in august on rims for my car.

>> No.24054726


It was through a temp agency and a year long contract. Found it on indeed

>> No.24055039


>> No.24055088


>> No.24055139
File: 16 KB, 236x229, 1590597675492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your are a dumbest, blackest gorilla retard nigger i have ever seen

>> No.24055257

based and normiepilled
I hope you make it anon

>> No.24055326

Lmao people like you are hopeless. Until you can be self employed or retired you have to be consistent. You can't pretend to be Jesus in your job interview and then only behave and follow through when you see people watching but turn into a undesirable when you think people aren't watching. You are two faced and your are a liar. You got caught hiding something you very well could not get away with in the open. And you still wonder why you are scamming. This is the West ladies and gentlemen. Give me a job I promise I'll be good. Now that I have a job I hate my job. Waaah waaah like a cry baby

>> No.24056000

wa-a-ajieee in ca-a-agieee wa-a-agiee in ca-agiee
naah naah nanaah naah naah nah nanaah nah

>> No.24056017

Dont forget to take your pills today.

>> No.24056097

Its because of people like you some day wagies really will be forced to work from cagies

>> No.24056103

Coping scammer nigger. Fuck you.

>> No.24056120

kek this

>> No.24056132

dont you mean
>take ((((OUR)))) pills

>> No.24056814

nothing wrong with what you did.
fuck corporations and governments.
they would fire me the first chance they dont need me or im not profitable for them.

they only keep me because im bulgarian and to pay a jew or a brit 5x my salary for graphic design is too much for them.

they are still assholes and there is no loyalty.

your only mistake was trusting the stupid pajeet.
if i had hired a pajeet he would make mistakes on the first week and i would get fired.

>> No.24057037

this. Corporations/governments are the enemy, bleed them dry

>> No.24057230

He acted as he saw fit to benefit himself, he would be a moron to do otherwise. Its not like other people will always honor their agreements with you if it benefits them not to do so.
If I ever catch someone like you slipping up IRL, ever, I treat them like shit for eternity.