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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 455 KB, 938x384, sushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24050511 No.24050511 [Reply] [Original]

Worth going into sushi? Ever since uni farming ended people are moving into different services like sushi and bancor. Sushi has a higher ATH and it got it in this period compared to bancor

>> No.24050573

Depends what you're looking to stake. If it's ETH, LINK or a stablecoin, stake it in Bancor and get the liquidity mining rewards. Anything else stake it on Sushi

>> No.24050595

no i mean i just want to hold the farmed token like $sushi or $bnt can it moon or will people just dump it?

>> No.24050606

Buy BNT and stake it in the LINK pool. There is over 300% APR in that pool at the moment for BNT staking.

>> No.24050627

do i have to 50/50 it like uni?

>> No.24050692

Nah 100% BNT.

>> No.24050705

Interesting thanks

>> No.24050816

Ive got another question did they ever figure out the non impermanent loss that they were trying to implement?

>> No.24050841

If you stake for 100 days you'll get full insurance against impermanent loss, but that's a bit of a sidenote compared to the large returns from their liquidity mining promotion they have running at the moment.

>> No.24050875

so then in those 100 days the most optimal condition is that bancor and link dont moon right?

>> No.24050910

you'll only suffer impermanent loss if you withdraw in that time. if you hold the whole 100 days you won't have to worry about it.
and it's not so much you hope they don't moon, but you hope they stay balanced. so if they both mooned at the same rate that would be fine.

>> No.24050959

thats nuts so after 100 days i would still keep my initial value and any other accumulated coins?

>> No.24050979

yep thats the whole appeal of bancor

>> No.24050998

thanks brah thats pretty based

>> No.24051182
File: 30 KB, 2276x148, jj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually how are you getting the 300 apy number it says on the site that the link pool gives 13%?

>> No.24051356

13% is the APR from fees. Look further to the left. APR from the liquidity mining rewards is over 300%

>> No.24051453

i see and after those 81 days it could change but for now it will remain at that locked rate?

>> No.24051473

no the APR will go down as more people get into the pool, because the rewards are shared across everyone in the pool. 81 days is how much longer the rewards will be getting paid into that pool on a weekly basis.

>> No.24051547

you mean that for 81 days you are able to compound your mined coins weekly and after that you wont be able to?

>> No.24052262
File: 636 KB, 1392x1496, booba BNT apy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Checked and based.
Anyone not providing liquidity on Bancor right now, especially on the BNT side absolutely deserves to stay poor.

>> No.24052340

is 10k BNT enough to make it?

>> No.24052348
File: 98 KB, 1082x564, Bancor Parabola TVL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the damn rewards column brah. Shows 333% if you stake on the BNT side and 62% if you stake on the Chainlink side of the pool. The 13% APR is an additional yield you collect from the trade fees.

>> No.24052358

>hacked 5 times
No thanks

>> No.24052374
File: 118 KB, 1066x600, 1599348100393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck chink scammers.

>> No.24052407

i get it now but not the 81 days counter

>> No.24052416
File: 487 KB, 512x512, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 BNT is enough
That'll probably be worth about $100,000 by EOY

>> No.24052482

I'd go with Bancor if I was you, they just launch their liquidity rewards, some pools have 300%+ APY, and more importantly BNT market cap is only 80M

>> No.24052483

bnt is shitcoin anon, just look at their fucking website lmao its a joke. $150M and they can't fucking a build proper website lmao

>> No.24052516

Lol this guys is a Uniswap cuck fanboy, I feel sorry for you

>> No.24052526
File: 277 KB, 749x863, 238764029384723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidity mining rewards last for 12 weeks on each pool. Every 2 weeks new pools will be added. Full rewards program is for a year and a half.

>> No.24052579

so after 81 days link wont get the liquidity mining rewards anymore? and isnt it not a good idea to hold bnt because of the elastic supply to make up for lp protection?

>> No.24052603

I have 27k bnt and will put them in pools on bancor

Get rich easy way with bancor

>> No.24052631

Supply is burned when you stake into the pool, not staking is what will hurt you.
But seriously, why would someone say no to a 300%+ APY plus swap fees plus Impermanent loss protection

>> No.24052638

Sushi is designed to dump. if not derivatives and short squeezes it would be dumping infinitely

>> No.24052669
File: 305 KB, 540x960, hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW I wouldnt say that having protection from impermanent loss and single asset staking is a side note. Literally no other AMM offers that. So this plus the insane high yield liquidity mining program on Bancor now makes me think Bancor will quickly become THE standard for AMM staking. Why would you stake anywhere else when you are forced to stake on both sides of the pool and suffer impermanent loss when withdrawing your liquidity? Seems like a brainlet move. Bancor TVL is going to $1B easy very soon. Can also see that intense buy pressure to purchase and lock up BNT in those pools is going to limit BNT supply on exchanges and drive up demand, making BNT incredibly valuable in a very short period of time. This is exactly what happened to SNX in 2019. This is on another level though with the impermanent loss protection and single asset staking. Oh shit and there's also multipliers of your yields if you leave liquidity in Bancor's pools long term. Seriously. Anyone not staking on Bancor now hates money and deserves to stay poor.

>> No.24052751

Sirs what happens if 100% of all BNT is staked in Bancor, and all of those positions have 100% impermanent loss protection
And someone comes in and buys 1 million BNT

Where does it come from? The protocol effectively will mint BNT to all buys from that point forward, right?

>> No.24052774

how is it that pooling burns supply? when the assets start to move bnt is minted to cover the impermanent loss

>> No.24052790

and doesn't the fact that BNT is the counter-asset in all pools mean that BNT can never "moon" because someone can just spread out buys over multiple pools

And also once pools get enough liquidity, it also hinders the moon potential because if ETH/BNT has $500M liquidity, and all BNT trading is done on Bancor then a large buy would hardly move the price as a result of the way 50/50 AMMs work?
It would take monstrous buys to move the price a significant amount, right?

>> No.24053373

Technicaly the minted BNT never leave the network, so there's no real inflation. When someone stake with BNT those minted token are burned. They would only leave the network after an user have full IL protection which take about 100 days. So bro by this times the fees earned by those token is already enough to cover for IL

>> No.24053443
File: 863 KB, 2004x1240, D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is DMX token good one?

Enter in a referral program on Probit for DYMMAX (dymmax.com), international platform, they collaborate with blockchain platforms and ecosystem of China, USA and etc.

>> No.24053469

>using this kind of meme and posting your shitcoin in every thread possible
Ask me how I know you’re poor and shut in the street. Also, fuck off faggot.

>> No.24054552

Stop talking about Bancor you fucking newfags stop dilluting my APY holy shit how new are you all?

>> No.24054562

sirs can somebody answer me

>> No.24054784

literally can't do anything, the bancor website has been unusable for going on 2 days now for me, i want to add more but literally can't nor can is see what i added.

>> No.24054804
File: 78 KB, 1174x830, bntmarket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuummm guys. is this bullish?

>> No.24055864

>have 27k bnt and will put them in pools on bancor
>Get rich easy way with bancor
when you pool them you need to do protection too right? Im not clear on this does anyone know?

>> No.24056795

if you do single sided its automatically protected i think
double sided then yeah you stake first then protect